JUL-DEC. 1977
1901509. Touch us. 1 V. Enqlish £ Braille. Appl. au: Lisa TayloE Kuhn. O Lisa Kuho; 19Sep77; 1901509.
1901510. iDteroational Invest iqator* s Institute coBPrehensive applied iovestiqation. 1 v. Appl. au: Jaaes L. BeardeD. O Beacden Enterprises, Inc. d.b. a. International Investiqators Institute (in notice; Bearden Enterprises, Inc.); 1May77; 1901510.
1901511. Standard operatinq procedures. By Kenneth E. Ivis & Charles 1. Cruze 3rd. 1 ¥. O Oniversity of Tennessee Center for the Health Sciences; 12Sep77: 1901511.
1901512. Fashion history; a study manual. By Julia 1. Tobias. 1 v. O Julia 1. Tobias; 11uq77; 1901512.
1901513. The lirport city and the future ioteraodal transportation systea. By El. HcKinlev Conway, Jr. 333 p. O Conway Publications, Inc.; 191uq77; 1901513.
1901511*. Psychotropic aedications. 2 ». (Hental illness and psychotropic aedications, book 21 Ippl. au: Stephen Cohen/Stepdesiqn, Inc. NH: editorial revision £ additional text. Besearch Bedia, Inc.; 1llov75 (in notice: 1975, 1976); 1901514.
1901515. The Principle of opposition. By Saith Bernard Green. 100 p. Barney Green Enterprises, Inc.; 2bSep77; 1901515.
1901516. Valley apartment directory. 1977-78 ed, 1 T. Ippl. au: Ivar E. Helien £ J. L. aellen. Kar E. Helien £ J. L. Helien; 27Sep77; 1901516.
1901517. Irizona's heritaqe. By Jay J. Uaqoner. 093 p. O Pereqrine Saith. Inc.; 1Sep77: 1901517.
1901518. Connecticut State industrial directory, 1977. 1 ». O State Industrial Direc- tories Corporation; 1Sep76 (in notice: 1977); 1901518.
A901519. Annual boolc of ISTfl standards, 1977. Pt. 30. 966 p. laecican Society for Testinq and Haterials; 1Sep77; 1901519.
1901520. Innual booli of iSTH standards, 1977. Pt. It. 712 p. C laerican Society for Testinq and Haterials; lSep77; 1901520.
1901521. Innual book of ISTH standards, 1977. Pt. 46. 754 p. laerican Society for Testinq and Haterials; 1Sep77: 1901521.
1901522. Hulticylinder test sequences for evaluatinq autoaotive enqine oils. ISTH special technical publication 31 5G. 264 p. £ 4 inserts. laerican Society for Testinq and Haterials: lSep77; 1901522.
1901523. The Off-road racer (1976) By Horaan T. Johnson £ Gordon Griaais. 271 p. O G. and J. Publishinq Coapany; 29Dec76: 1901523.
1901524. Queens ttalk io the duslt. By Thoaas Burnett Swann, illustrated by Jeff Jones. 139 p. Ippl. au: Heritaqe Press, Inc. Press, Inc. ; 261uq77; 1901525.
1 Synoptic approach to the riddle of existence: a world view for a world civilization. By Irthur i. Hunlc. 253 p. Harren H. Green, Inc.; 18Auq77: 1901525.
1901526. Hajor classification systems: the Dewey centennial. Edited by Kathryn Luther Henderson. 182 p. O Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois; 31Dec76; 1901526.
1901527. John Baptist Scalabrini: apostle to eaiqrants. By Harco Calliaro £ Hario Francesconi, translated by llba I. Zizzamia. 555 p. Translation of L'lpostolo deqli eaiqranti: Giovanni Battista Scalabrini. O Center for Hiqration Studies of New TorK, Inc.; 15Sep77; 1901527.
1901528. 1 Hat full of seeds. Poeas £ illus. by vinetta Bianchi. 76 p. Vinetta Bianchi; 22Jul77: 1901528.
1901529. About the house; new ideas for easy aanaqeaent froa Bissell. By Joyce Flynn, illus. by Calvin Burnett. 144 p. Oorison House Publishers, Inc.; 21Sep77; 1901529.
1901530. Is this really what I want to do? By Jerry Greenwald. 207 p. O Jerry Greenwald; 26Hay77; 190 1530.
A901531. Desiqn of biopharmaceut ical properties throuqh prodruqs and analogs. Editor: Edward B. Roche. 455 p. 6 American Pharmaceutical Association; 171uq77; 1901531.
