A897701 - A897739
JUL-DEC. 1977
4897701. Phonetics study guide. By Peter D. Payne. 60 p. Add. ti: Phonetic study qulde. For use vith SHS 231 phonetics. Petec D. Payne; 29iuq77; i897701.
»897702. Froi the Delaware to the Hekonq: a brief military history of the Onited States. By Clair P. BuDYan. 296 p. O Clair Bunyan; 26»uq77: »897702.
1897703. Synthrapol D»-GD dispersinq aqeot. Technical bulletin 615. 2 p. ICI Onited States, Inc.; 7Sep77; 1897703.
A89770U. Soil-on antiperspirant PC 77; Product Developaent Departoent focBulation bulletin. 2 p. »dd. ti: PDD "roll-on antiperspirant PC 77. ICI Onited States. Inc.; 12Sep77; 1897701.
1897705. Cochise County, iZ, telephone directory, Septenber 1977. O The Houotain states Telephone and Telegraph Coapany; 20Sep77; 1897705.
1897706. Telephone area code directory, 1975. COBPiled by Inecican Telephone and Teleqraph coapany. Sheets (222 p.) laerican Telephone and Teleqraph Coapany, Lonq Lines Departsent; 1Jul75; 1897706.
1897707. Dubuque, including Bpworth« La Hotte, Il« and others telephone directory, September 1977. O Northwestern Bell Telephone Coapany; 31Auq77; 1897707.
1897708. Hidland Beclaaation Company inventory report. Folder. Ippl. au: Direct Hail Corporation of laerica. O aidland Beclaaation Coapany; 5Jul77: 1897708.
1897709. llaost poeas. By Eve Easier. 1 v. Eve Enslec; 1llay77; 1897709.
1897710. Continental directory of standard carrier alpha codes and standard tariff agents codes. HHF lOi-B, 1977. Issued by Jaaes C. Harkins. 416 p. Idd. ti: Continental directory NHF 101-B of standard carrier alpha codes and standard tariff agents codes. Ippl. au: National Botor Freiqht Traffic Issociations, Inc. National Hotor Freiqht Traffic Issociation, Inc.; lSep77; 1897710.
1897711. Eastern Nebraska Coaaunity Office of Bental Health triaqe manual. Prepared by Paul Nelson 6 Barbara Siseaan Hheeler. 129 p. NH: coapilation. O Eastern Nebraska Coaaunity office of Bental Bealth: 261uq77; 1897711.
1897712. Itlantic Store Fixture Coapany, Inc.; food service supplies S eguipaent cataloq. 1 V. Idd. ti: Suaait Catalog Coapany: Itlantic Store Fixture Coapany, Inc. food service supplies and equipaent cataloq. Suaait cataloq Coapany; 11uq77; 1897712.
1897713. The TIP rhytha system. Blue book: Interaediate series. By David L. Shradec. 112 p. Teaporal Icuity Products. Inc.; 15Peb75; 1897713.
1897714. Executive coapensation in the faiqh- technoloqy industries, 1977. Data collection, analyses & report: Touche Boss and Coapany, conducted by UEHl. 1 v. O UEHl; 7JU177; 1897714.
1897715. North suburban Boston with Halden area yellow paqes telephone directory, 1977-1976. O New England Telephone and Telegraph Company; 6Sep77; 1897715.
1897716. Endowaent developaent aanual. By John L. HacBean. 1 v. O John L. nacBean; 1Feb77; 1997716.
1897717. The B therapy kit. Ippl* au: aariao Vandeu Noven. O aarian Tanden Hoven: 11JU177; 1897717.
1897718. The Parabolas. By Joanne Benton Budnytsky. Printout. (The Conic sections by computer graphics, pt. 2 Joanne Benton Budnytsky; 280ct76; 1897718.
1897719. The Cone. By Joanne Benton Budnytsky. Printout. (The Conic sections by computer graphics, pt. 4) Joanne Benton Budnytsky: 280ct76; 1897719.
1897720. Techniques. By Joanne Benton Budnytsky. Printout. (The Conic sections by coaputer graphics, pt. 5) O Joanne Benton Budnytsky; 280ct76; 1897720.
1897721. Ellipses and hyperbolas. By Joanne Benton Budnytsky. Printout. (The Conic sections by coaputer graphics, pt. 3) O Joacne Benton Budnytsky: 280ct76: 1897721.
A897722. Electri-iist cataloq for Froaa Electric Supply Corporation, Beading, Pennsylvania. 346 p. NH: new aaterial £ editorial revision. Trade Service Publications, Inc.; 12Aug77: 1897722.
