JUL-DEC. 1977
1899490 (con.) teit. Perry<jra£, division of Nashua Corporation: 29Dec73; 1899490.
»8991(91. Sidereai tiae calculator. Add. ti: Forth Inc. sidereal tine calculator. NH: coBpilation 6 additional teit. Perryqraf, division o£ Nashua Cor- poration: 25liaq77: A899II91.
AB99«92. Issues and crises durinq aiddlescence. BV Joanne Sabol Stevenson. 230 p. Appleton-Century-Crofts, a publishinq division of Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 30Auq77; A899II92.
A8991193. eiarshallese-Enqlish dictionary. By Takali Abo, Byron N. Bender, Alfred Capelle 6 Tony Debrai. 589 p. The Oniversity Press of Ravaii; 24Nov76; »899l»93.
A899l)9a. God's provision: connunion aeditation. Vol. 7727. Auq. 7, 1977. 6 p. Appl. au: Peter Harshall. Peter Marshall; 7Auq77: A899lt9l).
A899495. Perchance to drean; seraon. Vol. 7728, Auq. 14, 1977. 7 p. Appl. au: Peter Harshall. Peter Harshall: 1«Auq77: A899U95.
Ae99496. Zacchaeus; seraon. Vol. 7729, Aug. 21, 1977. 7 p. Appl. au: Peter Harshall. peter Harshall: 21Auq77: A899496.
A899497. PceedoB froa the tyranny of the ouqht; seraon. Vol. 7730, Auq. 28, 1977. 7 p. Appl. au: Peter Harshall. Peter Harshall: 28Auq77: A899497.
A899498. Sonona County, CA, telephone directory, October 1977. O The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Coapany: 27Sep77; A899498.
A899499. South Bay, CA, telephone directory, October 1977. O The Pacific Telephone and telegraph Coapany: 20Sep77: A899499.
A899500. Southern Alaaeda county. CA, street address telephone directory, October 1977. The Pacific Telephone and Teleqraph Coapany: 20Sep77: A899500.
A899501. aouard H. Saas photofact service. Vol. 168, photofact folder sets no. 1671-1680. 1 V. Howard U. Sams and Coapany, Inc. ; 20Sep77: A899501.
A899S02. Boca Baton and Deerfield Beach and surrounding coaaunities including separate listing sections for Delray Beach, Poapano Beach. FL, telephone directory, 1977-78. O Southern Bell Telephone and Teleqraph Coapany: 28Sep77; A899502.
A899503. Hollywood, PL, and surroundinq coaaunities telephone directory. 1977-78. Southern Bell Telephone and Teleqraph Coapany: 30sep77: A899503.
Ae99504. Boca Paton and Deerfield Beach and surrounding coaaunities includinq separate listing sections for Delray Beach, FL. and others telephone directory, 1977-78. Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Coapany: 28Sep77: A899504.
A899505. BO 4000 tape cleaner technical aanual. Vol. 2: illustrated parts catalog. 1 v. Add. ti: B04000 tape cleaner illustrated parts catalog. Prev. pub. Feb. 1974. NH: revisions. O Burroughs Corporation; 6Sep77; A899505.
A899S06. Installaent loan-tera unknown. 13 p. Burroughs Corporation; 9Aug77: A899506.
1899507. Add-on/APB conversion. 10 p. Prev. reg. A592739 £ others. NH: additions 6 revisions. O Burroughs Corporation; 9Auq77: A899507.
A899508. Installaent loan-A.P.a. finance rate with insurance. 13 p. O Burroughs Corporation; 9Auq77: A899508.
A899509. Installaent loan-two variations of finance rate. 1 5 p. O Burroughs Corporation: 9Auq77: A899509.
Ae99510. Loan with interest added, interest discounted. 9 p. Prev. pub. 3Jan75. NH: additions & revisions. Burroughs Corporation; 9Aug77; A899510.
A899511. B 80 ACSYS disk prograaainq reference aanual. 1 v. Burroughs Corporation; 22Sep77: A899511.
A899512. User guide to debugging operation guide. 1 V. (S 1000 systea software, vol. 3) Burroughs Corporation; 21Ser77; A899512.
