4899763 - 4899797
JUL-DEC. 1977
4899762 (con.) 4rthur: •;5Sep77 4899762.
Jtice: 1976); 4899763. Sachlichkeit als aesthetische Kateqorle bei 41frea Doeblin, 1900-1933. By Heidi Thomann TeuarsoD. Hicrof ilm. Q Beidi Ihouann Tewarson; 15Sep77; 4899763.
4899761. Structural analysis of cellular autoaata. By Dennis Gene Nicholson, nlcrofiln. e Dennis Gene Nicholson: 15Sep77: 4899764.
4899765. Funeral qaaes in Greek literature, art and life. By Lynn Emrich Boiler. Hlcrofili. e Lynn Enrich Boiler; 15Sep77: 4899765.
4899766. 4nti-baseaient meaibrane nephritis in the Brown-Noruav rat: a model ion imDuno- loqically mediated renal disease. By John Lee Robertson. Hicrofilm. 6 John Lee Robertson; 15Sep77: 4899766.
4899767. Juan De tfena*s Coplas de los siete pecados mortales and its continuations: a critical edition and study. By Gladys Hary Rivera. Hicrofiln. NB: preliffl. paqes, chap. 1 S 2, textual notes 6 qlossacies. © Gladys Mary Rivera; 15Sep77: 4899767.
4899768. 4 Study of four uorks of younq Tieck in the liqht of his early critical wcitinqs. £y Leonard Elaer Pufarmann. HicrofilD. @ Leonard Eloer Pubrnann ; 15Sep77; 4899768.
4899769. Iron in Calabria in the ninth and eighth centuries B.C. By tfaurizio Gualtieri. Microfilm, e Haurizio Gualtieri; 15Sep77: 4899769.
4899770. Monetary policy and international capital flovs in stfall open econooies: the Belqian experience. 1961-1973. By Dirk Heremans. Microfila. 3 Dirk Beremans: 15Sep77: 4899770.
&899771. The Lanqudqe of the spirit: typology in John Cotton and Hilliaji] Khitaker. By 4nn Marilyn Kibbey. Microfilm. 6 4nn Marilyn Kibbey; 15Sep77: 4899771.
4899772. 4 Study of buoyancy driven flows in rotatinq fluids motivated by planetary applications. By Charles Roger Carriqan. Microfilm. Q Charles Roger Carriqan; 15Sep77: 4899772.
4899773. The Effects of classroom control and love on creativity. By Cathy Diane BorVman. Microfilm, id Cathy Diane iorkman; 1Jun76: 4899773.
4899771). Child development through the performing arts: proiect information and training manual. Prepared by Theresa Goodell £ Barbara Dion. 316 p. © Copper Country Intermediate School District; 14ug77; 4899774.
4899775. Development of a basic sight Hord lab for teachers of learning disabled children. By Rose M. Moore. 54 p. e Rose B. Boore; 84pr77: 4899775.
4899776. Dasco. 140 p. e D. Silver Hardware Company, Inc.; 1Sep77; 4899776.
4899777. Chapter handbook. 1 v. & 2 inserts. 4ppl. states all new except the titles The 4BC's of parliamentary procedure B Simplified parliamentary procedure. Q Aaerican Society for Psychoprophylaxis in Obstetrics, Inc.; 184ug77; 4899777.
4899778. Bell's British theatre, 1776-1781. Vol. 17. General editor: Byrne B. S. Fone, introductions, notes 6 a new pref. by Byrne R. s. Fone. 1 ». 4ppl. au: 4MS Press, Inc. © on new pref.; 4MS Press, Inc.; 19May77: 4899778.
4899779. Bell's British theatre, 1776-1781. Vol. 18. General editor: Byrne fi. S. Fone, introductions, notes fi a new pref. by Byrne B. S. Pone. 1 v. 4ppl. au: 4BS Press, Inc. on new pref. ; 4BS Press, Inc.; 19Bay77: 4899779.
4899780. Bell's British theatre, 1776-1781. Vol. 10. General editor: Byrne E. S. Fone, introductions, notes & a new pref. by Byrne R. S. Fone. 1 v. 4ppl. au: 4BS Press, Inc. O on pref.; 4MS Press, Inc.; 19May77; 4899780.
4899781. Bell's British theatre, 1776-1781. Vol. 16. General editor: Byrne B. S. Fone, introductions, notes & a new pref. by Byrne R. S. Fone. 1 v. 4ppl. au: 4BS Press, Inc. 6 on new pref. ; 4MS Press, Inc.; 19May77; 4899781.
4899782. Bell's British theatre, selected plays: 1791-1802 and 1797. Vol. 1. General editor: Byrne B. S. Pone, introductions, notes & a new introd. & pref. by Byrne B. S. Fone. 1 V. Appl. au: 4BS Press, Inc. Q on new introd. & pref. ; AMS Press, Inc.; 19aay77; 4899782.
