A898893 - A898930
JUL-DEC. 1977
4898892 (con.) p. Paul A. Nactin (Gene Buck, pseud.); 29Sep77: A898892.
A898893. A/E leqal newsletter. Vol. 5, no. 7, Sept. 1977. Folder (6 p.) Appl. au: Paul L. Genec)ci. Victor O. Schinnereir and COBpan7. Inc.; 19Sep77; 4898893.
A89839lt. HoH to start your own business — and nalce Doney! A seminar syllabus. By fiobert fi. ThoBpson. 1 V. G Bobert fi. Thonpson; HlSep77; A898894.
AS98895. Discretion. By Bobin Becker. (In Personal effects, p. 7-33) Bobin Becker; 18Sov76: A898895.
A898896. Bell s~ystea practices. Pacific Tel. Section 005-220-903PT, appendix 4, issue A, July 1977. 30 p. e The pacific Telephone and Telegraph Conpany: 1Jul77: A898896.
A898697. Bell System practices. Pacific Tel. Section 005-220-903PT, appendix 1, issue A, July 1977. 1 p. e The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Coapany; 1Jul77; A898897.
A898898. Bell System practices. Pacific Tel. Section OOS-202-910PT, appendix 1, issue B, July 1977. 7 p. HB: revisions. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company; 1Jul77; A898898.
A898899. Bell System practices. Pacific Tel. Section 000-010-901PT, issue G, June 1977. 10 p. NH; revisions. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company; 1Jun77; A898899.
A898900. Bell System practices. Pacific Tel. Section 000-010-901PT, appendix 1, issue C, June 1977. 2 p. »H: revisions. O The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company; 1JUB77: A898900.
A898901. Bell System practices. Pacific Tel. Section 005-299-9U1PT, issue B, July 1977. 38 p. NH: revisions. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company; 1Jul77 (in notice: 1975) ; A898901.
A898902. Theological field education: a collection of key resources. Vol. 1. Edited by Donald F. Beisswenger, Tjaard A. Hoames C Ooran C. HcCarty. 209 p. Doran C. HcCarty: 9Sep77; A898902.
Ae989Q3. Heehaukaia (Uinnebaqo for a high place with a wonderful view) ; or, A History of the village of Barueveld and the town of Brigham. Vol. 2. By John F. Helmenstine. Ill p. Add. ti: ieehaukaia: a history of the village of Barneveld and the town of Erigham. John F. Belmenstine; 23Sep77; AS98903.
A898904. Bouse plan favorites. Issue no. ti. 1 V. Appl. au: Bichard S. Campen. NH: additional text G pictorial matter. House Plan Favorites, Inc.; 22Sep77; A898904.
Aa98905. CREF's 25th anniversary; a perspective on the combined TIAA-CBEP retirement program. 11 p. (The Participant, Oct. 1977) O Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America; 10ct77; A898905.
AB98906. Women's financial goals: ace youcs secure? By Claire H. Sheaban & Joan Scott. 2 p. Appl. au: Claire H. Sheahan for Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association. Q Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association (in notice: Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association — College Retirement Eguities Fund) ; 1Jun77; Aa98906.
A898907. The Role of TIAA-CBEF in higher education. 13 p. NH: editorial revisions S updating. Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association; 1Jul77; A898907.
A898908. Medi minder: a 7-day medication clock. Folder. Appl. au: Frank B. Knapp 3rd, Donald H. Barton fi Peter P. Stager. e Barton and Stager, Inc. ; 1Jul77; A898908.
A898909. The Hays of plants in the classroom. By Avis Burnett. 46 p. (Bowoar nature series) A guide to the use of the program. The Nays of plants, by Aileen Fisher. Bowmar Publishing Corporation; 16Aug77; A898909.
A898910. Eyes to see God; a book of arts and crafts activities. By Ann Elliott. 95 p. O Horehottse-Barlow Company, Inc.; 25Aug77; A898910.
A898911. Teacher's manual for Patterns: a religious education program for five-year olds. By Joan K. Hamilton, illus. by Art Cumings. 48 p. Q Horeho use- Barlow Company, Inc.; 17Aug77; A898911.
A898912. Patterns: a religious education program for five-year olds; parent's letters. By Joan K. Hamilton, illus. by Art Cumings. 33 folders in folder. 6 Horehouse-Barlow Company, Inc.; 17Aug77; A898912.