1897723. Besco, Inc. refrigeration, air conditioning, appliances, parts, supplies, eguipaent. 1 v. Idd. ti: Electri-list catalog for Besco, Inc., Harrisburq, Pennsylvania. NH: new aaterial £ editorial revision. Trade Service Publications, Inc.; 16iuq77: 1897723.
1897724. NAED yesco: York Electrical Supply company, electrical distributors for industry, commerce, home. No. 105. 176 p. idd. ti: Electri-iist catalog for tork Electrical Supply Coapany, York, Pennsylvania. NH: new aaterial E editorial revision. O Trade Service Publications, Inc.; 181ug77; 1897724.
1897725. NIED Best Electric Supply corporation. 136 p. Idd. ti: Electri-iist cataloq for Best Electric supply corporation. Best lllis, Hisconsin. NH: new aaterial E editorial revision. O Trade Service publications. Inc.; 22iug77: 189772S.
1897726. Denney Electric Supply Coapany, wholesale distributors of electrical supplies. Catalog no. 78. 1 v. idd. ti: Electri-list catalog for Denney Electric Supply Coapany, Philadelphia, Penns- ylvania. NH: new material £ editorial revision. O Trade Service Publications, Inc.; 241uq77: 1897726.
1897727. Diaaond Electric Supply Coapany, wholesale electric supplies. 206 p. idd. ti: Electri-list catalog for Diaaond Electric Supply Coapany, Gastonia, North Carolina. NH: new aaterial £ editorial revision. Trade Service Publications, Inc.; 2Siuq77: 1897727.
1897726. Golden Valley Supply, Inc., wholesale electrical distributors, serving the inter-mountain eapire. 1 v. idd. ti: Electri-list catalog for Golden Valley Supply, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho. NH: new aaterial £ editorial revision. Trade Service Publications. Inc. ; 161ug77: 1897728.
1897729. Easco Electric Supply Coapany. wholesale distributors of electrical construction aaterials. electrical aaintenance aaterials, lighting fixtures, electric heat, electrical apparatus, tools. 234 p. idd. ti: Electri-list catalog for Easco Electric Supply Coapany, oklahoaa City, Okiahoaa. NH: new aaterial E editorial revision. Trade Service Publicatioas, Inc.; 5iU977: i897729.
1897730. Liberty County, Texas: ceaeteries. Pt. 1: west of Trinity Biver. Coapiled by Hildred S. Iright. 168 p. NH: coa- pilation £ new text. O Hildred S. Uright; 81ug77; 1897730.
1897731. Purebred irabian horse yearbook, 1976. Vol. 24. 482 p. O International irabian Horse issociation; 5Jul77; 1897731.
1897732. Hichiganensian, 1977. Executive editor: nice Gailey £ other editors, photog- raphers: Bob Edaundson, Philip Islip fi mdy Freeberg, col. endsheet photography by Gordon H. Tucker. 320 p. O Board for Student Publications, University of Hichigau; 81pr77; 1897732.
1897733. Baapway, 1977, Georgia State Dniversity Vol. 52. Editor: Hary B. Goldaann. associate editor; Patricia L. Gooden. 352 p. Coamittee on student Coaaunications; 23ipr77; 1897733.
1897734. Husket: Hatauga Bigb School, Boone, North Carolina. Vol. 12, 1977. 268 p. ippl. au: Betty Jean Greene £ Janet Lynn Hodges. O Betty Greene, Janet Bodges S the Husket staff.; 30Hay77; 1897734.
1897735. Cally Tally. Card. ippl. au: Dwight Black. O Dwight Black; 24Jul77: 1897735.
1897736. Hemorex 1380 coaaunications processor: logic syabol aanual. Publication no. 1380.31-00. Dec. 1976 ed. Sheets (298 p.) O Beaorei Corporation; 15Jan77; 1897736.
1897737. Heaorex 1380 coaaunicatioos processor; system generation aanual. Publication no. 1380.04-03. Bar. 1977 ed. 1 v. O Heaorex Corporation; 10Har77; 1897737.
1897738. The Effects of a pre-experiaental history on conditioned suppression in huaans. By George Joseph Pournier. Hicrofila. George Joseph Pournier; 15Sep77; 1897738.
1897739. In Investigation of life planning prograas as aodels of priaary prevention in coaaunity psychology. By Frank Joseph Doyle. Hicrofila. O Frank Joseph Doyle;
15Sep77 (in notice: 1976) ; 1897739.
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