A900609 - A9006«7
JUL-DEC. 1977
A900608 (con.» with special attention to its aissioo in Ethiopia. By Lee GocdOD Euud. axcrofila. Lee SordOQ fiaud; 15Sep77: &900608.
A900609. Gate desiq.D for iDlection nolds. By Jocqe Earrique Echeoaqucia. NicEofilB. Jocqe Eorcique EcheDaqucia; 15Sep77; 1900609.
A900610. Douql£.s-fir barK: structure and alkaline deqradation o£ a qluocoaannan. By Elvira Cabauatao Fernandez. Hicrofila. Elvira Cabauatan Pecnandez: 15Sep77: A900610.
&900611. Lay participation in worship creation: the secular neets the sacced. By baccec Boyd Van Book 3rd. Hicrofiln. iarcen Boyd Van Hook Srd; 15Sep77; A900611. A900612. Financinq Hashinqton's public schools: equity considecatioDs. By Andrea Lubov. Hiccofila. C Andrea Lubov; 15Sep77: A900612.
A900613. The Pine structnral correlates of transnitter secretion at the froq neuroBUEcular -junction. By Steven Joel Bose. Bicrofiln. Steven Joel Bose; 15Sep77; A900613.
A900614. The laaqination and nature in the lyric poetry of Lord Byron. By nichael Clenent Zoltak. Hicrofila. Hichael Cleaent Zoltak; 15Sep77; A900614.
A90061S. The Developnent of nasculine sex role stereotypes: sex differences in verbal interruptive behavior between first qrade students and aale and feiale teachers. By Patricia Tanner Edberq. Hicrofila. Patricia Tanner Edberq; 15Sep77; A900615.
A900616. Analoque study of a behavioral aodel of depression. By Cornelius Gerald O'Brien* Jr. HicrofilD. C Cornelius Gerald O'Brien, Jr.; 1SJul77: A900616.
A900617. An Investiqation of selected charac- teristics of principals* teachers, and schools within two dimensions of orqanizational cliaate in the public schools of Carolina County* Haryland. By Jevoner Frankie Lake. Hicrofila. Jevoner Frankie Lake; 15Sep77; A90X)617.
A900618. An Exaaination of the international deaonstration effect in selected ecoooaies of Southern Africa. By Lnthocy nothae Harupinq. Hicrofila. O Anthony dothae aarupinq; 1SJun77; A900618.
A900619- The Christian day school in the black coBBunity. By Jeffrey David Dorsey. Kicrofila. C Jeffrey David Dorsey; 15Sep77; A900619-
A900620. Alternative explanations of social aobility and political behavior. By Andreas fluller. Kicrofila. Andreas Buller; 15Sep77; A900^20.
A900621. The Enqlish past and the Aaecican scene in Hawthorne's works. By Frederick Henry Newberry. Biccofila. Frederick Bency Newberry ; 1 5Sep77 ; A900621,
A900622. An Investiqation of the coaparative effects of locus of control and rexn- forceaent aodality on the production and aaintenance of weiqbt loss. By Irvin Lee Greenbaua. flicrofila. O Irwin Lee Greeubaua; 15Sep77: A900622.
A900623. Significance in Nietzsche: the aoviog way of aetaphor. By Buben Berezdivin. Bicrof ila. O fiuben Berezdivin; 15Sep77: A900623.
A900624. Developing a aore nature concept of God. By Phyllis Jean Gorfine. Hicrofila. Phyllis Jean Gorfine; 15Sep77; A90062a.
A900625. A Clarification of the tera coaedy: a dialectic with three conteaporary schools of coaic theory. By Deborah T. Curren Aquino. Hicrofila. Deborah T. Curren Aquino; 15Sep77; A900625.
A900626. The Effects of PCB exposure on the behavior of the shore crab Heaiqrapsus oreqoneosis. By Halter Howard Pearson. Hicrofila. Halter Howard Pearson: 15Sep77; A900626.
A900627. An Assessaent of reaedial skills courses for under-prepared college students. By Jack field Dudley. Hicrofila. Jack field Dudley: 1SSep77: A900627.
A90062e. The Perceptions and recoaaendations of acadeaic personnel concerning continuing education adainistered by the College of General Studies at the George Washington Oniversity. By Boss Edward Duncan. Hicrofila. Boss Edward Duncan; 15Sep77; A900628.
