97938 - 897978
JUL-DEC. 1977
1897938. The Scanlon Plan profile: constract validatiOD and test of a nodel of ScanXon Plan effectiveness. By Biliiaa Henry Sreeniiood, 3rd. Hicrofila. Uilliam Hencv Greennood, 3rd; 15Sep77; »89793S.
•897939. Insertion and search in (2-3) trees versus BB(1) trees. By Ahaed Eoliaau Zaici. Hicrofila. Ahged Soliaan Zaki; 15Sep77: 4897939.
»897940. Ecology and behavior of the Cretan aqriai followinq population reduction. By Tfaoaas Paul Husband. Hicrofila. O Thoaas Paul Husband: 15Sep77: t897940.
i8979lt1. The Principlist tradition of Yi Korean Confucianisa and the case of An chonq-bok (1712-179 1) By Boy Nuasanq Seoh. Hicrofila. C Boy Muasanq Seob: 15Sep77: A8979H1.
A89791I2. Hodality in the llhac Tai To of South Tietnaa. By John Paul Trainor. Hicrofila. John Paul Trainor: 15Sep77: 4897992.
A8979I13. The laaqe of tiofflao in the Hor)c of Bertolt Brecht. By Laureen Klein Nussbaua. Hicrofila. Laureea Klein Hussbaua: 15SeD77: A8979il3.
t89794«. Nuaerical aethods in auitiple ioteq- ratioo. By Hayne Euqene doover. Hicrofila. C Hayne Euqene Hoover: 15Sep77; A8979't«.
A8979V5. A Proiectlve assessaent of fathers vho abuse their children. By Eric Charles Aaberq. Hicrofila. O Eric Charles Aaberq; 15Sep77: A8979U5.
A8979lt6. A Survey of Hichiqao vocational teachers of students uitb special needs to deteraine the effect of specialized inservice teacher education on selected interpersonal relationship factors. by Usee L. Johnson, Jr. Hicrofila. O Alsce L. Johnson, Jr.; 15Sep77; A8979K6.
A8979U7. The Cooperative aoveaent in the Bulqariau villaqe prior to yorld Bar One. By Eric Budolf leissaan. Hicrofila. Eric Budolf Beissaan; 1SSep77: AB979a7.
A897948. "Beprodoctive success" aaonq the urban poor: a aicro-level study of infant survival and child qrovth in northern Thailand. By Hariorie Ann Huecke. Hicrofila. C Hariorie Ann Huecke: 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A8979<18.
A8979119. The Relationship of oblective and subiective family incoae adequacy to selected measures of perceived life quality. By Norleen Harion Ackeraan. Hicrofila. C Norleen Harion Ackeraan: 15Sep77: A8979it9.
A897950. Role expectations of the office of dean of occupational education in Hichigan public coaaunity colleges as viewed by incuabents and relevant others. By Andrew Hassara. Hicrofila. Andrew Hazzara; 15Sep77: A897950.
A897951. Quantitative analysis of the activity of neurons in the accessory ocaloaotoc nuclei and the aesencephalic reticular foraation of alert aonkeys in relation to vertical eye aoveaents induced by vxsual and vestibular stlaulation. By Billiaa Hlchael King. Hicrofila. O Hilliaa Hichael King; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A897951.
A897952. The Developaent and analysis of a profile of coaaunity education adai- nistrators in Hichigan. By Hilton Glen Kier. Hicrofila. Hilton Glen Kier; 15Sep77; A897952.
A897953. Dynamic properties of deep-sea sediaents. By Baadane Khalid. Hicrofila. C Baadane Khalid; 1SSep77 (in notice: 1976) : A897953.
A897954. Stockhola*s bousing and urban planning policies: a study of systeaic change. By Frank Terrell Swant. Hicrofila. C Prank Terrell Swant; 15Sep77; A897954.
A897955. Belatinq individual differences in computer prograaaing perforaance to huaan inforaation processing abilities. By Lawrence Thoaas Love. Hicrofila. Lawrence Thoaas Love; 15Sep77; A897955.
A897956. And gladly teach: G. H. Hrong and the Departaent of History at the Oniversity of Toronto. By yilliaa Duncan fleikle. Hicrofila. Billiaa Duncan Beikle; 15Sep77; A897956.
