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JUL-DEC. 1977

»89651<t (con.) iielia Calhoun Spratt, calliqcaphy by aauriaana Solan. 1 v. UK: coipilation. The C. S. Gibson Coipanr: 12Sep77; A8965la.

4896515. To be a friend. Selected by Barbara Shook Bazen. 1 v. Appl. au: Eulala Conner. NH: coapilation. O The c. B. Gibson Coapany: 13Sep77; 1896515.

1896516. So many kinds of love. icitten by Dean Ralley, designs by Betsy Beach. 1 v. MM: coapilation. The C. B. Gibson Coapany; 8Sep77: 1396516.

1896517. Thou art ay God: Biblical affiraations of God*s relationship to us Bis people- -vith additional poeas, coaaents and prayers. Selected by Florence H. Taylor, designed by Gordon Brovo. 136 p. UH: coapilation. The c. B. Cibson Coapany: 9Sep77: 1896517.

1896518. Insight: coaplete chess. Kit. lppl> au: Nathan B. Freeaan C llfred 0. Siapkins. HH: coapilation. Hathan B. Freeaan & llfred 0. Siapkins t.a. Freeaan/Siapkins: 31uq77: 1896518.

1896519. Legal probleas of the Illinois faaily: 1977 suppl. Chapter authors: Marshall J. luerbach 6 others. 1 v. (Illinois faaily law, 2) C Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education; 24flar77 (in notice: 1973); 1896519.

1896520. Uorkaen's coapensatlon practice* 1977. Chapter authors: Bichard D. Greenfield & others. 1 v. O Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education: 5(lay77; 1896520.

1896521. Illinois school law. General editor: Stevart H. Diaaond. 1 v. Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education; 27Jan77; 1896521.

1896522. Illijiois estate adainistra tion, 1975. 1977 suppl. Chapter authors: Janes M. Corcoran, Jr. & others. 1 t. Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education; 16Feb77 (in notice: 1975); 1896522.

1896523. Special districts and other non- aunicipai local governaents in Illinois. General editors: Clifford L. Heaver 6 B. Barlin Saith. 1 v. Idd. ti: Special districts: non-aunicipal local gover- nments. Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education; 17(]ar77; 1896523.

1896524. Illinois legal research sourcebook. By Soger F. Jacobs, Carol Boast, Edward F. Hess, Jr. & Jaaes 1. Sprowl. 1 v. Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education: 221pr77; 1896524.

1896525. Illinois condoainiua law, 1977. Authors: Thoaas fi. Ippleton C others. 1 V. O Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education: 10Har77; 1896S25.

1896526. Proof of daaages, 1977. luthors; Louis G. Davidson e others. 1 v. Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education; 19Bay77; 1896526.

A896527. Residential real estate paralegal systea- By David B. Abell. 1 V. O Illinois Institute for Continaing Legal Education; 11aat77; 1896527.

1896528. Drafting wills and trust aqreeaents. ipr. 1977 revision. By Iddis E. Hull, Loren E. Juhl, David P. iood, Jr., George T. Bogert, Jaaes M. Corcoran, Jr. € Jerold I. Horn. 1 V. Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education; 21ipr77; 1896528.

1896529. The Psychosis of hypnosis. 21 p. Iccoapanied by sound recording, reg. 1145746 6 additional material reg. 1896530. Appl. au: Hoy Masters. Boy Masters; 1Sep77; 1896529.

1896530. SeK, sin and salvation. By Boy Masters. 321 p. Iccoapanied by sound recording, reg. N45746 & additional aaterial, reg. 1896529. Prev. pub. as Sex, sin and solution. NM: 2 additional chapters, index S new title. O Boy Masters; 15Aug77; 1896530.

1896531. Colonial singing gaaes and dances. 18 p. Iccoapanied by sound recording, reg. 1145747. Colonial Uilliaasburg Foundation; 241ug77; 1896531.

1896532. laproving the budgeting process; a special report on the aost crucial step in budgeting, preparing the sales forecast. 79 p. llexander Uaailton Institute, Inc.; 9Sep77; 1896532.

