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A897858 - A897897


JUL-DEC. 1977

1897858. Beasurinq qains aud losses of Oeaocrats and Bepublicans in conqressioDal electloQS. By Hlchaei JohD Fiaiin. flicrofilK. C nicbael John Flavin; 15Sep77: A897858.

4B97859. Predictive validity of a seif- adalDistered questionnaire to detect resourcefulness or vulnerability in school aqe children. By Thouas Francis HcGrail. Bicrofiln. C Thomas Piaocis HcGrail; 15Sep77: 4897859.

4B97860. The 4rav and the breakdown of par- liamentary qovernment in Spain, 1917-1923. By Carolyn Patricia Boyd. Hicrofilm. Carolyn Patricia Boyd; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1971); 4897860.

4897861. The Desiqn of biological nonitorinq systems for pest maaaqement. By Stephen NelKood Belch. Biccofila. O Stephen Belwood Kelch; 15Sep77: 4897861.

4897862. Helper response behaviors of admi- nistrators in small groups. By Karen 4nn Olson Forys. Bicrofilm. Karen 4no Olson Forys; 15Sep77; 4897862.

4897863. The Influence of electronic hand-held calculators on cognitive achievement in chemistry. By EdHard Bichael Bolesky. Bicrofilm. Edvard Bichael Bolesky; 15Sep77; 4897863.

48978614. Isolation and community: the theme and form of HilliaD Borris' poetry and prose. By Dennis Robert Balch. Bicrofilm. Dennis Sobert Balch; 15Sep77; 4897860.

4897865. The Impact of deliberation on iuror perceptions of trial participants credibility and of verdicts and awards in simulated trial situations. By Sunday 4defemi Sonaike. Bicrofilm. O Sunday 4defemi Sonaike; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); 4897865.

4897866. Price elasticities and the effects of trade liberalization for the United States, the European Economic Community, and Japan. By Joe 411an Stone. Bicrofilm. C Joe 411an Stone; 15Sep77; 4897866.

4897867. The Bole of family concept in families with a delinquent adolescent child. By Jack Belvin Hervin. Bicrofilm. Jack Belvin Berwin; 15Sep77: 4897867.

4897868. Historical vision and maqic-realism in the works of Baouel Hulica Lainez. By Inita gaqman. Bicrofilm. 4nita taqman; 15Sep77; 4897868.

4897869. The Effects of an audiovisual relaxation training program upon pulse rate, skin temperature, and anxiety. By Boy Kenneth Voqel. Bicrofilm. Roy Kenneth Voqel; 15Sep77; 4897869.

4897870. The Selationship of the learning environment to student attitudes towards chemistry. By Barry Lee Banley. Bicrofilm. Barry Lee Banley; 15Sep77; 4897870.

4897871. Social interaction among maltreated preschoolers in a therapeutic educational setting. By Miles J. Westerbarth. Microfilm. . Niles J. Westerbarth 15Sep77; 4897871.

4897872. The Bepresentation of pictocial and linguistic ideas in memory. By Oenise Cortis Park. Bicrofilm. Oenise Cortis Park; 15Sep77; 4897872.

4897873. 4 Comparison of three measures of the motive to avoid failure: hostile press, test anxiety, and resultant achievement motivation. By Daniel Stanley ceranski. Bicrofilm. O Daniel Stanley Ceranski; 15Sep77; 4897873.

48978711. The Bole of reflection in the formation of Heqel's concept of speculation* By Kathleen Boberts Bright. HlcEofila. O Kathleen Boberts Bright; 15Sep77; 4897874.

4897875. 4 Study of the racial composition of instructional groups in sampled deseg- regated Boston public schools. By Daniel Edward o'Connell. Bicrofilm. Daniel Edward O'Connell; 15Sep77; 4897875.

4897876. Kin relationships and the process of urbanization in the squatter settlements of Lima, Peru. By Susan Bloom Lobo. Bicrofilm. Susan Bloom Lobo; 15Sep77; 4897876.

4897877. Chinese foreign conflict behavior: a test of the stimulus-response model. By Bark Victor Beisenbloom. Bicrofilm. Bark Victor Beisenbloom; 15Sep77; 4897877.

