A899163 - A899202
JUL-DEC. 1977
A8991o2 (con.) ffisnlevskl. aiccoCiln. Hary Josephine Bisniewski; 15Sep77; &899162.
»899163. The Effects of stress, sei differences, and DeuroticiSD od Piaqetian aeasures of intelliqence. Br Balph Hilliaa Uedin. aicrofila. Balph Rilliai Vedio: 15Sep77: A89916J.
18991611. A Spanish translation o£ the personality inventory for children (PIC) : prelininary validation. By Luz-Hary Banirez Barris. Hicrofiln. Laz-Hary Banirez Bacris; 15Sep77: A899161I.
1899165. An Analysis of equal educational opportunities in the Uashinqton, D.c. public schools. By Gerald Bobeit Lucas. Hiccofili. C Gerald Bobert Lucas; 1SSep77; A899165.
A899166. Mexican Aaecican accented Enqlisb: phonological analysis, accent, scaling and evaluative reactions. By Eileen Bary Huench Brennan. Hicrofiln. Eileen Hary Huench Brennan; 15Sep77; A899166.
A899167. Personal distribution of incoae in metropolitan areas, 1950-1970. By Paul Edvard Herkle. Hicrofila. Paul Ediiard Herkle: 15Sep77: A899167.
A899168. Pilqrin's proqress; black Saint Paul and the Baking of an urban ghetto, 1870-1930. By David ?assar Taylor. Hicrofila. C David Vassar Taylor; 15Sep77; A899168.
A899169. The Ose of aeditation in the treataeut of alcoholisn. By Ednin Phillip Nuernberger. aicrofila. O Edvin Phillip Nuernberqer; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A899169.
A899170. A Theoretical approach to the sociology of Hezican labor aigration. By Gilbert Cardenas, aicrofila. Gilbert Cardenas; 15Sep77; A899170.
A899171. Studies in neo-Suaerian adaiaistrative aachinery. By David aark HcGuiness. aicrofila. David aark acGuiness; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A899171.
A899172. Franz Xaver Kroetz; the Volksstueck in transition. By Draqan ailenko Klaic. aicrofila. C Draqan ailenko Klaic; 15Sep77: A899172.
A899173. The Horpholoqy of a syabolic landscape: a qeosophical case study of the tran- sforaation of Dennark's Jutland heaths circa, 1750-1950. By Kenneth Bobert OlHiq. aicrofila. Kenneth Bobert Olwiq; 15Sep77; A899173.
A899174. aontqofflery Schuyler: the newspaper architectural articles of a protoaodern critic (1868-1907) By lilliaa John Thorn, aicrofila. Hilliaa John Thorn; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A899174.
A899175. The Physical aechanisas of spreadinq resistance aeasurenents on silicon. By Thoaas Ernest Hendrickson. aicrofila. Thoaas Ernest Hendrickson; 15Sep77; A899175.
A899176. The Sunday school as aqency for religious instruction in Aaerican Protestantisa, 1872-1922. By Bobert Andrew Craudall. aicrofila. Bobert Andrew Crandall; 15Sep77; A899176.
Ae99177. Studies on the language of Caecilius Statius. By Cornelia uilleaina Ooas. aicrofxla. Cornelia gilleaina Ooas; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A899177.
A899178. The Silk weavers of Kanchipuraa: a case study of the Indian co-operative aoveaent. By Yvonne Janet Arterbucn. aicrofila. O Ivonne Janet Arterburn; 15Sep77; A899178.
A899179. Transferrin: a coaparison anong the vertebrates. By Dale George aakey. aicrofila. O Dale George aakey; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976) ; A899179.
A899180. The Glochidia of Laapsilis cadiata siliquoidea (Barnes) and their rela- tionship to their vertebrate hosts. By Bichard John Trdan. aicrofila. Bichard John Trdan; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976) ; A899180.
A899181. Diogenes of Oenoanda: a coaneutary. Vol. 16 2. By George Bicholas Boffaan. aicrofila. NB: introd., translation & coaaentary. O George Nicholas Boffaan; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A899181.
