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JUL-DEC. 1977

1897740. The Collaborative relationship. By Joyce Quackenbush Garrabrant. Microfilm. Joyce Quackenbush Garrabrant; 15Sep77; &8977H0.

A89771t1. An Investiqation of the learning potentialities of educationally dif- ferentiated students via programed materials. By Batthex Jason Glavach. Hlcrofilo. e MattheB Jason Glavach: 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A8977il1.

4397742. The Gandavyuha: search for enligh- tenment. By Mark Allen Ehman. Microfilm. e Mark Allen Ehman; 15Sep77; A897742.

A897743. An Approach to problem solving in local governmental management. By Charles Edward Gibb. Microfilm. Charles Ednard Gibb: 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A897743.

A897744. An Historical analysis of Peru's agricultural export sector and the development of agricultural technology. By otto plores-saenz. Microfilm. otto Flores-Saenz; 15Sep77; A897744.

A897745. An Evaluation of computer assisted instruction in mathematics using test-and-practice method for third and sixth grade students. By Buby Taylor Harris. Microfilm. 9 Ruby Taylor Harris; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); &897745.

A897746. A Comprehensive evaluation of Bec- ruitment and Training Program, Inc. 's Apprenticeship outreach program for the construction trades: an analysis of program performance and impact. By Lucian Bell Gatewood. Microfilm. 6 Lucian Bell Gate»ood: 15Sep77; A8977i(6.

A897747. Childhood psychoses and infantile autism: an analysis of variables related to nosology and etiology. By Boland Biley Pharr. Microfilm. 6 Boland Riley Pharr; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A897747.

A897748. The Politics of women's rights and family reform in China. By Kay Ann Johnson. Microfilm. 6 Kay Ann Johnson; 15Sep77: A897748.

A897749. Assessment of teachers' expectations in urban and suburban public adult schools. By Alton Thomas Milson. Microfilm. e Alton Thomas Hilson; . 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A897749.

A897750. Changes in adaptive behavior of mentally retarded adults as a function of residential living situation. By David Joseph LaCourt. Microfilm. Oivid Joseph LaCourt; 15Sep77; A897750.

A897751. Cultural imposition, differential perception, and human behavior: a case study. By Carrol Halter Haymon. Microfilm, e Carrol Halter Haymon; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976) : A897751.

A897752. Arthur Adamov's esthetic of theatre. By Mary Eleanor Larson. Microfilm. Mary Eleanor Larson; 15Sep77; A897752.

A897753. Comparative body therapies and a scale for the diagnosis of bioenergetic body types. By Daniel John Kerberg. Microfilm. Daniel John Kerberg; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A897753.

A897754. A Computer based method for student assignment and optimal tract balancing. By James Richard McBamara. Microfilm. O James Richard McNamara; 15Sep77; A897754.

A897755. Effects of bilateral manual exercises on the laterality and behaviors of elementary school students. By Mary Christine Torrington. Microfilm. Mary Christine Torrington; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976) ; Ae97765.

A897755. Energy management in production of entrees in hospital foodservice systems. By Lucy Marie HcProud. Microfilm. Lucy Marie McProud; 15Sep77; A897756.

A897757. Cross-cultural differences on the Bender Gestalt test among chicanos, Mexicanos and Indigenas. By Elizabeth Margaret Bedoya. Microfilm. 8 Elizabeth Margaret Bedoya; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A897757.

A897758. How the Voice of America's African Division perceives and programs for Sub-Saharan Africa: a case study of criteria used in determining programming policies. By Peter Lorkula Naigow. Microfilm. © Peter Lorkula Naigow; 153ep77; A897758.

A897759. The Effects of client preference for therapist-trainer gender on assertiveness. By Arthur Louis Robbins. Microfilm. 8 Arthur Louis Robbins; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A897759.

A897760. Multinational conglomerates and the economics of dependent development: a case study of the international electrical oligopoly and Brazil's electrical industry. By Richard Scott Sewfarmer. Microfilm. 8 Richard Scott Newf armer ; 15Sep77; A897760.

A897761. The Art of meditation as defined by the Hesychasts from the critical perspective of psychology. By Ruth E. Berg. Microfilm. 8 Ruth E. Berg; 1SSep77 (in notice: 1976); A897761.

A897762. Boundary layers in thermoset adhesives. By James Leo Bacich. Microfilm. 8 James Leo Bacich; 15Sep77: AB97762.

A897763. Vocational education; predicting success and failure among disadvantaged adults. By Bard Jay Goldstein. Microfilm. 8 Hard Jay Goldstein-; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A897763.

A897764. The Influence of functional specia- lization on residential patterns in six American cities. By Juliette LeBlanc Redding. Microfilm. 8 Juliette LeBlanc Redding; 1SSep77; &897764.

A897765. A Description of a contemporary religious revitalization movement. By Paul Bannigan Hogarty. Microfilm. 8 Paul Bannigan Hogarty; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976) : A897765.

A897766. Essays related to spatial disconti- nuities in land values at the urban-rural margin. By John Barkley Rosser, Jr. Microfilm. 8 John Barkley Rosser, Jr. ; 15Sep77; A897766.

A897767. The Effects of leadership training and style on individuals involved in group therapy. By Helen Scott. Microfilm. 8 Helen Scott; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A897767.

A897768. Time and the philosophy of history: the thought of Henri Lefebvre, Claude Levi-Strauss, Jean-Paul Sartre, Marc Bloch, Lucien Febvre, and Fernand Braudel. By Eloise Cole Neebe. Microfilm. © Eloise Cole Seebe; 15Sep77; A897768.

A897769. The Relationship of self-concept as learners to black students compared to selected variables. By Constance Smith Lassiter. Microfilm. 8 Constance Smith Lassiter; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A897769.

A897770. The Role of DNA cytosine methylation in H2 modification: a comparison of host and plasmid induced DNA cytosine methylases. By Samuel Lawrence Schlagman. Microfilm. O Samuel Lawrence Schlagman; 15Sep77; A897770.

A897771. Sociology of art: an aspect of the social reality of the art world. By Kenneth Scott Friedman. Microfilm. 8 Kenneth Scott Friedman; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A897771.

A897772. The Assessment and labeling of non-talking children: theoretical foundations and implications for intervention. By Mayer Shevin. Microfilm. 8 Mayer Shevin: 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976) ; A897772.

A897773. An Extended concept of man: a synthesis of ideas from contemporary authors. By Bertl Herny. Microfilm. 8 Berti Hemy; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976) ; A897773.

A897774. Some aspects of the regeneration of walking legs in the land crab, Gecarcinus lateralis. By Mary Helen Hodge. Microfilm. 8 Mary Helen Hodge; 15Sep77; A897774.

A897775. Effects of traditional versus non- traditional sex-role orientation on personality androgyny and self-actua- lization. By Glenn Albert Heidemann. Microfilm. 8 Glenn Albert Heidemann; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976) ; A897775.

A897776. An Analysis of attitude changes toward school, school attendance, self-concept and reading of secondary school students involved in a cross-age tutoring experience. By Laserik Saunders. Microfilm. 8 Laserik Saunders; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976) ; A897776.

A897777. A Study of the perspectives of moderate opinion leaders in the Northern Ireland social conflict, 1968-1975. By Henry Joseph Grant. Microfilm. 8 Henry Joseph Grant; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A897777.

A897778. Availability of soil water and water use by corn, soybeans, alfalfa and orchar- dgrass. By Seri sookhakich. Microfilm. 8 Seri Sookhakich: 15Sep77 (in notice:

1976): A897778.


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