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JUL-DEC. 1977

&901393 (con.) for photographic grade acetic acid, CH3C00a. 28X solution. ANSI PH4. 106-1977. Secretaciat: National Association of Photographic Manufacturers, Inc. 2 p. NH: updating S revisions. S Aaerican National standards Institute; 29Sep77: A901393.

A9ai394. American National standard specification for photographic grade acetic acid, glacial, CH3C00B. ANSI PHU. 100- 1977. Secretariat: National Association of Photographic Manufacturers, Inc. 3 p. NM: updating & revisions. Q Aaerican National standards Institute; 30ct77; A901391I.

A901395. Aaerican National Standard specification for photographic grade sulfuric acid, H2S0't. ANSI PHit. 101-1977. Secretariat: National Association of Photographic Manufacturers, Inc. 3 p. NM: updating 6 revisions. American National Standards Institute: iJOct77; A90139S.

A901396. American National standard spectrop- hotometric determination of the chlorine reguiremept of photographic processing effluents. ANSI PHU.39- 1977. Secre- tariat: National Association of Pho- tographic Manufacturers, Inc. 1 2 p. @ American National Standards Institute, Inc.; 29Sep77; A901396.

A901397. American National Standard method of testing image distortion of photographic lenses. ANSI PH3. 74-1 977. Secretariat: National Association of photographic Manufacturers, Inc. lip. @ American National Standards Institute, Inc.; 28Sep77; A901397.

A901398. American National Standard common name for the pest control chemical N- (1-ethyl propyl) -3,4-aimethyl-2,6- dinitrobenzenamine "pendimethalin. " ANSI K62. 175-1977. Secretariat: Onited States Department of Agriculture. 2 p. Q Aaerican National Standards Institute, Inc.; 28Sep77; A901398.

A901399. Austenite and its tr an sfoc nation; ASM homestudy & extension course. By George F. Melloy. 26 p. & American Society for Metals, Metals Engineering Institute; 23Aug77: A901399.

A901lt00. Factors affecting hardness and hardenability; ASH homestudy e extension course. By George F-. Melloy. 19 p. Q American Society for Metals, Metals Engineering Institute; iK)ct77; A901i(00.

A901it01. Directory of money-malcing ideas; income opportunities. Vol. 12, no. 12. Managing editor; Alice Fowler & other editors, art director: Balph Bubino. Mid-Oct. 1977 ed. 96 p. Appl. au: Davis Publications, Inc. © Davis Publications, Inc.; 15Sep77; A901401.

A90ia02. 20 wood projects for under $50. Editor-in-chief: Joe Daffron G other editors, art director: Balph Bubino, assistant art director: Gus Ginnochio. 1978 ed. 80 p. Appl. au: Davis Publications, Inc. Q Davis Publications, Inc.; 15Sep77; A90ia02.

A901it03. Belative value analysis: banlting industry, July 1977, prices through June 30, 1977. 38 p. e Donaldson, Lufkin and Jenrette Securities Corporation; 29JU177; A901403.

A901401I. P-series Dowanol glycol ethers in cleaning formulations. 8 p. NH: cover & editorial revision. The Don chemical Company; 27Sep77; A901404.

A901405. Don HDPE "N" resins. 8 p. £ inserts. 3 The Dow Chemical company; 16Sep77; A901405.

A901406. Styrofoam brand insulation: design information and specifications. 19 p. IS The Doa Chemical Company; 22Sep77; A901406.

A901407. Installed cost of corrosion- resistant piping. 2 v. The Don Chemical Company: 1Sep77; 4901407.

4901408. Collins and Aikman Corporation; supplementary review, Sept. 30, 1977. 1 p. (Forbes special situation survey) Forbes Investors Advisory institute. Inc.; 30Sep77; 4901408.

4901409. 4rcata National Corporation; supp- lementary review, Sept. 30, 1977. 1 p. (Forbes special situation survey) Q Forbes Investors Advisory Institute, Inc.; 30Sep77; 4901409.

A90.1410. Brunswick corporation; supplementary review, Sept. 30, 1977. 1 p. (Forbes special situation survey) 6 Forbes Investors Advisory Institute, Inc.; 30Sep77; 4901410.

