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11899123 - A899162


JUL-DEC. 1977

S899 122 (COD.) Illllaas Hoeller. Hlccofili. Fhillp gilliass Moeller; 15Sep77: A899122.

4899123. Camphorae: chiral interoiGdiates for the total synthesis of steroids. By Federico Carlos Arelola Gaeta. Hicrofiln. e Federico Carlos Areiola Gaeta: 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A899123.

A89912it. Preparation and characterization of aonospecific antiserum for the detection of hanan T lymphocytes. By Ednin Molff Ades. HicrofilJi. & EdHin Rolff Ades: 15Sep77: A89912«.

A899125. The Founding and development of small towns and their main streets in nor- theastern Oregon. By Barbara Euth Bailey. HicrofilB. C Barbara Ruth Bailey; 15Sep77: A3'39125.

A899126. The Saint Baphael Society for the protection of Italian lamigrants* 1887-1923. By Ediiard Claude Stibili. Microfilm, e Edward Claude Stibili: 15Sep77: AB99126.

Aa99127. The American Society of composers. Authors, and Publishers, 1911-19 18. By Bennie Lee OeHhitt. Nicrofilm. Bennie Lee DeWhitt; 15Sep77; A899127.

A899128. The Bationale, values, and course guide for a senior high oral interpretation course. By Hichael Daniel Davis, nicrofilm. Hichael Daniel Davis: 15Sep77: A899128.

A899129. The Influence of Ludwig Feuerbach and Max Stirner on the philosophical writings of Karl Harz. By Larry Harkus Biltshire. nicrofilm. C Larry Harkus Viltshire; 15Sep77; A899129.

AB99130. The Besponse of normal human blood platelets to shear stress. By George Hugo Anderson, nicrofilm. George Hugo Anderson: 15Sep77; A899130.

A899131. Man and fertility regulation in southern Meru: a case study from the Kenya highlands. By Edward Houghton Greeley. Microfilm. Edward Houghton Greeley: 15Sep77; A899131.

A899132. Hoelderlin*s Mnemosyne: an interp- retation. By Mariorie Ann Gelus. Microfilm, e Mariorie Ann Gelus; 1SSep77 (in notice: 1975): A899132.

A899133. Family structure in Moliece's theater. By David Merrill aber. Microfilm. O David Merrill Dber; 15Sep77: A899133.

A899134. Federal response to economic crises: the case of defense economic ad-justment. By Thom4S Peter Euane. Microfilm. 6 Thomas Peter Euane; 15Sep77; A89913«.

A899135. Sorption of methane and methane-carbon dioxide mixtures on 5A and 13X molecular sieves at high pressures and ambient temperatures determined by elation chromatography. By Paul Douglas Bolniak. Microfilm. 6 Paul Douglas Bol^iak^ 15Sep77: A899135.

immigrants in Brooklyn: their social worlds. By Nancy Cheryl Hutchens. Microfilm. Nancy Cheryl Hutchens; 15Sep77; A899136.

A899137. John Heyl Vincent: his theory and practice of Protestant religious education from 1855-1920. By Sonja Marie Stewart. Microfilm. © Sonja Marie Stewart; 15Sep77; Aa99137.

A899138. Effects of criterion-referenced tests and a computer-management system on the reading achievement of elementary school children. By Neil Hinston Bienert. Microfilm. O Neil Hinston Bienert; 15Sep77; A899138.

A899139. The Effects of facilitative commu- nication training and group counseling on the self-concepts of young adults. By Billiam J. Kelly. Microfilm. S William J. Kelly; 15Sep77; A899139.

4899110. The Hagiographic narrators of Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury tales: the second nun, the man of law, the prioress. By Granville Sydnor Hill. Microfilm. e Granville Sydnor Hill; 15Sep77; A899110.

A899111. Tri-state delta modulation (TSDM) for video encoding. By George Clifford Collins. Microfilm. 3 George Clifford Collins; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A899111.

4899112. Initial implementation of the Con- gressional budget and impoundment control act in the context of the continuing redistribution of budget power within the Congress and between the Congress and the President. By Seymour Gordon. Microfilm. O Seymour Gordon; 15Sep77: 4899112.

