A901468 - A901508
JUL-DEC. 1977
A901lte8. Sales data cards, Auqust 1977. Bo. 1-72. Mid-SoBth Title conpany. Inc.; 27Sep77; A901t68.
A901469. Daily Lottery Results, Inc.; a lucky number in this book could be your lucky oyster. 20 p. Add. ti: Beat the numbers. Appl. au: Hurray A. Davis. NH: additional matter & updating of statistical compilations. O Murray A. Davis; 29Sep77; A901169.
A9011t70. Three ways to get your book published. 23 p. Appl. au: Cornelius Pconek. e InPrint; 18Aug77; A901470.
A901471. A Sathering of novices. By laltec Jay Lilley. 1 V. Halter Jay Lilley; 30ct77; &901t71.
A90 11(72. Teaching grade four: a handbook. Editor: Sophie Damme, designed & illustrated by Robert Perry. 64 p. HHi matter relating specifically to U- year-olds & compilation of remaining textual matter. 6 Parish Life Press; HlSep77; A901I172.
A90ia73. Big Red volleyball scorebook. 1 v. Appl. au: Arnold Fencl, Gene Kruger & James Fencl, Jr. Nn: additions. Q Big Red Publications; 1Jan77; A901473.
A901471I. The Harriage inventory: "what should married couples discuss to avoid serious conflict?" By Lovern Ifillard Howen. 32 p. O Verne L. H. Howen d.b. a Creative Life Seminars (in notice: Verne L. R. Rouen — Creative Life Seminars) ; 18Feb77; A901it74.
Five faces. 1 v. 9 ABI Arts, Inc.; 1911ay77: A9011t75.
A901l|7e. Animal mechanisms: a laboratory manual of animal physiology. By Ethel C. Hontiegel, illus. by Uilliam R. Poston. 104 p. Q Contemporary Publishing Company, Inc.; 8Aug77: A901476.
A901477. Population biology laboratory manual. Contributors: Arnold Benson, John DeCosta, E. C. Keller, Jr. & Gerald Lang. 42 p. 6 Contemporary Publishing Company, Inc. ; 8Auq77: A901477.
A901478. Beading and speaking French. By nary Borelli. 91 p. NH: extensive text changes. O nary Borelli; 11Jul77; A901478.
A901479. The Bistory of aviation. By Carl A. Broun, Jr. 149 p. O Carl A. Bcovn, Jr.; 30Sep77: A901479.
A901480. The Function or space: your desire for ownership. 118 p. (The Hypergnostic systems, book 4) Appl. au: Oscar Ichazo. NH: revisions S additions. O Arica Institute, Inc.; iaaay76i A90i480.
A901481. Carden literature course outlines, summer 1978. By Merle Taylor. 22 p. e Bae Carden, Inc.; 27Sep77; A901481.
A901482. Poland; a book to color, complete with notes. By Carl Joseph Katafiasz £ illustrated by Catherine Ann aacaro. 61
A901483. LewistouQ and central nT telephone directory, September 1977. © The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Conpany; 5Auq77; A901483.
A901484. northeastern NT telephone directory, September 1977. O The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company; 18Aug77; A9014S4.
A901485. Southern DT telephone directory, September 1977. The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company; 5Aug77; A901485.
A901486. The Corning flood: museum under water. Editor: John H. Martin, associate editor: Charleen K. Edwards. 60 p. 6 The Corning Museum of Glass; 12Jun77; A901486.
A901487. Homynrhythms calendar, 1978. Appl. au: Dianne J. Sabre Pharo. Dianne J. Sabre Pharo d.b. a. Homynrhythms; 1Jun77; A901487.
A901488. Charles «. Morgan Mystic Seaport: unigue kit of whaleships and whaling. Add. ti: Charles N. Morgan: unigue kit of whaleships and whaling. Appl. states text S pictorial matter new except for prev. pub. matter. Q Mystic Seaport, Inc.; 15Jun77; A901488.
A901489. Baretta: the street detective game. Card. Accompanied by cover label, reg. KK250200 8 board label, reg. K 126379. on directions; Milton Bradley Company; 16Feb76; A901489.
A901490. Alaska native languages. Microfilm. (The Oregon Province Archives of the Society of Jesus Indian language collection) Add. ti: Alaska tribes. Appl. au: Robert c. Carriker £ Paul O'Connor. The Oregon Province of the Society of Jesus; 1Nov76; A901490.
