A900245 - A90028U
JUL-DEC. 1977
A900245. Family counseling: a STSteDs approach. Bv Laura Sue Dodson e DeBarne J. Kucpius, foreword by Virqinia Satir, corporate illustrator: Bary J. Blizzard. 1S8 p. e Laura Sue Dodson & DeHayne Kurpitts; 2Jun77: i9002»5.
1900246. HLateyer happened to punishoent. By Ediiard L. Tockell, illus.: Kandy Scheick. 175 p. e Edaard L. Vockell; 18Jai77; A900246.
490021(7. Career development; desiqainq self. By John H. Peatlinq S David V. Tiedeaan. 230 p. O John U. Peatlinq e David V. Tiedeman; 6Jun77; A9002i(7.
S900248. Counselor education directory, 1977: personnel and programs. By Joseph H. Hollis 6 Bichard 4. Santz. 3rd ed. 658 p. Joseph H. Hollis £ Bichacd 4. Rantz; 284pr77; 4900248.
4900249. Siqns: 8 duplicating nasters for primary levels- Duplicating masters prepared by Mary Jensen & Virginia Boners. 8 p. (ICM activity pack, primary 910) The Instructor Publications, Inc.; 1S4ug77; 4900249.
4900250. Basic addition; 8 duplicating masters for primary levels. Duplicating masters prepared by Hary Jensen & Virginia Bowers. 8 p. {ICB activity pack, primary 904) Q The Instructor Publications, Inc.; 151uq77: 4900250.
4900251. Basic subtraction; 8 duplicating masters for primary levels. Duplicating masters prepared by Mary Jensen 6 Virginia Bovers. e p. <ICH activity pack, primary 905) @ The Instructor Publications, Inc.; 15»uq77; 4900251.
4900252. Place value; 8 duplicating masters for primary levels. Duplicating masters prepared by Bary Jensen & Virginia Bowers. 8 p. (ICB activity pack, primary 909) @ The Instructor Publications, Inc.; 154ug77; 4900252.
4900253. Subtraction: subtrahends 11-19; 8 duplicating masters for primary levels. Duplicating masters prepared by Bary Jensen C virqinia Bowers. 8 p. (ICB activity pack, primary 907) 6 The Instructor Publications, Inc. ; 154uq77; 4900253.
4900254. Number concepts: 11-20; 8 duplicatinq masters for primary levels. Duplicating masters prepared by Bary Jensen & Virginia Bowers- 8 p. (ICB activity pack« primary 902) 6 The Instructor Publications, Inc.; 154aq77: 4900254.
4900255. Number concepts: 1-10; 8 duplicating masters for primary levels. Duplicating masters prepared by Bary Jensen t Virginia Bowers. 8 p. (ICB activity pack, primary 901) e The Instructor Publications, Inc.; 154ug77: 4900255.
4900256. 4ddition and subtraction; 8 duplicating masters for primary levels- Duplicating masters prepared by Bary Jensen & Virginia Bowers. 8 p. (ICB activity pack, primary 9081 e The Instructor Publications, Inc.; 15Auq77; 4900256.
4900257. Visual skills: tracking and copying; 8 duplicating masters for primary levels. 8 p. (ICB activity pack, primary 941) Q The Instructor Publications, Inc.; 154ug77; 4900257.
4900258- 4ddition: sums 11-19; 8 duplicating masters for primary levels. Duplicating masters prepared by Bary Jensen C Virginia Bowers. 8 p. (ICB activity pack, primary 906) e The Instructor Publications, Inc.; 15Aug77; 4900258.
4900259. Everyday conservation: energy and resources; posters C task cards. 1 v. @ The Instructor Publications, Inc.; 15Sep77; 4900259.
4900260. ^ell me *bout up there- By Dunbar Smith, artist: Bob Sauber. 1 v. 6 Beview and Herald Publishing 4ssociation; 44ug77: 4900260.
4900261. You can love again. By Glenn 4. Coon. 127 p. 4ppl. states all new except excerpts from the Bible- & Beview and Herald Publishing 4ssociation; 6Jun77; 4900261.
