JUL-DEC. 1977
A896679 (con.) Hichael i. Taylor. e Michael A. Taylor; 15Feb75: J896679.
1896680. Hv turn: a book of poeas. 1 v. Appl. au: Hichael A. Taylor. O Hichael A. Taylor: 15Peb75: A896680.
A896681. Student work aanual. 302 p. Add. ti: fieal estate salesaacship center; Realtor Leonard Gross' real estate salesaanship center. This aanual has been prepared to assist students in understanding the aaterial presented in the Florida Beal Estate Coaaission's required course — Beal estate for the new practitioner. Appl. au: Leonard Gro^s € Evelyn Gro^s. NH: additional text. Leonard Gross fi Evelyn Gross; 23Peb76; A896681.
i896682. Novodeck systes presentation nanual. 1 V. chaapion International Corporation; 19Sep77: A896682.
A8966e3. Diary of an air war. By Gerrit ZiHstra. 187 p. Gerrit Zillstra; 22Auq77; A896683.
Cellulose and fiber science develop- ments: a tforld viev; a synposiUB sponsored by the Cellulose, Paper and Textile Division at the 171st aeetinq of the American Chemical Society, New Tork, Apr. 5-9. 1976. Editor: Jett c. Arthur, Jr. 287 p. (ACS symposium series, 50) Proceedinqs of the Symposium on Inter- national Developments in Cellulose* Paper and Textiles- Appl. states copyright is not claimed in any portion of this work written by a O.S. Govt, employee as a part of his official duties. O American Chemical Society; 12Sep77; A896684.
A896685. Coldwater, including Quincy, HI, city directory, 1977. C Bobinson Directories, Ice: 2QSep77; A896685.
A896686. Current advances in oral surgery. Vol. 2. Edited by Hilliam Benlamin Irby. Vln p. The C. V. Hosby Company; 15Sep77; 1896686.
A896fe87. Letters, seals and trumpets: a study of Revelation 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 11 with Bevelatioo 17 and Daniel 11. 78 p. Appl. an: Stephen Hayne Allen. C Stephen V. Allen: I6Sep77; A896687.
A896688. Tableaux culturels de la France. By J. Suzanne Bavise. 308 p. (French culture series) NH: pref. e revisions. National Textbook Company: 20ct74; A896688.
1896689. Varietes; fifteen famous stories especially adapted for intermediate students. By B. De Boussy De Sales, illus. by Corinne Boria. 143 p. Appl. au: National Textbook Company. NH: introd. t, revisions. National Textbook Company: 18J>ll77; A896689.
A896690. II Hilione di Harco Polo. Adapted as a beqinnioq reader by Giuseppe Abiuso, Elaine Abiuso, Hicbele Giqlio & others. 101 p. National Textbook Company: 31Auq77: A896690.
A896691. Le Avventure di Pinocchio. Adapted as a beqinninq reader by Carlo Collodi 6 National Textbook Company, abbreviated £ adapted by G. Abiuso C B. Giglio. 76 p. National Textbook Company; 3tAuq77; A896691.
A896692. Hit Tbespis zum Sueden: from Germany to Liechtenstein. By Peter Falkenstein. 51 p. Appl. au: National Textbook Company. NH: pref. C revisions. National Textbook Company: 7Sep77: A896692.
A896693. Leyendas de Espana: legends reflecting the history of Spain. By Genevieve Barlow C uiliiam N. Stivers, illus. by George Armstrong. 120 p. O National Textbook Company; 31Auq77; A89669J.
A89669U. Hodern debate case techniques. Editor: Donald B. Terry with James H. Copeland, Philip Emmert, Clark D. Kimball, Allan J. Licbtaan £ Daniel H. Bohrer. 107 p. NH: pref. £ revisions. O National Textbook Company: 22Jul77: A89669I4.
A895695. Let's play games in German. By Elisabeth Schmidt. 81 p. Appl. au: National Textbook Company. NH: introd. C revisions. O National Textbook Company; 20JU177; A896695.
A896696. Poniendo la campana al qato. By Eugenia De Hoogh. 1 v. (Fables in Spanish and English) (Fabulas bilinques) Add. ti: Belling the cat. O National Textbook Company: 31Auq77; A89669t.
