A899008 - A8990lia
JUL-DEC. 1977
4899007 (con.) baccalaureate criaioal lastice curriculua for the State of Hinnesota using task analrsis and sublect specialists. By Donald Francis Bradel. flicrofila. Donald Francis Bradel; 15Sep77; 4899007.
4899008. Teacher's iudqaent of the social coBpetencv of a first grade, first-born student and the student's sex* socloe- canonic status, academic grades and classrooii behavior. By Natalie Arnold Uaqnec. HicrofilH. O Natalie Arnold Baqner: l5Sep77; 4899008.
4899009. A Dynamic information feedback model for policy analysis of teacher labor markets. By Kenneth Scott Foster. Hicrofilm. Kenneth Scott Foster; 15Sep77; 4899009.
4899010. The Problem of adolescent runaways: a proiect in policy analysis for graduate social work students. By Stephen Antler. Hicrofilm. C Stephen Antler; 15Sep77; 4899010.
4899011. The BelatiODship between vigilance and discrimination learning with immediate and delayed reinforcement among preschool boys. By Jeanette Tracy Doster. Hicrofilm. C Jeanette Tracy Doster; 15Sep77: 4899011.
4899012. Evaluation of features and cue sentence for an on-line, trainable speaker verification system. By Sasi Kumar Pillay. Hicrofilm. Sasi Kumar Pillay; 15Seo77; A899012.
A899013. The Dawn of the ecumenical age: Anglican, Old Catholic, and Orthodox reunion negotiations of the 1870*s. By LeBoy Albrecht Boerneke. Hicrofilm. leaoy Albrecht Boerneke; 15Sep77; A899013.
A899014. The Political truncation of organi- zational learning: a case study from a temporal systems perspective. By Steven Alan Eosell. Hicrofilm. O Steven Alan Eosell: 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976) : A89901U.
A899015. The Heasurement and analysis of rural physicians time-task allocation and an exploration of planned change. By Bernadine Margaret Feldman. Hicrofilm. Bernadine Hargaret Feldman: 1SSep77; 4899015.
4899016. Hilton's understanding of Hebraism and Samson 4gonistes. By Hiciam Huskln. Hicrofilm. C Hlriam Huskin; 1SSep77; 4399016.
A899017. An Evalcation of the physical education programs at universities in Puerto Bico. By Emilio Anibal Torres, Jr. Hicrofilm. Emilio Anibal Torres, Jr.; lSSep77; A899017.
A899018. The Dialectic of male and female principles in the theatre of Alfred De Husset. By Herilee Banoun. Hicrofilm. Herilee Banoun: 15Sep77; A899018.
A899019. The Thematic use of courtship and marriage in Thomas Deloney's novels: a study in the origins of realism in Elizabethan fiction. By James Lee Traylor. Hicrofilm. Janes Lee Traylcr; 15Sep77; 4899019.
4899020. Demographic transition theory and the family planning perspective: the evolution of theory within 4mericao demography. By Dennis George Bodgson. Hicrofilm. O Dennis George Hodgson; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); 4899020.
4899021. Continuities and discontinuities during the transition into adolescence: a longitudinal comparison of two school structures. By Dale Arthur Blyth. Hicrofilm. Dale Arthur Blyth; lSSep77: A899021.
4899022. Art and experience in the poetry of William Collins. By Boger Alan Drewicke. Hicrofilm. O Roger Alan Drewicke: 15Sep77: 4699022.
A899023. The Beiationship of selected auditory abilities to first, second, and third grade reading achievement. By Louis Budolph Guiliano. Hicrofilm. O Louis Budolph Guiliano; 15Sep77; 4899023.
A899024. The Concept of the audience in neoclassical criticism, 1650-1711. By Emma Coburn Norris. Hicrofilm. Emma coburn Norris; 15Sep77; A899024.
A899025. Expression of the therapist's aggression as a psychotherapeutic technique: a clinical investigation of aggressive confrontation. By Joseph Bakst Zahm. Hicrofilm. O Joseph Bakst Zahm; 15Sep77; A899025.
