A900902 - A900937
JUL-DEC. 1977
i900902. CUeiical evolution of the early PrecambciaD. Edited by Cyril Ponnau- peruma. 221 p. Proceedinqs of the Second Colleqe Park Colloquiuin oa Chenical Evolution held at the University of Maryland from October 29 to November 1, 197S. O Academic Press, Inc.: 2iuq77; A900902.
A900903. Marihuana reconsidered. By Lester Grinspoon. 2nd ed. HTl p. The President and FelloHs of Harvard College; 20Sep77: A900903.
A900904. Four vomen. By Oscar Lewls« Ruth a. lewis 6 usan H. Eiqdon. 113 p. (Livinq the revolution: an oral history of contemporary Cuba) 3 Ruth M. Lewis & Susan B. Biqdon; 29Sep77; A900904.
A90H905. Lanquaqes of the iest Indies. By Douqlas Hacfiae Taylor. 278 p. (Johns Hopkins studies in Atlantic history and cultQcel Enqlish 6 Best Indian Creole lanquaqes. 6 The Johns Hopkins University Press; 21Jun77: A900905.
A90090e. Universal Pictures; a panoramic history in words, pictures, and filaioqraphies. By Michael S. Fitzqerald. es p. Appl. states all new except prav. pub. photos, e Michael G. Fitzqerald; 29Jul77; A900S06.
A900907. Certain people: America's black elite. By Stephen Birminqham. 301 p. Stephen Birminqham; 224pr77; A900907.
A900908. Fears and phobias. By Marqaret Oldroyd Hyde. 117 p. Marqaret 0. Hyde; 30Sep77: A900908.
4900909. Artists' and illustrators' encyclopedia. By John Quick. 2nd ed. 327 p. e McGraw-Hill, Inc.; 22Sep77; A900909.
A900910. Bequlation of cell proliferation and differentiation. Edited by Rarren H. Nichols e Donald G. Murphy. 201 p. (Cellular senescence and somatic cell qenetics,' vol, 1) Proceedings of the Institute for Medical Research Borkshop on Bequlation of Cell Proliferation and Differentiation held in Camden, NJ, Hay 15-17, 1975. Apt>l. states copyriqht not claimed in any portion of work written by a U.S. Govt, employee as part of his official duties. Plenum Press, a division of Plenum Publishing Corporation; 1Auq77: A900910.
A900911 Quantum fluids and solids. Edited by Samuel B. Trickey, Ernest Dwiqht Adams & James K. Dufty. 173 p. Proceedinqs of the Second International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids held on Sanibel Island, FL, Jan. 21-27, 1977. Appl. states copyriqht not claimed in any portion of work written by a U.S. Govt, employee as part of hi^ official duties- e Plenum Press, a division of Plenum Publishing Corporation; 15Aug77; A900911
A900912. Go away, stay away. iritten £ illustrated by Gail E. Haley. 32 p. Gail E. Haley; 12Sep77: A900S12.
A90a913. The Deep self; profound relaxation and the tank isolation technique. By John Cunningham Lilly. 320 p. Appl. au: John C. Lilly, d.b.a. Human Software, Inc. Inc. Human Software, Inc.; 5JU177: A900913.
4900911. Sadie Shapiro in Miami. By Robert Kimmel Smith. 189 p. Robert Kimmel Smith; 15Jul77; 1900911.
A900915. 'shadows on the Tor. By Susan Brand, pseud, of Susan Bonthron Roper. 220 p. Susan Bonthron Roper, writing under the pseud. Susan Brand; 19Aug77; A900915.
A900916. Eileen Ford's Beauty now and forever; secrets of beauty after 3 5- Drawings by John Ansado. 256 p. O Eileen Ford; 15JU177; A900916.
A900917. Beyond populism. By Candido Antonio Hendes De Almeida, translated by L. Gray Cowan. 112 p. Originally pub. 1974 as Despues del populismo, impuguacion social y desarrollo en America Latina; this translation from French ed. : Apres le popalisme developpement et contestation en Amerique Latine, pub. 1976. 6 on English translation; State University of New York; 10ct77; A900917.
A900918. Myrtle Fillmore, mother (jf Unity. By Thomas E. Bitherspoon. 306 p. S Unity School of Christianity; 10ct77; A900918.
A900919. Counseling: theory, process, and practice. By Garth J. Blackham. 151 p. & Hadsworth Publishing Company, Inc.; 29Aug77; A?00919.
A900920. Illinois law and practice: the modern encyclopedia of Illinois law. Vol. 21-21A. 2 V. Nd: compilation, with revisions 6 additions. & Best Publishing Campany; 8Auq77; A900920.