A896697. La Lechera y su cubeta. By Eogenia De Hoogh. 1 V. (Fables in Spanish and English) (Fabulas bilinques) Add. ti: The Hilkmaid and her pail. National Textbook Company; 3Uug77; Ae96697.
A896698. El Kuchacho quel grito el lobo. By Eugenia De Hoogh. 1 v. (Fables in Spanish and English) (Fabulas bilingues) Add. ti: The Boy who cried wolf. O National Textbook Company; 31AU977; Ae9669e.
AB96699. Lettere dall Italia: impressions of contemporary Italy for beginning students. By Carolina Donadio Lawson. 85 p. C National Textbook Company; 27Jul77; A896699.
A896700. Bencontres culturelles: cross-cultural mini-dramas. By Arley u. Levno, consulting editor: Barbara Snyder. 110 p. 6 National Textbook Company; 27JU177; A896700.
A896701. El Cid. An adaptation in prose for intermediate students by Harcel C. Andrade, illus. by George Armstrong. 39 p. National Textbook company; 25Jui77: A896701.
A896702. Spanish verbs and essentials of grammar: a practical guide to the mastery of Spanish. By Ina H. Bamboz. 128 p. Appl. au: National Textbook Company. NH: pref. & revisions. O National Textbook Company; 25JU177; A896702.
A896703. J'ecris, tu ecris: a writing workbook for beginning French students. By Timothy J. Bogus. 107 p. O National Textbook Company; 21|Auq77; A896703.
1896704. Lcrivons mieuxl a writing workbook for advanced beginners of French. By Jane Nall-Beinike. 80 p. C National Textbook company; 3IAug77: A896704.
A896705. The Sports page: based on selections - from aajor newspapers from the Spanish- speaking world. By J. Laurence Day* consulting editcr: H. Ned Seelye. 32 p. National Textbook Company; 31Aug77: A896705.
A896706. Scriviamo, scriviamo: a writing workbook in Italian for advanced beginners. By Constance Barbantini. 97 p. National Textbook Company; 31Aug77; A896706.
A896707. The Lunar calendar, 1978; dedicated to the goddess in her many guises. Layout, calligraphy C leaf rubbings for the tree-months: Joan Anderson, managing editor: Jay-j Jordan, literary editor: Barbara Starrett, art editor, layout: Susan Vladeck Garrett, photographers: Joan uderson, Susan Vladeck Garrett fc Nick PassBore, introd.: Nancy F. U. Passnore. 1 V. NH: compilation C additional new ma-terial. Nancy F. N. Passmore; 21Sep77; A896707.
1896708. How to get a job. 1 v. O Irmco Steel Corporation: 1SSep77; 1896708.
1896709. CoBO trabajar o comunicar en un restaurante o bar para camareros, camareras, ayudantes de camarero o ayudantes del bar y para el dueno de restaurante o bar. By Dora Hewhouse, translation by lllison H. Oe Becio, illus. by John Hunson. 83 p. Add. ti: Bow to work or coamunicate in a restaurant or bar for waiters, waitresses, busboys or barhelp and for the restaurant or bar owner. Dora Newhouse; 2«lug77; 1896709.
A896710. Teacher's guide to overseas teaching: a complete and comprehensive directory of English-language schools and colleges overseas. Compiled £ edited by Louis 1. Bajkai* associate editor: Joseph S. Corrao. 140 p. 6 Louis A. Bajkai; 10Sep77; A896710.
A896711. A History of caring. Foreword by Sister Haureen Keleher, O.S.F., written by Nelson Shreve E Saint Francis Hospital staff. 64 p. Appl. au: Saint Francis Hospital. O Saint Francis Hospital; 20Hay77; A896711.
A896712. Ninsted, Canaan, CT, book of names, 1977-1978. The Southern New England Telephone Company; 11Aug77; A896712.
A896713. Common herbs for common illnesses. By Uiliiam B. HcGrath. 25 p. O Hilliam B. HcGrath; 1Aug77; A896713.
A896714. The Dream factory. By John Everett Schairer. 87 p. 6 Jack E. Schairer; 16Sep77; A896714.
A896715. 68-4260 diffusion-osmosis BioKit; teacher's manual. 7 p. O Carolina Biological Supply Company: 20Sep77: A896715.
1896715. Leadership and career development. By James S. Peters 2nd. 3C5 p. O University
of Hartford; 10Sep77: 1896716.
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