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A872925 - A872967


JUL-DEC. 1977

A87292K (con.) nmental Training CoBBittee; 1Jul77; J87292».

S872925. A Tale of three cities — Venice: European Congress of Preventative and Social nedicine. June 1-«, 1977. Naples. Italy. Pt. 1. By B. B. Hearst. 4 p. 8. B. Hearst: 1Jun77; A872925.

i872926. After-life madness. No, 2 By John Michael Bolen. 18 p. nichael Bolen; 21Jun77: A872926.

A872927. Fort Smith, Van Buren, AE, and surroanding areas telephone directory. Jane 1977. C Sout buestern Bell Telephone Company: 1Jiin77: A872927.

A872928. Martha's Vineyard. Nantucket. MA, telephone directory, July 1977. C Neii England Telephone and Telegraph Company: 1JU177: A872928-

A872929. Manager's mandal. 1 v. O Servicetlaster Industries, Inc.; 17Jun77: A872929.

A872930. Uashingtonian newcomer's guide to metropolitan Washington. Editor-in-chief: Laughlin Phillips, editor: Marian Hoffman. assistant editor; Gigi Pickford. 3rd ed. 170 p. Washington Magazine. Inc.; 15Jun77: A872930.

A872931. Salaries and salary guides for noncertif icated (supportive) school personnel, 1976-77: custodial, main- tenance, transportation, and cafeteria. Research bulletin A7e-12. IDU p. Nea Jersey Education Association: 22Jun77; A872931.

A872932. Historic, scenic Hudson Fiver Valley- Folder. Appl. au: Walter Averill. NH: revision. Hudson Biver Valley Association, Inc.: 6Jun77; A872932.

A872933. Where to go-stay-dine-buy in the Hudson River Valley. Folder. Appl. au: Walter Averill. NH: revision. C Hudson Biver Valley Association, Inc.; 22Jun77; A872933.

A87293U. Vitamins-minerals (reference Hheel) Add. ti: Vitamin-mineral reference wheel. Appl. au: John B. Wright. Jr. Vitamin Information Bureau, Inc.; 1Jul77; A87293a.

A372935. VIB vitamin-mineral reference wheel for better understanding of nutrition. Appl. au: John B. Wright, Jr. Vitamin Information Bureau, Inc. ; 1jul77; A872935.

A872936. Squa tront 7. Editor; John Benson. 50 p. C John Benson: 25May77; A872936.

A872937. Matrix of nuclear quality assurance program requirements. 2nd ed. 1 v. Appl. au; I, I. Korn, L. C. Lawrence 6 w. E. Medinger. C American Society for Quality Control: 1Jun76; A872937.

A872938. Directory of National Science Foundation programs. By Steven B. Pulik. 1 «. NH: additions S revisions. Steven B. Pulik; 1JU177: A8"'2938.

A872939. A Guide to the management of recent mammal collections. By Stephen L. Williams, Bene Laubach S Hugh H. Genoways. 105 p. (Carnegie Museum of Natural History special publication no. U) O The Trustees of Carnegie Institute; 17Jun77; A872939.

A8729lt0. Theory to the origin of the solar system and of Jupiter's great red spot. By Gregory A. LaFortune, 1 p. NH; additions, compilation & revision. O Gregory A. LaFortune; 5Jul77; A8729I40,

A8729141. Artificial smog — the most probable cause of "ozone sickness" on board high-altitude commercial aircraft. By John M. Lagerwerff. 5 p. O John H. Lagerwerff; 5Jul77; A8729m.

A8729it2. Edwin James Graham, second son. By Phyllis Graham Stigall. 69 p. Phyllis Graham Stigall; 26Jun77; A8729«2.

A87291I3. Sangamon State University oral history collection. Pt. 2. no. 1-23. Microfilm. (New York times oral history program) Appl. au: Microfilming Corporation of America. Sangamon State Oniversity; 10May76; A872943.

A8729«14. Folk art: expressions of ioy. Vol. 6. US p. Appl. au: JoSonIa Jansen. JoSonia Jansen: 10ct76; AB729«il.

A8729<t5. Det gleder meg- Vol- 1. By JoSonja, pseud, of JoSonja Jansen. 68 p. Add. ti: It pleases me. English. O JoSonja Jansen (in notice: JoSonja) ; 13May77: A872945.

