A896070 - A896108
JUL-DEC. 1977
A896069 (con.) Bonaia Filer, photography bf 4nn F. Eakins. 70 p. The MilliaBS and Hilkins Conpany; 1Sep77: 4896069.
4896070. Teacher's manual for use with Principles of evidence and proof, third edition. Prepared by John Kaplan. 212 p. 4ppl. au: David B. Louisell 6 Jon R. Baltz. NM: coopilation, revisions 6 additions. O The Foundation Press, Inc.; 104uq77; 4896070.
4896071. Ho» to qron annuals. By 4nn Boe Bobbins, illustrated by L. J. Bobbins. 297 p. NB: revisions. S 4nn Roe Bobbins; 2Hay77: 4896071.
4896072. Historic floral and aninal designs for enbroiderecs and craftsmen. By Suzanne E. Chapnan. 1 v. G Dover Publications, Inc.; 15Sep77; 4896072.
4896073. 4 Treasury of bookplates from the Renaissance to the present. Selected 6 with an introd. by Fridolf Johnson. 151 p. NM; introd., text € compilation of bookplates. 9 Dover Publications, Inc.; 15Sep77: 4896073.
48960711. 4udubon's Birds in color for decoupage. Selected 6 with instructions by Eleanor Hasbrouck Bawlinqs. 1 v. NB: introd. 6 selection of plates. 6 Dover Publi- cations, Inc.; 15Sep77; A89607».
A896075. Selected drawings of Gian Lorenzo Bernini. Edited by 4nn Sutherland Harris. 1 V. NB: text. Dover Publications, Inc.; 21Sep77; 4896075.
4896076. Kodak technical pan filn <EST4E-AH base) 50-115. Pamphlet no. P-255. 8 p. (Data release) Eastman Kodak Coapany: 13Sep77: 4896076.
4896077. The Kodak silver recovery program. Publication no. J-8. Folder (3 p.) e fiastman Kodak Company; 7Sep77: 4896077.
4896078. Eastman reagents for nonaqueous atomic absorption spectroscopy. Publication no. JJ-30. 12 p. SB: additions £ revisions. 6 Eastman Kodak Company; 8Sep77; 4896078.
4896079. Special instructions for using rotary-tube processors for process C-tl. Publication no. Z-121. 2nd ed. Polder. (Bachine processing data release) O Eastman Kodak Company; 19Sep77; 4896079.
4896080. Film-type identification and sortinq by process requirement (Kodak roll films) 16 p. (Kodak self-instruction packaged program, Z-327) Eastman Kodak company; 13Sep77; 4896080.
4896081. Osing the Kodak VCNA data converter, model S-2 and the Kodak VCN4 tape reader. 18 p. Eastman Kodak Company; 19Sep77; 4896081.
4896082. Principles of chemical mixing. 24 p. (Kodak self-instruction packaged program, Z-323) Eastilan Kodak Company; 13Sep77; 4896082.
4896083. Kodak Starlink three software user gdide. 1 v. e Eastman Kodak Company; 314uq77; 4896083.
48960811. 4phasia: psychiatric considerations. By D. Frank Benson. 2 p. (Communicative disorders: an audio Journal for continuing education, vol. 2, no. 9, Sept. 1977. Editor: Larry J. Bradford) & Grune and Stratton, Inc.; 125ep77: 489608a.
4896085. Hearing aid test systems. By Daniel a. Schwartz 6 Thomas H. Townsend. Folder. (Audiology: an audio journal for continuing education, vol. 2. no. 9, Sept. 1977. Editor: Larry J. Bradford) Grune and Stratton, Inc.; 9Sep77; 4896085.
4896086. 4udio journal review — general surgery. Vol. 6, no. 8, 4ug. 1977. Editor: Robert N. BcCleliand. Folder. Grune and Stratton, Inc.; 9Sep77; 4896086.
4896087. Eclectic learning theory and stuttering therapy. By C. Hoodruff starkweather. Folder. (Communicative disorders: an audio journal for continuing education, vol. 2, no. 8, 4ug. 1977. Editor: Larry J. Bradford) Grune and stratton. Inc. ; 6Sep77: 4896087.
4896088. Cochlear implants: fact and fiction. By Juergen Tonndorf. 2 p. (4udiology: an audio journal for continuing education, vol. 2, no. 8, 4ug. 1977. Editor: Larry J. Bradford) Grune and Stratton, Inc.; 7Sep77; 4896088.
4896089. Sangha-community. By Richard Baker- Roshi. (In Earth's answer, p. 45-57) 4ppi. au: Zen center. O Zen Center; 314ug77; 4896089.