4897878. Thermal effects on the survival and development of embryonic qrunions, Leurestbes sardina and L. tenuis. By Nancy Margaret Botfatt. Microfilm. O Hancy Margaret floffatt; 15Sep77; 4897878.

4897879. Conceptualizations of development in Latin 4merica in the 196a's: the quest for social justice. By Sister Caridad Inda-Buendia (Barta Inda) Bicrofilm. Sister Caridad Inda-Buendia; 15Sep77; 4897879.

4897880. Sentinels on the watchtower: the Confederate governors and the Davis administration. By Janet E. Kaufman. Microfilm. Janet E. Kaufman; 15Sep77; 4897880.

4897881. The Characterization of the metal sulf ida-sulf ur dioxide reaction in aqueous media. By Gary Carlisle Thoa. Bicrofilm. O Gary Carlisle Thorn; 15Sep77; 4897881.

4897882. Children view their government and the issues: a post-Batergate assessment of political socialization. By James Billis Carroll. Bicrofilm. James Billis Carroll; 15Sep77; 4897882.

4897883. 4n Empirical estimation of the advertising response function. By Don Edward Schultz. Bicrofilm. O Don Edward Schultz; 15Sep77; 4897883.

489788U. 4 Stratificational analysis of 4frikaans syntax and morphology. By Henriette yan Det Berwe Hurray. Microfilm. O Henriette Van Der Berwe Burray; 15Sep77; 4897884.

4897865. Perceptions of bureaucracy and faculty satisfaction with participation in decision making at unionized and non-unionized institutions of higher education. By Gino Danese. Microfilm. O Gino Danese; 15Sep77; 4897885.

4897686. Some effects of transplanted anterior pituitaries on hypopbysectomized Xenopus iaevis larvae. By Norma Jean Briggs. Bicrofilm. O Norma Jean Briggs; 15Sep77; 4897886.

4697887. The Hind's collage: psychic composition in adult life. By Eric Bicks Olson. Bicrofilm. O Eric Bicks ulson; 15Sep77: 4897667.

4897888. 4 Study of heterocbromatic regions in the caromosomes of Zea. By Lorraine Swan Sartori. Bicrofilm. Lorraine Swan Sartori; 15Sep77; 4897888.

4897889. Evaluating therapists* effectiveness. By James 4ndrew Burruss. Bicrofilm. O James Andrew Burruss; 1SSep77; 4897889.

4697890. Berits of principal arguments on undergraduate student voting membership on the governing board of colleges and universities. By Billiam Charles Bright. Microfilm. O Billiam Charles Bright: 15Sep77; 4897890.

4697891. 4 Model for uranium and thorium assimilation by intrusive magmas and crystallizing plutons through interaction with crystal fluids. By Billiam David Gosnold, Jr. Microfilm. Billiam David Gosnold, Jr.; 15Sep77; 4897691.

4897892. 4 Historical and logical analysis of the values-clarification movement. By Gordon Curtis Smitch. Microfilm. O Gordon Curtis Smitch; 15Sep77: 4897892.

4897893. Fire-safety and hazard control in the public schools of 4rizona. By Ned Bamon 4sh. Microfilm. O Ned Bamon Ash; 15Sep77: 4697893.

4697894. Fertility regulation among Bexican American women in an urban setting: a comparison of indigent versus non-indigent Chicanas in a Southwest city in the United States. By Baria-Luisa Dcdaneta. Bicrofilm. Haria-Luisa Urdaneta; 1SSep77 (in notice: 1976); 4897894.

4897895. Factors influencing the physical growth of Tucson schoolchildren. By Francis John Beaney. Microfilm. O Francis John Meaney: 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4897895.

A897896. Personality, politics and sex: a survey and research analysis of sexually differential socialization to political participation in the Onited States. By Bobbie Jeanne Oeister. Microfilm. O Babbie Jeanne Deister; 15Sep77; 4697896.

4897897. Barketing channel administration by Japanese manufacturers: an exploratory investigation. By Hitsuaki Shimaguchi. Microfilm. Bitsuaki Shimaguchi:

15Sep77: 4897897.


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