A89a913. General engineering contractor, A. Pt. 2 of the examination: trade information and guestions. 70 p. Appl. au: Philip Neiner. NH: additional text, e Philip Neiner; 15Aug77; A898913.
A898914. Annual review of materials science. Vol. 7, 1977. Editor: Robert A. Huggins, associate editors: fiichard H. Bulse fi Richard N. Roberts. 537 p. Appl. states copyright is not claimed in the portions of this work written by government employees within the scope of their employment. Annual Reviews, Inc.; 5Aug77; A898914.
A898915. The Hill in human learning. By Russell A. Peterson^ 139 p. Russell A. Peterson; 1Aug77; &898915.
A898916. An Introduction to theory of knowledge. By Russell A. Peterson. 166 p. Russell A. Peterson; Uug77; A898916.
A898917. The Diaries of Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., 1943-1946. By Edward Seilly Stettinius, Jr., edited by Thomas H. Campbell & George C. Herring. 544 p. NH: text, editing with prev. pub. illus. £ material. O George C. Herring £ Thomas H. Campbell; 10Har75; A898917.
A898918. The Good life; a sort of autobiography. By Fred B. Carpenter. 235 p. Fred B. Carpenter; 29Sep77; A898918.
A898919. Numbers in antique doll marks. Pt. E. By Ralph A. Shea. 295 p. (Doll mark clues, vol. 6) Ralph A. Shea; 20AU977: A898919.
A898920. Bhy die? By Thomas, pseud, of Clyde Thomas Hale, Jr. 172 p. e Thomas, pseud, of Clyde Thomas Hale, Jr.; 10Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A898920.
A898921. Herbs versus modern pharmaceutical drugs. By Calvin H. Beltou, Baymundo Posadas fi Alfonso Gonzales. 118 p. e Calvin H. Belton (in notice: Cal Belton) ; 24Jun77; A898921.
A898922. Hilkin County family history book, 1977; a history of Hilkin County, Hinnesota. 437 p. Add. ti: Hilkin County history. Appl. au: Oscar Karlgaard (co-chairman) fi Frances Onderberg (co-chairman) O Hilkin County Historical Society; 22Aug77; Aa98922.
A898923. California 2. Photography: David Huench. text: Don Pike. 192 p. Charles H. Belding d.b.a. Graphics Arts Center Publishing Company (in notice: Charles E. Belding, Graphic Arts Center Publishing Company); 15Sep77; A898923.
AB98924. The Ham family kith and kin (Todd- Scranton related) By Ervin Charles Tipton. 98 p. NH: compilation of genealogical material. Q Ervin Charles Tipton; 25Aug77; A898924.
AS9892S. American National Standard specifi- cations for 8-mm type S (super 8) mot ion -picture film camera cartridge notches for exposure control and stock identification. ANSI PB22. 166-1977, revision of PH22. 166-1970. Secretariat: Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers. 7 p. NH: updating G revisions. American National Standards Institute, Inc.; 12Sep77; A89892S.
A898926. American National Standard position, dimensions and reproducing speed of 100-mil magnetic sound record on 16-mm motion-picture film. ANSI PH22. 1 12- 1977, revision of PH22. 1 12-1958. Secretariat: Society of notion Picture and Television Engineers. 2 p. Add. ti: American National Standard Institute position, dimensions and reproducing speed of 100- mil magnetic sound record on 16-mm motion-picture film. NH: updating fi revisions. 6 American National Standards Institute, Inc.; 12Sep77; A898926.
A898927. Discover the golden age through the Halta masters. 37 p. The Summit Lighthouse, Inc.; 1Sep66; A898927.
A898928. Peace with honor. 1 v. Add. ti; New Year's class dictations, 1964-1965. The Summit Lighthouse, Inc.; 7Apre5; A898928.
A898 929. American Tradition: a House and garden guide, 1977. 160 p. Appl. au: Louis Oliver Gropp. 6 The Conde Nast Pub- lications, Inc.; 13Sep77; A898929.
A898930. Amerada Hess; research bulletin, Sept. 1977. Folder (3 p.) Donaldson, Lufkin and Jenrette Securities Corporation;
12Sep77; A898930.
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