A873251 - A873291
JUL-DEC. 1977
A8732514. An Introductory English graonar. By Noraian C. Stageberg, with a chapter on transfornational gramtoar by Ralph H. Good«an. 3rd ed. 159 p. C Holt, Rinehart and Winston: 4Har77: i87325«.
A873255. Culture change and modernization: mini-models and case studies- By Louise 5. Spindler. 177 p. 6 Holt, Binehart and Winston: 23Feb77: A873255,
A873256. Readings in animal behavior. Edited by Thomas E. McGill. 3rd ed. 1182 p. 6 Holt, Rinehart and Winston; 23Feb77; A873256.
A373257. Exploring the ways of lankind; a text-casebook. Bv Halter Rochs Gol- dschmidt. 3rd ed. 566 p. 6 Holt, Rinehart and Winston: 1lHar77: AB73257.
A873258. Christian conscience; spirit master activity sheets. Grade 14. Illus. by John D. Firestone Associates. 20 p. Appl. au; Silver Burdett Company, employer for hire. 6 Silver Burdett Company; 11Bar77; A873258.
A873259. Students* rights and responsibilities. Bv Helen Davis Dell. m p. Appl. aa: Silver Burdett Company, employer for hire. Silver Burdett Company; 11Hay77; A873259.
A873260. Teaching social problems in the public schools. By Robert Gliner. 34 p. Appl. au: Silver Burdett Company, employer for hire. C Silver Burdett Company; 12Apr77; A873260.
A873261. Christian conscience: teacher's ed. Grade "4. By Carl J. Pfeifer 6 Janaan Hanternach. 1 v. Appl. au: Silver Burdett Company, employer for hire. NH: additions G revisions. Silver Burdett Company: llnar77: A873261.
A873262. Growth in spirit; teacher's ed. Grade 6. By Carl J- Pfeifer £ Janaan Han- ternach. 1 V. Appl. au: silver Burdett Company, employer for hire. NH: additions S revisions. Silver Burdett Company: Il1ar77: Ae73262.
A873263. Eailroadin, etcetera. By J. J. Grienbrier, pseud- of John J. Griggs, illustrated by the Grienbrier family. 199 p. C Burnt-Biver House: 30Jun77; A873263.
A873264. Libraries in post-industrial society. Edited by Leigh Estabrook. 337 p. NH: compilation, introd., bibliographies 6 index. Leigh Estabrook; 27Jun77; A87326tt.
A87326S. Expanding media. Edited by Deirdre Boyle. 31*3 p. Compilation of prev. pub. iournal articles. NH; compilation, introd., bibliography 6 index- Deirdre Boyle: 27Jun77: A873265.
A873266. HcElroy's Alabama evidence. By Charles Wayne Gamble. 3rd ed. 961 p. Samford University: lJul77: A873266-
A873267. Phenomenology of feeling; an essay on the phenomena of the heart. By Stephan Strasser, foreword by Paul Ricoeur, translated with introd. by Robert E. Wood. U12 p. (Duquesne studies philosophical series, vol. 3U) Appl- au: Duquesne University Press. Translation of Das Gemuet. NH: translation 6 editorial revision. C Duquesne University Press; 6Jun77; A673267.
A873268. Hiss Lillian and friends: the plains, Georgia, family philosophy and recipe book. As told to Elizabeth Sparks a.k.a. Beth Tartan, 6 Budy Hayes. 2544 p. Beth Tartan a.k.a. Elizabeth Sparks, £ Rudy Hayes: 16flay77; A873268.
4673269. Cliffhanger: a pictorial history of the motion picture serial. By Alan G. Barbour, introd. by Linda Stirling. 2148 p. Alan G. Barbour; 23Hay77; A873269.
A873270. Behind the mask. By Bari Rolfe. 66 p. Bari Rolfe: 9Jun77; A873270.
A87327I. Welcome to Wake up and smile! A collection of creative expressions by Charles A. HcGill. vl p. Charles A. ncGill; 27Jun77; A873271.
A873272. Accident cost management. By James G. Tryon. 28 p. O James G. Tryon; 1Jul77; A873272.
4873273. Planning for the future; a guide to financial independence. By Donald L. Carlson. 25 p. Donald L. Carlson: 5JU177; 4873273.
AB732714. Dishmaster installation and operation instructions. 8 p. NM: additions 6 revisions. Banville Hanufacturing Corporation: 18Apr77; A8732714.