A8729U6. Folk art primer- Vol. 2- By Edna Snyder G JoSonja Jansen. 81 p. JoSonja Jansen; 1Jun77: A8729't6.

A8729it7. Lindy B's T's. By Lynnea S. Brown 6 JoSonja Jansen. 61 p. JoSonja Jansen; 1lBay77; A8729U7-

A8729«8. Ancestral search mini-kit. 1 v. NH: additions G revisions. O H. Bex Arnett d-b.a. Research Systems (a sole prop- rietorship); 12Jun77: A8729't8.

A8729«9. 21*- and/or 21-plus. By Elizabeth Czizek Grant. Folder. Elizabeth Czizek Grant; 13Jun77; A8729U9.

A872950. Overlays and longshots, the difference. By Pat Hall, pseud, of Richard R. Gunderson. 1 v. C Kuuma Kavi Company; 28Jun77: A872950.

A872951. Standard guide number 177- 259 p. Appl. au: Russell Beckerman. NH; additions G revisions. Standard Electric Supply Company; 24May77; A872951.

A872952. Fan starting requirements: engineering data sheet, E-107-1. 10 p. C Barry Blower, a division of Wylain. Inc.; 1Jun77: A872952.

A872953. Graves hold ancient "kiss of death" disease. By Central H. Wilson. 1 p. Central H. Wilson; 1Jul77; 1872953.

A87295II. How to use the budget-making function to create organizational change. By Henry Alvin Culbertson. 1 >. O Culbertson and Associates: 20Jun77; A87295U.

A872955. Japanese and O.s. research libraries at the turning point; proceedings of the Third Japan-U-S. Conference on Libraries and Information Science in Higher Education. Kyoto, Japan, October 28-31, 1975. Edited by Bobert D. Stevens, Baynard C. Swank G Theodore F. Welch. 2it0 p. C American Library Association; 1JU177: A872955.

A872956. John F. Kennedy: an annotated bib- liography. By Joan I. Newcomb. 1U3 p. O Joan I. Newcomb; 21Jun77: AB72956.

A872957. The City, the immigrant and American fiction, 1880-1920- By David B. Fine. 182 p. David M. Fine; 1Jul77; A872957.

A872958. Unequivocal Americanism; right-wing novels in the Cold War era. By Macel D. Ezell. 152 p. Macel D. Ezell; 28Jun77: A872958.

A872959. Contemporary native American literature; a selected and partially annotated bibliography. Compiled by Angeline Jacobson- 262 p- C Angeline Jacobson; 16Jan77; A872959-

A872960. The Great science fiction pictures- By James Robert Parish G Michael B. Pitts. 382 p- James Bobert Parish G Michael R. Pitts; 10Jun77; A872960.

A872961. Bichard 3rd: the making of a legend. By Rozane C. Hurph. 108 p. Roxane C. Murph; 1JU177; A872961-

A872962- Tbe Cycle of the seasons. By William White, Jr., photos, by the author. 60 p. Sterling publishing Company, Inc-; 27jun77: A872962-

A872963- Marathon: the world of the long-distance athlete. By Gail Campbell. 176 p. Appl- states all new except some prev. pub. photos. e Gail Campbell; 30Jun77: A872963.

A87296I4- The Island steamers: a cronology (sic) of steam transportation to and from the offshore islands of Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket- By Paul C. Morris 6 Joseph F. Morin, edited by Sumner A. Towne, Jr. 196 p. HM: text, list of compilations, line illus.. most of the photos., pref. 6 epilogue. Paul C. Morris G Joseph f. Morin; 1Jul77: A87296<t.

A872965. Savoring lovely Orange Park. By Inman, pseud, of Harriet Inman Warner Hedgecoth- 1 V. Harriet W. Hedgecoth (complete name: Harriet Inman Warner Hedgecoth) (in notice: Inman) ; 200ct76; A872965.

A872966. A General regimen of beneficial nutrients (vitamins) By Donald J. Frcy. 1 V. O Donald J. Frey; 20Hay77; 4872966.


Liberty, Dayton, TX, telephone directory, June 1977. Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 27Jun77; A872967.


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