A899182. The Soviet Union in American eyes: an ezaaination of soae Aaerican opinion toward the assB in the period between the Geraan-Soviet pact and the dissolution of the Coaintern. By Theodore Thoaas Hindsou. aicrofila. O Theodore Thoaas Uindson; 1SSep77; A899182.
A899183. Strategy of fora: the shape of length in draaa. By Sister Celeste fiita Baspanti. aicrofila. C sister Celeste Bita Baspanti; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976) ; A899183.
A899184. Browning and ausic: a study of Bobert Browning's use of musical structuring principles to unify the draaatic aonologues of the Hen and woaen of 1863 and The Bing and the book. By John Joseph Joyce. aicrofila. O John Joseph Joyce; 15Sep77; A899184.
A399185. Synthesis and reactions of sobstituted- UH-I, <l-thiazine 1, 1-diojtides and 1, 2, 3, 4-tetrahydropyriBidines. By Gregg Alan Vandestaeg. aicrofila. Gregg Alan Vandesteeq; 15Sep77; A899ie5.
A899186. Effects of reassuring inforaation and sensory inforaation on eaotional response during a threatening aedical ezaaination. By Karen Lee Larson aokros. aicrofila. O Karen Lee Larson aokros; 15Sep77; A899186.
A899187. A Sense of the past: the evolution of aoral standards in four nineteenth-century English novels. By Jaaes Alexander Uoulding. aicrofila. O Jaaes Alexander Houlding; 15Sep77; A899187.
1899188. The Value of children to natural and adoptive parents. By aary Ann Laaanna. aicrofila. aary Ann Laaanna; 15Sep77; A899188.
astructional A899189. The Developaent and pilot test of an evaluation guide for directors of a class of educational projects. By Bobert Arthur fieineke. aicrofila. O Bobert Arthur Beineke; 15Sep77; A899189.
A899 190. British reaction to the opiua trade, 1839-1360. By Jaaes P. aiskel, Jr. aicrofila. O Jaaes F. aiskel, Jr.; 15Sep77; A899190.
A899 191. A Theory of preferential trading agreeaents. By Bayaond Glenn fiiezaan. aicrofila. O Bayaond Glenn Biezaan; 15Sep77: A899191.
A899192. Hallace Stevens* parodies of the order of paradise. By aaureen Tekakwitha Kravec. aicrofila. O Haureen Tekakwitha Kravec; 15Sep77; A899192.
A899193. Auditor decision aaking: a study of soae aspects of accuracy and consensus and the usefulness of a siaulation decision aid for assessing overall systea reliability. By Bonald Arthur Gerard Ueber. Hicrofila. Bonald Arthur Gerard Beber; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A899193.
A899194. Process evaluation in a seainar- practicua course to proaote psychological developaent: an exploratory study with young adolescents. By Judith Jennifer Pruess. Hicrofila. Judith Jennifer Pruess; 15Sep77; A899194.
A899195. Perceived budget induced pressure related to supervisory behavior and the aoderating effects of departaental variation. By Vernon Bruce Irvine, aicrofila. O Vernon Bruce Irvine; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A899195.
A899196. Extracurricular participation of selected students in saall rural high schools. By Bruce Edward Bouton. Hicrofila. Bruce Edward Bouton; 15Sep77; A899196.
A899197. Peter Andreevich Shuvalov: Bussian statesman. By Bichard George Ueeks, Jr. Hicrofila. O Bichard George Seeks, Jr.; 15Sep77; A899197.
A899198. Training faaily day care providers: evaluation of an educational TV series viewed at hoae or in discussion groups. By Stefi Gail Bubin. Hicrofila. Stefi Gail Bubin; 15Sep77; A899198.
A899 199. Shaw, Brecht and evolution: the early plays. By David Bonald Sauvageau. Hicrofila. David Bonald Sauvageau: 15Sep77; A899199.
A899200. Post-fledging behavior of the northern bald eagle, Baliaeetus leucocephalus alascanus Townsend, in the Chippewa National Forest, Hinnesota. By Joel Vernon Kussaau. aicrofila. Joel Vernon Kussaan; 1 SSep77 (in notice: 1976); A899200.
A899201. Individuation, deindividuation and persuasion. By Jakob J. Steinberg, aicrofila. O Jakob J. Steinberg: 1SSep77; A899201.
Origins of the ideal of objectivity in
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