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A900815 - A900856


JUL-DEC. 1977

A9008tl| icon.)

Enqineerinq Departaeot, the Oniversity of Louisville: 15Apr77: i9008l<i.

A900815. Soroptidist International of the Americas official group personal accident insurance proqraa (high linit death and diseeDberment benefits) : accidents, our fourth leading Jciller! Folder (« p.) 6 Group Administration Agency, Inc.; 5JU177: A900815.

A900816. CCNY Alumni Association official group $50,000 Medicare supplement insurance plan. Folder (t p.) Add. ti: This is when most people find oat what Medicare pays and what it doesn't pay. O Group Administration Agency, Inc.; 26Aug77; A900816.

A900817. Labor Zionist Alliance official group hospital indennity plan. Folder (M p.) 6 Group Administration Agency, Inc.; 8Sep77: A900817.

A900aiB. Jewish Bar Veterans official" group income security plan. Folder (1 p.) O Group AuministratioQ Agency, Inc.; 16Sep77; A900818.

A900819. Massachusetts Academy of Trial Attorneys JIOO.OOO term life insurance plan. Folder (It p.) e Group Administration Agency, Inc.; 16Sep77: A900ei9.

A900820. Jewish Bar Veterans official group $15,000 basic ma1or medical plan. Policy no. 1822. Folder (4 p.) Group Administration Agency, Inc.; 30Sep77; A900820.

A900821. International Fertility Besearch program registro de parto hospitalario. No. SMAT 9/77. 2 p. Spanish only. 6 IFKP a.a.d. for The International Fertility Research Program: 22Sep77: A900821.

A900822. Blac)chaw)t 50 years. Bulletin 292, Nov. 1977. B8 p. Add. ti: Blackhawlc Films world's greatest selection of things to show. Blackhawk Films, Inc.; 30Sep77; A900a22.

A900823. FBS the 1977 holiday gift collection. 63 p. O Molbe Shoes, Inc.; 15Sep77; A9a0823.

A900824. FBS here comes fall "77, but don't rush summer out. 95 p. Holbe Shoes, Inc. : 10Jirl77: A900824.

A900825. Christian Science under the Nazi regime. By Silliam S. Stillman. 1 v. William E. Stillman; 30ct77; A900825.

A900826. Freguently aslced legal guestions on ending a marriage. Prepared by the Family Law office staff of Legal Action of lisconsin. Inc. 13 p. Appl. au: Legal Action of Wisconsin, Inc. Legal Action of Wisconsin, Inc.; 23Sep77; A900826.

A900827. Cplor the Sacramento story. Design 6 text by Elizabeth A. olsen 6 Ann M. Sturm. 1 V. Ann H. Sturm: loct77: A900827.

A90082B. Handboolc of poisoning: diagnosis and treatment. By Robert B. Dreisbach. 9th ed. 559 p. O Lange Medical Publications; 29Sep77; A900828.

4900829. National Fluid Power Association directory, 1977-78. 231 p. National Fluid Power Association, Inc.; aoct77; A900829.

A900830. The Saturday night bath. By Owen Sanders. Folder. O Owen Sanders; 50ct77; A900830.

A900831. Maspeth. our town. By Barbara i. Stanlcowski. 93 p. e Barbara stankowski; 30ct77: A900831.

A900832. Hon to instruct the Dale Carnegie customer relations and personnel development course; manual for inst- ructors. Sheets (68 p.) Dale Carnegie and Associates, Inc. ; UOct77; A900832.

A900833. Bords from the heart. By Glenn F. Cox. 135 p. Glenn F. Cox; 16Sep77; A900833.

A900834. Conversational Spanish for medical and paramedical personnel. By Oren £. Moffett. 239 p. O Oren E. Moffett; 1JU177; A900834.

A900835. Cleaning your teeth and gums. 1 v- NM: editorial revision 6 additional pictorial matter. American Dental Association; 30ct77: A900835.

A900836. Official industrial manual of signs and markers for safety, identification and industry. Catalog no. 9877. 115 p. Appl. au: John Krupa. NM: updating, e Safety Sign Company; 30Sep77; A900836.

