48965S7 - A8966U0
JUL-DEC. 1977
Ae96597. Durhaa (Hiddiesex County, CT) , iocludinq Haddan, UigqaouB, Hiddief ieid, and Bockfall city directory, 1977. C The Price and Lee Company; «Ko»7b; i896597.
»896598. aiiliaantic (Hiodhai County, CT) , includinq Coventry and Rindhaa city directory, 1977. Vol. 55. The Price and Lee co«pany: "(Oct 76; i896598.
1896599. Biddletown (Orange County, NI) includinq Goshen and Ballkill city directory, 1977. Vol. 811. The Price and Lee Coapany; 15»pr77; 4896599.
A896600. Kinqston (Olster County. HT) city directory. 1977. vol. 66. The Price and Lee Coapany; 28Feb77: 4896600.
4896601. iest Springfield, a4, telephone address book, 1977. Compiled by T4B Directory Coapany. 4ppl. au: The Price and Lee Coapany. The Price and Lee Coapany; 20JU177: 4896601.
4896602. Haaden, Cheshire. CT, telephone address book, 1977. Coapiled by T4B Directory coapany. 4ppl. ao: The Price and Lee Coapany. The Price and Lee Coapany: 64pr77: 4896602.
4896603. Sprinqfield (Baapden County, a4) city directory, 1977. Vol. 124. The Price and Lee Coapany; 26ilay77; 4896603.
489660*. ailford (Nev Haven County, CT) includinq orange, city directory. 1977. Vol. 43. The Price and Lee coapany; 2'mar77; 4896604.
4896605. Greenwich (Fairfield County, CT) including Byraa. Cos Cob, and others, city directory. 1977. Vol. 2/. The Price and Lee Coapany: 241lav76; 4896605.
1896606. Bristol (Hartford county, CT) includinq Plainville and Terryvllle, city directory, 1977. Vol. 85. The Price and Lee Coapapy: 200ct76: 4896606.
4896607. Danbury (Fairfield County, CT) includinq Bethel city directory, 1977. Vol. 61. The Price and Lee Coapany: 23Har77; 4896607.
4896608. Sprinqfield suburban (Haapden County, H4) includinq 4qawaa, East LongaeadOH and others city directory, 1977. Vol. 14. The Price and Lee Coapany; 10Jan77; 4896608.
4896609. Holyoke (Haapden County, ah} includinq South Hadley city directory, 1977-78. Vol. 101. The Price and Lee Coapany; 264ug77: 4896609.
4896610. Mevburqh (Oranqe County, NT) includinq Cornuall and New Hindsor city directory, 1977. O The Price and Lee Coapany; 16Feb77: 4896610
4896611. Bridqeport (Fairfield County, CT) including Easton. Fairfield and others city directory, 1977. Vol. 108. The Price and Lee Coapany; 124ug77; 4896611.
4896612. Hartford suburban (Hartford County, CT) (including Biooafield, East Hartford, and others) city directory, 1977. The Price and Lee Coapany; 22Dec76 (in notice: 1977); 1896612.
4896613. Noraan, OK, includinq all of Cleveland and Hcclain Counties, Criss-Cross Hua«irical Directory, Inc., 1977-78. 4dd. ti: acClain and Cleveland Counties, OK, Criss-cross Nuaerical Directory, Inc. , 1977-78. 4ppl. au: Clyde D. Blytbe. Criss-cross Nuaerical Directory, Inc.; 18JU177: 4896613.
4896614. Greater Lake Charles, L4, Cross Beference Directory, 1977 i&sue. Cole Publications, a aetroaedia coapany; 7Jul77: 1896614.
1896615. Lover Sio Grande Valley, TX, Cross Reference Directory, 1977 issue. Cole Publications, a aetroaedia coapany; 8Jul77: 4896615.
4896616. Greater 4Barillo, TX, Kriss Kross, 1977 issue. Cole Publications, a Hetroaedia coapany; 9Jul77; 1896616.
1896617. Greater Ibilene, TX, Kriss Kross, 1977 issue. O Cole Publications, a HetEoaedia coapany: 11Jul77; 1896617.
1896618. Salea County. NJ. cross reference directory. 1977 ed. Bare Publishing company: 5Jul77: 1896618.
1896619. testchester, Putnau Counties, NY. aetropolitan householders directory, 1977 issue. Cole Publications, a aetroaedia company: 2Jul77; 4896619.
