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4898767 - A8 98804


JUL-DEC. 1977

A898766 (con.) Inc. (io notice: Audio Active, Inc.); 15Auq77; A898766.

A898767. Social studies reading. No. 0418, qrade U. Bt Jaaes E. Vauqhn. 1 >. Au- dioactive. Inc. (in notice: Audio Active, Inc-l: 16Aqq77: A89a767.

AB98768. Horld history; liquid duplicatinq asters. Mo. 1033. By Banda Lee Bice Vauqfan. It. O Audioactive, Inc. (in notice: Audio Active, Inc.); 15Auq77; A898768.

A898769. Social studies readinq; liquid duplicatinq nasters. No. 06 18. By Jaaes E. Vauqhn. 1 v. Audioactive, Inc. (in notice: Audio Active^ Inc.); 16Auq77; A898769.

A898770. Social studies readinq. No. 0518. By Jaaes E. Vauqhn. 1 v. O Audioactive, Inc. (in notice: Audio Active, Inc.); 16Auq77; A898770.

A898771. The Truth about you: discover what you should be doinq with your life. By Arthur F. Siller, Jr. £ Balph T. Hattson. 153 p. Arthur F. ailler. Jr. G Balph T. Hattson; 27Sep77; A898771.

A898772. Intercurse. A novel by Jay Inchardi. 172 p. Jay Inchardi: 27Sep77; A898772.

A898773. Tai refora in eighteenth century Loabardy. By Daniel H. Klanq. 110 p. East European Quarterly; 12Sep77; A898773.

A8987711. The Hetaaorphosis of a social class in Bunqary durinq the reiqn of young Franz Joseph. By Peter I. aidas. 1U0 p. East European Quarterly; 12Sep77: A898771t.

A898775. Cbloraalnation reactions. Edited by Stephen E. Frazier C Barry Ball Sisler. 226 p. (Benchaarlt papers in inorganic cheaistry, vol. 6) Nil; prefaces by the series t voluae editors, introd. , coaaentaries, translations, indexes & table of contents. Dowden, Butchinson and Boss, Inc.; 12Sep77; A898775.

A898776. flineral deposits, continental drift and plate tectonics. Edited by J. B. Bright. 1*17 p. (Benchaark papers in geology, vol. 44) NH: prefaces by series e voluae editors, iotrod.. coaaentaries, tran- slations, indexes fi table of contents. O Dotfden , Hutchinson and Boss, Inc.; 16Sep77; Ae98776.

A898777. Parental behavior in birds. Edited by Bae Silver. 435 p. (Benchaarlc papers in aniaal behavior, vol. 11) NB: prefaces by the series C volume editors, iutrod.«  coaaentaries, translations, indexes & table of contents. Dovden, Hutchinson and Boss, Inc.: 16Sep77: A898777.

A898778. Aqinq. Edited by Geraldine H. Eaerson. 372 p. (Benchaark papers in huaan physiology, vol. 11) BB: prefaces by the series £ voluae editors, introd., coaaentaries, translations, indexes £ table of contents. Dowden , Butchinson and BoSs, Inc.; 12Sep77; A89e778.

A898779. Shrinp and pravn faraing in the Bestern Beaisphere: state-of-the-art revievs and status assessments. Edited by Joe A. Banson S Harold Leland Goodwin. 439 p. O Dovden, Butchinson and Boss, Inc.; 6Sep77; A898779.

A898780. The Correspondence of Harold Frederic- Edited by George E. Fortenberry, Stanton Garnet 6 Bobert H. Boodvard, text established by Charlyne Dodqe. 615 p. (The Harold Frederic edition, vol. 1) Appl. states all new except pref. £ a fev prev. pub. letters. O Texas Christian Oniversity Press; 20Se?77; A898780.

A898781. Growth probleas and clinical advances; the 1975 Birth Defects Conference held at Kansas City, HO. Editors: Daniel Berqsaa £ a. Neil Schiake, assistant editor: Sue Conde Greene. 324 p. (Birth defects: oriqinal article series, vol. 12, no. 6, 1976) C The National Foundation; 15Sep76; A898781.

A898782. Cytoqenetics, environaent and aai- foraation syndromes; the 1975 Birth Defects conference held at Kansas City, BO. Editors: Daniel Bergsaa £ B. Neil Sctiake, assistant editor: Sue Conde Greene. 340 p. (Birth defects: oriqinal article series, vol. 12, no. 5, 1976) The National Fouadation; 16Aug76; A898782.

A898783. Augustine Laure, S.J.: aissionary to the Takiaas. By Victor Garrand, editor: Edward j. Kowrach. 35 p. Edvard J. Kowrach; 1Sep77; A898783.