4900262. In step with Jesus. By Robert H. Pierson- 375 p. Beview and Herald Publishing Association; 28JU177; 4900262.
4900253. First things first- By Bob Spangler. 377 p. e Beview and Herald Publishing 4ssociation; 34ug77; 4900263-
4900264. The Seventh-day 4dventist Bible commentary- Vol- 1. Editor: Francis D. Hichol 6 other editors. 1120 p. NB; revisions e updating. 6 Beview and Herald Publishing 4ssociation; 19Jan77 (in notice: 1953, 1976); 4900264.
4900265. The Seventh-day 4dventist Bible commentary. Vol. 2. Editor: Francis D. Hichol & other editors- 1040 p. KB: revisions & updating. Beview and Herald Publishing 4ssociation; 180ct76; 4900265.
4900266. The Seventh-day 4dventist Bible commentary. Vol. 3. Editor: Francis D. Nichol E other editors- 1166 p. NH: revisions G updating. 6 Beview and Herald Publishing 4ssociation: 15Feb77; 4900266.
4900267. Seventh-day Adventist encyclopedia- Vol. 10. Editor: Don F- Heufeld 6 other editors- 1640 p. Appl. au: Review and Herald Publishing Association. NB: additions, revisions & updating. 6 fieview and Herald Publishing Association; 244ug76; 4900267.
A900268 Will inflation destroy America? By Arthur Hilton. 180 p. Arthur Hilton; 22Sep77 4900268.
A900269. The Path: autobiography of a Kestern yogi- By Swami Kriyananda (Donald Baiters) with a pref- by John B. Bhite. 640 p. NB: new material. O Swami Kriyananda; 4Sep77; A900269-
A900270- Diseases of the nose, throat and ear. By John Jacob Ballenger. 12th ed. 1118 p. & Lea and Febiger; 30ct77; 4900270.
4900271. Guinness book of world records. Editors & compilers: Norcis BcBblrter G others. 1978 ed. 704 p. Sterling Publishing Company, Inc.; 28Sep77; 4900271.
4900272. Jewish book annual. Vol. 35: 5738/1977- 1978. Editor: Jacob Kabakoff. 276 p. Jewish Book Council of 4merica; 8Sep77: 4900272.
4900273. Fundamentals of carpentry: tools, materials, practices. By Baiter E. Durbahn, revised by Bobert E. Putnam. 5th ed- 407 p. e American Technical Society; 9Sep77; A900273-
A900274- Student guide for Fundamentals of carpentry: tools, materials, practices, 5th edition. By Bobert E- Putnam. 63 p. NB: revision. American Technical Society; 28Sep77: A900274.
4900275. Opeaployment, eligibility rules and the loss of health insuraAce benefits. By Kenneth H. BcCaffree S Snresh Balhotra. 42 p. Appl. au: International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans. International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans, Inc.; 10Aug77; A900275.
4900276. Sinter dream. Britten by Bon S. Erlich. 321 p. e Bon S. Erlich; 7Jun77; 4900276.
A900277. 1977 supplement 2 to the Sth edition (1977) of C.P.4. law review. By Joseph L. Frascona. 27 p. The Bay 1977 examination questions have been pub- by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants- e Joseph L. Frascona; 16Sep77; A900277.
A900 278. Family monthly budget work sheet. 1 p. Appl. au: Donald N. Anderson. Executive Action, Inc.; 13Sep77: 4900278.
A900279. Easy steps for recording cemetery headstones. By Handa Graham Amo. 19 p. Banda Graham Amo; 10ct77; A900279.
A900280. EIS drums, rotors, parts — domestic and foreign. Catalog 48D. 66 p. Add. ti: 48D: drams, rotors. 4ppl. au: E. I. Schwarz. NB: updating £ revision. EIS 4utomotive Corporation; 30ct77; 4900280.
4900281. How to minimize the effect of visual cues- 4 p. (Behavior modification of obesity) O Bobert Linn Bedical Asso- ciates; 18Bay77; A900281.
A900282. How to cope with obsessive negative thinking. 5 p. (Behavior modification of obesity) Bobert Linn Bedical Asso- ciates; 18Bay77; A900282.
A900 283. Bayes mastery arithBetic word problem drills. Grade 4- By C. N. Hayes. 24 p. e Hayes School Publishing Company, Inc.; 27Sep77; A900283.
4900284. Hayes mastery arithmetic word problem drills- Grade 3. By Sheila Cunningham & Eileen Hermes. 2li p. O Hayes School publishing Company, Inc.; 27Sep77;
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