A901491. T.A.S.C. ; Trans-American Supply Company, a secretarial/clerical model office simulation; supervisor's manual, employees guide, vendor's catalog & mail pack. By K. A. Mach, contributing editor: J. L. Mach. 3 V. & sheets. Add. ti: T.A.S.C: a secretarial/clerical model office simulation; A Complete model office simulation, T.A.S.C: Trans-American Supply Company. Agency for Innovative Curriculum, Inc.; 15Jan77; A901491.
A901492. Investment memorandum: P. B. Securities, Inc. By Dennis Hilk. 23 p. O Dennis Hilk; 29Sep77; A901492.
A901493. Let's smock: English smocking made easy! By Jeweliann Halpole, illustrated by Judy Fogle. 1 V. O Jeweliann Halpole; 16Sep77; A901493.
A901494. Relative caloric value awareness test. Form A. Folder. Appl. au: Donna Foster, Dennis R. Brightwell £ Sandra Lee. d Donna Foster, Dennis R. Brightwell £ Sandra lee; SOct77; A901494.
A901495. Proposal for seed-money to initiate a human resources laboratory for the study of problems of the handicapped. 1 v. Appl. au: Silas P. Singh S Jack B. Ellner. O Silas P. Singh E Jack R. Ellner; 3Mar76 (in notice: 1977) ; A901495.
A901496. Tests, answers for FCC first and second class commercial license; practice preparation £ self-study ability test. By Barren G. ieagant. Rev. 3rd ed. 68 p. Rarren G. Heagant; 3Mar74; A901496.
A901497. Our family roots: photographs. 1 v. Appl. au: Joy Newby Cartera. Joy Hewby Cartera; 40ct77 ; A901497.
A901498. The Feasibility of selected ambulatory care programs. 1 v. Appl. au: IriBrook Group, Inc. O TriBrook Group, Inc. £ Saint Luke's Bospital of the Onited Methodist Church and the Curtiss Clinic; 30Sep77; A901498.
A901499. The Family circus. Vol. 2, no. 9. By Bil Keane. 1 v. Appl. au: The Register and Tribune Syndicate, Inc., employer for hire. 6 The Register and Tribune Syndicate, Inc.; 5Sep77; A901499.
A901500. The Art of anatomy for artists. Illus. by Ralph Pereida, designed £ edited by Lester Rossin for M. Grumbacfaer, Inc. 30 p. M. Grumbacher, Inc.; 2 6Aug77: A9ai500.
A901501. Grandmother Vowel and all the little vowels/grandchildren; a self-contained learning center: full-color posters, work sheets, drills £ activities. 1 v. Appl. au: Atrelle Dili (A. Dill) £ Roberta Ross. MH: additions. Atrelle Dill £ Roberta Boss (in notice: Dill £ Ross) ; 23Aug77; A901501.
A901502. Convergent evolution in Chile and California; Mediterranean climate ecosystems. Edited by Harold A. Mooney. 224 p. (OS/IBP synthesis series, 5) e The Institute of Ecology; 27Jul77; A901502.
A901503. The Beyers: from Krofdorf to Keystone. By Charlene Mae Bansen. 68 p. Charlene Mae Hansen; 24Sep77; A901503.
A901504. Transactions of the Delaware Academy of Science; Bicentennial ed. Vol. 5-6. Edited by John C. Kraft. 357 p. 6 Delaware Academy of Science; 29Apr77; A901504.
A901505. Inside the company: CIA diary. By Philip Agee. 639 p. Prev. pub. abroad 1975, AI- 14872. Philip Agee; 8Aug75; A901505.
A901506. Too old, too sick, too bad: nursing homes in America. By Frank E. Moss E Val J. Halamandaris. 326 p. O Aspen Systems Corporation; 22Jun77; A901506.
A901507. Advanced glass estimating and analysis course. 1 v. Appl. au: Robert D. Haugaard. NM: revisions £ additional new text illus. O Flat Glass Marketing Association; 1Apr75; A901507.
A901508. Blue print reading and labor estimating course. 3 v. Appl. au: Robert D. Haugaard. NM: revisions £ additional new text illus. O Flat Glass Marketing
Association; 1Jan73; A901508.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.