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A899287 - A899328


JUL-DEC. 1977

A899286 (con.) Eichard Neil Greatyood; 15Sep77; A899286.

A899287. Characterization, disposition and origin of locallv synthesized axonal proteins. By Robert David Frankel. Microfila. e Robert David Frankel: 15Sep77; A899287.

4899288. What calls forth heresy? an essay on the developoent of doqoa within a Heidegqerian context. By Hilliai Edvacd Reiser. nlcrofilD. e William Edward Reiser; 15Sep77; 4899288.

A899289. Effects of sex of intervieuer* sex of subiect and intimacy-level of intervieuer disclosure on intimacy-level of subject disclosure. By Neal Arthur Buchman. Hicrofilm. 6 Neal 4rthur Buchman; 15Sep77; A899289.

A899290. Reducing musical performance anxiety: a revie« of literature and a self-help manual. By Jon Rodney Haite. Microfilm. e Jon Rodney Raite; 15Sep77; 4899290.

A899291. Image of empire: British imperial attitudes in fiction, 1900-1939. By Kathcyne Slate acDorman. aicrofilm. O Kathryne Slate HcDorman; 1SSep77: 4899291.

A899292. An Investigation of student trusteeship in the anited States. By Valerie Leigh Hclntyre. Hlcrofilm. 6 Valerie Leigh aclntyre; 15Sep77; A899292.

A899293. Performance practice of aleatory piano music. By Joan Harie Hlldman. Hicrofilm. Appl. states all new except musical examples. Joan Harie Hildman; 15Sep77: A899293.

4a9929«. An Investigation of consumer perceptions of, and preferences for, selected tourist destinations: a multidimensional scaling approach. By Jonathan Nedabiah Goodrich. Hicrofilm. G Jonathan Nedabiah Goodrich; 15Sep77; A899294.

A899295. Combinatorial construction of topo- logically analytic maps. By Cloyd Lee Ezell, Jr. Hicrofilm. Cloyd Lee Ezell, Jr.; 15Sep77; A899295.

A899296. Implementation of Chapter 211 of the la«s of 1974 of Nen York State: creating a paper tiger. By Harllyn Anne Hopkins. Hicrofilm. C Harilyn Anne Hopkins; 15Sep77: A899296.

4899297. Popular and traditional spectacles in the works of Ghelderode: a study of the relations between setting, technique and theme. By 4nita Edith Sicroff. Hicrofilm. e Anita Edith Sicroff; 15Sep77: A899297.

4899298. 4n Investigation of the relationship between the stress intensity factor, crack tip displacement and closure in a time dependent material. By James Rayne Jones. Hicrofilm. 6 James iayne Jones; 15Sep77; 4899298.

4899299. Urban race riots and social change: an analysis of two cities. By Earl Nathaniel H. Gooding. Hicrofilm. Earl Nathaniel H. Gooding; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); 4899299.

4899300. The Influence of David Hartley's observations on man on Wordsworth's post-1802 poetry and aesthetics. By Sue Reaver Qestbrook. Hicrofilm. 6 Sue Reaver Restbrook; 15Sep77; A899300.

A899301. Andrew Lytle and the mythmaking process. By Elizabeth Francine Sarcon^. Hicrofilm. e Elizabeth Francine Sarcone; 15Sep77; A899301.

4899302. Hixed boundary value problems in magneto-elastodynamics. By Animesh C. Basu-Hajumder. Hicrofilm. 6 Animesh C. Basu-Majumder; 15Sep77; A899302.

A899303. A Hodel for planning and managing national parks. By Laurence Edwin Keith Prosser Hicrofilm. d Laurence Edwin Keith Prosser; 15Sep77; A899303.

A89930it. 4 Critique of the libertarian view of rights. By Harvey Hugh LaFollette. Hicrofilm. e Hugh LaFollette; 15Sep77; 4899304.

A899305. Suburban government, public policy and community health. By Timothy Daniel Schiltz. Hicrofilm. Q Timothy Daniel Schiltz; 15Sep77; A899305.

A899306. Decorum and Shelley. By John Frederick Schell. Hicrofilm. John Frederick Schell; 15Sep77; A899306.

A899307. Purification and phosphorylation of rat liver glycogen: synthase 1. By Hary Frances Jett. Hicrofilm. © Hary Frances Jett; 15Sep77; 4899307.

