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4898850 - 4898892


JUL-DEC. 1977

1898819 (con.) Baqazine) O The HcCail Pattern CoapaDv: 21JU177: 48988119.

4898850. Broanstone houses. Leaflet no. 905- KB. Folder. (BcCall's Heedlewocll and crafts iiaqazioe, tall 1977 issue) The acCall Pattern Coipany; 21Jul77; 4898850.

4898851. Toan)[sqi»inq pals. Leaflet no. 903-8B. Folder. (HcCall's Needlework and crafts Magazine. fall 1977 issue) The HcCall Pattern CoBpany; 21Jul77: 4898851.

48988S2. Queen's stitchery. Leaflet no. 90U-HB. Folder. (HcCall 's Heedlevork and crafts •aqazine. fall 1977 issue) C The HcCall Pattern Conpany; 21Jul77; A898852.

4898853. People tabard cap 'n* crev nectc. Leaflet no. 698-HB. Polder. (HcCall's Needleworlc and crafts magazine) C The HcCall Pattern Company; 21Jul77: 4898853.

4898851*. Bildlife portraits. Leaflet no. 897-NB. Folder. (Hccall's Needlework and crafts Maqazine, fall 1977 issue) C The HcCall Pattern Coapany: 21Jul77: 4898854.

4898855. Tree of life bedspread and shams. Leaflet no. 899-NB. Folder. (HcCall's Needlework and crafts maqazine, fall 1977 issue) The HcCall Pattern Company; 21JU177: 4898855.

4898856. Thinklinks; educational qames to stimulate the mind of the qrowinq child. Kit. Includinq Thinklinks: what I should know, book 1. Tycro, Inc.; 27Auq77; 489BB56.

4898857. Physiological aspects of fliqht. By Bobert J. Del Vecchio. 161 p. O Bobert J. Del yecchio; 12Sep77; 4898857.

489BB58. Dinner in the morninq: a collection of breakfast and brunch recipes. By Elizabeth N. Shor, with lots of help from Georqe G. Shor, Jr., illus.: Dana Rooster. 85 p. O Elizabeth N. Shor; 234uq77; 4898858.

4898859. No place like home; poems. By Frances 41eiandec. 89 p. Frances Alexander; 30Sep77; 4898859.

4898860. Profane reliqion and sacred law. By Hilton B. Konvitz. 1 ». (The 4nnual Hare lecture for 1977) Deliyered at Cornell University, June 24, 1977 at the 16th 4nnual General 4ssembly Onitarian Oniversalist 4ssociation. O Hilton B. Konvitz: 20Sep77; 4898860.

4898861. To discover, to deliqht. By Joyce Bolton S Yvonne iilson, photos, by Shirley I. Fisher. 88 p. C Joyce Bolton 6 Yvonne iilson; 26Sep77; 4898861.

4898862. Niqht train through Nebraska. By Alexander G. Haurer. 32 p. 41eiander G. Haurer (in notice: 41 Haurer) ; 27Sep77; 4898862.

4898863. Vascular plant families: an introduction to the families of vascular plants native to North 4mecica and selected families of ornamental or economic importance. By James Payne Smith, Jr., illus. by Kathryn E. Simpson. 320 p. NH: text expansion 6 revision S illus. James Payne Smith, Ji.; 'I4pr77; 4898863.

489886 4. Everything you should know about horse racing, but don't. By Thomas Henry Kenny. 30 p. O Thomas Henry Kenny; 22Sep77; 4898864.

A898865. The Hard of hearing adult. 4n awareness booklet by Karen H. Beim. 1 v. O Karen H. Heim; 34uq77; 4898865.

4898866. Facts about Alaska: the Alaska almanac. From the editors of Alaska magazine. The Hilepost, The Alaska iournal e Alaska geographic. 101 p. Appl. au: Alaska Northwest Publishing Company. NH: editorial revision, additional text 6 pictorial matter. Alaska Northwest Publishing Company; 26Sep77; A898866.

A898867. The Travel agent's legal advisor. By Thomas A. Dickerson. 128 p. Articles reprinted in the appendix originally pub. in The Travel agent magazine. O Thomas A. Dickerson; 26Sep77; A898867.

4898868. Christmas cards: Hiles Kimball of Oshkosh. 35 p. 4dd. ti: Christmas card portfolio follow-up, 1977. e Hiles Kimball Company; 26Sep77; 4898868.