4899783. Bell's British theatre, selected plays: 1791-1802 and 1797. Vol. 9. General editor: Byrne B. S- Fone, introductions, notes e a new pref. by Byrne E. S. Fone. 1 V. Appl. au: 4MS Press, Inc. on new pref.; AMS Press, Inc.; 19May77: A899783.
4899784. Bell's British theatre, selected plays: 1791-1802 and 1797. Vol. 10. General editor: Byrne E. S. Fone, introductions, notes e a new pref. by Byrne B. S. Fone. 1 V. 4ppl. au: 4MS Press, Inc. on new pref.; 4BS Press, Inc.; 19May77; 4899784.
4899785. Bell's British theatre, selected plays: 1791-1802 and 1797. Vol. 11. General editor: Byrne R. S. Fone, introductions, notes & a new pref. by Byrne H. S. Fone. 1 V. 4ppl. au: AMS Press, Inc. on new pref.; AMS Press, Inc.; 19Ba)r77; A899785.
A899786. Bell's British theatre, selected plays: 1791-1802 and 1797. Vol. 15. General editor: Byrne S. S. Fone, introductions, notes e a new pref. by Byrne B. S. Fone. 1 V. Appl. an: ABS Press, Inc. 6 on new pref.; AMS Press, Inc.; 19Bay77; A899786.
A899787. Bell's British theatre, selected plays: 1791-1802 and 1797. Vol. 16. General editor: Byrne B. S. Fone, introductions, notes & a new pref. by Byrne B. S. Fone. 1 V. Appl. au: AMS Press, Inc. O on new pref.; AMS Press, Inc.; 19May77; A899787.
A899788. Bell's British theatre, selected plays: 1791-1802 and 1797. Vol. 12. General editor: Byrne fi. S. Fone, introductions, notes G a new pref. by Byrne B. S. Fone. 1 V. Appl. au: ABS Press, Inc. O on new pref.; AMS Press, Inc.; 19Bay77; A893788.
A899789. Bell's British theatre, selected plays: 1791-1802 and 1797. Vol. 8. General editor: Byrne B. S. Fone, introductions, notes e a new pref. by Byrne B. S. Fone. 1 V. Appl. au: AMS Press, Inc. on new pref.; AMS Press, Inc.; 19May77; A899789.
A899790. Bell's British theatre, selected plays: 1791-1802 and 1797. Vol. 2. General editor: Byrne B. S. Fone, introductions, notes C a new pref. by Byrne R. S. Fone. 1 V. Appl. au: AMS Press, Inc. 6 on new pref. ; AMS Press, Inc. ; 19aay77; A899790.
A899791. Bell's British theatre, selected plays: 1791-1802 and 1797. Vol. 3. General editor: Byrne R. S. Fone, introductions, notes & a new pref. by Byrne B. S. Fone. 1 V. Appl. au: AMS Press, Inc. on new pref.; »MS Press, Inc.; 19flay77; A899791.
A899792. Bell's British theatre, selected plays: 1791-1802 and 1797. Vol. 4. General editor: Byrne B. S. Fone, introductions, notes e a new pref. by Byrne R. S. Fone. 1 V. Appl. au: AMS Press, Inc. 6 on new pref.; AMS Press, Inc.; 19aay77; A899792.
A899793. Bell's British theatre, selected plays: 1791-1802 and 1797. Vol. 7. General editor: Byrne R. S. Fone. introductions, notes & a new pref. by Byrne R. S. Fone. 1 V. Appl. au: AMS Press, Inc. 6 on new pref.; AMS Press, Inc.; 19aay77; A899793.
A899794. Subject index to poetry for children and young people, 1957-1975. Compiled by Dorothy B. Prizzell Smith & Svi L. Andrews. T035 p. Appl. au: American Library Association. O American Library Association; 31Aug77; 4899794.
A899795. Black people who made the Old Vest. By Nilliam Loren Katz. 181 p. Adaptation of author's earlier book. The Black Hest; a documentary and pictorial history. Appl. au: Ethrac Publications, Inc. MM: revisions. Ethrac Publications. Inc. ; 17Aug77; A899795.
A899796. The Jewish presence: essays on identity and history. By Lucy S. Dawidowicz. 308 p. Portions prev. pub. in Commentary magazine & others. NM: compilation £ additional text. 6 Lucy S. Dawidowicz; 20May77: A899796.
A899797. Elementary algebra: new ed. Part 2. By Richard 4. Denholm, Robert G. Onderhill G Mary P. Dolciani. 505 p. 4ppl. states all new except adaptation of an article which appeared in Creative computing. e Houghton Mifflin Company; 9Mar77;
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.