4899329 - »899369
JUL-DEC. 1977
4899328 (con.) ceoturv aotet: an aDalytical study of tbe ootets in the Old corpus of the aon- tpelller nanusccipt. By Josephine Spencer Bait. Bicrofila. ippl. states all new except musical exaaples. Josephine Spencer Hart: 15Sep77; 4899328.
4899329. Kinetics of batch and continuous-flow activated sludqe processes. By Morton Wallace Beed. Bicrofila. Horton Wallace Heed; 15Sep77; 4899329.
4899330. 411eD Tate and Donald Davidson: the study of a literary friendship. By Bartha Eaily cook. Bicrofila. Bartha Eaily Cook: 15Sep77: 4899330.
4899331. Patterns of transgression via nonverbal coamunication: a cross-cultural study. By Lanny Lloyd Snodqrass. Bicrofila. Lanny Lloyd Snodqrass: 15Sep77: 4899331.
4899332. The lapact of electronic data processing on business education in the secondary schools of Oregon. By Jaail Elias Effarah. Bicrofila. C Jaail Elias Effarah: 15Sep77: 4899332.
4899333. The Dialectic of selfhood in the works of Soeren Kierkegaard. By Joel Bobert Saith. Bicrofila. e Joel Bobert Saith; 15Sep77; 4899333.
48993311. Count Ciano: foreign affairs and policy deteraination in Fascist Italy, January 1939-June 19<t0. By Barcia Pishel Lavine. Bicrofila. Barcia Pishel Lavine: 15Sep77: 489933U.
4899335. Chroaatin and histones in the zebra fish, Brachydanio rerio: template availability, histones and HN4 synthesis during early development. By Balph 4ndrus Downs. Bicrofila. Balph drus Downs: 15Sep77: 4899335.
4899336. Speech and language effects of vascular lesions in the ainor heaisphere. By David Lawrence Rivers. Bicrofila. David Lawrence Rivers: 15Sep77: 4899336.
4899337. Boriz Carriere and the developaent of coaparative literature. By Peter Theodor Leithaann. Bicrofila. Peter Theodor Leithaann: 15Sep77: 4899337.
4899338. The Complete works of George Gascoiqne. Vol. 1-3. By Sichard Geldart Barlow. Bicrofila. Richard Geldart Barlow; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); 4899338.
4899339. 4n Exaaination of deficit aodelinq concepts as applied to 4f rican-4fflericans in the area of psychology. By Philip Joseph Raphael. Bicrofila. C Philip Joseph Baphael: l5Sep77: 4899339.
4899340. Betorica en los autos sacramentales de Lope de Vega. By Osvaldo 4. Estenoz. Bicrofilm. Osvaldo 4. Estenoz: 15Sep77; 48993«0.
48993111. BastlcatioD in the golden hamster (Besocricetus auratus) By Gerard Charles Gorniak. Bicrofila. Gerard Charles Gorniak: 15Sep77; 48993111.
48993V2. The Relationship of the University of Oregon special education nasters proqraa competencies to professional use in the field. By Helen Shirley Virgin. Bicrofila. O Helen Shirley Virgin; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); 4899342.
4899343. The Ottoaan Tahrir Oefters as a source for urban demographic history: the case study of Trabzon (circa 11*86-1583) By Heath a. Lowry. Bicrofila. O Heath H. Lowry; 15Sep77: 4899343.
4899344. The Foreign investaent screening process in LDCs; case of Colombia (1967-1975) By Francois Jean Lombard. Bicrofila. <d Francois Jean Lombard; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4899344.
4899345. Bequlation of allotype expression in heterozygous rabbits. By Edward Saul Kimball. Bicrofilm. Edward Saul Kitball; 15Sep77: 4899345.
4899346. Th3 Supplicationes variae in Florence: a late Dugento manuscript. By 4ay Neff BcNeary. Bicrofilm. 4my Neff BcHeary; 15Sep77; 4899346.
4899347. Ultrasonically enhanced diffusion of macrofflolecules in gels. By Nance Dicciani Kunz. Bicrofilm. Uance Dicciani Kunz; 15Sep77; 4899347.
4899348. 4egina and 4thens in the archaic and classical periods: a socio-political investigation. By Thomas John Figueira. Bicrofila. O Thomas John Figueira; 15Sep77; 4899348.
