JUL-DEC. 1977
i895U7S. inqelique (tri-coloc purse) 2 p. ippl. ail: Elizaceth B. Hlllec (Liz Hillei:) O Liz Hiller; 11Jul77; a895lt79.
A895480. Christmas tree. 1 p. Appl. au: Elizabeth H. Siller (Liz Hillec) Liz Hiller; 15Jul77: 4895480.
&895it81. Sloria. 3 p. Appl. au: Elizabeth H. Hiller (Liz Killer) O Liz Hiller; 15Jul77: A895U81.
4895482. Oracle Enterprises from Spain, the most beautiful soaps in the 'world. Folder. ippl. au: Bobert B. Griesser. Oracle Enterprises: 184ug77: A895482.
4895483. Binston "armored Icniqht" strainers- Folder (3 p.) O uinston Hanufacturinq Corporation: 1Jan77; 4895483.
4895484. Hinston "arnored koiqht" steam purifier, the model 10. Foluer. uinston Hanufacturinq Corporation; 1Jao77; 4895484.
489S435. Hinston "armored kniqht" model 10, control house, aoalvzer building, equipment protection. 2 p. O Hinston Hanufacturinq Corporation; 1Jan77; 4895485.
4895486. New! motor and transmission mount wall chart. Folder. Add. ti: Hotor and transmission mount replacement chart. UH: additional text, revisions & updatinq. 6 Lempco Industries, Inc., 4utomotive Division: 26Jul77; 4895486.
4895487. Supplementary lessons in women's and men's suit tailoiinq. By Clarence Poulin. 40 p. KH: editorial revisions & additions. Clarence Poulin; 280ct70; 4695487.
A895488. Colorado's courts and corrections: a survey for the layman. 36 p. O The Leaque of Homeo Voters of Colorado; 31Jan77: 4895488.
4895489. Johnny Bebs of Bunt County, Texas. Compiled by Frances Terry Inqmire 6 Bobert Lee Thompson. 133 p. d Frances Terry Inqmire; 24Jul77; 4895489.
4895490. 4merican Hine Society special bulletin, home winemakers information. By Shirley rinqlinq. Polder. 4merican Hine Society, Inc.; 44uq77; 4895490.
4895491. Iowa Great Lakes reqion, telephone directory, July 1977. O Northwestern Bell Telephone Company; 21Jul77; A895491.
4895492. Nash priminq valves for vacuum pump-ptlminq systems and condenser water-box priminq. Bulletin no. 564-4. Folder. 4ppl. au: 4rthur E. Hard. O The Nash Enqineerinq Company; 8Sep77; 4895492.
4895493. History 21: history of San Hateo county. 42 p. 4ppl. au: 41an A. Hyndinq. 41an 4. Hyndinq: 28Auq77; A895493.
A895494. Zero-base budqetinq manual. 27 p. Inc.; 23AUq77;
A895495. Hetric the easy way. Issued by Bister Hetric, division of vision in Design Enterprises. 24 p. Appl. au: Ferdinand Schmid. NH: new text G compilation of data. Ferdinand Schmid; 29Jul77; A895495.
4895496. Becently come to light: Harvard Oniversity commencemeot address, by President Joseph Hillard, 1799. 18 p. Add. ti: Commencement address. President Joseph Hillard, Harvard University, 1799. Appl. au: H. Hyeth Hillard. NH: additions. U. Hyeth Hillard; 10l'ay77; 4895496.
4895497. Hedia 3/qrapevine, Septembei 2, 1977. 6 V. Q Young Innovators, Inc.; 2Sep77; 4895497.
4895498. Storainq the citadel: the fundamental revolution against progressive education. By Bichard Vetterli. 59 p. O Bichard Vetterli; 23Aug76; 4895498.
4895499. Jai alai point system. Appl. au: H. C. Huffine. O H. C. Buffine; 7Sep77; A89549S.
A895500. The Big Bed score book, basketball. 1 V. Add. ti: Big Bed basketball scorebook. Appl. au: Arnold Fencl, James Fencl, Jr. t Gene Kruqer. C Big Bed Publications Company (in notice: Big Bed Publica- tions) ; 1Jan77; 4895500.