A898784. The Lady went first. By Joseph Naniscalco. 263 p. Joseph Haniscalco; 23Sep77; A898784.

A89878b. Vanishinq Louisiana. By Noraan C. Ferachi £ Sue L. Eakin. 128 p. beaureqard Press; 1Jun77; A898785.

A898786. conteaporary conductinq techniques for the fila, for T.V., for the syaphony and the school. By Hario F. Oneglia. 1 v. Baric P. Oneqiia; 23Sep77: A898786.

A898787. Green house grow how; a reference book. By John H. Pierce, col. illus.: fioselyn Pape, technical illus.: Jon. Bersh. 241 p. Appl. au: Plants, Inc. d.b.a. plants Alive Books. O Plants, Inc. d.b.a. Plants Alive Books (in notice: Plants, Inc.); 26Auq77; A898787.

A898788. The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 1965-1975; a retrospective vision. By Bobert Bieke, illus. by Bichard Gantt. 121 p. O Bobert Bieke; 27Sep77; A898788.

A898789. Fernando Cortes; his five letters of relation to the Eaperor Charles 5th. Vol. 1-2. Translated £ edited, with a bioqraphical introd. fi notes coapiled froa oriqinal sources by Francis Augustus BacNutt, publisher's pref.: Bobert B. McCoy, introductory essay: John Greenway. Add. ti: Letters of Cortes to Eaperor Charles 5th. The Bio Grande Press, Inc.; 1Sep77; A898789.

A898790. Travels in the interior of Hexico, in 1825, 1826, 1827 and 1828. By Bobert Billiaa Hale Hardy, new publisher's pref.: Robert B. HcCoy, introd.: David J. Beber. 558 p. £ aap. Add. ti: Travels in Bexico. The Bio Grande Press, Inc.; 1Sep77; A898790.

A89879 1. Opdated dwellings of Boxford. By Binnifrid chadwick Parkhurst £ Barbara Carolyn Perley. 214 p. Binnifrid Chadwick Parkhurst £ Barbara Carolyn Perley; 1Jul77; A898791.

A898792. Oneida coanunity profiles. By Constance Noyes Bobertson. 146 p. Constance Noyes Bobertson; 26Sep77: A898792.

A898793. Poeas of love and passion. By Franklin s. HcGovcn. 2nd ed. 80 p. Franklin S. HcGowen; 15Sep77; A898793.

A898794. Froa Jackson to Japan: the history of Coapany C, 307th Infantry, 77th Division, in Borld Bar 2, its deeds — its casualties, honor roll and awards. By Henry 0. Lopez. 247 p. o Henry D. Lopez; 15Aug77; 4898794.

A898795. Aliceville, Carrollton, Ethelsville, 4L, and others, Septeaber 1977. Continental Telephone Coapany of the South-Alabaaa; 26Auq77; A898795.

A898796. Askov, [inlayson, HcGrath, HN, and others, October 1977. Add. ti: acGregor, HN, October 1977. Continental Telephone Coapany of Hiunesota, Inc.; 23Sep77; 4398796.

A898 79 7. Jeaison, Bockford, Thorsby, including listings for Clanton, 4L, September 1977. Add. ti: Thorsby, 4L, Septeaber 1977. O Continental Telephone Coapany of the South-41abaan; 26Auq77; A898797.

A898798. Isabella, Knife Biver, Two Harbors, UN, October, 1977. Add. ti: Two Harbors, BN, October 1977. O Continental Telephone Company of Minnesota, Inc. ; 14Sep77; A898798.

A8987S9. Anderson, Brooklet, Clito, GA, and others telephone directory, Septeaber 1977. Add. ti: Bulloch County, GA, Septeaber 1977. Bulloch County Sural Telephone Cooperative, Inc. ; 264U977; A898799.

A898800. Pocahontas, IL, telephone directory, October 1977. O Hidland Telephone Coapany: 2Sep77; A898800.

A8988C1. Bath, Kilbourne, Bason City, IL, October 1977. Add. ti: Bason City, IL, October 1977. Continental Telephone company of Illinois; 13Sep77; A6988ai.

A698802. Deer Grove, Booppole, Prophetstown, IL, and others, October 1977. Add. ti: Prophetstown, IL, October 1977. continental Telephone Coapany of Illinois; 22Sep77; A898802.

A898803. Chaaois, Borrison, Bount Sterling, HO, October 1977. O Continental Telephone Coapany of Hissouri; 14Sep77; A898803.

A89e804. Bupert, including listings for Bainelle, BV, October 1977. O Best Virginia

Telephone Coapany; 9Sep77; A898B04.


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