JUL-DEC. 1977
&897818 (con.) use. By JeaD Oavisoii Nineman. dicrofilD. e Jean Davison Vineaaa; 15Sep77: &897818.
A897819. k Test of the econoinic reward theory of mass second language learning. By John Chester Anqle 3rd. Hicrofilm. Q John Chester Angle 3rd; 15Sep77; A897819-
A897820. The EdHards personal preference schedule, the Hiller analogies test, and other prehiring variables as predictors of teaching effectiveness ratings in the elenentary school. By Peggy Sanborn Young. Hicrofiln. 6 Peggy Sanborn Young; 15Sep77; &B97820.
A897821. Need achieveaent and need fulfillment deficiencies as they affect promotional aspirations of educators. By Grace Butler Chisolm. Hicrofilm. 6 Grace Butler Chisolm; 15Sep77 (in notice; 1976); AB97821.
A897822. An Analysis of the nultiperiod warehouse location problem. By David Laurence Kelly, Microfilm. © David Laurence Kelly; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A897822.
A897823. Organizational cofflmanicalion consulting: a descriptive study of consultant practices and prescriptions. By Bitch Kenneth Eich. Microfilm. Q Bitch Kenneth Eich; 15Sep77; A897823.
A8978214. The Star personality: a study of four Western stars. By Diane Jane Cody. Hicrofilm. € Diane Jane Cody; 15Sep77; &89782a.
A897825. EHG biofeedback, thermal biofeedback, and progressive relaxation in the treatment of examination anxiety of adult education students. By James Bichard Bernthal. Microfilm. 6 James Bichard Bernthal; 15Sep77; A897825-
A897826. Dispersion in the work of Jules Supervielle. By Deborah Teel Bradley. Microfilm. 6 Deborah Teel Bradley; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A897826.
A897827. Autonomy and intimacy in marriage: an exploratory and exemplary study. By Charles Bay Akin, Jr. Microfilm. Charles Bay Akin, Jr.; 15Sep77; A897827.
A897828. Defoe and the American experience. By fihoda Jal Vania. Hicrofilm. O Bhoda Jal Vania; 15Sep77; A897828.
A897829. Attitudinal differences between nonparticipants, participants, and high intensity participants in community education in the community of Brighton, Michigan. By David Bay Dillman. Microfilm. 6 David Bay Dillman; 15Sep77; A897829.
A897830. The Komagaku repertory of Japanese gaqaku (court music) : a study of contemporary performance practice. By James Larry field. Microfilm. S James Larry Reid; 15Sep77; A897830.
A897831. Pre-writing; the discorvery stage in vritinq. By Beverly Virginia Head. tiicrofilm. 6 Beverly Virginia Bead; 15Sep77: A897e31.
A897832. Orientation programs for part-time college faculty in selected Michigan community colleges. By Buth Eleanor Brondyk Van Hemert. Microfilm. 6 Bath Eleanor Brondyk Van Hemert; 15Sep77; A897832.
A897833. Peace efforts of the popes during the first part of the Hundred Years' Nar: case study of Innocent 6th- By Mary Agnes Cornelia Uennigan. Hicrofilm. 6 Mary Agnes Cornelia Hennigan; 15Sep77; A897833.
A897834. An Image analysis of international politics: Harry S. Truman and the Soviet Onion, 19U5-1947. By Terry P. Schmidt. Microfilm. © Terry P. Schaidt ; 15Sep77; A897834.
A897835. The Evolution and description of a process for planning an effective composition course. By Edith Fienning Morris Croake. Hicrofilm. 3 Edith Fienning Morris Croake; 15Sep77; A897835.
A897836. Sir Antony Fitzherbert and La Graunde abridgement. Vol- 1-2- By Frederick Lister Boersma. Microfilm. Frederick Lister Boersma; 15Sep77; A897836.
A897837. The Cab: a trans- Atlantic community, aspects of nineteenth century reform. By Lee Virginia Chambers-Schiller- Microfilm. © Lee Virginia Chambers- Schiller; 15Sep?7; A897837.
