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A900570 - A900608


JUL-DEC. 1977

A900569 (con. I of seDbers' perforaance within a voluntary orqanization . By John J. Prast. Bicrofils. John J. Pcast; 15Sep77; A900569.

A900570. The Tiae of onset of iBauAlty In mice after oral iuauaization with heat-killed Salaonella tnteritidis. By Kunqaba Gabriel Caspa. Hicrofiln. Kunqaba Gabriel Caspa; 15Sep77: i900570.

1900571. ) Quadrilateral plane stress finite element with bendinq/extensional coupling. By Harit Anthony Palie. BicrofilB. e Mark Anthony Palie; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976): 1900571.

A900572. The Experience of solitude; implications for spirituality. By Sister Bary Blaise Sempie, S.J.S. B. Hicrofil«. Sister Hary Blaise Seaple, S.J. S.B. ; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976) ; A900572.

A900573. In ay dark room. By Estella Marie Sales. Microfilm. O Estella Marie Sales; 15Sep77: A900573.

1900574. Co&sequences of dirfusion of inno- vations; the case of nechacization in U.S. aqriculture. By Kevin Frederick Goss. Microfilm. C Kevin Frederick Goss; 15Sep77 (in notice; 1976); A90057it.

A900575. An Analysis o£ sheet pile and cell fill stresses in a circular cofferdam. By Byron Kent McClellan. Microfilm. Byron Kent McClellan: 15Sep77: 1900575.

A900576. Augmentation and intervention in the triad relationship of the high risk infant, the family and hospital care- qivers. By Judith Carolyn Ratson Jones. Microfilm. Judith Carolyn Natson Jones; 15Sep77; 1900576.

1900577. A Study of Dovement aftd placement of hands in ancient Hawaiian dance as described in literature and as demon- strated by present-day Kumu Hula to determine whether any aspect of ancient hand gestures survive today. By Initra Kuulei Kahananui Webster. Microfilm. Anitra Kuulei Kahananui Rebster; 1SSep77 (in notice: 1976) ; A900577.

A900578. Kant*s Transcendental doctrine of method. By Bernard David Frerdberq. Microfilm. C Bernard David Freydberq; 15Sep77; A900578.

A900579. C. G. Junq and Sri Aarobindo on the self-qrowth process and its attendant difficulties. By Daniel Patrick Boqan. Microfilm. C Daniel Patrick Boqan; 15Sep77: A900579.

1900580. Feedinq habits of larqemouth bass Hicropterus salmoides (Lacepede) , from Sam Bayburn Beservoir, Teitas. By Charles Arthur Stewart. Microfilm. O Charles Arthur Stewart: 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976): A900580.

1900 581. The Contributions of A. fi. Simpson to the hymnody of the Christian and missionary alliance. By Stephen Merritt Steiner. Microfilm. C Stephen Merritt steiner: 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A900581.

A900582. Toward a heuristic curriculum: history, research and methods for development. By Marcia S. Glassman. Microfilm. 6 Marcia S. Glassman; 15Sep77; A900582.

1900583. An Analysis of the effects of busing on scholastic performance and attendance at two secondary schools in Louisville, Kentucky. By iiliiam shouse Summitt. Microfilm. C Hilliau Shouse Sammitt; 15Sep77; 1900583.

1900581. Icridine orange fluorescence micros- pectrophotometry in the analysis of nucleic acids in different microenvi- ronments and in single neurons. By Bobert Gene Canada. Microfilm. @ Bobert Gene Canada; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A900584.

A900585. The Impact of jury service on support for the local court system. By Sandra K. Petersen Davis. Microfilm. © Sandra K. Petersen Davis; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976) ; A900585.

A9O0586. Humanae 7itae — its theological note, a treatise on the dogmatics of the encyclical. By Virgil Joseph Dusbabek. Microfilm. 6 Virgil Joseph Dusbabek; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976) ; A900586.

A900587. Resource recovery and reclamation for rural and semi-rural areas; a regional approach. By John Charles Hulhall. Microfilm. John Charles Mulhall; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976) ; A900587.

A90053e. The Structure of "Zero hour". Vol. 1-3. Sy Luk Renseleers. Microfilm. O Luk Benseleers; 30Nov76; A900588.

