JUL-DEC. 1977
1897779. Chacqes in self coDcept related to hTsterectoav. By Kathleen iorsley. nlcrofila. C Kathleen Rocsler: 1SSep77 (in notice: 1976) ; A897779.
A897780. Household conposition and econoay in an urbaniziDq connunity: Sao Paulo, 1765 to 1836. By Elizabeth Anne Kuznesof. aicrofilii. Elizabeth Anne Kuznesof; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976) ; A897780.
A897781. A Study of California's early childhood education proqraas and its relationship to student progress. By Hilliai aichael Bilotti. HicrofilB. O Milliai Bichael Bilotti; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976) ; A897781.
A897782. Corona radio noise utilization for incipient fault detection. By Ghassan Banna Halasa. flicrofila. O Ghassan Hanna Halasa; 15Sep77: A897782.
A897783. A Symbolic interactionisa perspective on the eaerqiuq chicano novenent ideoloqy in East Los Angeles, 1968-1972. B* Louis Bichard Neqrete. nicrofila. Louis Bichard Neqrete; 1SSep77 (in notice: 1976): A897783.
A8977811. A Study of current financial conditions and resources in private liberal arts institutions in the State of Indiana. By Louis Farina Boss, nicrofila. O Louis Farina Boss; 15Sep77: A89778<t.
A897785. Identity, stiiulation, and security as basic need re<]uireBents of huaan coBBunities; measured in an educational euTironaent. By Huqh Eduard Terrell, nicrofila. C Buqh Edaacd Terrell: 15Sep77; A897785.
A897786. Santideva and the Hadhyaaika: the Pralnapacaaita-parriccheda of the Bodhicaryavatara. By aichael Jay Sweet. aicrofilB. C Hichael Jay Sueet; 15Sep77; A897786.
J897787. An Analysis of the relationship of discipline practices of teachers and the school climate. By Bichard Dean Alcorn. Hicrofilffl. C Bichard Dean Alcorn; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976) ; A897787.
A897788. Existence and comparative statics of vorld trade equilibriuB. By Iltushi Eqava. aicrofilB. C IJiushi Eqawa; 15Sep77: A897788.
A897789. Sociocultural values of aexican, Anqlo, blaciL, and Chicano youth as reflected in huBan fiqure dravinqs. By Kenneth Bovard aelton. Nicrofila. e Kenneth Hovard aelton; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A897789.
A897790. The Besurrection of the dead in the liqht of the Biblical vie» of life. By James John Heller. aicrofilB. Jaaes John Heller: 1SSep77; »897790.
A897791. The Belationship between death anxiety and self-esteea. By Barlen George Alcorn. aicrofilB. C Barlen Georqe Alcorn; 15sep77 (in notice: 1976) ; A897791.
A897792. Jeroae's Latin version of Job froa the Greek, chapters 1-26, its text, character and provenance. By Jaaes Herbert Gailey, Jr. aicrofilB. James Herbert Gailey, Jr.; 15Sep77; 4897792.
A897793. The Personal orientation dimensions and three defensive positive response sets. By Kenneth Stuart Kelly. aicrofilB. e Kenneth Stuart Kelly; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A897793.
A89779't. The Belationship betaeen the selection process and on the job performance of Albuquerque police officers. By Bonald aichael Knights. aicrofilm. Bonald aichael Knights; 15Sep77; A89779I4.
A897795. A Study of factors influencing black urban central city high school seniors in their selection of post-secondary institutions. By Edaard aonroe Spicer. aicrofilB. O Edvard aonroe Spicer; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A897795.
A897796. The Coabined effect of overt and covert behavior rehearsal on student self-concept in a coBBunity college course in interpersonal comaunication. By Edward Dale Bintye. aicrofilB. O Edward Dale Bintye; 15Sep77; A897796.
Aa97797. A Skills acquisition program for severely mentally retarded high-school students. By David Uoyt Elliott. aicrofilB. David Hoyt Elliott; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A897797.
A897798. The lapleaentation of the Stull Act as perceived by selected teachers and adainistrators in Los Angeles city schools. By Jerelene Oeering Hells. aicrofilB. Jerelene Deering Hells; 15Sep77; A897798.