A899513. B 1700 EPL conpiler and meaory allocators operation guide. 1 v. (S 1000 systea software, vol. 1) O Burroughs Corporation; 22Sep77; A899513.
A899514. Dez coapatibility guide: facsiaile coaaunications procedures. 1 v. Graphic Sciences, Inc. ; 1Sep77; A899514.
A899515. B 9247-15 1500 LPH line printer technical aanual. Vol. 2: illustrated parts catalog. 1 v. O Burroughs Corporation: 22Sep77; A899515.
A899516. BHIS medical records index terainal operator's aanual: prelia. ed. 1 v. d Burroughs Corporation; 3Aug77; A899516.
A899517. cotaercial BHS 2 general ledger aodule user-installation-operators aanual. Sheets. Prev. reg. A886808. NB: additional text. Burroughs Corporation; 20Jun77; A899517.
A899518. Experience based reading. No. 3. By Nancy E. Allen Jurenka. 1 v. Appl. au: Educational Besearch Council of America. O Educational Research Council of Aaerica; 20JU177; A899518.
A899519. Experience based reading. No. 4. By Nancy E. Allen Jurenka. 1 v. Appl. au: Educational Besearch Council of Aaerica. O Educational Besearch Council of Aaerica; 15Sep77; A899519.
A899S20. The Haven. By Graham B. Diamond. introductory map by Edward Heehan. 347 p. Accoupanied by cover illus. 6 introductory map. reg. K126343. G. R. Diamond a.k.a. Graham Diamond; 20Jun77; A8:49520.
A899521. Labor law; consolidated table of cases £ index. By Kheel. case table by Hatthew Bender and Company, Inc. editorial staff e index by Janet Hunt Hadley. 1 v. (Business organizations, vol. 18-181) Volume also published as Kheel, Labor law. consolidated table of cases and index. Appl. au: Hatthew Bender and coapany. employer for hire. NH: additional coapilation & editorial revison. O Hatthew Bender and Coapany, Inc.; 27JU177; A899521.
A899522. A Tiae for desire. By June Uetherell. 341 p. O June Bctherell; 15Aug77: A899522.
A899523. 750 Park Avenue. By Cabot L. Forbes, pseud, of Edwin P. Uoyt. 407 p. (The Bradford saga, vol. 3) O Caaot L. Forbes; 15Aug77: A899523.
A899 524. The Devil to pay. By Hunter Adams. 183 p. (The Han from Planet X, no. 3) Lyle Kenyon Engel: 15Aug77; A899524.
A899525. The Corporate caper. By Stuart Jason. 166 p. (The Butcher, no. 25) O Script Bepresentatives. Inc.; 15Aug77; A899525.
A899526. Volcano aondo. By Ed fiieckaann. Jr. 211 p. C Ed Dieckaann. Jr.; 15Att977: 1899526.
A899527. Foraation tops data file for western HyoBing. Vol. 1-4 £ 6. Project 51574. 5 V. O Peppard-Souders and Associates; 13Feb76: A899527.
A89952e. Cotton blossoa: Temple High School. Vol. 63, 1977. 320 p. Appl. au: yearbook Staff, Temple High School. Temple High School Publications; 27Aug77; A899528.
A899529. Bealth organizations of the United States, Canada and internationally: a directory of voluntary associations, professional societies and other groups concerned with health and related fields. Hanaging editor: Paul Uasserman. associate editor: Jane K. Bossart. 4th ed. 327 p. e Paul Hasseraan; 10Aug77; A899529.
1899530. The Hereditary register of the Onited states of laerica, 1977. Editor: Jeroae Francis Beattie. 766 p. Ippl. au: The' Hereditary Begister Publications, Inc. O The Hereditary Begister Publications. Inc.; 12Jul77: 1899530.
A899531. Yesterday, today and toaorrow. 1977. 500 p. Appl. au: Bobert S. Jennings. O J. G. Ferguson Publishing Company: 1NOV76; 1899531.
A899S32. Riddle. By Dan Sherman. 217 p. C Dan Sherman; 31Auq77; Ae99S32.
A899533. Manual of human behavior to secure peace of mind. By Bernard G. Hildebrand. 64 p. Harion H. Eristoff; 9Har77; A899533.
Bes aaorata et cetera. By Carol Powell.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.