JUL-DEC. 1977
A899aS2 (COQ.) and Iris Hurdoch. By Jeanne Biney Froeb. nicrofilB. Jeanne Biney Pcoeb; 15Sep77: i899082.
i899083. Hiqher education coXlectiive bargaining: an analysis of the attitudes of aca- demicians. By Richard Stanley Hillis. Hiccofiln. C Bichard Stanley Billis; 15Sep77; 1899083.
48990811. Santa Fe de Uuevo Bexico: a study of a frontier city based on an annotated translation of selected docuneuts (1825-1832) froa the Heiican Archives of Neu Heiico. By Charlotte aarie Nelson Parraqa. Hicrofiln. Charlotte Harie Nelson Parraqa: 15sep77 (in notice: 19761: &89908U.
1899083. Jacques soustelle and the passing of French Alqeria. By Elizabeth Hobqood Hurphrey. Hicrofila. Elizabeth Hobgood Marphrey; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); 1899085.
1899086. In Enpirxcal assessneot of the initiating force and the rationality of an export adoption process. By ioo— young Lee. Hicrofilffl. C Hoo-younq Lee; 15Sep77; 1899086.
1399087. Isotope effect calculations inyolvinq fornic acid polymer in the condensed state. By Stephen llezander Newman. aiccofilm. e Stephen llezander Nevman: 15Sep77; 1899087.
1899088. Francis Case: a political biography. By Richard Bollin Chenoneth. Hicrofiln. Richard Rollin Chenoyeth; 15Sep77: 1899088.
1899089. The Political socialization and recruitment of legislators in Israel and Canada: a comparative analysis. By Gregory Steven Mahler. flicrofilm. Greqory Steven Hahler; 1SSep77 (in notice: 1976); 1899039.
1899090. An Empirical investlqation to identify continuinq education needs for nurses in a national health agency. By Gloria Sorrentiuo Hope. Hicrofilm. Gloria Sorrentino Hope; 15Sep77: A899090.
1899091. Professional activities of past college and university presidents. By John Orr HcCandless. Hicrofilm. John Oct HcCandless; 15Sep77; 1899091.
1899092. Evaluation of emotionally disturbed primary school age boys and qirls by mental health Morlers and educators. By Hary Lemon Brooks. Hicrofilm. e Hary Lemon Broolcs; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); 1899092.
1899093. The Growth of eztrinsic silicon by liquid^phase epitaxy. By Barbara Elaine Sumner. Hicrofilm. O Barbara Elaine Sumner: 15Sep77: 1899093.
1899091. Community or societal human behavior problems and applied behavioral analysis. By Steven David Heit zenltorn. Hicrofilm. e Steven David Heitzenkorn; 15Sep77: 18990914.
1899096. Comanche oral narratives. By Galen Hark Buller. Hicrofrlm. O Galen Hark Buller; 15Sep77; 1899096.
1899097. Woman as mediatrix in the prose works of Andre Pieyre Oe Handiargues. By Diane Joy Charney. Hicrofilm. O Diane Joy Charney; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); 1899097.
1899098. The Narrative techniques of Siams's Revolutionary Har romances. By Bruce Thomas Harper. Hicrofilm. G Bruce Thomas Harper; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); 1399098.
A899099. Heaninqs of cdmmunity in modern America: some ioplicatxons from new towns. By Harqaret Louise Hireman. Hicrofilm. O Peqgy (Harqaret Louise) Wireaan; 15Scp77; 1899099.
A899100. Decision-making process in NATO. By Edward Leon fiovny. Hicrofilm. Edward Leon Rowny; 15Sep77; 1899100.
A399101. The Development of a formula for calculating course cost-analysis in a public institution of higher education in North Carolina. By James Branson chavis. HicrofilB. O James Branson Chavis; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A899101.
A899102. Louis F. Post (18119-1928): the "Henry George man" as progressive reformer. By John Brlliaason Easterly, Jr. Hicrofilm. John Billiamson Easterly, Jr.; 1SSep77 (in notice: 1976); A899102.
1899103. Language and imagination: the Lanq- Hueller controversy, 1873-1900. By Laura Bird Bramlett. Hicrofilm. Appl. states all new material except portions of poems 6 other writings, also Ballade of primitive nan by Andrew Lang, p. 19. O Laura Bird Bramlett; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976) ; A899103.
