JUL-DEC. 1977
1897282 (COD.) Alaa Gilleo, illustrated by John Nelson. 32 p. O The Child's lorld. Inc. ; 22»Qq77: 1897282.
1897283. Batec travel froa the beqinninq. By Una Gilleo* illustrated by John Helson. 32 p. The Child's lorld. Inc. ; 221uq77: 1897283.
1897281. lir travel froa the beqinninq. By llaa Gilleo, illustrated by John Kelson. 30 p. The Child's lorld. Inc.; 221uq77; 1897231.
1897285. Never aonkey with a aonkey: a book of hoaoqraphic hoaophones. By Sylvia Boot Tester, illustrated by John Keely. 32 p. The Child's Borld, Inc.; 261uq77; 1897285.
1897286. tihat did you say? a book of hoaophones. By Sylvia Boot Tester, illustrated by John Keely. 30 p. The Child's Borld. Inc.; 261uq77: 1897286.
1897287. The loud-noisy dirty-qriay, bad and nauqhty twins: a book of synonyas. By Sylvia Boot Tester, illustrated by John Keely. 32 p. O The Child's Norld, Inc.; 26Auq77; 1897287.
1897288. Hy F sound box. By Jane Belk Honcure, illustrated by Linda Soaaers.' 29 p. The Child's Borld. Inc.; 2SAug77; 1897288.
1897 289. ay B sound box. By Jane Belk Honcure, illustrated by Linda Soaaers. 29 p. The Child's Borld. Inc.; 25»uq77; 1697289.
1897290. ay B sound box. By Jane Belk Honcure. illustrated by Linda Soaaers. 29 p. The Child's Borld, Inc.; 251uq77; 1897290.
1897291. Hy T sound box. By Jane Belk Honcure. illustrated by Linda Soaaers. 29 p. The Child's Borld, Inc.; 25iuq77: 1897291.
1897292. ay S sound box. By Jane Belk Honcure, illustrated by Linda Soaaers. 29 p. The Child's Borld, Inc.; 251uq77j 1897292.
1897293. The Power of definition: a broader aeaninq for education. By Vera L. Lander. 70 p. (era L. Lander; 51uq77; 1897293.
1897291. July 20th, 1977. By Joe Neri. 2 p. Joe Neri: 81uq77: 1897291.
1897295. Bn1oy yourself. By Joseph Braxton Dixon. 7 p. Joseph Braxton Dixon (in notice: Joe Dixon) : 2Hay77; 1897295.
1897296. Poeas for children 3. By Dorothy Heyers, pseud, of Dorothy Plunqe. 1 v. Dorothy Plunqe. whose pseud, is Dorothy Heyers; 8iuq77; 1897296.
1897297. IDVi Electronics cataioq 77. 12 p. Ippl. au: Douqlas E. Schliebus d.b.a. IDVi Electronics. IDVI Electronics: 25Jun77: 1897297.
1897298. IDVI Electronics aodel VPS variable- voltaqe requiated power supply kit. 1 v. Ippl. au: Douqlas £. Schliebus d.b.a. IDVI Electronics. IDVI Electronics; 28Dec76: 1897298.
4897299. Bear planes, eabroidery applique kits. 1 V. ippl. au: Paaela Sue Byard (Paa Byard) O Paa Byard; 28Hay77; 1897299.
1897300. Hy life. 1 V. Ippl. au: Chuck Sallaqher. Billiaa H. Sadlier, Inc.; 181pr77; 1897300.
1897301. Haq-Aero, Inc. (1977 suaaer enjoyaent flyer) 1 v. NH: revisions & additions. Baq-lero. Inc.; Ijun77; 1897301.
1897302. Behavioral aspects of distributed data processing. Horkinq paper no. 10. By Theodore C. Billouqhby. 15 p. Theodore C. Billouqhby: 20aay77: 1897302.
1897303. Plan/qaae. qaae/plan. Ball chart. Ippl. au: John H. Bryson. John a. Bryson; 1Jul77; 1897303.
1897301. ISCO Bed-Hat solenoid valves. Cataioq no. 29. 100 p. BB: revisions e additions. O lutoaatic Switch Coapany; 170ct73; 1897301.