A900589. The Psychology of quilt: John Milton"s Christian doctrine and Paradise lost. By Victoria Michele Polinko. Microfilm. e Victoria Michele Polinko; 15Sep77; A9005a9.

1900590. Bural nursing homes and organizational barriers to change. By Cheryl Elaine O'Brien. Microfilm. 9 Cheryl Elaine O'Brien: 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); 19P0590.

1900591. Federally sponsored murals in Florida post offices during the depression. By Fran Rowin. Microfilm. Fran Bowin; 15Sep77; 1900591.

1900592. 1 Novel synthesis of long-chain 1-hydroryalkanes. By Andrew John ielebir. Microfilm. C Andrew John Relebic: 15Sep77; A900592.

A900593. 1 National survey of attitudes toward habitual truancy held by juvenile court judges and public secondary school administrators. By Charles Thomas Holt. Microfilm. Charles Thomas Holt; 15Se:p77; 1900593.

1900591. 1 Quantitative comparison of base level dermal cell populations in Imerican Negro and Caucasian males and females. By Stanley S. Zimmelman. Microfilm. Stanley S. Zimmelman; 15Sep77; 1900591.

1900595. Armor symbolism; its tradition and its application to a reading of The Faerie gueene. Book 1: Canto i. By Lawrence Joseph Lippert. Microfilm. Q Lawrence Joseph Lippert; 15Sep77; 1900595.

1900596. The Ef fectiveijess of auditory perceptual training upon the development of articulation and vocabulary skills in kindergarten children. By Darlene Brooks Darrow. Microfilm. Q Darlene Brooks Darrow; 15Sep77; A900596.

1900597. Hyth in the poetry of Thomas Kinsella. By Suzanne E. Marriage. Microfilm. a Suzanne E. Marriage; 15Sep77; 1900597.

1900598. The Administration of tetramethyl- thionine chloride as a treatment for nitrite-induced methemoglobinemia in rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) By Bruce Matthew Bortz. Microfilm. Bruce Matthew Bortz; 15Sep77; A900S98.

1900599. Ispecnos del vocabulario de Q. Curtius fiufus estudio semantico-lejticologico una contribucion al problema de su datacion. By Jenaro Costas Bodriguez. Microfilm. @ Jenaro Costas Hodriguez; 20May77 (in notice: 1976); 1900599.

1900 600. Systematic and biostatistical studies on Ifrican Lemniscomys striatus species complex (Mammalia, Muridae) By Erik F. V. Van Der straeten. Microfilm. Erik F. V. Van Der Straeten; 30Nov76; 1900600.

A900601. Madame De Genlis and England: the woman and her work from 1779 to 1792 with a critical examination of the studies devoted to them aAd unpublished documents. By Jacques Eugene Bertaud. Microfilm. O Jacques Eugene Bertaud; 30Nov76; A900 601.

A90Q602. A Comparison of lipid cycling and body composition between an island and mainland population of the Keeled earless lizard, Holbrookia propinqua. By Eamah Kathryn Vaughau Ross. Microfilm. S Bamah Kathryn Vaughan Ross; 15Sep77; A900602.

1900603. Alumni perceptions of services and activities of Delta Opsilon Fraternity. By Bilford Arthur Butler, Jr. Microfilm. O Bilford Arthur Butler, Jr.; 15Sep77; 1900603.

190060 U. Toward a i;heory of child abuse: a review of the literature. By Marc F. Maden. Microfilm, e Marc F. Maden; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1975) ; 1900601.

A900 605. Henry Carey and the nonsense play. By Kay oianne Born. Microfilm. S Kay Dianne Born: l5Sep77 (in notice: 1976); 190060 5.

1900606. Visual tools and techniques for altering consciousness: tantra and the Tarot. By Diann Byrd In^e. Microfilm. O Diann Byrd Inge; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); 1900606.

1900607. Nietzsche and Kazantzakis: the play of thinking. By Brian Thomau McDonough. Microfilm. Brian Thomas McDonough; 15Sep77; A900607.

A90060e. Effectiveness of Radio Voice of the

Gospel as a form of Christian mission.


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