4899308. Efficiency of auditory judgments as a function of task, cue and stimulus parameters. By Barbara H. Goldman. Hicrofilm. Q Barbara H. Goldman; 15Sep77: A899308.

A899309. An Extension of Thorstein Veblen's The Theory of the leisure class to the contemporary consumption of educational services. By Hyles H. Bigenwald. Hicrofilm. b Hyles H. Bigenwald; 15Sep77; 4899309,

A899310. Starvation, morality and the right to be saved. By Hilliam Hamblen Aiken, Jr. Hicrofilm. & uilliam Hamblen Aiken, Jr.; 15Sep77; 4899310.

A899311. The Effects of an English language training and orientation program on . foreign student adaptation at the State Oniversity of New York at Buffalo. By Stephen Charles Dunnett. Hicrofilm. e Stephen Charles Dunnett; 15Sep77; A899311.

A899312. Analysis of econometric models containing unobservables. By Bharat Kumar Rao Kolluri. Hicrofilm. 6 Bharat Kumar Rao Kolluri; 15Sep77; A899312.

4899313. Reflection spectroscopy of dye monolayer films. By Peter Gary Sherman. Hicrofilm. Peter Gary Sherman; 15Sep77; 4899313.

4899314. 4 Prehistoric culture sequence in the Portland Basin of the lower Columbia Valley. By Richard Hunro Pettigrcw. Hicrofilm. 6 Richard Honro Pettigrew; 1SSep77; 4899314.

4899315. D. H. Lawrence's "Carbon" and Rilhelm Reich's "Core:" the bio-psychological basis of the The Rainbow. By Dennis Roy Hoerner. Hicrofilm. Dennis Roy Hoerner; 15Sep77; A899315.

A899316. An Economic analysis of the greater Sao Paulo fluid milk market. By Francisco Araujo Salles De Souza. Hicrofilm. Q Francisco Araujo Salles De Souza; 15Sep77; 4899316.

4899317. Pharmacodynamics of furan analogs of muscarine. By Richard Frederick Ochillo. Hicrofilm. 6 Richard Frederick Ochillo; 15Sep77; A899317.

4899318. The Poetry of Ernesto Cardenal. By Paul Ralter Borgeson, Jr. Hicrofilm. O Paul Halter Borgeson, Jr.; 15Sep77; A899318.

A899319. An Econometric test of the purchasing power parity theory: Canada, 1870-1975. By Richard Nicholas Dino. Hicrofilm. Richard Nicholas Dino; 15Sep77; 4999319.

4899320. The Fibroblast kinin-generating system. By Hsin Chwen Li. Hicrofilm. 6 Hsin Chwen Li; 15Sep77; A899320.

4899321. "Studies of mechanisms of: 1, nucleop- hilic reactions of a,B unsaturated cacbonyl compounds; 2, acid and enzyme catalyzed hydrolysis of thioglucosides. By Paul 4soug Lartey. Hicrofilm. Paul 4song Lartey; 15Sep77; 4899321.

4899322. The Social control of black higher education. By Jesse Hallace Jackson. Hicrofilm. Jesse Rallace Jackson; 15Sep77: A899322.

A899323. Patriarchy and biological necessity — a feminist and anarchist critique. By Harilyn Hyerson Ferrandino. Hicrofilm. Q Harilyn Hyerson Ferrandino; 15Sep77; A899323.

A899324. Some at initio molecular calculations, using the HF-SCF program Hondo and the pair orbital correlation method. By Hichel Dupuis. Hicrofilm. 3 Hichel Dupuis; 15Sep77; A899324.

4899325. The Use of ionizing radiation for color removal and increased biodegradability in tannery wastes. By George John Hyfantis, Jr. Hicrofilm. C George John Hyfantis, Jr.; 15sep77; 4899325.

A899326. Horale and values among teachers. By Claude Albert Heyers. Hicrofilm. O Claude Albert Heyers; 15Sep77; 4899326.

4899327. The Theme of freedom in the life and works of flarko Vovcok. By fioxolana Haria Burachynskyj. Hicrofilm. Roxolana Haria Burachynskyj; 15Sep77; 4899327.


Musical structure in the thirteenth-


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