JUL-DEC. 1977
A898556. A Cantocbucv tale: oxpoclences aad rof lections, 1916- 1976. By John Coqioy. 126 p. O The Seabury Proas, Inc.; 22No»76: A890556.
A898557. nediauorXd: pro(ir<imuinq the public. Dy John H. Pholan. 169 |i. O John H. Phulan; 20Jun77: A898557.
AS9BSS8. Mortal onqlnea. Dy Stanislau Luai. tcanalated fcoa th« Polinh £ vith an intcod. by Nichanl Kandel. 239 p. Portion prev. pub. in Cyberiada, 3rd od- , 1972, as part o£ collection callud "Balki robotuH" (Fabliis lor robots) C othors. O on £nqlish translation £ introd. ; The Seabucy 9t:eaa; 1!il1av77; A69aSS0.
A898559. Livinq in a nurainq hone: a couploto quido for residents, their Cauilles and friends. By Sarah Greene Durqor e Martha D'ErasjDO. 178 p. O Sarah Greene Durqcr 6 Martha D'Eraaao; 27Dec76; A8985D9.
AS9aS6a. The Secret qarden: an anthuloqy in the Kabbalah. ' Edited by David Nwltzor. 233 p. The Soabury Press, Inc. ; 28Peb77 (in notice: 1976) ; AB98560.
AB98561. China and the s<^arch for happiness: cecuccinq themes in four thousand years ol Chinese cultural history. By Holfqanq Daucr, translated from the Gersan by Michael ShaH. 502 p. Prev. pub. as China und die llotfnunq auf Slueck. on Enqllah translation: The Seabury Preaa, Inc.: 13Dec76: A8 9856 1.
A89a562. The fabiana. Dy Norman Ian HacKonzle e Jnanno Daisy HacKonzle. 1146 p. NH: text K compilation of photoa, Nocnan NacKuni:ie C Jeanne HacKonzio: 15Mac77: A898562.
A898563. James Joyce: the citizen and the actlst. By C. M. Peake. 369 p. C. U. Peake; 2Jun77: A898S63.
Ae98S64. Faith and knowledge. By Georq Ullhnlm Friedrich Heqol, tranalated by Halter Ccrf £ II. S. Harris. 206 p. NH: introd., translation G notes, o State University of New York; 24Jun77: Aa98564.
A898565. The World ol Marcel Duchamp, 1887-1968. Dv Calvin Tomklns G tho editors of Time-Life Books, Inc. 192 p. (Time-Life library of art) hppl. au: Time-Life Books. Inc.. employer for hire. NH: revisiona 6 additional pictorial matter. O Time-Lite Dooka, Inc.; 16Sep77; A89a565.
Aa98566. 'Kitchens and bathrooms: home repair and improvement. ny the editors of Time-Life Dooka, manaqinq editor: Jerry Korn C others, art director: Tom Suzuki. 128 p. Appl. au: Time-Life Books, Inc., employer for hire. Time-Life Dooka, Inc.; 16Sep77: A89a566.
A898567. The Time-Life encyclopedia of gardening; ferns. Dy Philip Perl 6 the editors of Time-Life Dooka. watercolor illus. by Diehard Crist. 159 p. Appl. au: Time-Life Books, Inc., employer for hire. O Tiac-Lite Books. Inc.; 16Sep77: A898567.
A89aS6a. Dlack/brown/white relations in the 1970" s. Edited by Charles V. Uillio. 235 p. O Transaction, Inc.- 30Jun77; A898568.
A898569. Deviant iiCe-stylos. Edited by James M. Ilenalln. 380 p. NM: introd. Tran- saction, Inc.; 30Jun/7; A898569.
Aa9e570. strateqlc thinking and its noral implications. Dy Morton A. Kaplan. 157 p. Appi. au: Philip Sreen. The University o£ Chicago; 21Aug73; AB9a570.
AB9e571. Lonely vigil: coastuatchors of the Solomons. By Ualter Lord. 322 p. NH: tent. O Haltor Lord; 3Aug77; A898571.
A898572. Design review: industrial design 23rd annual. Compiled G written by Ann Nydele. 191 p. Add. ti: Design review 23. o Industrial Deaign Haqazine; 16Sep77; A898572.
A89B573. west's Federal practice digest 2d. Vol. 113-45. NH: compilation, revisions G additions. O Uest Publishing Company: 7JU177: A898573.
Aa98674. McKinney'B consolidated lawrj oi New York annotated. Dook 23: General liunicipal law. 686 p. NH: compilation, editorial revision C additions. O Vast Publishing company; iaAug77: A898574.
