A899045 - A899082
JUL-DEC. 1977
taggoti) (con.) Hicroflln. € Janes Lowell Senefeld; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976): A899044.
»899045. Condensed psychono tor- intelligence prediction techniques in ranking aircraft handling skills of beginning flight students. By Clifford Lee House, flicrofilm. 6 Clifford Lee House; 15Sep77; &899045.
A899046. Stand history and dynaoics o£ a southern Appalachian virgin forest. By Craig Gordon Lorimer. Microfilm. 6 Craig Gordon Lorimer; 15Sep77 (in notice; 19761; A8990it6.
A899047. The Developnent of public school kindergarten in Virginia to 1975. By Sue Batthevs Davis. Hicrofilm. Sue Matthens Davis; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A8990U7.
A899048. Performance measures for community colleges and technical institutes in North Carolina. By Dwight Sanders Brenneman. Hicrofilm. C Dnight Sanders Brenneman; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A8990i(8.
A899049. Behavioral effects of androgen in zebra finches (Foephila guttata) and a search for its sites of action. By Arthur P. Arnold. Hicrofilm. @ Arthur P. Arnold; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1974); A8990if9.
A899050. The Theology of the postbaptisnal rites in the Galilean liturgical sources of the seventh and eighth centuries. By Joseph Leo Levesque. Hicrofilm. Q Joseph Leo Levesque; 15sep77; 4899050.
A899051. maintaining public order in the Soviet Union: the militia and the HVD in the post-Khrushchev era. By Uilliam Hilton Jones. Hicrofilm. e Hilliam Hilton Jones: 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A899051.
A899052. Optical heterodyne measurement of non-coherent sources in the visible. By Bonald gilliam Goebel. Hicrofilm. e Bonald Rilliam Goebel; 15Sep77; A899052.
A899053. Homer S. Capehart: United States Senator 19411-1962. By John Raymond Taylor. Hicrofilm. Q John Raymond Taylor; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A899053.
AS99054. The Interactive effects of attitudes toward counseling, counselor status, and counselor intimacy on disclosure reciprocity. By Henry Lawrence Janpol. Hicrofilm. 6 Henry Lawrence Janpol; 15Sep77; A899054.
A89905S. Selection and validation of the motion-emotion primary vocabulary. By Donna Hae Aurand. Hicrofilm. Q Donna Hae Aurand; 15Sep77; A899055.
A899056. The British Catholic press and the rise of Kazi Germany, 1933-1940. By Hario Dominic Hazzarella. Hicrofilm. 6 Hario Dominic Hazzarella; 15Sep77; A899056.
A899057. The Identification and effect of certain taboo words on tenth-, eleventh-, and twelfth-grade students in the Portland, Oregon and Vancouver, Uashington area. By Herry Beth Hattoi. Hicrofilm. e Herry Beth Hattoz; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976) ; A899057.
A899058. Searching for reasonable protection of fourth amendment rights: the exclusionary rule and its alternatives. By Joseph David Hirschel. Hicrofilm. @ Joseph David Hirschel; 15Sep77; A899058.
A899059. Subcellular localization of D-aaino acid oxidase in rat brain. By George Loren Gaunt, Jr. Hicrofilm. @ George Loren Gaunt, Jr.; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1973); A899059.
A899060. Flocking and foraging behavior of winter birds in three habitats of northern Arizona. By Dewey Arthur Shrout. Hicrofilm. 6 Dewey Arthur Shrout; I5Sep77; A899060.
A899061. A Study of the participation of high school principals in collective nego- tiation for teachers in selected school districts from forty-two states. By Charles Joseph Piazza. Hicrofilm. Q Charles Joseph Piazza; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A899061.
A899062. The Tax supported cost of implementing Indiana Public Law 217 in 1975. By Ralter John Ferdon. Hicrofilm. d Halter John Ferdon; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976) ; A899062.
A899063. Kobcredit educational activities provided by the North Carolina Community College System with emphasis on cost and organization. By Bruce Inmau Howell. Hicrofilm. Q Bruce Inman Howell; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A899053.
