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4897979 - S898019


JUL-DEC. 1977

A897 978 (con.) verbal prefix be- and its synchrouic manifestations in Enqlish. By Mariklca Elizabeth Bypa. HicirofilB. 6 Harikka Elizabeth Bypa; 15Sep77: A897978.

4897979. On married life; sex roles, violence and power- By Emily stier 4dler. Microfilm. @ Emily Sher 4dler (in notice: Emily stier Adler) : 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); 4897979.

4897980. The Department of Defense Property Disposal Service: a computerized location-allocation model usiaq dynamic programming with converqinq branches and multidimensional state and decision variables. By Bruce Edward Krell. Microfilm. 6 Bruce Edward Krell; 15Sep77; 4897980.

4897981. 4 Teacher behavior instrument for a multidimensional teaching model. By Boland Bay Kratzner. Microfilm. 6 fioland Bay Kratzner: 15Sep77; 4897981.

4897982. Diversification composition of the top-management team and performance of the firm. By Jean-touis Bouchet. Microfilm, e Jean-Louis Bouchet; 15Sep77; 4897982.

4897983. 4 Proxy approach to multi-attribute decision making. By Kenneth B. Oppen- heimer. Microfilm. 9 Kenneth B. Oppenheimer; 15Sep77; 4897983.

4897981(. The Feminine dream of happiness: a study of the woman's search for intelligent love and recognition in selected English novels fLom Clarissa to Emma. By Kathy 4nderson Bauska. Microfilm. Q Kathy 4nderson Bauska; 15Sep77; 4897984.

4897985. John Buskin and the British working man. By James Frederick Fisher. Microfilm. 6 James Frederick Fisher: 15Sep77; 4897985.

4897986. Strindberq's influence on Bergman's Det Siunde inseglet, Smultronstaellet, and Personna. By Marilyn Elizabeth Johns. Microfilm. C Marilyn Elizabeth Johns; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); 4897986.

4897987. 4 Study and partial translation of Masukagami. By George R. Perkins. Microfilm. 6 George ». Perkins: 15Sep77; 4897987.

4897988. Patterns of winning and losing: effects on approach and avoidance by friends and enemies. By Thomas Jacob Peters. Microfilm, e Thomas Jacob Peters; 15Sep77; 4897988.

A897989. 4 Dynamic model of a computer services market. By Yukio Sato. Microfilm. O Yukio Sato; 15Sep7^; 4897989.

4897990. Bhetoric and meditation in the sonnets of Hilliam 41abaster. By fiobert Vincent Caro. Microfilm. Bobert Vincent Caro; 15Sep77: 4897990.

4897991. 4n Empirical comparison of three techniques for the selection of a subset of predictor variables. By David Baskin. Microfilm. David Baskin; 15Sep77; A897991.

4897992. 4 Comparative analysis of educational television in El Salvador and Cuba. By Jorge Ricardo lierthein. Microfilm. 9 Jorge Bicardo Herthein; 15Sep77; 4897992.

4897993. Spatial and symbolic left-right coding and interference effects in information processing. By James Henry Bertera. Microfilm. O James Henry Bertera; 15Sep77; 4897993.

489799U. Hydrogeochemical and microbiological factors affecting the heavy metal chemistry of an acid mine drainage system. By Darrell Kirk Nordstrom. Microfilm. e Darrell Kirk Nordstrom; 15Sep77; 4897994.

4897995. The Literature of madness; autobiog- raphical writings by mad people and mental patients in England and 4marica from 1436 to 1975. By Dale 41fred Peterson. Microfilm. @ Dale Alfred Peterson; 15Sep77; A897995.

A897996. The Times of London and reconstruction of the Southern States: 1865 to 1877. By Patricia 4. Freeman. Microfilm. e Patricia 4. Freeman; 15Sep77; 4897996.

4897997. Defining a continuum of recovery in alcoholism. By Stephanie Diane Brown. Microfilm. @ Stephanie Diane Brown; 15Sep77; 4897997.

