JUL-DEC. 1977
A895822 (COD.) Oniversity Press, Inc.; 23iuq77; 4895822.
»895823. Science for christian schools; student ed. Grade 6. Bv Joseph Henson, George nulfinqer, Jr., Efflmett Rilliams, editor & qrade-level coordinator: Marilyn Elaer, illus. by Bobert Hartin, Jaaes i. Brooks, Bruce Ink & others. 203 p. Appl. au: Bob Jones Oniversity Press, Inc. & Bob Jones University Press, Inc.; 274uq77; 1895823.
£895324. The Generic book: vhat it is and how it works. By Louis shores. 16 4 p. O The Library-Coileqe Associates, Inc. ; 25Jun77; A895824.
A895825. Ohio's Trojan Horse: a varninq to Christian schools everywhere. By Alan N. Grover. 154 p. 6 Bob Jones Oniversity Press, Inc.; 27Auq77; A895825.
4895826. The Maya leqacy: a sequel to the Book of Momon story- By Stanford Sobison. 159 p. a Stanford Sobison; 1Sep77; A895826.
A895827. Aesop* s Fables sugared and spiced. Retold by Samuel Eppy. Sheets (60 p.) e Sanuel Eppy; 6Sep77; A895827.
A895828. In Demory of Elvis. 1 p. Appl. au: Arlene B. Bill. 3 Arlene S. Bill; 16Sep77: A895828.
A895829. Copinq in the age of uncertainty. Sheets. Appl. au: John Thoaas (T. ) Long. O John Thoaas Long; asep77: A89S829.
A895830. A Guide for purchasers of repossessed vehicles. By Nilliani A. McGrath, Sr. 28 p. 3 Killiaa A. McGrath : 16Sep77: A895830.
A895831. Progranainq manual for model 20V-1800 precision machininq center with Cincinnati Milacron Acranatic 338-D controls. Publication no. 14-25-33 Pfl issue 1. 1 v. 3 Cincinnati Milacron-Heald Corporation; 26May77; A895831.
A895832. Proqraainq manual for models 10H, 10BC-1500/2500 precision aachlninq centers with Cincinnati Milacron Acramatic 338-D controls. Publication no. 14-25-30 IB issue 1. 1 V- Q Cincinnati Milacron- Beald Corporation; 28Jan77 (in notice: 19761; 4895832.
4895833. Advent: a calendar o/ devotions, 1977. By Jo Carr. 64 p. Abingdon; 19Aug77: A895833.
4895834. To bend without breaking: stress and how to deal with it. By Mary Ella Stuart. 127 p. Appl. stated all aew except about 15% of work, e Abingdon; 19Auq77; A895834.
4895835. Belnq a kid ain*t easy. By Martha Gray Henderson. 111 p. Abinqdon; 19Auq77: A89S835.
A895836. The Bed wind. By Sarah M. Traylor. 176 p. e Abinqdon; 26Jul77: A895836.
A895837. The Hinq-footed wanderer: conscience and transcendence. By Donald Eugene Miller. 240 p. e Abingdon; 19Auq77; A895837.
A895838. Bhat color am I? Britten by loyal Hye, illustrated by Hick Davis. 1 v, e Abinqdon; 26Jul77; A895838.
A895839. Bah! humbug? By Lorna Balian. 1 v. e torna Balia^; 26Jul77; A895839.
A895840. The Buffed grouse book. By George Bird Evans, foreword by Jim Sikhoff, illus- trated by Donald Shoffstall. 257 p. NM: anthology of prev. pub. stories, introductory material & pictorial matter. e Amwell Press, Inc. & George Bird Evans; 1Sep77; A895840.
A89S841. Be gentle, be plain: a history of Olney. By Hilliam P. Taber, Jr. 233 p. The olney Alumni Association; 3Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A895341.
A895842. Jesse Stuart: essays on his work. Editors: J. B. LeMaster B Mary Hashington Clarke. 165 p. C The Oniversity Press of Kentucky; 13Sep77; A895842.
A895843. Proceedings of the International conference on Quantitative Genetics, August 16-21, 1976. Edited by Edward Pollak, Oscar Kempthorne & Theodore B. Bailey, Jr. 872 p. Conference held at Ames, lA. 3 Iowa State Oniversity Press; 29Auq77; A895843.
