JUL-DEC. 1977
i899244. The Short fiction of Bail Harriot. B? JohD Francis Byrnes. Hicrofiln. John Francis Byrnes; 15Sep77: A899244.
t8992itS. Estlaation of the Cobb-Douqlas and CES production functions in Korea, 1957-1975. Bv Hacheonq Teon. Bicrofila. O Hacheonq Yeon; 15Sep77: i8992t5.
A8992lt6. Chaucer and literary qenre. By Patrick Joseph Panzarelia. Bicrofila. Patrick Joseph Panzarelia; 15Sep77; A899246.
A8992117. A Study of non-equiaolar ternary qas diffusion. By Bonald Chinq-ronq Tai. Bicrofila. Ronald Cbinq-conq Tai; 15Sep77; A899247.
A8992U8. Stradanus and the hunt. By Helaoet Bok-van Kaaaen. Bicrofila. ielaoet Bok-yan Kaaaen; 15Sep77: Aa99248.
A8992U9. Lateral differences in the aevborn infant* s response to speech and noise stiauli. By Madeline Haaaer. Bicrofila. Hadeline Haaaer: 15Sep77; A899249.
A899250. Edenist literary statesaanship and The Hritings of Benry Thoreau. By Peter Francis Bclnerney. Bicrofila. O Peter Francis Bclnerney; 15Sep77; A899250.
A899251. An Eapirical test of reciprocity theory in a siaulated naturalistic setting: the effect of contextual factors on the reciprocation of aggressive and con- structive behavior. By Eobert Paul HussbauB. Bicrofila. Kobert Paul Nussbaua; 15Sep77: A899251.
A899252. Collective action by public school teachers; a study of collective action as a aethod of enhancinq professional status and autonoay uithin bureaucratic organizations. By Nolan Jaaes Arqyle. Bicrofila. C Nolan Jaaes Argyle; 15Sep77; A899252.
A899253. The Life and works of Hariana Grisvold Van Bensselaer, Aaerican art critic. By Cynthia Doerinq Kinnard. Bicrofila. Cynthia Doerinq Kinnard; 1SSep77; A899253.
A89925U. In-service traininq for experienced, uncertified priaary school teachers in Hiqeria: analysis of the essentials needed for coaprehensive planning. By Jaaes Akosin Okezie. Bicrofila. Jaaes Akosia Okezie; 15Sep77: A899251.
A899255. Eduard Taylor in Hestfield. By Thoaas uilliaa Stender. Bicrofila. O Thoaas Silliaa Stender; 15Sep77: A899255.
A899256. Hethods of likelihood inference for the relative risk function. By Linda iilliaas Pickle. Bicrofila. O Linda Silliaas Pickle; 15Sep77; A899256.
A899257. Doqaatisa and classrooa structure in adult reaedial aatheaatics education. By B. Bark Schuartz. Bicrofila. B. Hark Schnartz; 1 5Sep77 ; A899257.
A899258. Botationally invaclant kernel systeas of analytic functions on the unit disk. By Thoaas Burrotfs Dennis. Bicrofila.
A899259. Bureaucratic crisis and executive leadership: corruption in police departaents. By John Joseph HcGlennon. Bicrofila. O John Joseph BcGlennoo; 15Sep77; A899259.
A899260. The Theory and experiaent of an optical device exhibiting blstability and differential qain. By T. H. c. Ven- katesan. Bicrofila. T. N. C. Venkatesan; 15sep77; A899260.
Ae99261. A Study of parental and faaily factors and adolescent occupational plans. By Haureen BcArdle Kaley. Bicrofila. Maureen BcArdle Kaley; 15Sep77; A899261.
A899262. Sauqqling on the Isle of Ban, 1725-1800. By Jack Onge. Bicrofila. Jack Onge; 15Sep77: A899262.
A899263. Fear of death: the effect of parental behavior and personality upon the behavior and personality of their children. By flary Noriue Dugan. Bicrofila. Bary Boriue Ouqan; 15Sep77; A899263.
Aa99264. Synthesis of aryl-fused tetrathia- fulvalenes: possible aodel coapounds for study of the excitonic aechanisa of superconductivity. By shu-jing Caroline BU. Bicrofila. Shu-jing Caroline Bu; 15Sep77: A899264.