A897799. Linguistic and cultural aspects of laa; the sonq of the Lao aohlam. By Carol Jean Parish Comptoc. aicrofilm. O Carol Jean Parish Coapton; 15Sep77; AB97799.
A897800. Safety evaluation of Iridaea carra- geenans in the rat including a study of the aechanisos of liver atrophy. By Bussell Francis aankes. aicrofila. Bussell Francis aankes; 1SSep77; A897800.
A897801. Alfred Stieglitz and the aaturation of Aaerican culture. By Bichard John Kent, Jr. aicrofilm. O Bichard John Kent, Jr.; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A897801.
A897802. The Structure and function of the cornelian tragic denouement. By Cordell Besley Black, aicrofilm. Cordell Hesley Black; 15Sep77; A897802.
A897803. The Social, cultural and economic bases for housing preference in Ibadan, Nigeria. By Fasasi Akanji Aminu. aicrofilm. Fasasi Akanji Aminu; 15Sep77; A897803.
A897804. aaternal conflict and the emotionally disturbed child: the effects of uncon- scious maternal conflict on the abilities of clinic children to resolve conflict in structured doll play situations. By Elizabeth Horsley Toole. aicrofila. 8 Elizabeth Horsley Toole; 15Sep77; A897804.
handbook for local church leaders. By Geoffrey Hunter Boran. aicrofilm. O Geoffrey Hunter aoran; 15Sep77i A897805.
A897806. The Emergence of Nigeria's first land-grant university: a study of higher education policy foraulation. 1955-1975. By Simeon Eluma Njoku. aicrofila. O Siaeon Eluma Njoku; 1S5ep77; A8978a6.
A897807. The Trullau controversy: implications for the status of the orthodox churches in Boman Catholic canon law. By John Joseph ayers. aicrofilm. (The Catholic University of America canon law studies, no. 191) O John Joseph ayers; 15Sep77; A897807.
A897e08. Jones and Cozzens: divergent views of military leadership. By aichael Allen Hhitehorn. aicrofila. aichael Allen Hhltehorn; 15Sep77; A897808.
A897809. Worship, congregational care and administration as they interrelate in the local church. By Frank HcConnell Ritaan. aicrofila. O Frank acConnell Hitaan; 15Sep77; A897809.
A897810. The secluded forest: textual probleas in the Genji aonogatari. By Aileen Patricia Gatten. aicrofila. Aileen Patricia Gattec; 15Sep77; A897810.
A8978>1. The Value of children among lower class aexican, aexican Aaerican and Anglo couples. By Bicardo Esparza. aicrofila. e Bicardo Esparza; 15Sep77; A897811.
A897812. Benjaain Smith, Senior, regency silversmith. By Boger aax Berkowitz. aicrofila. Boger aax Berkowitz; 15Sep77; A897812.
A897813. The Categorical dominance of sex, race, and national origin in the preferences of white, black, Hispanic male and female New York city elementary school teachers for white, black, Hispanic male and feaale elementary school principal candidates by means of a siDulation activity. By Herbert Burton Goldsmith, aicrofilm. e Herbert Burton Goldsmith; 15Sep77 (in notice: T976) ; A897813.
A897811(. Attenuation of differences between black and white college-bound students through homogeneous grouping. By Aaron Elliott James, Sr. aicrofilm. Aaron Elliott Jaaes, Sr.; 15Sep77; A89781I*.
A897815. A Biographical study in Egyptian Bodernization: cAli Hubarak (1823/1-1893) Vol. 1-2. By Darrell Ivan Dykstra. aicrofila. 6 Darrell Ivan Dykstra; 15Sep77; A897815.
A897ai6. The Theory of price and quantity adjustments in an N-fira aarket. By Hilliaa Arthur Kelly, Jr. aicrofilm. Hilliam Arthur Kelly, Jr.; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976) ; A897816.
A897817. The Critique of illusion in Thomas Hardy's novels. By John Joseph Covolo. aicrofilm. O John Joseph Covolo; 15Sep77; A897817.
Housing as a water resource-related land
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