A895844. Effects of exposure to toxic gases- -first aid and medical treatment. By Hilliam Braker. Allen L. Mossman S David Siegel. 2nd ed. 172 p. Appl. au: Matbeson, a division of Hill Boss, Inc. 3 Matheson, a division of Hill fiOss, Inc.; 29Aug77; A895844.
A895845. Synchronizing Hebrew originals fros available records: 719-710 B.C. By aervin Stiles. 38 p. 3 Mervin Stiles; 31Aug77; A895845.
A895846. Boating almanac. Vol. 4, 1977: Chesapeake Bay, Delaware, Maryland, DC, yirginia. North Carolina. 434 p. Appl. states copyright not claimed in any portion of work written by a O.S- Govt, employee as part of his official duties. 3 Boating Almanac Company, Inc.; 15Mar77; A893B46.
4895847. Boating almanac. Vol. 3, 1977: New Jersey, Delaware Bay, Hudson Biver, Lake Champlain, Erie Canal. 322 p. Appl. states copyright not dlaimed in any portion of work written by a O.S. Govt, employee as part of his official duties. 3 Boating Almanac Company, Inc.; 15Har77; A895847.
A895848. Boating almanac. Vol. 2, 1977: Long Island, Connecticut, Bhode Island. '338 p. Appl. states copyright not claimed in any portion of work written by a O.S. Govt, employee as part of his official duties. 3 Boating Almanac Company, Inc.; 15Mar77; A895848.
A895849. Boating almanac. Vol. 1, 1977: Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire. 306 p. Appl. states copyright not claimed in any portion of work written by a O.S. Govt, employee as part of his official
A895850. Sewing sweaters. By Buth Ann Hilson. 1 V. 3 Buth Ann Hilson; 1Sep77; A895850.
A895851. Maidu necklace. 3 p. Appl. au: Barbara Francisco. 3 Bead-Heavers, a California partnership consisting of Barbara Francisco & Pauline Putnam; 12Sep77; A895851.
A895852. Transformers: accident prevention bulletin number 17.01. 4th ed. 97 p. Appl. au: S. D. Myers. 3 S. D. Myers, Inc. (in notice: Transformer Maintenance Institute, division of s. D. Myers, Inc.); 13Sep77; A895852.
A895853. Supervisory and management development. 2 V. Appl. au: Vandla Julnes. 3 Vandla Julnes; 2Sep77; 4895853.
A895854. Office excellence and development 1. 54 p. Appl. au: Vandla Julnes. 3 Vandla Julnes; 2Sep77; A895854.
4895855. Office excellence and developaent 2. 43 p. Appl. au: Vandla Julnes. 3 Vandla Julnes; 2Sep77; A895855.
A895856. History of Colorado. By Clifford P. Hestermeier, revised by .^ames E. Fell, issued by Bureau of Independent Study, Center for Lifelong Learning, Division of Continuing Education, University of Colorado. 42 p. NM: revisions 6 updating. 3 The Regents of the University of Colorado; 294ug77; 4895856.
A895857. Onderground supports. Catalog 1-4. 39 p. 3 Commercial Shearing, Inc. ; 5Jul77; A895857.
A895858. Council of School Attorneys School law Seminar proceedings; inquiry and analysis, convention supplement, 1977. Edited by David A. Splitt 6 Jennifer Crowe. 1 v. 36th annual convention, held Mar. 25-27, 1977, Houston. Appl. au: National School Boards Association. 3 National School Boards Association; 31Aug77; A895858.
A895859. The Silent knight. By James D. Buckley. 79 p. 3 Jim Buckley; 1Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A895859.
A895860. Crossword puzzles for lovers of music and lovers of words. By Onesime L. Piette. 60 p. 3 Onesime 1. Piette; 14Sep77; 4895860.
A895861. Dialects of American English. By Carroll E. Seed. 135 p. Appl. au: Baven McDavid, Jr. NM: additions. Carroll £. fieed; 9May77; 4895861.
A895862. A Bainbow for the Christian Best. By Bene Depestre, translated with an introd. by Joan Dayan. 258 p. NB: translation, pref . , introd. 6 editorial matter. 3 Joan Dayan; 20Jun77; A895862.
A895863. The Surrealist voice of Bobert Desnos. By Mary Ann Caws. 222 p. NM: introd., editorial apparatii 6 some translations. 3 The Oniversity of Massachusetts Press;
9May77; 4895863.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.