A695S01. Beport of the ecumenical consultation: Kanuga Conference Center, Hendersonville, North Carolina, October 27-31, 1975. 55 p. Appl. au: Council on Theology and Culture. O Stated Clerk of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.; 30Aug76; 4895501.
A895502. A Procedure for adding the teaching of basic writing skills to an IHTS English laboratory. 15 p. Appl. au: Hartha Senter Ball. C Hartha Senter Hall; 304ug77; 4895502.
4895503. £ick*s Parts catalog, antique auto parts. 40 p. Appl. au: Bick Freeman, e Bick, Inc.; 111ay77; A895503.
A895504. Freedom's peanut: "I want a better world!" Verse & design by Lewis E. Babbidqe. Card. O Lewis E. Babbidge; 10Sep77; A895504.
A895505. If you believe. Verse & design by Lewis £. Babbidge. Card. O Lewis £. Babbidge; 10Sep77: A895505.
A895506. Freedom's peanut: Communist gardens are full of weeds. Verse 6 design: Lewis E. Babbidqe. Card, o Lewis E. Babbidge; 27Auq77; A895506.
A8955Q7. Professional hair designers consultation form. Folder. Appl. au: Bonald L. Barnes. O Designer's Loft; 184uq77; 4895507.
4895509. Bond valuation for colleges and universities. 3? p. 4ppl. au: James L. (Socky) Barber. O National 4ssociation of College and Oniversity Business Officers; 10JU177; 4895509.
4895510. Energy management for colleges and universities. 140 p. Prev. pub. 4ug. 1976. NH: editing & revisions. tl4CaB0, a.a.d.o. National 4ssociation of College and University Business Officers; 20lug77; A895510.
A895S11. E. B.4. in an era of error. By Rudolph P. Blaum. 220 p. John Paul Jones Enterprises; 8Jul77 ; 4895511.
4895512. Immunity in the human body; instructor's guide £ script. Hritten by Leila Louise Cluff. 1 V. O Leila Louise Cluff d.b.a. Health Education Aids; 10ct76; 4895512.
A895513. Circulation in the human body 2- -conductive system; instructor's guide £ script. Hritten by Leila Louise Cluff. 1 V. O Leila Louise Cluff d.b.a. Health Education Aids; 10ct76; 4895513.
4895514. Circulation in the human body 2- -conductive system; student script & self-instruction booklet. Hritten by Leila Louise Cluff. 1 v. 6 Leila Louise Ciuft d.b.a. Health Education Aids; 10ct76: A895514.
A895515. Immunity in the human body; student script & self-instruction booklet. Hritten by Leila Louise Cluff. 1 v. O Leila Louise Cluff d.b.a. Health Education Aids; 10ct76; A895515.
4895516. Introduction to anatomy and physiology; instructor's guide 6 script. Hritten by Leila Louise Cluff. 7 p. O Leila Louise Cluff d.b.a. Health Education Aids; 10ct76; 4895516.
4895517. Introduction to anatomy and physiology; student script 6 self-instruction booklet. Hritten by Leila Louise Cluff. 8 p. e Leila Louise Cluff d.b.a. Health Education 4lds; 10ct76; 4895517.
4895518. Tales of terror and wonder in psychic phenomena. By Patrick Hahony. 256 p. O Patrick Hahony; 294ug77: A895518.
A89S519. Come out fighting: true fight tales for fight fans. by Chuck Burroughs. 118 p. NH: compilation, pictorial matter & biographical material. O Chuck Burroughs; 23Hay77; 4895519.
4895520. It is time for the trees to get big in spring; a project of Community School District 6. By Paul Treatman, Community superintendent. 78 p. Community School District 6; 15Feb77; 4895520.
4895521. 4 Guide to better sales. 4 p. 4ppl. au: Fleetwood Hoore Hargett. O Fleet Hargett; 19Sep77; 4895521.
4895522. Introduccion a la integral de Lebesgue en la recta. Por Juan 4ntonic Gatica & Department of Hathematics, the Oniversity of Iowa. 102 p. (Serie de matematica, monografia no. 18) Appl. au: General Secretariat of the Organization of American States. O General Secretariat of the Organization of American States;
1Sep77; 4895S22.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.