4898869. How to work or communicate in a hospital or convalescent home or in a private Lome. By Dora Newhouse, translation by Allison H. De Secio, illus. by John Hunson. 75 p. Add. ti: Como trabajar o conmunicar en un hospital o casa de convalecieutes o en una casa privada. First pub. in 1975. NH: pictorial matter 6 additional text, e Dora Newhouse; 26Sep77; 4898869.

A898870. Opening to God: a guide to prayer. By Thomas 9. Green. 110 p. Ave Haria Press; 20Sep77; 4898870.

A898871. You ought to bid an average hand featuring the Kamikaze no trump. By John Kierein, illus. by James Kierein. 45 p. e John Kierein; 14Sep77: A898871.

Ae98872. Advanced air dryer. Bulletin S-30 "B". Folder. NH: revisions £ additions. O Stratoflex, Inc.; 29Jul77: A898872.

A898873. 4221 nylon tubing, stratoflex nylon tubing and fittings for air brake systems. Bulletin S-35. Folder. O Stratoflex, Inc.; 14Sep77; A898873.

A898874. 28XX quick change style punches and dies. Catalog PD-77. 37 p. O ». A. Ubitney Corporation, an Esterline company; 23Sep77; A898874.

A898875. Coastal piloting homework problems. By uilliam Gerald Bertram. 33 p. e U. Gerald Bertram; 21Sep77; A898875.

A898876. Nu-Hatic water level control instal- lation and maintenance instructions. Folder. NH: revision £ additions, e Nu-Hatic Company; 24Har77; A898876.

A898877. Supplement to Environmental issues: family impact, second edition. 71 p. Appl. au: Evelyn Eldridge. C Evelyn Eldridge; 12Sep77; A898877.

A898878. Creative craft ideas. Collection no. 2. 19 p. NH: editorial compilation 6 new text. O Harold Hangelsen and Sons, Inc.; 23Auq77; A898878.

A8 98879. Creative craft ideas. Collection no. 3. 19 p. NH: editorial compilation & new text. Harold Hangelsen and Sons, Inc.; 23Aug77; Aa98879.

A898880. Hattole Valley flyer. Vol. 2, issue no. 12, Dec. 1, 1976. 4 p. Appl. au: Julie Tindall. Julie Tindall; 1Dec76; A898880.

A898881. The Inkle path to weaving. By Teressa C. Folts, illustrated by David flathieson. 85 p. O Teressa Folts; 10Sep77; A898831.

A898882. Shells and shores. By Hary Uhitehead, illus. by Laverne Cole. 41 p. (Think and write, grade 2) O Hary Uhitehead 6 Laverne Cole; 20Sep77; A898882.

A8988B3. Assignments in criminal trial advocacy. Prepared by Bay Edward Hoses. 1 v. C Bay Edward Hoses; 1Sep77: 4898883.

Ae98884. Cleburne, including Joshua, Keene, IX, and others telephone directory, September 1977. O Southwestern Bell Telephone company; 28Sep77; A898884.

Ae98a85. Puntutjarpa rockshelter and the Australian desert culture. By Bichard A. Gould. 187 p. (Anthropological papers of the American Huseum of Natural History, vol. 54, pt. 1) Appl. au; The American Huseum of Natural History. The American Huseum of Natural History; 27Sep77; A8988a5.

A898886. Dura-Sonic: the economical answer to OSHA noise control requirements. Form no. S23-477. Folder. Add. ti: Dura-Sonic: the economical and flexible noise barrier. O Ouracote Corporation; 16Hay77; A8988e6.

A89e887. Duracote Corporation Dura-Decor Vista Bygienic 4800 vinyl laminated reinforced fabrics. 2 p. O Duracote Corporation; 2Sep77; 4898887.

4898888. Duracote Corporation Dura-Pro 5909 vinyl laminated reinforced fabrics. 1 p. C Duracote Corporation; 21Jul77; 4898888.

4898889. Tell me a story. By the Story Lady, pseud, of Buth V. Gramer. 1 v. Buth V. Graaer; 30Sep77; 4898689.

A89889S. The Incredible Doctor Ueiaburg ; a novel of the last days. By fialph Leonard Foster. 287 p. O Balph Leonard Foster: 19Sep77; A898890.

A898891. Yosemite Ball operations manual. By Peter H. Oser. 1 v. O Peter H. Oser; 26Sep77; A898891.

A898892. Uar stars; a scream play (a comedy film)

By Gene Buck, pseud, of Paul A. Hartin. 3


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