4896520. Greater Portland. Ofi. aetropolitan householders directory. 1977 issue. O Cole Publications, a aetroaedia coapany; 5Jul77: 4896620.
1896621. Establishing a business: IBC's — do and don't. By Jerrald F. loung. 1 v. Jerrald F. Young; 30Jun77: 1896621.
1896622. Solar energy and the land. By B. H. Instead, diagrams £ dradings by Jaaes B. Holaes. 62 p. B. H. lastead; 20Jan77; 1896622.
4896623. Belly Button Putty omner's aanual. Folder. 6 Our Gang Productions, Inc.; 14ug77; 4896623.
1896624. Sex was more fun when. By Beatrice Braden, illus. £ design by Erin English. 1 V. NH: editorial revision. Beatrice Braden; 154pr77; 4896624.
4896625. Sex vas aore fan when. By Beatrice Braden, illus. & design by Erin English. 1 V. 4ppl. au: Price/Stern/Sloan Publishers, Inc. O on illus.; Price/Stern/Slcan Publishers, Inc.; I5lpr77: 1896625.
1896625. Bhat ever happened to? 4 collection of things remembered because once they were important to tts. By aarcia Seligson, aort Gerberg £ Ivery Corman. 1 v. NH: editorial revision. O aarcia Seligson, aort Gerberg £ Ivery Coraan; 154pr77; 4896626.
1896627. Ubat ever happened to? 4 collection of things reaeabered because once they vere important to us. By aarcia Seligson, aort Gerberg £ 4very Corman. 1 v. 4ppl. au: Price/Stern/Sloan Publishers, Inc. on illus. ; Price/Stern/Sloan Publishers. Inc. ; 151pr77; 1695527.
1896628. Saa, the ceiling needs painting. By Uoody Gelaan, Sy Goodstadt £ ael Poretz. 1 V. Na: editorial revision. Uoody Gelaan, Sy Goodstadt £ Bel Poretz; 3iaay77: 1896628.
1896529. How coae? By Phillip G. Ooran, illus. by Bene Beabrand. 1 v. Price/Ster- n/Sloan Publishers. Inc.; 84ug77; 1896629.
1896630. Love, death and other myths, 1974-1977. Poems by Erica silver, pseud, of Erica Silverman. 64 p. Erica Silver; 1Jul77; 1696630.
1895631. Better your odds in traffic court. By Norval Bayne Stacy. 13 p. O Norval «. Stacy; 301pr77: 1896631.
1896632. Self-assessment of current knowledge in heaatology. Pt. 1: textbook review. By Samir K. Ballas. 2nd ed. 272 p. aedical Exaaination Publishing Company. Inc. ; 1Sep77; 1896632.
1896633. South Carolina's blacks and native 4mericans, 1776-1975. Produced by the Bicentennial Project editorial board. 254 p. State Human Iffairs Commission a.a.d.o. South Carolina Human 4ffairs coaaission; 54pr77 (in notice: 1976) ; 1896633.
1896634. The Northeastern outdoors; a field and travel guide. By Steven lllen Beraan, photos.: Idam Laipson. illus.: Phylls Satin £ maps: Pamela Solar Bills. 287 p. stone Ball Press; 5aay77; 4896634.
4896635. Security deposits: how to get yours back. Britten by Deborah Buresh £ illustrated by Haxine Parshall. 19 p. 4ppl. states all new except appendix. 6 Tenants Resource Center; 26Nov74; 1896535.
4896536. The Imerican issues forum: reflections on the ethnic experience. 46 p. Ippl- au: Bobert Corletta. National Center for Urban Ethnic Itfairs; 1iug77: 1896535.
1895537. Green prairies. By Fannie Girdner Sipes. 99 p. O Fannie Girdner Sipes; 9Hay77; 4895637.
4896638. Patches of light. By Nona Blancbard. V. O Nona Blanchard d.b.a. The lillaont Press; 7Jul77; 4895638.
4895639. 411 under the heavens; early Chinese tiaes, 1000 B.C.-4.D. 1000. By Lois C. Olds. 172 p. O Lois C. Olds; 244ug77; 4895639.
4896640. BEC converter/battery charger systeas; service manual. 1 v. O Basler Electric
Company; 9Sep77; 1895640.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.