4896090. Earth's answer: explorations of planetary culture at the Lindisfarne conferences. Edited by Bichael Katz, Billiam P. Barsh 6 Gail Gordon Thompson. 229 p. 4ppl. au: Lindisfarne 4ssociation- O Lindisfarne 4ssociation; 314uq77; 4896090.
4896091. Teaching mathematics: with emphasis on the diagnostic approach. By Sam 4daas, Leslie Ellis 6 B. F. Beeson. 259 p. Sam 4dams, Leslie Ellis 6 B. F. Beeson; 174uq77; 4896091.
4896092. Instructor's manual to accompany Physical geography. By James S. Gardnec. 91 p. O James S. Gardner; 20Jal77: 4896092.
4896093. Being human today: psychological perspectives. By Phillip Hhitten. 177 p. NB: additional text 6 compilation. 6 Phillip ghitten; 15Feb77; 4896093.
4896091. Joy Twistair screw compressor, models T4-300 thru T4-750, models BCS-300 thru RCS-750; operator's manual. 1 v. « Joy Banufacturing company; 24Aug77; 4896094.
4896095. Parts listing: Joy repair parts catalog for standard air compressor. 24 p. Add. ti; Parts listing (repair parts catalog for standard air compressor) NB: revisions. Joy Banufacturing Coapany; 24Auq77: 4896095.
4896096. Joy change-out connectors. Folder. e Joy Banufacturing Company; 224ug77; 4896096.
4896097. English for international communication 3 intercom; pupil's. By Richard C. yorkey, Richard Barrutia, 4nna Dhl Chamot, Isobei Rainey De Diaz, Joan B. Gonzalez, James W. Ney C Billiam L. Nolff. p. 385-584. 6 Litton Educational Publishing, Inc. ; 17Aug77; 4896097.
4896098. Skill book: networks; teacher's ed. By Edwin Bones & Bernice Golden, illus. by 4rlene Dubanevich, 41 Fiorentino, Frank Fretz, Jon Goodell, Gerry Hoover, Harvey Kidder, Erica Berkling, Stella Ormai, Jan Pyk, John C. Ballner, 6 Bari Heissman. 126 p. (4merican book reading program) O Litton Educational Publishing, Inc.; 294ug77; 4896098.
4896099. Skill book: keystones; teacher's ed. By Bernice Golden, illus. by 4rlene Dubanevich, 41 Fiorentino, Harvey Kidder, Erica Berkling, Stella ormai, Jan Pyk 6 Bari Heissman. 110 p. (4merican book reading program) O Litton Educational Publishing, Inc.; 294ug77; 4896099.
489610C. Skill book: lanterns; teacher's ed. By Edwin Bones 6 Bernice Golden, illus. by 4rlene Dubanovich, Jon Goodell, Harvey Kidder, Erica Berkling, Stella Ormai, Jan Pyk, 4rvis L. Stewart, John C. Hallner 6 Bari Heissman. 126 p. (4merican book reading program) © Litton Educational Publishing, Inc.; 294ug77; 4896100.
4896101. Skill book: moments; teacher's ed. By Reni Fetterolf, Bernice Golden 6 Balph Heintraub, illus. by 4rlene Dubanevich, Frank Fretz, Jon Goodell, Gerry Hoover, Harvey Kidder, Erica Berkling, Carol Nicklaus, Stella Ormai, Judy Pelikan, Jan Pyk E Bari Heissman. 126 p. (4merican book reading j-rogram) Litton Edu- cational Publishing, Inc.; 294ug77; 4896101.
4896102. Hhy 4fflerica is coming home to Andersen Hindowalls. Folder. Andersen Corporation; 1Jun77; A696102.
4896 103. Florida session law service, 1977. 6th increment. Bultiple volumes. The Harrison Company; 184ug77: A896103.
4896 104. The 4ntiques magazine engagement calendar, 1977. Compiled by Lawrence Grow. 1 V. NB: selection S compilation of illus. e Straight Enterprises, Inc.; 1Sep76; 4896104.
489610 5. The 4ntiques magazine engagement calendar, 1977. Compiled by Lawrence Grow. 1 V. e on text; The Bain Street Press, Inc.; lSep76; 4896105.
4896106. Joy 7/21/77 70 001, and other titles. Hicrofiche. Appl. au: Richard H. Clark. O Purchase Control Systems; 21Jul77; A896106.
A896107. Gone with the wind; Pendleton version. Pt. 2. Author: Harry Clay Pendleton, Jr. Sheets (24 p.) C Harry Clay Pendleton, Jr.; 30Jun77: 4896107.
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