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JUL-DEC. 1977

4900937 (con.) enplovec £oc hire. natthev beadec aad Conpan?, Inc.; 19Sep77: »900937.

»900938. Forelqn tai aod trade briefs. Auq. 1977, cepldceaeDt secvice, release r.o. 226. Sheets £ folder it p.) Hatthen Beadec aad Conpaay, lac; 12Sep77; «900938.

4900939. Goveruaeat coatracts: crclopedic quide to lau, administratloa, pr<x:edure. Vol. 1-9. felease no. 150. By Joha Cosqrowe HcBrlde, assisted by Thoaas 0. Touhey. Sheets e 13 p. ippl. au: Hattbev Bender aad CoBpany, lac, employer for hire. KH: coipllation, revisions C additions. O Hatthen Beadec and Coapany, Inc.; 10Auq77: A900939.

49009110. Chest-, heart and lunqs. 1977 cevisioa & suppl., release no. 3. By Jules B. Kaliscb & Harold Hilliaas. Sept. 1977 suppl. by Sandra L. Derdischewsky, Lois L. Casnell E Barbara B. Siith. 202 p. 6 sheets. (Courtrooa aedicine, vol. 11( 4ppl. au: HattheH Bender and Coapany, lac. . eaployer for hire. Matthew Bender aad Coapaay, Inc.; 15Sep77: A9009U0.

490091(1. Southeast transactioa quide. Vol. 1-7. Sept. 1977 suppl. 6 revlsioa, release no. 1. Editors: Byron L. Spacbec, Cacl H. Cofec e Thoaas 4. Bitchie. 6 v. e sheets. Appl. au: Hatthev Beadec and Coapaay, lac. , employer for hire. Hatthev Beadec and Coapany. lac; 13Sep77: 4900941.

A9009U2. Printinq. Activities 1-7. 7 v. Soutbaest lova Learninq Besoucces ceatec: 28Apc77; A900942.

A900943. Uockiaq with seaioc citizens. Activity 1: Getting acquaiated. 1 v. O Southwest Iowa Learainq Resources Ceater; 1UJaa77; A9009143.

490091414. Uord processiaq. Activity 1: The BeqinaiCq. 1 v. C Southwest Iowa Learnina Besources Ceater; 17flac77; 49009414.

4900945. Saall enqiae repair. 1 v. Southwest Iowa Learainq Besoucces Ceatec; 16Feb77; A900945.

A900946. Electricity. Activity 1: Solderinq. 1 V. southwest Iowa Leacaiaq Besources Center: 31Auq77; A900946.

4900947. Fabric care. Activity 1. Uritten by nary Halstead, illustrated by Shaci Bocua. 1 V. Appl. au; Southwest Iowa Leacainq Besources ceater. Southwest Iowa Learniaq Besources Center; 31Auq77; A900947.

4900948. Telephoae services. Hrittea by Shelley Saith & Tia Donovan, developed by Tia Donovan. 8 p. Appl. au : Southwest Iowa Learninq Besoprces Center. O Southwest Iowa Learninq Besources Center; 16Jun76; 4900948.

4900949. necbanical drafting. Uritten £ developed by Hary Halstead, illustrated by Kea Dunninq. 1 v. 4ppl. au; Southwest Iowa Learning Besources Center. Southwest Iowa Learainq Besources Center; 16Jun76; 4900949.

4900950. Intioductiob to dietetics. yritten by Mary Halstead, illus. by Steve Theis, developaeat by Becky Greer. 1 v. Appl. au: Southwest Iowa Learainq Besources Center, o Southwest Iowa Learning Besources Center; 16Jun76: 4900950.

4900951. Banlcinq and credit. Activities 1-7. 7 V. O Southwest Iowa LearoiLq Besources Center; 4Feb77; 4900951.

4900952. Social science caceecs. Bcitten by Becky Gceec, illustcated by Douq Spears. 1 V. Appl. au; Southwest Iowa Leacaiaq Besources Ceater. C Southwest Iowa Learning Besources Center; 314uq77; 4900952.

A900953. Bcaad prefereace study of analytical instruaeats aad related supplies and equipaeat, 1977. Conducted by Besear- ch/developaent aaqaziae. 67 p. Appl. au: Techaical Fublrshiaq Coapaay. Technical PubliEhinq Coapany; 12Jul77; 4900953.

4900954. Brand preference study of the data processing industry: OEH and end user aarkets, 1977. Conducted by Oatanation. 165 p. Appl. au: Technical Publishinq Coapany. Technical Publishinq Coapany: 28JU177; A900954.