A873275. Florida statutes annotated. Advance annotation service, Aug. 1976-Bay 1977. project manager: William H. Marks 3rd. 382 p. Appl. au; The Harrison Company. O The Harrison Company; 30Jun77: 4873275.
A873276. Survey of construction services' positions, spring 1977; effective Bar. 1, 1977. Prepared by D. Dietrich Associates, Inc. 8 p. 6 D. Dietrich Associates, Inc.: 31Har77; 4873276.
4873277. Survey of drafting and designer salaries, spring 1977; effective Bar. 1, 1977. Prepared by D. Dietrich 4ssociates, Inc. 38 p. 4dd. ti: Drafting and designers salaries survey, spring 1977. C D. Dietrich 4ssociates, Inc.; 31Mar77; A873277.
A873278. survey of engineering salaries, spring 1977; effective Mar. 1, 1977. Prepared by D. Dietrich Associates, Inc. 57 p. Add. ti: Engineering salaries survey, spring 1977. C D. Dietrich Associates, Inc.: 31Mar77; A873278.
A873279. Big Spring, TX, telephone directory, July 1977. O Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 6Jal77; A873279.
A873280. McLean, Alanreed, 11, telephone directory, June 1977. Southwestern Bell Telephone Company: 6Jul77; 4873280.
4873281. Corrigan, TX, telephone directory, June 1977. Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 6Jul77: 4873281.
487J282. In Jesus' arms. Society meeting held by Heini 4rnold at Deer Spring, Apr. 25, 1977. 8 p. C Plough Publishing House of the Woodcrest Service Committee, Inc.; 294pr77; A873282.
A873283. How we came to the Bruderhof and our memories of Eberhard Arnold. Told by Arnold e Gladys Mason, Kathleen Hasenberg 6 Freda Dyroff. 35 p. O Plough publishing House of the Woodcrest Service Committee, Inc.; 9Mar77; 4873283.
A8732e'4. Bark John's Heaven story. The last meetings for our Bark John Keiderling held by Heini 6 Christoph Arnold, Deer Spring, May 12-15, 1977. 1414 p. O Plough Publishing House of the Woodcrest Service Committee, Inc.; 19May77: A87328t.
A873285. Wedding meetings for George Albcrtz and Dorly Alberts. Oliver Winter and Marion Rimes, Mark Horning and Natalie Rober- tshaw. Held by Heini Arnold at Woodcrest, Apr. 22 6 21, 1977. 35 p. Add. ti: Wedding meetings for George and Dorly Albertz, Oliver winter and Marion Rimes, Hark Horning and Natalie Robertsbaw. Appl. states all new except p. 2-6 prev. copyrighted. Plough Publishing House of the Woodcrest Service Committee, Inc.; 27Apr77; A873285.
A873286. The Story of Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Told to the children by Heini Arnold at Woodcrest, Apr. 8 6 10, 1977. 244 p. Plough publishing House of the Woodcrest Service Committee, Inc. ; 15Apr77: A873286.
A873287. Jesus calls each one by name. Meetings for the Lord's Supper 6 engagement Gemeindestunde held by Heini Arnold at Woodcrest, Apr. 6-11, 1977, translators: society of Brothers. 22 p. Portion is a new translation of Evangelien Predigten von J. C. Blumhardt. NM; new translation & additions. Plough Publishing House of the Woodcrest Service Committee, Inc.; li4Apr77: A873287.
A873288. Wedding meetings for David Johnson and Tabea Gneiting. Held by Heini Arnold, Deer Spring, Mar. 15-19, 1977. 18 p. Plough Publishing House of the Woodcrest Service Committee, Inc.; 2i4Mar77; A873288.
A873289. Arno tells about his life and his memories of Eberhard. 16 p. Appl. au: Arno Martin. Plough Publishing House of the Woodcrest Service Committee, Inc.; 15Feb77; A873289.
A873290. Research and development in the Federal budget, FY 1978; a report prepared for the Executive Officer 6 the AAAS Committee on Science and Public Policy. By Willis H. Shapley, Don I. Phillips 6 Herbert Roback. 14444 p. Appl. states copyright not claimed in any material secured from official U.S. Govt, sources. O American 4ssociation for the 4dvancement of Science; l'4Jun77; 4873290.
A873291. The Apostle Peter speaks to us today. By Holmes Rolston. 99 p. NB: additional text. John Knox Press; 30Jun77;
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