JUL-DEC. 1977
i899722. Parental attitudes, perceptions of parents and soae personality charac- teristics of child abusinq woaen. By Herbert Bichard Baqenau. Hicrofiln, C Herbert Bichard Baqenau; 1SSep77: 4899722.
A899723. Course desiqn in effective vritten canaunicatiou. By aary Levis flcGovan. Blcrofila. Hary Levis HcGovao; 15Sep77: 1899723.
»89972lt. in Examination of t»o theoretical positions on the concept "adolescent turmoil" throuqh the use of nornative data, developmental tasks and internal consistency. By Lee Boy Bunkle. aicrofilm. Lee Boy Bunkle; 15Sep77; A89972I4.
J899725. Hearistic search quidaoce and subqoal analysis in the Synchem2 orqaoic synthesis discovery proqram. By Bichard Harold Boivie. aicrofilm. Bichard Harold Boivie; 15Sep77; i899725.
4899726. Investigations of the photochemistry of mixtures of methane, nitroqen and ammonia with Lyman-alpha radiation. By Jonathan &rno Burke. Hicrofilm. O Jonathan trno Burke; 15Sep77; 4899726.
4899727. The Oriqin of phrasal verbs in Enqlish. By Catherine yirqinia von Schon. Hicrofilm. C Catherine Virginia Von Schon; 15Sep77; 4899727.
4899728. 1: Calculation of vibrational transition moments. 2: Photochemistry of vibra- tionally excited hydrogen iodide. 3; Photochemistry of iodine monochloride in hydrogen. By Bobert Henry Seiner. Hicrofilm. Ct Robert Henry Beiner; 15Sep77: 4899728.
4899729. concordance of the Bible and the poetry of Christina Bossetti. By Hilda Jimenez. Hicrofilm. C Hilda Jimenez; 15Sep77; 4899729.
4899730. Beorqanization of two developmental centers. By Bichard Clark Herqes. Hicrofilm. C Bichard Clark Herges; 15Sep77; 4899730.
4899731. The Distribution of power in sentencing: a policy analysis. By Rarvin Irvinq Zalman. Hicrofilm. Harvin Irving Zalman: 15Sep77; 4899731.
4899732. The Effects of the Junior great books proqram at the intermediate grade level (1-5-61 on t«o intellectual operations, verbal meaninq and ceasoninq ability. By Bichard Kent Cashmau. Hicrofilm. Bichard Kent Cashman; 1SSep77: 4899732.
4899733. 4n In vitro investiqation of the corrosion and capacitative behavior of titanium surqical implant alloys. By Bonald Jay Solar. Hicrofilm. O Bonald Jay Solar; 15Sep77; 4899733.
4899734. Fa/ctocs in assertiveness of Catholic colleqe students. By Shelley Harqed leber. Hicrofilm. O Shelley Harqed Beber; 15Sep77; 4899734.
4899735. Hen, manners and machines; the Toung Han's Institute in antebellum Phila- delphia. By John Bichard Oberti. Hicrofilm. O John Bichard uberti; 15Sep77; 4899735.
4899736. Life insurance company income mea- surements: an analysis of the income smoothing capabilities of selected policy reserving methods. By Terrie Edvard Troxel. Hicrofilm. O Terrie Edvard Troxel; 15Sep77; 4899736.
4899737. The Specification of behavioral objectives in probation supervision. By Todd Bay Clear. Hicrofilm. O Todd Bay Clear; 15Sep77; 4899737.
4899738. The Hedical Information Bureau and its impact on underuritinq. By Harold Dallas Skipper, Jr. Hicrofilm. Harold Dallas Skipper, Jr.; 15Sep77; 4899738.
4899739. The Psycho-physiology of premature ejaculation: some factors related to ejaculatory latency. By Baiter Friedrich Johannes Spiess. Hicrofilm. O Baiter Friedrich Johannes Spiess; 15Scp77; 4899739.
48997U0. Studies in structure in three Old Enqlish poems. By Hichael Joseph o'Shea. Hicrofilm. Hichael Joseph O'Shea; 15Sep77; 48997140.
