JUL-DEC. 1977
A897898. The Advocate for children uhose needs require specialized services. By Daniel Joseph HcGreqor. Hicrofilm. 6 Daniel Joseph HcGreqor; 15Sep77: A897898.
i897899. Beqioual patterns of curricular expansion in selected state colleqes and universities. By EDily Suzanne Bove Van Ort. Hicrofilm. @ Enily Suzanne Bowe Van Ort; 15Sep77; i897899.
&897900. A Coaparative study of the freshman adnissions proqrams at the American Oniversity during the academic years 1974 and 1975. By Edward Gordon Boehm, Jr. Hicrofilm. Edward Gordon Boehm, Jr.; 15Sep77; A897900.
A897901. Beinq treated as an object : the structure of the experience of dehu- manization. By Laurence Anthony Bosini. Hicrofilm. 6 Lawrence Anthony fiDsini; 15Sep77; A897901.
A897902. Principal and superintendent perceptions and expectations for the role and relationships of middle management personnel. By iilliam Barry Hosmer. Hicrofilm. Hilliam Barry Hosmer; 15Sep77; A897902.
A897903. Evaluative criteria for band, orchestra, chorus. By Alfred iilliam Saint Cyr. Hicrofilm. O Alfred Billiam Saint Cyr; 15Sep77; A897903.
A897901t. The Phenomenology of feeling: a critical development of the theories of feeling in Husserl, Scheler, and Sartre. By Quentln Persifor Smith. Hicrofilm. Q Quentln Persifor Smith; 15Sep77; A897904.
A897905. Historic changes in the avifauna of the Gila River Indian Reservation, centred. Arizona. By Amadeo Hichael fiea. Hicrofilm. IS Amadeo Hichael Rea; 15Sep77; A897905.
A897906. A Study o£ the effect of a test-related question set on intentional learning on a group of selected freshman college students. By Elleoor Knowles Stafford. Hicrofilm. Ellenor Knowles Stafford; 15Sep77: A897906.
A897907. An Empirical investigation of the neurotic character constructs of Karen Horney. By Gilbert Walter Schmidt. Hicrofilm. 6 Gilbert ialtet Schmidt; 15Sep77: A897907.
A89790B. A Study of variables associated with perceived role conflict and role ambiguity in nursing faculty. By Laurel Antoinette Eisenbauer. Hicrofilm. 6 Laurel Antoinette Eisenhauer; 15Sep77; A897908.
Aa97909. Systematic desensitization as a self-control technique for developing socially relevant behavior in children. By Carroll Bay Thomas. Hicrofilm. e Carroll Ray Thomas; 15Sep77; A897909.
A897910. "Blend us with thy being"; Jean Tooaer's Hill House poems. By Carolyn G. Taylor. Hicrofilm. Appl. states all new except for unpub. material from the Toomer collection used with permission. Carolyn G. Taylor; 15Sep77; A897910.
A897911. The Design and validation of an evaluative procedure to diagnose the English aural-oral competency of a Spanish-speaking person in the justice system. By Boseann Duenas Gonzalez. Hicrofilm. & Boseann Duenas Gonzalez; 15Sep77; A897911.
A897912. An Experimental study to measure the effects of the English language grammar method of teaching mathematics on the mathematics performance of the visually impaired. By Robert Earl Sharpton. Hicrofilm. @ Robert Earl Sharpton; 15Sep77; A897912.
A897913. The Experience of being treated as a mentally ill person. By Barry Hale Gordon. Hicrofilm. Q Barry Hale Gordon; 15Sep77; A897913.
A89791H. Family studies program development at the college level; a Delphi study. By Uanda Ena Young. Hicrofilm. C Handa Ena Young; 15Sep77; A89791I1.
A897915. The Evaluation of administrators of baccalaureate nursing programs: a study of current practices. By Nancy Anne Bozendal. Hicrofilm. Q Nancy Anne Bozendal; 15Sep77; A897915.
A897916. A Descriptive model of verbal decision- making behavior in task-oriented dyads. By Esther Ray Hills. Hicrofilm. Esther Bay Hills; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A897916.