4899349. Spokesmen for the "dispossessed": a content analysis of the public address of Eugene Debs, Daniel DeLeon, and Uilliaa Haywood. By Uinfred Gordon 411en, Jr. Bicrofila. O Uinfred Gordon 411en, Jr.; 15Sep77; 4899349.
4899350. Bodified benders decomposition and nonconvex programs. By Lee-ping chyan. Bicrofila. O lee-ping Chyan; 15Sep77; 4899350.
4899351. Studies in reliability: part 4, Single-component failure/repair, part B, Nuclear containment reliability via Honte Carlo. By Jan 41exander Grzesik. Bicrofilm. Jan 41exander Grzesik; 15Sep77; 4899351.
4899352. Recognition of minor antigenic determinants by cytotoxic T cells in rats. By 4nn Barshak. Bicrofilm. 4nn Harshak; 15Sep77; 4899352.
4899353. The Variable self and the constant other. By Cecilia Helene Solano. Bicrofilm. Cecilia Helene Solano; 15Sep77; 4699353.
4899354. 4 Bacroeconometric forecasting model for Brazil. By 4na Baria Jul. nicrofilm. e 4na Baria Jul; 15Sep77; 4899354.
4899355. Bontaigne and Cicero. By Virginia Storrie Bansey. Bicrofilm. O Virginia Storrie Bansey; 15Sep77; 4899355.
4899356. Scaling perceptions and preferences of forest scenes from the Coram experimental forest: an application of multi- dimensional scaling. By Boy Frederick Touzeau. Microfilm. O Roy Frederick Touzeau; 15Sep77; 4899356.
4899357. The Norman architecture of Gloucester Cathedral, formerly the 4bbey of Saint Peter. By James Crammond 411port Thompson, Jr. Bicrofila. O Jaaes Craaaond 411port Tboapson, Jr.; 15Sep77; 4699357.
4899358. On the predictability of the p-class estimator in econoaic aodels. By Stephen Jay Chazen. Bicrofila. O Stephen Jay Chazen; 15Sep77; 4899358.
4899359. Religion and change aaong the 4nnang and Ibibio, 1846-1930. By Clayton Thoaas Udoh. Bicrofila. O Clayton Thoaas Odoh; 15Sep77; 4899359.
4899360. 4 Syntactic analysis of lakelaa texts. By Daythal Lee Kendall. Bicrofila. Daythal Lee Kendall; 15Sep77; 4899360.
4899361. The Effects of the Cyprus crisis on the Greek political systea and on the foreign policy orientation of party elites: a linkage approach. By Christos Polykarpos loannides. Microfilm. O Christos Polykarpos loannides; 15Sep77; 4899361.
4899362. Electrical and adaptive properties of rod photoreceptors in Bufo marinus: interrelated effects of Ca2», cyclic nucleotides, and prostaglandins as intracellular messengers. By Stuart 4rthur Lipton. Bicrofilm. Stuart 4rthur Lipton; 15Sep77; 4899362.
4899363. The News organization and news operations of the urban press: a sociological analysis based on two case studies. By Linda Bush Lannus. Bicrofilm. O Linda Bush Lannus; 15Sep77; 4899363.
4899364. Pioneers and politics: statemaking in the Far Best, 1845-1865. By David 41au Johnson. Bicrofila. e David 41an Johnson; 15Sep77; 4899364.
4899365. Evolution of thought in the prose fiction of Carlos Puentes. By Genevieve Mary Ramirez. Bicrofilm. 6 Genevieve Bary Ramirez; 15Sep77; 4899365.
4899366. 4merican revivalism and tbe convert role: a study in the sociology of religion. By Ceroid L. HancK. Bicrofila. a Gerold L. Hanck; 15Sep77; 4899366.
4899367. The Gorgas Bill Complex project. By Jeffrey Loren Kenyon. Bicrofila. Jeffrey Loren Kenyon; 15Sep77; 4899367.
4899368. Suckling in the developing rat: the importance of olfaction and a putative nursing pheromone. By Bartin Hersch Teicher. Bicrofilm. O Bartin Hersch Teicner; 15Sep77; 4899368.
4899 369. Slave folklife on the Uaccamaw Neck: antebellUB black culture in the South Carolina Lowcouotry. By Charles Rinston Joyner. Bicrofilm. O Charles Hinston
Joyner; 15Sep77; 4899369.
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