A899113. The Apprenticeship romance. By Billiam Kenneth Durlin. Microfilm. O Billiam Kenneth Durlin; 15Sep77; A899113.

A899111. Stratigraphy and structure of the western Munzur Mountains, eastern central Turkey. By Bobert Bendell Olson. Microfilm. O Bobert Bendell Olson; 15Sep77; A899111.

A899115. Opportunities and problems of deve- lopment planning in a colonial setting: a case study of Guyana, 1917-1966. By Baiter Barrington Hope. Microfilm. Baiter Barrington Hope; 15Sep77; A899115.

A899116. Vector electric field structure inside a New Mexico thundercloud. By Hugh Joseph Christian, Jr. Microfilm. Hugh Joseph Christian, Jr.; 15Sep77; A899116.

A899117. Private residential integration in a northern city: a further analysis of the interracial contact hypothesis. By Christopher Beck Smith. Microfilm. e Christopher Beck Smith; 15Sep77: A899117.

A899148. An Experimental evaluation of the effectiveness of the expectancy screening model in predicting Federal Trade Commission rulings on deceptive adver- tising. By Binifred Anne Adams. Microfilm. Winifred Anne Adams; 15Sep77; A899118.

A899119. The Open circle: a critical study of Dorothy Eichardson's Pilgrimage. By Carol Jane Bangs. Microfilm. @ Carol Jane Bangs; 15Sep77; A899ia9.

4899150. 4udience as eavesdropper in Shakes- pearean drama.. By Judith Matthews Craig. Microfilm, a Judith Matthews Craig; 15Sep77; A899150.

A899151. Sedimentary facies of the Jilh Formation, Saudi Arabia; and regional paieostratigraphy and tectonic evolution of the Middle East during the Middle Triassic Period. By Faroog Abdulsattar M. Sharief. Microfilm. Faroog Abdulsattar M. Sharief; 15Sep77; 4899151.

A899152. Thomas Paine and the American political tradition. By Eobert Francis Smith* Jr- Microfilm. O Eobert Francis Smith, Jr.; 15Sep77; A899152.

A899 153. Anthony Trollope's Doctor Thorne, a revitalization of the novel of manners. By Antoinette Eose Boecker. Microfilm. O Antoinette Eose Boecker; 15Sep77; A899153.

A899151. The Family's use of urban space: elements of family structure and function among economic elites: Atlanta, Georgia, 1880-1920. By Euth Klopper. Microfilm. e Euth Klopper; 15Sep77; A899151.

A899155. Construct development and initial measurement of the psychological sense of community. By Thomas J. Glynn. Microfilm. Thomas J. Glynn; 15Sep77; A899155.

4899156. An Empirical study investigating parent participation/involvement and its effect on tie achievement scores of follow- through children in the Oakland Public Schools. By Joel Lee Baker. Microfilm, e Joel Lee Baker; 15Sep77; A899156.

A899157. The Vision of order: white Protestant Christianity in Atlanta, 1865-1906. By Harvey Knupp Newman. Microfilm. 6 Harvey Knapp Newman; 15Sep77; 4899157.

A899158. Process and imagination: the romantic absolute in Billiam Blake and D. U. Lawrence. By Billiam Lewis Bilson, Jr. Microfilm. Billiam Lewis Bilson, Jr.; 15Sep77; A899158.

A899159. 4 Failure to adjust: explaining the O.S. -Japanese textile confrontation, 1969-1971. By Nobuhiro Hasegawa. Microfilm. © Nobuhiro Hasegawa; 15Sep77; 4899159.

4899160. The Comic perspective: Moliere's use of language. By Kathryn Billis Holfe. Microfilm. © Kathryn iillis Bolfe; 15Sep77; 4899160.

A899161. Export promotion in Taiwan: an assessment. By Chung Yuan Hsu. Microfilm. © Chung Yuan Hsu; 15Sep77: A899161.

A899162. Development and application of a computerized faculty information system

for higher education. By Mary Josephine


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