A899265. Bobert Broaninq and the Snostic tradition. By David Lewis Bergaan. Bicrofila. O David Lewis Berqaan; 1SSep77: A899265.
A899266. A Coaaentary on Bousseau*s Second discourse. By Sarah Thurow. Bicrofila. 6 Sarah Thurow; 15Sep77: Ae99266.
A899267. The Acguisition of basic and aodified size teras: an interaction of cognitive and linguistic operations. By Bita Sloan Berndt. Bicrofila. Bita Sloan Berndt; 1SSep77; A899267.
A89926B. Towards an integrated theory of language planning (with special eaphasis on Africa) By c. J. Eaeka oi^onkwo. Bicrofila. C. J. Eaeka Okonkwo; 15Sep77; Aa99268.
A899269. The Bodern phase and conclusion of the Chinese rites controversy. By George Hisaharu Blnaaiki. Bicrofila. C George Bisaharu Binaaiki; 15Sep77; A899269.
A899270. Bikhoff-Pfaffian systeas. By Edwin Garfield Clawsey. Bicrofila. Edwin Garfield Clawsey; 15Sep77; A899270.
A899271. Field-dependence-independence and learning style in sixth graders. By Stefanie Beth Kaley. Bicrofila. O stefanie Beth Kaley; 15Sep77; A899271.
A899272. A Study of the theoretical basis of the Aaerican founders* bicaaeral preference, 1776-1790. By Clyde Chester Balker. Bicrofila. O Clyde Chester talker; 15Scp77; A899272.
AS99273. The Political status and function of Plato* s ayths. By Donald Boward Boy, Jr. Bicrofila. O Donald Howard Boy, Jr.; 15Sep77; A899273.
A89927l(. The Learning of evaluative judgaents: an eapirical investigation. By Bohaaaed Bendebba. Bicrofila. O Bohaaaed Bendebba; 15Sep77; A89927«.
A899275. Counselor-assistants for a geriatric prograa in a coaaunity hospital. By Susan Bluaenfield. Bicrofila. Susan Bluaenfleld; 15Sep77; A89927S.
Aa99276. Synthesis of new pyriaidine and pyrazine nucleosides. By Pittaya Tuntiwachwut- tikul. Bicrofila. O Pittaya Tunti- wachwuttikul; 15Sep77; Aa99276.
Aa99277. Toward the developaent of a conceptual aodel for day care centers: based on the concept of the child as an open systea. By Barcia Petrini Sullivan. Bicrofila. 6 Barcia Petrini Sullivan; 15Sep77; A899277.
A899278. Aaalarius of Hetz and the singing of the Carolingian offices. By Boger Hilliaa Evans. Bicrofila. O Boger Hilliaa Evans; 15Sep77; A899278.
A899279. John Keats and the aesthetics of the iaagination. By Hilliaa Joseph Bartin. Bicrofila. O Hilliaa Joseph Bartin; 15Sep77; A899279.
A899280. Doubly stochastic approxiaations of real square natrices. By Eva Achilles. Bicrofila. O Eva Achilles; 1SSep77: A899260.
A899281. An Exploratory analysis of national perceptions of the Arab-Israeli conflict as represented through world newspapers: an international conaunication study. By Alan Jay Zareaba. Bicrofila. O Alan Jay Zareaba; 15Sep77; A8992ai.
A899282. The Adainistrative role in the introduction of African languages as primary aedia of instruction in African schools: an exploratory study. By Japhet B. Zwana. Bicrofila. Japhet B. Zwana; 15Sep77; A899282.
A899283. A People* s voice: the rhetorical art of Tennyson's public poetry. By Bartha Buaphreys Andrews Mord. Bicrofila. Bartha Buaphreys Andrews Bord; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976) ; Aa99283.
A89928<t. Kinetics of the general base catalyzed beta-eij aination of para substituted phenoxides froa U- (p-substituted phenoxy) -2-oxo-butanoic acids. By Jaaes Bichael Bilbert. Bicrofila. Jaaes Michael Bilbert; 15Sep77; A899284.
A8992e5. A Study of despair in Paradise lost. By Joan F. Gilliland. Bicrofila. O Joan F. Gilliland; 1SSep77; Aa99285.
A899286. Charles Todd Quintard (1824-1898) : his role and significance in the developaent of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Tennessee and in the South. By
Bichard Neil Greatwood. Bicrofila.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.