18991014. Cyclic IHP and qlycogenolysis in the rat caudate nucleus. By Douglas John Bilkening. Hicrofila. Douglas John Kilkening; 15sep77; 18991014.
1899105. Improving productivity in local government: six case studies and a proposal for a model program. By Edaund Luis Castillo. Hicrofilm. C Edmund Luis Castillo; 15Sep77: A899105.
A899106. Poisson soluble, the poetic quest of Andre Breton. By Janice Elaine Stultz. Hicrofilm. O Janice Elaine Stultz; 15Sep77: 1899106.
A899107. Study of factors leadinq to changes in cost estimates on selected ma-jor Department of Defense and National Aeronautics and Space Administration development systems. By Bichard James Trainor. Hicrofila. Bichard James Trainor; 15Sep77; 1899107.
1899108. Kinship and class: a study of the Beyerhaeuser family. By Uarvin Glenu Dunn. Hicrofilm. O Harvin Glenn Dunn; 153ep77; A899108.
1899109. Analysis of role-counterfeiting as a form of variant behavior: a comparison of two professional categories. By Vassilis Constantinos Econoaopoulos. Hicrofila. O Vassilis Constantinos Econoaopoulos; 15Sep77; 1899109.
1899 110. Gender role and sexuality in transsexual women as compared to homosexual and heterosexual women. By Gemma Haria Nachbahr. Hicrofilm. Gemma Haria Nachbahr; 15Sep77: 1899110.
189911 1. Depletable resource pricing and output strategies in light of a possible future substitute. By Yoav B. Banari. HicrofilB. loav R. Benari; 15Sep77: 1899 111.
1899112. Analysis of fluid inclusions in graphitic metamorphic rocks froa Bryant Pond, Haine, and Khtada Lake, British Coluabia: thermodynamic basis and geologic interpretation of observed fluid compositions and molar volumes. By Robert Carlton Burruss. Hicrofilm. O Robert cariton Burruss; 15Sep77; A899112.
1899113. Dynamic viscoelastic studies of clot formation in normal and abnormal plasma. By Hurty Satyaiiarayana KuntamukkuXa. Hicrofilm. Hurty Satyanarayana Kuntamukkula; 15Sep77; 1899113.
1899111*. The End of an institution: the lustro-aungarian irmy in Italy, 1918. By Ronald Hayne Hanks. Hicrofilm. O Ronald Wayne Hanks; 15Sep77; 18991114.
1899115. Cnristopner Smart's The Parables of Our Lord: the architecture of an enchiridion. By Nicholas Inthony Talarico, Jr. Hicrofilm. O Nicholas Anthony Talarico, Jr.; 15Sep77; A899115.
1899116. 'On univariate and multivariate statistical analyses of repeated measures and applications to a maintenance study of heroin addicts. By Jesse Heneses. Hicrofilm. O Jesse Heneses; 15Sep77; 1899116.
1899117. Hembrane protein synthesis in the rabbit reticulocyte. By Jack Deutsch. Hicrofilm. O Jack Deutsch; 15Sep77; 1899117.
1899118. Total synthesis of {♦) -eburnamonine, (*) -dehydroaspidospermidine, (») - vincadlf f oraine« (♦) -quebrachamine, and (♦)-aspidospermidine. By Tomas Uudlicky. Hicrofila. Tomas Hudlicky; 15Sep77; A899118.
1899 119. A Coaparative study of environmental expectations of female versus male midshipmen entering the United States Naval Academy. By Carmen Guevara Neuberger. Hicrofila. O Caraen Guevara lleuberger; 15Sep77; A899119.
A899 120. The Language of money in the fiction of Henry James. By Peggy Anne HcNamara. Hicrofila. Peqgy Anne HcNamara; 15Sep77; Aa99120.
A899121. Aspects of the subsurface geology of south Louisiana. By Richard Bozman Hohlt. Hicrofila. Bichard Bozman Hohlt; 15Sep77; A899121.
A899122. Cultural exchange: a comunication aodel
for re-entry transition. By Philip
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.