A897838- A Comparison of district and building level school administrator perceptions concerning the importance of selected innovations in Nassau County elementary schools and problems related to the development of these innovations. Vol. 1-3. By Erich John Stegmeier. Hicrofilm. © Erich John Stegmeier; 15Sep77; A897838.
A897839- A Generalized model for the instruc- tional process in public schools- By James Louis Macedo- Hicrofilm. 6 Jaaes Louis Macedo; 15Sep77; A897839.
A8978a0. Bedirection of services for the elderly. By Ann T. Flynn. Microfilm. 6 Ann T. Flynn; 15Sep77; A897840.
A897841. The History of the labor movement in the American pottery industry: the National Brotherhood of Operative Potters- International Brotherhood of Operative Potters, 1890-1970. By Don Anthony Shotliff- Hicrofilm. © Don Anthony Shotliff; 15Sep77; A8978ai-
A897842. Effects of training on muscle function of isolated working rat hearts. By Malcolm Hark Bersohn. Microfilm. Malcolm Mark Bersohn; 15Sep77; A8978U2-
A8978U3. Bemnants of Yoruba culture within the African-American church. By Olysses Duke Jenkins- Microfilm. © Olysses Duke Jenkins; 153ep77; A397643.
A897844. A Study to determine priority for future role activities of counselors in Michigan community colleges. By Bichard Louis Galant. Microfilm. © Bichard Louis Galant; 15Sep77; A897844.
A897845. A Morphology of the first Novgorod chronicle: the inflectional system of the synodal manuscript. By Gregory William Allar. Microfilm. 6 Gregory William Allar; 15Sep77; Aa97a45.
A897846. The Theatre theory and practice of Bichard Boleslavsky. By Jerry iayne Boberts. Hicrofilm- O Jerry Rayne Eoberts; 15Sep77; A8978a6.
A897847. Nozzle performance and design for high velocity/low volume exhaust ventilation. By Bichard Paul Garrison. Microfilm. © Bichard Paul Garrison; 15Sep77; Aa97847.
A897848. Economic instability and the monetary process of adjustment in an open economy: the experience of Guyana, 1955-1973. By Nelson Christopher Modeste- Microfilm- Nelson Christopher Modeste; 15Sep77; A897848-
A897849. A Christian analysis of suffering. By Lonnie Steven Southern. Hicrofilm. © Lonnie Steven Southern; 15Sep77; A897849.
A897850. Visual preference for alternative natural landscapes. By Thomas Justin Gallagher. Microfilm. 6 Thomas Justin Gallagher; 15Sep77; A897850.
A897851. The Cognitive-development theory of Lawrence Kohlberg as leading to an interactive developmental tool for moral growth in the local church. By David Preston Albright. Hicrofilm. David Preston Albright; 15Sep77; A897851.
A897852. Microscopic theory of phonon spectra in normal solids. By Constantinos Efstcatiou Paraskevaidis. Microfilm. © Constantinos Efstratipu Paraskevaidis; 15Sep77; A897852.
A897853- The Consequences of unemployment on evaluations of self. By Bichard Melville Cohn. Hicrofilm. © Bichard Melville Cohn; 15Sep77; A897853-
A897854. An Evangelistic model for the local church in transition. By James McCray, Jr. Microfilm. James HcCray, Jr.; 15Sep77; A897854.
A897855. Film evaluation and selection: a study of practices in the New York State BOCES. By Judith Holden Masters. Microfilm. © Judith Holden Masters; 15Sep77; A897855.
A897856. The Applicability of management by objectives to the management of research and development. By Louie Benjamin Chester. Microfilm. © Louie Benjamin Chester; 15Sep77; A8 97856.
A897857. The Effect of tangible and social contingencies on the performance of severely mentally retarded in an assessment session. By Marshall F. Zumberg. Microfilm. © Marshall F.
Zumberg; 15Sep77; A897857.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.