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JUL-DEC. 1977

A898019 (con.) illan Pcosch. Hicrofila. O Allan Fcosch; 15Sep77: A898019.

A898020. The 01 tcasttucture of the epideroiis, derais, icidophores* leucophores, and chroaatophores o£ Octopus dofleinl aartini (Cephalopoda; Octopoda) By Steven Louis Brocco. Bicrofila. Steven Louis Brocco; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); t89B020.

A898021. A Critical analysis of the plays of Terence fiattiqan. By Holly Hill. HicrofilB. e Holly Hill; 15Sep77; A898021.

A898022. Fliqht toward reality; a Itinesthetic ceadinq of Hilton's Paradise lost. By Elizabeth Ely Fuller. Nicrofila. O Elizabeth Ely Puller: 15Sep77; A898022.

A898023. Kids aake sense; an ethnoqraphic account of the interactional aanaqeaent of success and failure in one first-qrade classrooa. By fiayaond Patrick HcOeraott. Hicrofila. Bayaond Patricic HcDeraott; 15Sep77: A898023.

A898a2lt. The Enecqy transfer due to air-input, nonlinear nave-Have interaction and Hhite-cap dissipation associated uith Hind-qenerated waves. By Honq-ye iu. Hicrotila. Honq-ye Bu; 15Sep77; A89802't.

A098025. A Coaputer siaulation to explore traffic control stxateqies for an urban expressway network, with an application to the Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway. By Katsuhiro Tanaka. nicrofila. O Katsuhiro Tanaka: 15Sep77: A898025.

A898026. Bureau of Indian Affairs* tiaber sales policies; econoaic iapacts on the Flathead Indian Beservation. By Franklin Georqe Fox, Jr. HicrofilB. Franklin Georqe Fox. Jr.: 15Sep77: A898026.

A898027. The Tachira frontier, 1881-1899; reqional isolation and national inteq- ration iu the Venezuelan Andes. By Arturo Guillerao Hunoz. HicrofilB. O Arturo Guillerao Hunoz: 15Sep77: A898027.

A898023. The Stutterinq larynx; an electroa- yoqrapbic study of larynqeal auscle activity accoopanyinq stutterinq. By Frances Jackson Freeaan. HicrofilB. Frances Jackson Freeaan: 15Sep77: A898a28.

AB98029. Elderlys* aotivatlons for use of a hoae aeal delivery service. By Helody Jean Harshall. Hicrofila. Helody Jean Harshall: 15Sep77: A898029.

A898a30. The Fire landscape; its sources and its developaent froa Bosch throuqh Jan Brueqfael 1st, uith special eaphasis on the aid-sixteenth century Bosch "revival." By Nancy A. Corwin. Hicrofila. Nancy A. Corwio: 15Sep77 |in notice: 1976) : A898a30.

A898031. An Experiaentai investlqation of the iqfluence of television oc infants* visual and vocal behavior. , By Albert Bussell Hollenbeck. Hicrofila. Albert Bussell

A898032. Hineral paraqenesis and fluid inclusion theraometry at four Western O.S. tunqsten deposits. By Davxd Bhys Sigurdson. Hicrofila. O David Shys Siqurdson; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1974); A898032.

A898033. Perturbative calculations in qauge theories. By Dwight Hiroshi Fujiaoto. Hicrofila. & Dwight Hiroshi Fujiaoto; 15Sep77; A898033.

A898034. Interbuaan relations in the work of Albert Caaus. By Hadeline Di Lorenzo- Coscia. Hicrofila. Hadeline Di lorenzo-Coscia: 15Sep77; A89803H.

A898035. Pt. 1: Perforaances of conteaporary and Aaerican ausic in Seattle, 1653-1912. Pt. 2; Docuaentation of recitals. By E. Harvey Jewell. Hicrofila. O E. Harvey Jewell: 15Sep77; A898035.

A89B036. A Coaparative study of faaily stability, neighborhood and coauunity service characteristics in relation to aobility treads among residents of Harygrove, a northwest Detroit coaaunity. By Verner Lee fiobinson. Hicrofila. O Verner Lee Bobinson; 15Sep77; A89B036.