1897305. ISCO Tri-Point pressure switches. Cataioq no. 502. 26 p. & folder (6 p.) Na: revisions C additions. lutoaatic Switch Coapany: 9Feb76 (in notice: 1975); 1897305.
1897306. ISCO Bed-Hat air operated valves and accessories. Cataioq 100. 31 p. NH; revisions & additions. Q lutoaatic Switch Coapany; 9Jul73: 1897306.
1897307. Cranial technique, 1977. By Bertrand De Jarnette. Ill p. O Bertrand De Jarnette; 2Sep77; 1897307.
1897308. 6800 utility package 3. 3 p. Ippl. au: Howard Berenbon. O Howard Berenbon; 13Sep77: 1897308.
1897309. 6800 aini text editor/aailinq list loader-printer proqraa. 2 p. Ippl. au: Howard Berenbon. Howard Berenbon; 13Sep77; 1897309.
1897310. 6800 utility packaqe 2. 3 p. Ippl. au: Howard Berenbon. O Howard Berenbon; 13Sep77; 1897310.
1897311. Lawrence area, HI, telephone directory, Septeaber 1977. e New Enqland Telephone and Teleqraph Coapany; 20sep77; 1897311.
1897312. Devotions. Poeas by Bichard Ball, linocuts by Sally French. lip. on ilnocuts; Sally French; 16Feb77; 1897312.
1897313. Controllinq the Grain Chillcurinq process; 1977 operations aanual. 7 p. Ippl. au: Sylvester L. Steffen. O Harvestall Industries, Inc.; 2Hay77; 4897313.
1897311. Do Oo's Beaded flower basket. Folder. O Do Do Sales. Inc.; 311uq77: 1897311.
1897315. Siqhts west; selections froa the Binchester Huseua collection. Buffalo Bill Historical Center. 91 p. ippl. au: Thoaas E. Hall. O Buffalo Bill Historical Center; 11Hay76; 1897315.
1897316. Inventory of the Hission San Intonio de Valero: 1772. Translated S edited by Benedict Leuteneqger. 10 p. Enqlish £ Spanish. NH: translation plus additional text. Texas Historical Coaaission; 31uq77; 1897316.
1897317. The Layman's guide to leqai terainology and docuaents. By E. B. Greenberg. 95 p. E. B. Greenberg: 311ug77; 1897317.
1897318. Critical path analysis; prelia. ed. By Billiaa X. HcNabb. 19 p. O Billiaa K. acNabb; 291ug77; 1897318.
1897319. olin Solar-Bond absorber plates. Folder. Ippl. au: Olin Corporation. O Olin Brass; 1Hay77; 1897319.
18^7320. Let Norton show you how NC-100 gas atmosphere nickel catalyst increases heat treating productivity — six different ways. 2 p. Ippl. au: John L. Rogers. O Norton Coapany; 26Aug77; 1897320.
1897321. Developaent of sociological uethod iaplications for criminology. Sheets (32 p.) Ippl. au: James C. HcEleney. James c. acEleney; 1Jun77; 1897321.
1897322. Standard form of agreeaent between owner and project aanager for professional services. Jointly issued by Professional Engineers in Private Practice, a practice division of the National Society of Professional Engineers 6 laerican consulting Engineers council. 1977 ed. 11 p. Ippl. au: Bichard O. Davis e Charles Barger. C National Society of Professional Engineers; 8Sep77; 1897322.
1897323. lia's Guide to coaaunication in aarriaqe. 15 p. Iction for Independent Haturity, a division of laerican Issociation of Retired Persons; 51ug77; 1897323.
1897321. Essex County real estate directory. Suppl. no. 9. section no. 1 6 2. Har. 1977. 1 V. O Beal Estate Directory. Inc. ; 15aar77; 1897321.
1897325. Directional matheaatics. By Eleanor Inn Siaaons Pearson. Sheets. O Eleanor Inn Siaaous Pearson; 19Jul77; 1897325.
1897326. Golf engineering. By Jaaes David Thoapson. 28 p. O Golfengiaeering; 8Apr77; 1897326.
4897327. 21 ways you benefit froa aembership in IICPI. 1 V. laerican Institute of Certified Public Iccountants. Inc.; 20Hay77; 1897327.
1897328. Look who's inviting you to a Pound Down. October 3-21, 1977. Folder in envelope.
Idd. ti: Pound Down participant forua.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.