A900629. A Descriptive study of the Area Gedevelopaent Adainistration (ABA) - -Econonic Developaent Adainistration (EDA) Oniversity Center program, 1963-197*1. By Glenn Banks Fatzinger. Hicrofila. O Glenn Banks Fatzinger; 15Sep77: A900629.
A900630. Cliaate, crops, and livestock: soae aspects of colonial Hexican agriculture. By Susan Linda Swan. Hicrofila. Susan Linda Swan; 15Sep77; A900630.
A900631. Poraal group contingencies and qaaes as the occasion for social interactions between children (now where could they have learned that?) By Hara Ellen Sapon-Shevin. Hicrofila. O Hara Ellen Sapon-Shevin; 15Sep77; A900631.
A900632. Plasaid of Aqrobacteriua tuaefaciens and their role in the crown qall tuaori- qenesis. By Daoiela Sciaky. Bicrofila. O Dar>jela Sciaky; 15Sep77: A900632.
A900633. A Critical analysis of ethnic coe- xistence and ainority representation in selected contemporary junior novels. By Diana Bodgers Dodson. Hicrofila. Diana Bodqers Dodson; 1SSep77; A900633.
A90063ii. Seqmental design of a suspension bridge using matrix aethods with variable aatecial elasticities. By Frederick fioland Bennett. Hicrofila. Frederick Boland Bennett; 1SSep77; 1900634.
A900635. Characteristics and role perceptions of graduates of baccalaureate dental programs in the United States. By banette L. Little. Microfilm. O Nanette L. Little; 15Sep77; A900635.
A900636. Bace ethnicity and the political economy of national entrepreneurial elites in Jamaica. By Carol s. Holzberg. HxcLOfilm. O Carol S. Uolzberg; lSJun77; A900636.
A900637. A Descriptive survey of the university women of Ghana and their attitudes toward the women's liberation movement. By Carol Ann Garrison Asomani. Hicrofilm. Carol Ann Garrison Asomaol; 1SSep77; A900637.
A900638. Praxis and preaching: the development of righteousness as solidarity within the biblical tradition and its value to a Christian community. By Bobert Gordon Hall. Hicrofilm. Bobert Gordon Ball; 15Sep77; A900638.
A900639. Late quaternary stratigraphy and archaeological chronology in the lower granite reservoir area, lower Snake Elver, Uashiogton. By Uallett Bough Uammatt. Hicrofila. Hallett Hough Uaaaatt; 15Sep77; A900639.
A900640. The fiussian in Nabokov's English novels. By Joseph Hichael Nassar. Hicrofila. O Joseph Hichael Nassar; 1SSep77; A900640.
A9006U1. A Study of the inclusion of an adaptive behavior component in the screening procedure of pre school children in the District of Columbia. By John Allen Baigb, Jr. Hicrofila. O John Allen Haigh, Jr.; 1SSep77; A900641.
A900642. "These two imparadis' t*': a comparative study of the gardens in Paradise lost and the Boaan de la rose. By Edward Sicbi, Jr. Hicrofila. Edward Sichi, Jr.; 15Sep77; A900642.
A900643. The Quest for the absolute in the early works of Jean-Paul Sartre. By Bobyn Ann Bantel. fiicrofila. C Bobyn Ann Bantel; 15Sep77; A900643.
A900644. A Study of the relationship between self-concept and school achieveaent in fifth grade aigrant students in Bis- sissippi. By Susan Spraberry Clark. Hicrofila. Susan Spraberry Clark; 15Sep77; A900644.
A900645. An Analysis of the quit rate for the aanuf acturing sector and aajor industry groups in aanuf acturing, 1950-70; a two-sector aodel. By Hichael Leon Kliaa. Hicrofila. Hichael Leon Kliaa; 15Sep77; A900645.
A900646. Lesbian identity: a theological and psychological inquiry into the deve- lopaental stages of identity in a lesbian. By Elizabeth Anne HcLellan. Bicrofila. O Elizabeth Inne HcLellan; 15Sep77; A900646.
A900647. An Historical study of the integration of students and faculty at Bowie State
College. By Cleophus Cerrutheous Hatcher.
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