1896533. Las Dotes de supervision y su per- feccionaaiento: guia del ejecutivo para elegir, capacitar y perfeccionar a sus supervisores. 91 p. NM: translation. O llexander Uaailton Institute, Inc.; 9Sep77; 1896533.

1896534. Improving supervisory skills: an executive's guide to selecting, training and developing your supervisors. 96 p. (9 llexander Baailton Institute, Inc.; 1Sep77; 1896534.

1896535. Principles for hospital public relations. Catalog no. S029. 2 p. d laerlcan Hospital Association; 261ug77; 1896535.

1896536. Manaqeaent effectiveness in hospitals. iUl catalog no. 1101. 44 p. Prev. pub. in Hospitals, Feb. 16, 1976-May 16, 1977. KM: coapilation. laerican Hospital Issociation; 221uq77; 1896536.

1896537. 1 Portfolio of architecture for health. IHl catalog no. 2300. 160 p. laerican Hospital issociation; 231uq77; 1896537.

1896538. Health technology: issues and acti- vities. IHl catalog no. 1755. ^5^ p. Ippl. au: University of Southern California Center for Health Services Besearch. laerican Hospital Isso- ciation; 241ug77; 1896538.

1896539. Tests for Modern biology. By Jaaes H. Otto e llbert Towle. 128 p. KM: additions £ revisions. O Holt, Biaehart and Sinston, Publishers; 15lpr77; 1896539.

1896540. Can you iaagine? Level 6, teacher's ed. By Eldoona L. Evectts, Bernard J. Heiss & Susan B. cruikshank. 96 p. NM: additions C revisions. O Holt, Binehart and Binstoo, Publishers; 3Jan77; 1696540.

1896541. Draaa through perforaance; instructor's aanual. By Mark S. luburn C Katherine B. Burkaan. 75 p. Houghton Mifflin Coapany; 2Mar77; 1896541.

1896542. The Melsoa-Denny reading test: self-interpreting reading profile. Foras ceo. By Jaaes I. Brown, M. J. Belson S £. C. Denny. 2 p. Idd. ti: The Melson-Oenny adult reading profile, foras C and D. BH: tables. O Houghton Mifflin Coapany; 17Sep76; 1896542.

1896543. San Diego north County, CI, north, street address telephone directory, August 1977. O The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Coapany: 91ug77; 1896543.

1896544. San Diego, suburban street address telephone directory, septeaber 1977. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph coapany; 301ug77: A896544.

1896545. Ventura and Siai Valley, CI, street address telephone directory, lugust 1977. O The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Coapany; 31ug77; 1896545.

1896546. San Mateo County. CI, street address telephone directory, Septeaber 1977. C The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Coapany; 161ng77; 1896546.

1896 547. San Francisco street address telephone directory, Septeaber 1977. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Coapany; 161ug77; 1896547.

1896 548. Marin County, CI, street address telephone directory, Septeaoer 1977. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Coapany; 221ug77; 1896548.

1696549. One-hundred-sixteeath General Asseably of the Presbyterian Church in the Onited States. Pt. 1: directory of General Isseably boards, agencies and coaaittees, journal, with an appendix. 747 p. Add. ti: Minutes of the one-hundred-sixteenth General Asseably of the Presbyterian Church in the United states; Minutes, part 1, Presbyterian Church in the Onited States. BM: minutes. C Stated Clerk of the General Asseably of the Presbyterian Church in the United States; 27Aug76; 1896 549.

A896550. Confronting racisa and sexism: a practical handbook for educators. By Nancy Schniedeaind. 347 p. O Nancy Schniedewind; 15Aug77; 1896550.

1896551. Physics laboratory experiments. By the faculty of the Oepartaent of Physics, Eaory University. 1 v. NM: revisions 6 additions. Physics Departaeat, Eaory University; 15Jun77; 1896551.

A896552. Coaaunications adainistration, policy. and prograa development for public broadcasting. By Bussell Barren Johnson. Sheets (234 p.) Bussell Barren Johnson; 7Sep77; A896S52.

1896553. Specifications and related contract

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