4897998. Varying temporal location of a CS in a fixed inter-US interval in heart rate conditioning in Macaca mulatta. By Jaylan Sheila Turkkau. Microfilm. @ Jaylan Sheila Turkkan; 15Sep77; 4897998.

4897999. Investigative reporting: methods and barriers. By Leonard Leslie Sellers. Microfilm. © Leonard Leslie Sellers; 15Sep77; 4897999.

4898000. Empirical estimates of program entropy. By Hichard Eric Sweet. Microfilm. e Bichard Eric Sweet; 15Sep77; 4898000.

4898001. Cultural despair and the post-behavioral revolution: on the Americanization of "the idea of the patriot-king and the modern prince." By Hilton Chapman Dorsey. Microfilm. Q Milton Chapman Dorsey; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); 4898001.

4898002. French naval policy and foreign affairs, 1930-1939. By Billiam Gregory Perett. Microfilm. 6 William Gregory Perett; 15Sep77; 4898002.

4898003. The Effects of college level sex education on sexual anxiety and attitudes. By Bobert Jenness Atkins. Microfilm. & Bobert Jenness Atkins: 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); 4898003.

4898004. Feminism and the secondary school curriculum, 1890-1920. By Millicent 41exander Butherford. Microfilm. Millicent 41exander Butherford; 15Sep77; 4898004.

4898005. Ascenso Ferreira: a study in populist esthetics. By Mary Ellen shields. Microfilm. © Mary Ellen shields; 1SSep77; A898005.

4898006. Thfi Catholic periodical press and issues of war and peace: 1914-1S46. By Esther Josephine MacCarthy- Microfilm- 6 Esther Josephine MacCarthy; 15Sep77; A898006.

A898007. Psychosocial attributes related to the physical growth and behavioral adaptations of children treated in early stages of renal failure. By Mary Rita Crittenden. Microfilm. Mary Bita Crittenden; 15Sep77; 4898007.

4898008. Poly (carbon suboxide) -4 paramagnetic, photosensitive oligomer. By 4rthur ailliam Snow. Microfilm. Arthur William Snow; 15Sep77; 4898008.

4898009. Mistake or malice? Moral judgments about interpersonal harm based upon transcripts of alleged criminal inves- tigations. By David William Carraher. Microfilm. 6 David William Carraher; 15Sep77; 4898009.

4898010. The Budgetary control of the development of management inforination systems. By Thomas Carlyle Waller, Jr. Microfilm, e Thomas Carlyle Waller, Jr.; 15Sep77; A89B010.

4898011- Schizophrenics in treatment: an ethnographic study of change and adaptation among Western urban schi- zophrenics; ritual healing and symbolic action. By Elaine Childs Gowell. Microfilm. Elaine Childs Gowell; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); 4898011.

4898012. Definite sentence parole: an empirical examination of local jail parole in New York State. By Mark Jay Lerner. Microfilm. Mark Jay Lerner; 15Sep77; 4898012-

4898013. Environmental contingencies and organizational constraints on deviant professional practice. By Terry Joe Denton. Microfilm. 6 Terry Joe Denton; 15Sep77; 4898013.

4398014. Organizational success: an initial inquiry. By David Frey Gillespie. Microfilm. © David Frey Gillespie; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); 4898014.

4898015. Analysis of additive random number generators. By John Fredrick Beiser. Microfilm. © John Fredrick Beiser; 15Sep77; 4898015.

A8980ie. Propagation of a trapped laser beam in a plasma column. By Jon Michael Chapman. Microfilm. © Jon Michael Chapman; 15Sep77; A898016.

4898017. 4 Comparative study of interaction patterns between deviant and non-deviant families. By Band Donald Conger. Microfilm. 3 Band Donald Conger; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); 4898017.

4898018. Design of a laser interferometer for measurement of extremely small biological motions: application to crayfish giant axon. By Bruce Colman Hill. Microfilm. © Bruce colman Hill; 15Sep77; A898018.

A898019. Neuroelectric correlates of children at

high risk to manifest schizophrenia- By


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