4901411. 4 Place for me workbook; teacher's ed. Level 7. By Eldonna L. Evertts, Bernard J. Heiss, Patricia E. Stone £ Loreli Olson Steuer. 94 p. NM: additions. O Holt, Binehart and Winston; 3Jan77; 4901411.

4901412. Eiders on the Earth workbook; teacher's ed. Level 15. By Bernard J. Heiss C Loreli Olson Steuer. 142 p. NM: additions. 6 Holt, Binehart and Rinston; 3Jan77: 4901412.

4901413. Basic cost accounting concepts; instructor's manual with solutions. By Henry B. 4nderson & Mitchell H. Baiborn. 423 p. e Houghton Mifflin Company; 3Jan77; A901413.

4901414. Bridge: a cross-culture reading program; teacher's ed. Study book 5. By Gary Simpkins, Grace Holt 6 chariesetta Simpkins. 70 p. e Houghton Mifflin Company; 3Jan77; A901414.

4901415. Bridge: a cross-culture reading program; teacher's ed. Study book 1. By Gary Simpkins, Grace Holt 6 Chariesetta Simpkins. 72 p. Houghton Mifflin Company; 3Jan77; A901415.

A901416. Bridge: -culture reading program; teacher's ed. Study book 3. By Gary Simpkins, Grace Holt S Chariesetta Simpkins. 96 p. 6 Houghton Mifflin company; 3Jan77; A901416.

4901417. Bridge: a cross-culture reading program; teacher's ed. Study book 4. By Gary Simpkins, Grace Holt & Chariesetta Simpkins. 69 p. 6 Houghton Mifflin Company; 3Jan77; A901417.

A901418. Bridge: a cross-culture reading program; teacher's ed. Study book 2. By Gar; Siapkins, Grace Holt £ Chariesetta Siapkins. 69 p. Boughton Mifflin Company; 3Jan77; A901418.

A9ai419. Basic cost accounting concepts; test bank. By Henry B. Anderson £ Mitchell H. Baiborn. 129 p. O Houghton Mifflin Company; 3Jan77; A901419.

A901420. Admissions information needs survey results. 23 p. O Epsilon Data Mana- gement, Inc.; 30ct77; 4901420.

4901421. Pencil sketching. By Thomas C. iang. 96 p. O Litton Educational Publishing, Inc.; 244ug77; 4901421.

A9ai422. Essentials in English: laboratory method, grammar and composition. Book B. By Ellen Smith G Lena HcAnulty. 164 p. NM: editorial revisions. Litton Educational Publishing, Inc.; 26Jul77; 4901422.

4901423. Essentials in English: laboratory method, grammar and composition. Book D. By Ellen Smith £ Leona Mc4nulty. 177 p. NH: revisions. O Litton Educational Publishing, Inc.; 26Jul77; A901423.

A901424. Essentials in English: laboratory method, grammar and composition. Book A. By Ellen Smith fi Leona McAnulty. 162 p. NM: revisions. Litton Educational Publishing, Inc.; 26Jul77; A901424.

A901425. The Guide to copyright: new law, new directions. 20 p. £ fllmstrip. Add. ti: Copyright; new laws, new directions. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N46114 in box. e 4ECT G N4VA, generally known alternative designations for the Association for Educational Communications and Technology £ the National 4udio-Visual Association; 29Apr77; A901425.

A901426. Failure prevention and reliability; presented at the Design Engineering Technical Conference Chicago, Sept. ,26-28, 1977. Edited by Stephen B. Bennett, Arthur L. Boss £ Peter Z. Zemanick. 309 p. Appl. au: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers; 25Aug77; A901426.

4901427. Composites in pressure vessels and piping; presented at the Energy Technology Conference, Houston, Sept. 18-23, 1977. Edited by S. ». Kulkarni G C. H. Zweben. 181 p. Appl. au: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. @ The American Society of Mechanical Engineers; 22Aug77; A901427.

4901428. Fracture toughness of heavy-wall welded tankage steel; presented at the Energy Technology Conference, Houston, Sept. 18-23, 1977. 95 p. O The American Society of Mechanical Engineers; 22Aug77; A901428.

A901429. Bules for inservice inspection of nuclear power plant components. Summer 1977 addenda. 5 p. (ASME boiler and

pressure vessel code, section 11, division


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