A898037. The Besolution on intra-role conflicts perceived by role enactors during the transition froa hierarchical to group decisions in three school settings. By Ardeth Harie Deay. Hicrofila. Ardeth Harie Deay; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A896037.

A898038. The Bole of the literary naturalist in Aaerican culture. By Deanna Kay Haney. Hicrofila. Deanna Kay Haney; 15Sep77; A898038.

A898039. The Crescent arises over the banyan tree; a study of the Huhaaaadijah Hoveaent in a central Javanese town. By Hitsuo Nakaaura. Hicrofila. Hitsuo Nakaaura; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A898039.

A898040. Shaping teachinq behavior by feedback. By Georqe Joseph Poydcas. Hicrofila. Georqe Joseph Poydras; 15Sep77; A898ail0.

A898041. Systeaatic operating risk, accounting betas and leverage; deterainants of systeaatic risk. By Ned Croaar Bill. Hicrofila. O Ned Croaar Hill; 15Sep77 (in notice; 1976); A898041.

A8980't2. Fora and iaaqe in conteaporary Aaerican biography. By Jeanne Heinstein Halpern. Hicrofila. O Jeanne Neinstein Halpern; 15Sep77; A898042.

A8980U3. Corpus Christi draaa as aedievai coaedy. By Sister Frances Helen Gussenhoven, E.S.H.H. Hicrofila. Sister Prances Helen Gussenhoven, B.S.H.H. ; 1SSep77: AS980lt3.

A898044. An Instrunental study of Thai speakers' English intonation. By Narumon Kar- nchanathat. Hicrofila. 6 Naruaon Karnchanathat; 15Sep77; A8980i(4.

A8980lt5. Selected correlates of androgyny. By Jeanne Flyntz DeJosepb. HicrofilB. Jeanne Flyntz DeJoseph; 1SSep77: A8980I4S.

A898a(t6. Speaker of words and doer of deeds; the collected literary essays of Archibald HacLeish. Vol. 16 2. By David Jaues Kressler. Appl. states all new except p. 187-653, "The Essays." O David Jaaes Kressler: 15Sep77; A89801t6.

A898a<l7. Popular lore and iaaqery iu the drawings of Drs Graf, circa 1485-1529. By Christiane DagBar Andersson. Hicrofila. O Christiane Dagaar Andersson; 15Sep77; A89S047.

A89e048. Prosecution of illegal behavior in seventeenth-century England with eaphasis on Lancashire. By Ualter Joseph King. Hicrofila. O Ualter Joseph King: 15Sep77; A89804e.

A898049. The Politics of developaent in the Brazilian Aaazon, 1940-1950. By John Roaer Galey. Hicrofila. O John Uoaer Galey; 15Sep77; A898049.

A898050. An Analysis of selected social and psychological variables affecting professional continuing education learning groups consisting of people in helping professions. By Charles Arnold Jones. Hicrofila. Charles Arnold Jones; 15Sep77; A898050.

A898051. Coordination of social and aedical services in Norway. By Ann Carolyn Woods. HicrofilB. O Ann Carolyn Soods; 15Sep77; A898051.

A8980S2. The Development and testing of indigenous word probleas for grades four-six in Liberia, Best Africa. By Joanne Shirley Bankin. Hicrofila. Joanne Shirley Bankin; 15Sep77; A898052.

A898053. Guide to curriculuB developaent; oeat science and oanageaent instruction for the food service industry. By Stephen Alan Hutkoski. Hicrofila. O Stephen Alan Hutkoski; 15Sep77 (in notice; 1976); A898a53.

A898054. Part-time fathers; a study of separated and divorced aen. By Harry Pinkelstein Keshet. Hicrofila. O Harry Pinkelstein Keshet; 15Sep77; A898054.

A898055. Politics and policy making in the People*s Eepubiic of China, 1954-1955. By Charles Thoaas Pingar. Hicrofila. O Charles Thoaas Pingar: 15Sep77; A898055.

A89e056. A People divided: the Civil War interpreted by participants. By Bandall Clair Jiaerson. Hicrofila. O Sandall Clair Jiaerson; 15Sep77; A898056.

Aa98057. For usefulness and heaven: the juvenile reform aoveaent in the ante-bellua period. By Joan Elizabeth Gittens. Hicrofila. Joan Elizabeth Gittens; 15Sep77; A898057.


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