1901532. Sonqs of liqht: the Bruderhof songboolc. Compiled £ edited by the Hutterian Society of Brothers from Eberhard Irnold £ aany other sources, music editor: Harlys Swinqer, art editor: Gillian Earth. 543 p. NH: words, music, translations, harmonization £ pictorial matter. Plouqh Publishinq House of the Koodcrest Service Committee, Inc.; 21Jun77; 1901532.
1901533. A Guide to political platforas. By Edward U. Chester. J73 p. e Edward i. Chester; 91uq77; 1901533.
1901534. Beerboha*s Literary caricatures; froa Homer to Huxley. Selected, introduced £ annotated by Jacobus Gerhardus Biewald. 295 p. NH: editorial text £ compilation. J. G. Biewald; 81ug77: 1901534.
A901535. For God and country. By David Stanton Peden. 1 v. David Stanton Peden; 311uq77; 1901535.
1901536. Introduction to statistics. By Sol Heintraub. 2nd ed. 428 p. Sol Keintraub; 30iuq77; 1901536.
1901537. Saaoyed champion pediqrees O.S.I. 1907-1971. By Lila H. Beir, Boberta Hoernig £ Hari Van Ornum, pseud, of Harj Kinq. 1 V. O Lila H. yeir d.b. a. Lila's Enterprises; 211uq77; 1901537.
1901538. Pioneers, five families: Horse, Holbrooli, Brown, Bright, Perrine. Vol. 2: genealogy. By Bianca Horse Federico. 213 p. Add. ti: Pioneers genealogy. Bianca Horse Federico; 221ug77: 1901S38.
1901539. The Official album for Onited states Bureau precancels: experimental, old type and standard issues and 1926-29 playing cards. 145 p. Appl. au: Gilbert I. Noble. Gilbert I. Voble; 20Jun77; 1901539.
1901540. Nolvadex sales-training program. Prepared foe Stuart Pharaaceuticals by Bioscience Coamunications, Inc. 1 v. Stuart Pharaaceuticals (in notice; Stuart Pharaaceuticals, division of ICl United states. Inc.); 9Sep77; 1901540.
1901541. Nutrition reference handbook to be used with the Special diet luncheon program. 161 p. Ippl. au: Harlys K. Ouuphy £ Harilyn L. Bukoff. NH: additions £ updating. Harlys K. Dunphy £ Harilyn L. Bulioff; 1Feb76; 1901541.
1901542. P. E. 203: Prevention and care of athletic injuries; laboratory manual. By Charles J. Bedmond. 139 p. NH: additional text. O Charles J. Bedmond; 5Sep77; 1901542.
A901543. Discovering what I need to learn alsout reading; pretest criterion-referenced to Dreams and dragons. 1976 ed. 16 p. (Beading basics plus) Accompanied by teacher's ed. Harper and Bow, Publishers, Inc.; 101ug76: 1901543.
1901544. Discovering what I have learned about reading; post-test criterion-referenced to Places and puzzles. Fish and fables and Bain and riddles, teacher's ed. By Earl F. Bankin, Phillip L. Harris, Kenneth B. Hiqqins £ E. Soger Trent. 1976 ed. 23 p. (Beading basics plus) Accompanied by student ed. Appl. au: Harper and Bow, Publishers, Inc. O Harper and Bow, Publishers, Inc.; 70ct76; A901544.
A9ai545. Greater Hiaai white pages telephone directory, 1977-78. Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Coapany: 17Aug77; A901545.
A901546. The Eleventh Annual Institute on Estate Planning. Pt. 1-2. Editor: Philip E.Heckerling. 2 v. Held in Hiaai Beach, FL, Jan. 10-14, 1977. Appl. au: Hatthew Bender and Company, Inc., employer for hire. Appl. states copyright not claimed in any portion of this work by a U.S. Govt, employee as a part of his official duties. O University of Hiami; 1Sep77; A901546.
1901547. Hodern personnel forms. 1977 suppl. Prepared by Deborah J. Launer. Sheets. O Barren, Gorham and Lamont, Inc.; 30Sep77; 1901547.
1901548. Developing constituency programs in community colleges. By Hax fi. Baines, with assistance from Gunder Hyran. 64 p. O Imerican Issociation of Community and Junior Colleges; 6Sep77; 1901548.
1901549. The Prosecution and defense of sex crimes. Oct. 1977 cuaulative suppl.,
release no. I. By B. Anthony Horosco. 33
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.