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B98059 - 1898100


JUL-DEC. 1977

B89B058 (con.) farnecs in the adoption of agricultural innovations: the case of Bungoma District, Kenya. By Peter tnthony Hartinus Hisiko. HicrofilD. C Peter Anthony Hactinus Hisiko: 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); 1898058.

&898059. Determinants of geographical moTement of the elderly. By Bonny Gay Olsen. Microfila. e Bonny Gay Olsen; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976) : &S98059.

A898060. Adaptive systems; a contribution to theory and method in international relations. By David Brian DeHitt. Hiccofilm. David Brian Deiitt; 15Sep77; A898060.

A898061. Some correlates of paid faculty consultants at ma-jor universities: an analysis of their cosmopolitan-local orientation. By Allan Halter Lanning. DiccofilB. C Allan Halter Lanning: 15Sep77: A898061.

A898062. Analysis of social and conounity needs of black senior citizens xn inner city Detroit. By Lois Lorraine Hillians. Hicrofilm. 3 Lois Lorraine Hilliams; t5Sep77: A898062.

A898063. The Nature, status, and scope of career education programs in the school districts of the State of Michigan. By Foster Britton Sibbs. Microfilm. C Foster Britton Gibbs; 15Sep77; A898063.

A898061t. The Cause of the ordered world: an examination of Hume^s Dialogues concerning natural religion. By Kenneth Verne Nelson. Microfilm. 6 Kenneth Verne Nelson; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A8980ei|.

A89e065. An Examination of small wind electric systems in Michigan. By Barry Norbert Haack. Microfilm, e Barry Norbert Baack; 15Sep77: A898065.

A8980ee. The Relationship between consumer sentiment and common stock prices. By Philip David Hathanson. Microflloi. Philip David Nathauson; 1SSep77: A898066.

A8980e7. The Erosion of childhood: a social- phenomenological study of early ins- titutionalization. By Valerie Polakov Snransky. Hicrofilm. O Valerie Polakow Sucansky; 15Sep77; A898067.

A898068. An Economic investigation of expected returns across occupations in the non-supervisory U.S. labor forcel By tcfflie George Denend. Microfilm. O Leslie George Denend; 15Sep77; A8g8068.

A898069. Values in a rural upstate Ne» York community. By Neil Howard Johason. Microfilm. Neil Howard Johnson; 15Scp77 (in notice: 1976); A898069.

A898070. Complex error analysis and the fast Fourier transform. By Leonard Joseph Harding, Jr. Microfilm. O Leonard Joseph Harding, Jr.; 15Sep77: A898070.

A898071. Educational implications of an extended definition of gifted ability for modifications in the learning environment of young minority children. By Charlotte Louise Orange. Microfilm. © Charlotte Louise Orange; 15Sep77; A898071.

Ae980T2. Marital disruption among blacks. By Hobert Lewis Hampton. Microfilm. Robert Lewis Hampton; 15Sep77: A898072.

A898073. The Village and the state in Spain. By Susan Friend Harding. Hicrofilm. G Susan Friend Harding: 15Sep77; A898073.

A898071t. The Present state of the Dutch Creole of the virgin Islands. By Anne Victoria Adams Graves. Hicrofilm. O Anne Victoria Adams Graves: 15Sep77; A8980711.

A898075. An Analytical description of funding egual educational services in selected states. By Elvin Harold Hebber. Microfilm. O Elvin Harold Hebber; 15Sep77; A898075.

A898076. Decision making process model: program development and evaluation. By Dorothy Jeremiah Jackson. Microfilm. O Dorothy Jeremiah Jackson; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A898076.

A898077. The Development of population policy in Japan, 1945-1952, and American parti- cipation. Vol. 1 fi 2. By Deborah Jane Hacker Oakley. Microfilm. Deborah Jane Hacker Oakley; 15Sep77; A898077.

A898078. The Bole of the Muslim school as an alternative to special education for Bilalian children labeled as deviant. By Ayesha Nadirah Bashed. Hicrofilm. Ayesha Nadirah Bashed; 15Sep77; A898078.