48997Q1. The Story sermon as a ministry to children and adults in the light of psycholoqical insight and New Testament understanding of parable. By John Kenneth Bontrager. Hicrofilm. John Kenneth Bontrager; 15Sep77; 4899741.
4899742. Colonial colleges and politics: Tale, King's Colleqe, and the College of Philadelphia, 1740-17614. By Elizabeth H. Lang. Hicrofilm. O Elizabeth H. Lanq; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4899742.
4899743. Narrative and direct discourse in three old French epics. By Kathryn Kristine acHahon. Hicrofilm. O Kathryn Kristine HcHahon; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); 4899743.
48997144. The Concept of the helping relationship in school counseling: a philosophical analysis. By J. Janice Belle. Hicrofilm. J. Janice Belle; 15Sep77; 4899744.
4899745. 4n Investiqation of selected factors as related to job satisfaction: and selected concepts, needs, occupational reinforcer pattern, job satisfaction, satisfac- tociness, in clinical nurse specialists. By Gertrude Kay Bamseier HcFarland. Hicrofilm. O Gertrude Kay Bamseier HcFarland; 15Sep77; 4899745.
4899746. 4 Dual reciprocity map for local fields. By Thomas aadison Lamm. Hicrofilm. O Thomas Hadison Lamm; 15Sep77; 4899746.
4899747. The Effects of a behavioral consultation proqram on consultees, clients, and the social environment. By 4braham Horris Jeqer. aicrofilm. 4brahan Horris Jeqer; 15Sep77; 4899747.
4899748. Studies on the arrangement of repeated sequences in DH4. By William Baymond Pearson. Hicrofilm. Ullliam Baymond Pearson; 15Sep77; 4899748.
4899749. The Verbal system of Togail bruidne da derga. By Bobert Kirk Headley, Jr. aicrofilm. O Bobert Kirk Headley, Jr. ; 15Sep77; 4899749.
4899750. John 4. Uidtsoe: rational apologist. By Dale Campbell LeCheminant. aicrofilm. O Dale Campbell LeCheminant; 15Sep77; 4899750.
4899751. Studies on the tole of arginine in vaccinia virus replication. By Richard James Oaemer. aicrofilm. Bichard James Daemer; 15Sep77; 4899751.
4899752. The Belationsbip betveen dominance and sexuality in college women. By Constance Eileen Kay-Beczek. Hicrofilm. e Constance Eileen Kay-Rcczek; 15Sep77; 4899752.
4899753. Interpersonal biofeedback. By John Delbert Perry, Jr. Hicrofilm. O John Delbert Perry, Jr.; 15Sep77; 4899753.
4899754. The Regulation of pyruvate kinase in Chromatium vinosum. By Daniel Joseph Lavoie. Hicrofilm. O Daniel Josepn Lavoie; 15Sep77; 4899754.
4899755. 4 Begional study of the job satisfaction of social workers. By Horley David Glicken. aicrofilm. aorley David Glicken; 15Sep77; 4899755.
4899756. The Teaching style Q-sort and its use in examining relationships between teaching style and selected teacher variables. By Hichael Bayne Heikkinen. Hicrofilm. Hichael Bayne Heikkinen; 15Sep77; 4899756.
4899757. 4 Formal plan for a principal to get feedback from faculty to improve leadership behavior. By Socrates 4rthur Lagios. Hicrofilm. O Socrates 4rthur Lagios; 15Sep77; 4899757.
4899758. "In the land of the lemon trees": the exotic in Uallace Stevens. By Ernest John rates. Hicrofilm. O Ernest John Yates; 15Sep77: 4899758.
4899759. Beforming leisure: the birth of mass culture and the motion picture industry, 1896-1920. By Lary Linden Hay. Hicrofilm! O Lary Linden Hay; 15Sep77; 4899759.
4899760. Colonial Cebu: an economic-social history, 1521-1896. By Bruce Leonard Fenner. aicrofilm. Bruce Leonard Penner; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4899760.
4899761. Geographic mobility, employment change and income change: a study of status attainment. By Bichard John Harris. Hicrofilm. O Bichard John Harris; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); 4899761.
4899762. Possibilities of place: the fiction of Billiam Faulkner. By Christopher Edward
Arthur. Hicrofilm. O Christopher Edward
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.