A897917. The Pear of death and responses to others' concerns about death. By Susan Hargaretha Parry. Hicrofilm. 6 Susan Hargaretha Parry; 15Sep77; A897917.
A897918. John Buskin and the religion of humanity. By Carolyn Gay Stevens. Hicrofilm. e Carolyn Gay Stevens; 15Sep77; A897918.
A897919. Presidential communication: information and decision-making. By Wallace Hayden Spencer. Hicrofilm. O Hallace Hayden Spencer^ 15Sep77; A897919,
A897920. A History of the Oklahoma penal system, 1907-1967. By John A. Conley. Hicrofilm. e John A. Conley; 15Sep77; A897920.
i897921. A Process for relating career interests to possible sources of employment. By Harold Edwin Nichols. Hicrofilm. e Harold Edwin Nichols; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A897921.
AB97922. Copper and cadmium dynamics in a hypereutrophic pond. By Jerry Boyd Lisiecki. Hicrofilm. Jerry Boyd Lisiecki; 15Sep77; A897922.
A897923. Perception of self and others as it relates to sex, state of life (lay, priesthood/sisterhood) , liberal- conservative oriehtation, and religious dress. By Harianna Clare Torrano. Hicrofilm. Q Harianna Clare Torrano; 15Sep77; A897923.
A897924. Geology of the Vinegar Hill area. Grant County, Oregon. By Gregory Rollin Rheelet. Hicrofilm. Gregory Bollin
A897925. A Stochastic model of clan systems. By John Austin Rustad. Hicrofilm. John Austin Rustad; 15sep77 (in notice: 1976) ; A897925.
Ae97926. Opinion-makers and foreign policy: the concept of America's role in world affairs, the 1920's. By Hichael James Conwell. Hicrofilm. Q Hichael James Conwell; 15Sep77; A897926.
A897927. Hachiavellianism and tactics in negotiations with multiple issues. By Gary Gordon Hhitney. Hicrofilm. e Gary Gordon Whitney; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A897927.
A897928. la Femie 100 tetes, by Hax Ernst. By Charlotte Virginia Stokes. Hicrofilm. © Charolotte Virginia Stokes; 15Sep77; A897928.
A897929. A Comparative study of role presc- riptions, perceptions, and performances of provosts, deans, and department chair- persons. By Steven Glenn Olsuang. Hicrofilm. O Steven Glenn Olswang; 15Sep77: S897929.
A897930. A Participant observation study of an outdoor education/experiential curriculum experiment operating in a public secondary school. By Hilliam Harold Hartin. Hicrofilm. 6 Hilliam Harold Hartin; 15Sep77; A897930.
A897931. Time use of beginning families with employed and unemployed wives. By Elizabeth Beard Goldsmith. Hicrofilm. e Elizabeth Beard Goldsmith; 15Sep77; A897931.
A897932. The Effects of uplift on intertidal communities at Amchitka Island, Alaska. By Charles Edward o'clair, Jr. Hicrofilm. e Charles Edward O 'Clair, Jr.; 15Sep77; A897932.
A897933. Bole problems: an evaluation of sex differences for career women and men. By Hargaret Lynne iillis. Hicrofilm. © Hargaret Lynne Hillis; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A897933.
A8979311. The Argentine labor movement in an age of transition, 1930-19U5. By David Tamarin. Hicrofilm. O David Tamarin; 15Sep77; A897934.
A897935. Business logistics service as a determinant in the industrial purchase process. By Richard Erling Hathisen. Hicrofilm. Richard Erling Hathisen; 15Sep77; A897935.
A897936. The Agricultural development of the Columbia plateau: HcGreqor Land and Livestock Company, a case history. By Alexander Campbell HcGregor. Hicrofilm. Alexander Campbell HcGregor; 15Sep77; A897936.
A897937. The Lyric poetry of N. H. Jazykov: a periodization using objective criteria. By Ian Kenneth Lilly. Hicrofilm. Ian
Kenneth Lilly; 15Sep77; A897937.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.