A9G0837. Data chart for tank system tightness tester using Kent-Moore Corporation tank tightness tester model 1000. Folder. Kent-Moore corporation; 28Sep77: A900837.

A900838. Member's year book, 1977-1978. 176 p. Appl. au: George N. Biggs 3rd. e American Society of Corporate Secretaries, Inc. ; 2tS6p77; A900B38.

A900839. Micrcode 370 instruction set emulation. Printout. Add. ti; Microcode 370 instruction set emulator. The Kardios Systems corporation; 23Sep77; A900839.

A90081t0. Micrcode prog 370 instruction set emulation micro code. Printout. Add. ti: Microcode prog 370 instruction set emulation micro code. O The Kardios Systems Corporation; 23Sep77; A9008«0.

A9008U1. Identite culturelle et francophonie dans les Ameriques. collogue 2: actes. Publies par Hans R. Runte 6 Albert Valdman. 190 p. 6 Indiana Oniversity; 31Dec76; A900841.

A9008H2. Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences proceedings, 1976. Third series, vol. 11. Edited by Lester F. Schmidt. 185 p. e Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences; 15Jun77; A9Q081(2.

A900843. Franklin D. Balker: a checklist of his writings. Compiled by Lynda C. claassen with xin introd. by James D. Hart. 13 p. Appl. au: Franklin D. Balker. e Eu- calyptus Press; 15Sep77; A9008i*3.

A9008ltlt. Music for the order of Mass for celebrant and congregation; a core program. 19 p. Appl. au: Theodore Marier. NM: additional texts, musical arrangements & compilation, 9 Boston Archdiocesan Choir School; 1Feb77; A900844.

A900845. Music for the order of Mass for celebrant and congregation; a core program. 3 1 p. Appl. au: Theodore Marier. NH: additional texts, musical arrangements & compilation- 3 Boston Archdiocesan Choir School; 1Feb77; A900845.

A9a08lt6. Child of God, the lord be with you. By George B. Hoyer. 29i( p. Clayton Publishing House, Inc.; 19Aug77; A90Q8U6.

A900&lt7. The Magic of self-actualization. By B. C. Schafer 6 the Behavioral Research Foundation. 290 p. O Behavioral Besearch Foundation; 15Jun77; A900847.

A9008U8. Three Europeans look at America: welfare policy, social trends and foreign affairs. By Bilhelm Noelling, Jean Gottmann £ Oliver Franks. 54 p. Regents of the Oniversity of California; 6Aug77; A900848.

A900849. Contemporary cartooning; an aid to cartoonists in up-dating their style. By Al Mayton. 16 p. Al Hayton Publi- cations; 27Dec76; A900849.

A900850; Anderson's Manual for notaries public, fifth edition. 1977 cumulative suppl. By Besley Gilmer, Jr. 147 p. Appl. au: Anderson Publishing Company. O Anderson Publishing Company; 16Sep77; A900850.

A900851. The Obsidian mirror. By James Norman, pseud, of James Norman Schmidt, illus. by Buth Baldwin. 212 p. 6 James Norman Schmidt; 15Sep77; A90q851.

A900852. Flowers of the Southwest mesas. By Pauline M. Patraw, illustrated by Jeanne B. Janish, editor: Earl Jackson. 6th ed., rev. Ill p. Southwest Parks and Honujients Association; 13Sep77; A900852.

A900853. A Hiker's guide to Allegheny National Forest. 92 p. Appl. au: Bichard Pratt, Peter Bray fi Bruce Sundguist. 6 Allegheny Group, Sierra Club; 12Sep77; A900853.

A900854. This is ephemera; collecting printed tUrowaways. By Maurice Hickards. 64 p. © Majirice aickards; 23Aug77; A900854.

A900a55. Bomen's lacrosse; for coaches and players. By Agnes Bixler Kurtz. 132 p. O Agnc? Kurtz; 1Sep77; A9008E5.

A900856. Passport — the islands of Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket. 1 v. Add. ti; Passport — the orphan islands of Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket. Appl. au; C. Bobert Perrin. C. Robert Perrin;

1Jan77j A900856.


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