A897957. Career perceptions, position sequences, and career strategies of Hichigan public coaaunity- junior college presidents. By Kenneth Earl Borland. Hicrofila. Kenneth Earl Borland; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A897957.
A897958. A Q-aethodological study of environ- aental attitudes of participants in the 1975 Hichigan youth Conservation Corps. By Steven Prank Kinzel. Hicrofila. O Steven Frank Kinzel; 15Sep77; A897958.
A897959. The Isawiya of Tunisia and their ausic. By Lura Jafran Jones. Hicrofila. Lura Jafran Jones; 15Sep77; A8979S9.
A897960. Liquefaction of fully and partially saturated sands. By Chuzo Tsuchiya. Hicrofila. Chuzo Tsuchiya; 15Sep77; A897960.
A897961. Spinozism in three novels of George Eliot: Adaa Bede, The Hill on the floss, and Silas Harner. By Hichael Serge Kischner. Hicrofila. O Hichael Serge Kischner: 1SSep77 (in notice: 1976) ; A897961.
A897962. The Taking issue in land use control: the economics of property rights and public choice theory. By Nicholas Hercuro. Hicrofilm. Nicholas flercuro; 15Sep77; A897962.
A897963. The Effect of cheerleadinq on the feaale singing voice. By Paul Eugene Bravender. Hicrofila. Paul Eugene Bravender; 15Sep77; A897963.
A89796U. Collective bargaining between procedures and handlers of fruits and vegetables for processing: setting, lavs, alternative rules, and selected consequences. By Hahlon George Lang. Hicrofila. C Hahlon George Lang; l5Sep77; A89796i>.
A897965. The Theory of transactions costs: an application to the case of water pollution control in Hae Klong, Thailand. By Soaluckrat Rattana vitukul. Hicrofila. Soaluckrat Battanavit ukul; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A897965.
A897966. Organizational technology, structure and envircnaent: the pulp and paper logging industry of Quebec. 7ol. 1 & 2. By Caaille Georges Legendre. Hicrofila. Caaille Georges Legendre; 15Sep77; A897966.
A897967. Perforaance of the narrator in Jaaes Joyce* s Olysses. By Jennifer Haldron Jones. Hicrofila. O Jennifer Haldron Jones; 15Sep77; A897967.
A897968. Disclosure and Ivy coapton-Burnett: a guide to reading her dialogue novels. By Sandra Jeanne Percy. Hicrofila. Sandra Jeanne Perry; 15Sep77; A89796B.
1897969. The Poetry of Higuel Hernandez: the inner struggle, 1933-36. By Howard Jay Laason. Hicrofila. Howard Jay Laason; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976) ; A897969.
A897970. A Coaparative factor analysis of the iapact of two student teaching prograas upon the schools of Hichigan with iaplications for the evaluation of teacher education prograas. By Charles Joseph Pisoni, Sr. Hicrofila. O Charles Joseph Pisoni, Sr. ; 1SSep77; A897970.
A897971. Bace as a basis for aarket segaentation: an exploratory analysis. By Andrew Allen Brogowicz. Hicrofila. O Andrew Allen Brogowicz; 15Sep77; A897971.
A897972. The Population age structure of an urban area; a spatial and temporal analysis of change. By David Charles Johnson. Hicrofila. O David Charles Johnson; 15Sep77: A897972.
A897973. Toward a theory of conflict: perceptions and preferred behaviors. By Hary Hilliaas Hagula. Hicrofila. C Hary Hilliaas Hagula: 15Sep77; A897973.
A897974. Effects of coapany organization structure on the accounting systea. By Kenneth yale Bosenzweig. Hicrofila. Kenneth lale Bosenzweig; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A8979711.
A897975. A Linear prograaaing analysis of saall scale industries in Sierra Leone. By Enyinna Chuta. Hicrofila. O Enyinna Chuta; 15Sep77; A897975.
A897976. EconoBics of laproved dryland wheat technology: a case study of Ankara, Turkey. By Xutlu Soael. Hicrofila. O Kutlu Soael; 15Sep77; 1897976.
A897977. laages of the black in eighteenth- century Geraan literature. By Beverly Ann Harris-Schenz. Hicrofila. O Beverly Ann Harris-Schenz; 15Sep77; A897977.
ilysis of the Geraan
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