4900955. The Great aystecy craft book. Uritten & Illustrated by Boz 4bisch 6 Boche Kaplaa. 80 p. O Boz Abisch & Boche Kaplan; 30Sep77; A900955.

A900955. Bead it right; teacher^s guide for The Bead it right uait book & spirit duplicating aasters. Duplicatlnq aasters writtea by T. Prescott Doyle. 2 v* Appl. au; Xerox Corporation, employer for-hire. Xerox Corporatioa; 29Jul77; A9a0956.

A900957. Fiqure it out; teacher's quide for the Fiqure it out uait book 6 spirit duplicatiag aasters. Duplicatiag aasters written by T. Prescott Doyle. 2 v. Appl. au: Xerox Corporation, eaployer for hire. C Xerox Corpor.»ioa; 27Hay77; A900957.

4900958. Get it down in writing; teacher's quide for the Get it down in wcitinq unit book 6 spirit duplicating aasters. Du{'licatioq masters written by T. Prescott Doyle. 2 V. Appl. au: Xerox Corporatioa, eaployer for hire. Xerox Corporation; 26Jul77; A^00958.

A900959. Use of trusts in estate planaiag, 1977. 440 p. (Estate planaiag aad adainis- tration course handbook series, no. 76} Appl. states copyright aot claiaed ia Government material. O Practising Law Institute; 19Bay77; A909959.

A900960. Commodities aad futures trading, 1977. 302 p. (Corporate law aad practice course handbook series, no. 256) Appl. states copyright not claimed in Goveraaeat material. O Practisiag Law Institute; 19Sep77; A900960.

A900961. Securities litigation under the Federal securities laws, 1977. Vol. 1 6 2. (Corporate law and practice coocse handbook series, no. 252) Apjl. states copyright not claimed in Government aaterial. O Practising Law Institute; 13JU177; A9O0961.

A900962. Law office econoBicE and aaaagemeat. 256 p. (Commercial law and practice course handbook series, no. 163) Appl. states copyright not claiaed in Govecaaeat aaterial. MM: coapilatioo £ additional text. O Practisiag Law Institute; 10HarT7, A900962.

A9a0963. The Lawyer's assistan*,, 1977. Vol. 1 £ 2. (Coamercial law and practice course handbook series, no. 167) Appl. states copyright not claimed in Governaeat aaterial. O Practising Law Institute; 20JU177; A9a0963.

t900964. ESOPs and TBASOPs: eaployee stock ownership plans. 480 p. (Tax law and estate planaiag series tax law aad practice course handbook series, no. 112) Appl. states copyright not claiaed in Governaeat aaterial. BH: coapilation £ additional text. Practisiag Law Institute; 8Sep77; A900964.

A900965. Federal rules of evidence in criainal Batters. 296 p. (Criainal law and urban probleas course handbook series, no. 94) Appl. states no copyright claiaed in Governaent aaterial. BH: compilation £ additional text. Practising Law Institute; 2Jua77; A900965.

A90096e. Bank counsel, 1977. 680 p. (Corporate law and practice course handbook series, no. 240) Appl. states copyright not claimed in Governaent aaterial. O Practising Law Institute; 13Jul77; A9009e6.

A900967. Protecting and profiting froa trade secrets, 1977. 304 p. (Patents, copyrights, tradeaarks and literary property course handbook series, no. 83) Appl. states copyright not claiaed in Governaent aaterial. O Practising Law Institute; 2Jun77; A900967.

A900 9£8. HuQicipal bond fiiiancing. 776 p. (Corporate law and practice course handbook series, no. 234) Appl. states copyright not claiaed in Governaent material. NM: coapilation £ additional text. O Practising Law Institute: 24Hor77; A900968.

A900969. Advanced will drafting. 240 p. (Estate planning adainistratioa course handbook series, no.' 76) Appl. states copyright not claimed in Government aatelial. NH: coapilation £ additional text. O Practising Law Institute; 17llar77; A9O0969.

A900970. Construction industry labor relations, 1977- 536 p. (Litigation course handbook series, no. 99) Appl. states copyright not claimed in Government aaterial. Practising Law Institute; 2aHar77: A900970.

A900971. Uarrauties in the sale of goods, 1977. 664 p. (Coaaercial law and practice course handbook series, no. 169) Appl. states copyright not claimed in Govecaaeat aaterial. O Practising Law Institute; 25Aug77; A900971.

A900972. Constructioa contracts, 1977. 576 p. (Beal estate law aad practice course handbook secies, oo. 135) Appl. states

copyright aot claiaed lo Goveraaeat


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