A899064. The Relationship between imagery and reading achievement for second, fourth, and sixth grade children. By Eoslyn Hubidoux Clark. Hicrofilm. 6 Boslyn Bubidoux Clark; 15Sep77; A899054.
A899065. A Comparative study of the social behavior of three sympatric species of Hoodrats (Neotoma). By Bobert Johnston Howe. Hicrofilm. e Bobert Johnston Howe; 15Sep77; A899065.
A899066. Belationships between Piagetian cognitive level and children's comp- rehension and regeneration of stories. By Judith Ann 0* Donoghue-Shechter. Hicrofilm. 6 Judith Ann o'Donoghue- Shechter; 15Sep77; A899066.
A899067. The Status of extracurricular activities in the secondary school: focus on their management in the public high schools of the Southern Association of colleges and Schools. By Irene Perritt Crider. Hicrofilm. C Irene Perritt Crider; 15Sep77; A899067.
A899068. An Analysis of the published short fiction of Harold Frederic. By Balph Guy Dille. Hicrofilm. O Balph Guy Dille; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A899068.
A899069. The Ose of the definite article in attic inscriptions prior to 403/2 B.C. By Lily Y. Beck. Hicrofilm. Lily Y. Beck; 15Sep77; A899069.
A899070. A Study of internal student transfers from natural sciences in six predominantly black colleges and universities. By Bather G. Brown. Hicrofilm. Bather G. Brown; 15Sep77; A899070.
A899071. Virginia Roolf: from impressionism to abstract art. By Jacqueline Gaillet Thayer. Hicrofilm. Jacqueline Gaillet Thayer; 15Sep77; A899071.
A899072. Hark Twain and the audience: a rhetorical study. By Eileen Nixon Heredith. Hicrofilm. O Eileen Nixon Heredith; 1SSep77 (in notice: 1976); Aa99072.
A899073. A social settlement in a neighborhood in transition, Hiram Bouse, Cleveland, Ohio, 1896-1926. By John Joseph Grabowski. Hicrofilm. Q John Joseph Grabowski; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); AB99073.
A899074. Public sector employment decisions: an econometric analysis. By Lawrence Harvin Spizman. Hicrofilm. 6 Lawrence Harvin Spizman; 15Sep77; A899074.
A899075. The Effects of advance and nonorganizers with restricted and unrestricted modes for eighth-grade students at three cognitive levels of learning and retention using selected materials in the arts. By Brian Patrick Ewing. Hicrofilm. O Brian Patrick Ewing; 15Sep77; A899075.
A899076. A Study of the discrepancy of perception between the actual role and the ideal role of public school counselors in Oklahoma as reported by principals, counselors, teachers and students. By Diana Lopez-Heisel. Hicrofilm. 6 Diana Lopez-Heisel; 15Sep77; A899076.
A699077. The Development of a model set of cognitive-behavioral objectives for field-based curricula for pre- and in-service education programs for secondary-school Earth science teachers. By David Dale DuBois. Hicrofilm. C David Dale DuBois; 15Sep77; A899077.
A899078. The Effect of selective cloze deletion strategies upon the reading comprehension and context clue utilization of disabled reading ninth grade students. By Sanford Herskovitz. Hicrofilm. 6 Sanford Herskovitz; 15Sep77; A899078.
A899Q79. A Comparative study of two methods of teaching metrication to selected seventh, eighth and ninth grade pupils relative to effectiveness of metric measure esti- mation. By Haurice Lee Love. Hicrofilm. e Haurice Lee Love; 15Sep77; A899a79.
A899a80. The Effects of extent of training on teacher discussion behaviors and children's moral reasoning development. By Frederick Charles Silhelm. Hicrofilm. Frederick Charles Milhelm; 15Sep77; A899080.
A899081. Effectiveness of chamber theatre compared to acting for the understanding of literature. By Sandra Kay House. Hicrofilm. Sandra Kay House; 15Sep77; A899081.
The Fiction of David Storey, John Fowles
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