A899026. Paul Bevere Christopher: Southern labor leader. 1910-1974. By Joseph lates Garrison. Hicrofilm. Joseph lates Garrison; 15Sep77; 4899026.
4899027. The 4rcadias of Sir Philip Sidney in the context of the Dianas of Jorge De Honteoayor and Gaspar Gil Polo: reliqious themes and the language of love. By John De Oliveira e Silva. Hicrofilm. John De Oliveira e Silva; 15Sep77; 4899027.
4899028. Sensory integrative dysfunction and the atypical behaviors of autistic and autistic like children: a factorial analysis. By Donald Hilliam Barnes. Hicrofilm. O Donald Billiam Barnes: 15Sep77; 4899028.
4899029. Boles of soil arthropod feces in deciduous forest litter decomposition processes. By David Paul Rebb. Hicrofilm. O Oavid Paul iebb; 15Sep77; 4899029.
A899030. Intersexions: a reading of Sade with Bataille, Blanchot, and Klossowski. By Jane Gallop. Hicrofilm. O Jane Gallop; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A89903C.
A899031. Forming/feeling process: communication of boundaries and perception of patterns. By Hilton James Bennett. Hicrofilm. e Hilton James Bennett; 15Sep77; 4899031.
4899032. 4 Stylistic analysis of the poetry of Colin Huset. By David 41an Fein. Hicrofilm. Oavid Alan Fein; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4899032.
4899033. Cardiogenic shock: the effect of therapy on regional perfusion and survival. By Charles Bailey Beckman. Hicrofilm. O Charles Bailey Beckman; 15Sep77: A899033.
A899031t. Attitudes of local educational policy-makers toward inter-district cooperation through regional service units and the relationship of these attitudes to selected personal and school district characteristics. By Dale Lee yain, Hicrofilm. O Dale Lee Bain; lSSep77; 48990311.
4899035. Parables of perception: a contextual approach to Melville's short fiction, 1853-56. By Allan Hoore Emery. Hicrofilm. O Allan Hoore Emery; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976) ; A899035.
A899036. La Danza literaria como simbolo de metamorfosis: empleo y sentido en el teatro de Juan Del Encina y Gil Vicente. By Cheryl Folkins HcGinniss. Microfilm. O Cheryl Folkins HcGinniss; 15Sep77; 4899036.
A899037. The Development of the audition as a method of selecting actors for the professional legitimate theatre. By Cataerine Agnes Botten Dezseran. Hicrofilm. Catherine Agnes Botten Dezseran; 15Sep77; A899037.
4899038. A Comparison of formal operational skills and factors identified with creativity. By Paul Bichard Lavik. Hicrofilm. O Paul Eichard Lavik; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976) ; A899038.
A899039. Kissinger's press conferences, 1972-197«: a rhetorical assessment of form, substance, and strategy. By Catherine Ann Collins. Hicrofilm. O Catherine Ann Collins; 15Sep77; A899039.
A89901ia. Selected grammatical and syntactical problems in adapting precis to the French language. By Hadeleine Anne Laliberte. Hicrofilm. O Hadeleine Anne Laliberte; 15Sep77; A8990lt0.
A8990lt1. Family adaptation to the permanent disablement of a son or daughter. By Hartha Elmguist Cleveland. Microfilm. Martha Elmquist Cleveland; 15Sep77; A8990ltl.
4899012. Comic wrestling: a comparative analysis of the comic agon and its dramatic idea and form in selected comedies of 4ristophanes, Shakespeare, Jonson, Shaw and Calderon. By Edward Joseph Chute. Microfilm. Edward Joseph Chute; 15Sep77; 48990l»2.
4399013. Study in electrochemical fluorination of organic compounds. By Francis Buba. Hicrofilm. O Francis Huba; 15Sep77; 4899013.
4899011. The Novel as life-history: an analysis of the British autobiographical novel in the eighteenth century, with particular emphasis upon Laurence Sterne's Tristram
Shandy. By James Lowell Senefeld.
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