A898079. Fate and foreknowledge: necessity and prophecy in Melville's fiction. By Thomas Michael McCort. Microfilm. O Thomas Michael HcCort; 15Sep77; A898079.

A8980eO. Female activism in Horld Har 1: the American women's peace, suffrage, preparedness, and relief movements, 1914-1919. Vol. 16 2. By Barbara Jean Steinson. Microfilm. Barbara Jean Steinson; 15Sep77; A8980ao.

A898081. Down, then out: a reading of Hillian Gaddis* The Becognitions. By Bobert L. Hinkoff. Microfilm. O Bobert L. Hinkoff; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A8980fl1.

A89a082. The Form of Friedrich Schlegel's Lucinde. By Loisa Caroline Nygaard. Microfilm. Q Loisa Caroline Nygaard; 15Sep77 (in notice; 1976); A898082.

A898083. Controlling organizations through Isiw: due process mandates and diversion grants in juvenile courts. By Michael Bichard Sosin. Microfilm. Q Michael fiichard Sosin; 15Sep77; A898083.

A8980a4. Acquisition of object categories. By Carolyn Beth Mervis. Hicrofilm. O Carolyn Beth Mervis; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A898084.

A89808S. Struggle with death: the theme of death in the major prose works of lu. Olesha and of V. Kataev. By Phyllis Marie Johnson. Microfilm. O Phyllis Marie Johnson; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A898085.

A898086. The Sacred ode in eighteenth century Bussian literary culture. By Alexander Levitsky. Microfilm. O Alexander Levitsky; 15Sep77; A898086.

A898087. The Golden rule. By Barry John Gensler. Microfilm. Harry John Gensler; 15Sep77; A898087.

A8980B8. The Impact of labor union membership in post-industrial society, political attitudes in the Federal Bepublic of Germany, France, and the United States. By Patricia Bebecca Mackin. Microfilji. O Patricia Bebecca Mackin; 15Sep77; A898088.

A898089. Cerebral lateralization and personality style. By Irving Alan Smokier. Microfilm. 6 Irving Alan Smokier; 15Sep77; A898089.

A89809 0. The Design of Coleridge's Biographia literaria. By Catherine Miles Hallace. Microfilm. O Catherine Miles Hallace; 15Sep77; A898090.

A89a091. Estimating strategic media vehicle audience characteristics using audience profile data and nonmetric regression techniques. By Jeffrey Gilman Towle. Microfilm. 6 Jeffrey Gilman Towle; 15Sep77; A898091.

A89Ba92. Evaluation of subgrid-scale turbulence models using a fully simulated turbulent flow. By Bobert Arthur Clark. Hicrofilm. Bobert Arthur Clark; r5Sep77; A898092.

Aa98093. Albert Mccieery's transfer of theatre practice to live television drama. By Joan Elizabeth Thiel. Microfilm. Joan Elizabeth Thiel; 15Sep77; A898093.

A898094. The Thai verb in a tagmemic framework. By Tasaniya Punjodyana. Microfilm. O Tasaniya Punyodyana; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976) ; A898094.

A898095. Language theory and techniques in Voltaire's fictional and historical writing. By Maureen Francis c'Meara. Microfilm. & Maureen Francis O'Meara; l5Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A898095.

AB98096. Turbo hydramatic (M-29) 200. 2 p. Appl. au: Eugene Shakin. 6 Melville Publications. Inc.; 1Sep77; 1898096.

A898097. International registry of trailer, container and chassis equipment. Vol. 2, 1977. 126 p. Equipment Interchange Association; 20Sep77; A898097.

A898098. Voodoo doll sorcery. 2 cards. Appl. au: Sal J. Fiorilla. Ba-Mu Enterprises, Inc.; 1Aug77; A898098.

A898099. Tygon monitoring/administration lines. Folder. Appl. au: John L. fiogers. O Norton company; 31Aug77; A898099.


Brasil ball soccer game. 1 v. Appl.


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