A900921. Michigan compiled laws annotated. Vol. 13-13A. 2 V. NM: compilation, with revisions & additions. O Best Publishing Campany; 6Sep77; A900921.
A900922. Neurophysics. By Alwyn C. Scott. 310 p. e John Hiley and Sons, Inc.; 21Sep77; A90a922.
A900923. Chemical reactor design for process plants. Vol. 1: principles & techniques. By Howard F. Base, original illus. by James B. Holmes. 772 p. Appl. states all new except for a large number of figures 6 tables prev. pub. John Biley and Sons, Inc.; 21Sep77; A900923.
A90092a. New Jersey close corporations. 1977 cumulative suppl. By Robert A. Kessler. sheets (161 p.) Callaghan and Company; 25Sep77; A900921.
A900925. Bender's federal practice manual. Vol. 1-2. Sept. 1977 revision, release no. 13 6 special alert. Prepared by Irwin Hall, Marvin Baxner 8 John Hayes. Sheets 6 2 folders. Appl. au: Matthew Bender and Company, Inc., employer for hire. e Matthew Bender and Company, Inc.; 21Sep77; 4?00925.
A900926. Abdominal injuries. Sept. 1977 suppl. D revision, release no. 1. By Jules R. Kalisch e Harold Hilliams. sheets e 206 p. (Courtroom medicine, vol. 10) Appl. auj Matthew Bender and Company, Inc.,- employer for hire. C Matthew Bender and Company, Inc.; 21Sep77; A900926.
A900927. The Federal securities act. Sept. 1977 revision, release no. 16. By Hugh L. Sowards. Folder € sheets. (Business organizations, vol. 11) Appl. au: Matthew Bender and Company, Inc. 6 Matthew Bender and company. Inc.; 20Sep77; A900927.
A90092S. Oil and gas reporter. Vol. 56, report no. 2, Sept. 1977. 8 p. 6 sheets (p. 187-351) O Matthew Bender and company. Inc.; 23Sep77; A900928.
A900929. How to recover for loss or damage to goods in transit. Sept. 1977 suppl. & revision, release no. 1. By Saul Sorkin. Sheets, folder (3 p.) 6 2 v. Appl. au: Matthew Bender and Company, Inc., employer for hire. 6 Matthew Bender and Company, Inc.; 22Sep77; A900929.
A900930. County law. Sept. 1977 cumulative suppl. , release no. 10. By Chester James Antieau. 2 p. & 1 v. (Local government law, V04.. 1) Appl. au: Matthew Bender and Company, Inc., employer for hire. O Matthew Bender and Company, Inc. ; 20Sep77; A900930.
A900931. Babkin and Johnson Federal income, gift and estate taxation report. Report no. 122, sept. 1977. Sheets. 6 Matthew Bender and Company, Inc.; 16Sep77; A900931.
A900932. Disputed paternity proceedings, revised edition. Vol. 1-2. Sept. 1977 suppl. 6 revision, release no. 8. By Sidney B. Schatkin. Sheets, folder 6 1 v. Appl. au: Matthew Bender and Company, Inc., employer for hire. 6 Matthew Bender and Company, Inc,; 21Sep77; A900932.
A900933. Ohio corporation laws annotated, 1977. Issued by Ted B. Brown e James B. Marsh. 116 p. Appl. au: Backs-Baldwin Law Publishing Company. O Banks- Baldwin Law Publishing Company; 8Aug77; A900933.
A900931. Steinman's Bergerman and Both New York real property forms, annotated. Vol. 1-2. Aug. 1977 revision, release no. 12. 2nd ed. by Irving 1. Steinman. 1977 revision by Boy Fischer, Sanford H. Grohman & Donald S. Benton. Sheets. Appl. au: Matthew Bender and company. Inc. , employer for hire. Matthew Bender and company. Inc.; 8Sep77: A900931.
A900935. Tax-free trade zones of the world. 1977 revision, release no. 1. By Baiter H. Diamond & Dorothy B. Diamond. Sheets. Appl. au: Matthew Benaer and Company, Inc. , employer for hire. 6 Matthew Bender and company. Inc. ; 20Sep77; A900935.
A900936. Independent local government entities. Sept. 1977 cumulative suppl., release no. 12. By Chester James Antieau. ? p. 6 97 p. (Local government law, vol. 3A) Appl. au: Matthew Bender and Company, Inc., employer for hire. O Matthew Bender and Company, Inc.; 20Sep77; A900936.
A900937. Patent law perspectives. Vol. 1-1 & supplemental table of cases. 1977 developments, release no. 6. By Donald fi. Dunner, James B. Gambrell, Stuart A. Bhite 6 Irving Kayton. 2 v. S sheets. Appl.
au: Matthew Bender and Company, Inc.,
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