Aa96575. New york supplement, second series. Vol. 389. 1 V. NH: compilation, additiona £ revisions. O Hest Publishing Company; 17Auq77; Aa98575.
A89aS76. introduction to civil iitiqation. IsHued by The luKtituto Cor Paralegal Training, volume editor: Steven T. Stern, Institute series editor: Caroline s. Ladon. 462 p. (Paraleqal aeries. Editors: William P. stataky G David Matz) o Host Publishing Company: l6Aug77: Aa98576.
Aa98577. New york City charter and administrative code annotated. Vol. 1. Editor: Edith L. I'isch. 386 p. Appl. au: Williams Press, Inc. O Williams Press, Inc.; 150ec76: A89a577.
A89a578. Bumaii and related viruses. Pt. B. Edited by Edouard Kuratak G Christine Kurnlak. 555 p. (Comparative diagnosis ol viral diseases, vol. 2) Appl. states copyright not claimed in any portion of this work written by Government employees within the scope of their employment. O Academic proaa. Inc.; 2Sep77; Aa9a57a.
A89a579. Molecular cloning of recombinant ONA. Edited by Wllliaiu Addison Scott G Iludolf Werner. 249 p. (Miami winter aynpoaia, vol. IJ) Appl. states copyright not claimed in any portion of this work written by Government employees within tho scope of their employment, o Academic Press, Inc.; 23Auq77; AB98579.
Aa9a580. search and discovery: a tribute to Albert Szent-Gyorqyi. Edited by Benjamin Kaminor. 344 p. Appl. states copyriqht is not claimed in any portion of this book written by Government employees within the acop4i of their employment. Academic Press, Inc.; 2Sep77; Aa985B0.
A898581. Language development and neurological theory. Edited by Sidney J. Scgalowitz G Frederic A. Gruber. 376 p. (Perspectives in neurolinguistics and psycholinguistics) O Academic Press, Inc.; 2Aug77; A89B5S1.
A898582. Occupational prestige in comparative perspective. Dy Donald J. Trelman. 514 p. (Quantitative studies in social relations) O Academic Press, Inc.; 31Aug77; A898582.
A89a5e3. Clasaif icdtion and clustering; proceedings of an Advanced Seminar conducted by the Hathematica Besearch Center, The University of Wisconsin at Madison, May 3-5. 1976. Edited by John Van Byzin. 467 p. Proceedings of the Advanced Seminar on Cla&ailication and Clustering. O Academic Press, Inc. ; 5Sep77; A898583.
A898584. Combustion. By Irvin Glassman. 275 p. O Academic Press, Inc.; 16AU977; A89B584.
A898585. Annual reports in medicinal chemistry. Vol. 12. Editor-in-chief: Prank H. Clarke. 340 p. O Academic Press, Inc.; 24Auq77; Aa98585.
Aa98586. The New practice of supervision and staff development; a synerglatlc approach. By Paul Abels. 255 p. O Paul Abels; 6Sep77; Aa98586.
Aa9a587. Stratigraphy und paleobotany of the Golden Valley formation (early tertiary) of western North Dakota. By Leo J. Mickey. 1 v. O The Geological Society of America, Inc.; 19Jul77; A898587.
A898588. The Family in mourning: a guide for health profea^lonuls. By Charles E. Hollingaworth G Bobcrt 0. Paanau. 213 p. O Grune and Stratton, Inc.; 8Sep77; Aa98 5a8. alntions: ca
A898589. Hyperlipidemla: diagnosis and therapy. Edited by Basil H. Bifklnd G Kabert I. Levy. 396 p. O Grune and Stratton, Inc.; 21Sep77; Aa98589.
A89a590. Motor: Chevrolet naintenaace and repair guide for 1970-77 models; Impala. Caprice, Bel-Air, Biscayne, Brookwood, Townsman, Kingswood. Editor: Louis C. Forier. 144 p. O Tho Hearst Corporation: 23Sep77; Aa9a590.
AU9a59 1. Motor: Nova maintenance and repair guide for 1970-77 models. Editor: Louis C. Forier. 144 p. O The Hearst Corporation; 23Sop77: AB98591.
Ae9a59 2. Motor: Ford maintenance and repair guide for 1970-77 aodols; Galaxle, LTD, Custon XL. Editor: Louis, C. torler. 144 p. O The Hearst Corporation; 21Sep77: AB98592.
A898593. Motor: Chevelle maintenance and repair guide for 1970-77 models; Laguna, Halibu, Nomad, Greenbrier, Concours. Editor: Louis c. Forier. 148 p. The Hearst Corporation; 21Sep77; A898593.
A898594. Motor: Dart maintenance and repair guide
for 1970-1976 models; Demon, Swinger.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.