A872B10 - A872817
JUL-DEC. 1977
A872810. Competition and cooperation in a prehispanic multi-ethnic system in the central Andes. By Tommy Delton Dillehay, Bicrofilm. C Tommy Delton Dillehay: 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A872810.
AB72811. Systematic study of the genus Flourensia (asteraceae-heliantheae) By nichael Owen Dillon. Hicrofilm. 6 Hichael OKen Dillon: 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A872811.
A872812. The Relationships between school climate and teacher attitudes and behavior in managing their classrooms. By Joel BroHnlee Dobbins. Microfilm. @ Joel Brounlee Dobbins; 15Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A872812.
A872813. Effectiveness of relaxation-desen- sitization and cognitive restructuring in teaching the self management of menstrual symptoms to college women. By Betty HcNaughton Ouson. Microfilm. © Betty HcNaughton Duson; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976): A872813.
A872B11t. The Development of nasal vowels. By George Lynn Entenman. Hicrofilm. © George Lynn Entenman: 15jun77 (in notice: 1976); AB72814.
A872815. Questioning behaviors of first-grade bilingual teachers during reading instruction: English versus Spanish. By Gloria Irma Gamez. Microfilm. 6 Gloria Irma Gamez; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A872815.
A872816. Autonomy and authority among profes- sional educators. By Burke Dorn Grandiean. Hicrofilm. @ Burlce Dorn Grandiean: 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; A872816.
A872817. The Conceptualization and measurement of urbanization. By Uilliam Allen Martin. Hicrofilm. e Hilliam Allen Martin: 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); AB72817.
A872818. The Transition of native American Indian fertility: 1960 to 1970. By James Howard Gundlach. Microfilm. 6 James Howard Gundlach; 1 5Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A872818.
Thomas Mann*s Fiorenza: the novelist as
playwright. By Barbara Sue McCord.
Hicrofilm. © Barbara Sue HcCord ; 15Jun77
(in notice: 1976) : AB72819.
AB72820. A Justification of altruism: based on the thought of Charles Hartshorne and Alfred North Hhitehead. By Anthony James Hulkern. Microfilm. © Anthony James Hulkern: 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A872B20.
A872821. A Historic analysis of Lyndon Baines Johnson's contributions to minority groups: emphasis on speeches and the Elementary and secondary education act, 1965. By Avis Ann Hullen. Microfilm. © Avis Ann Hullen; 15Jun77 (in notice; 1976): A872821-
A872B22. Undergraduate preparation in information systems for accountants. By John Thomas overbey. Microfilm. 6 John Thomas Overbey; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); Ae72822.
A872823. Petrology and eruptive history of an Oligocene trachytic shield volcano near Alpine, Texas. By Donnie Franklin Parker, Jr. Microfilm, e Donnie Franklin Packer, Jr.; 15Jun77; A872823.
A872824. A Study of individual and organizational variables and modification of an innovation. By Alvin Norman Payne. Hicrofilm. 6 Alvin Norman Payne; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); AB72824.
4B72825. The Comparative linguistic control of rhythm and articulatory timing by ten Spanish speakers learning English and by a K'ekchi-Spanish bilingual. By Sandra Pinkecton. Microfilm. Q Sandra Pinkerton; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A872825.
AB72B26. The Coalescence of Mexican liberalism: the Constituent Congress of 1856-1857. By Louis Angel Sodero. Microfilm. 6 Louis Angel Eodero; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; A872826.
A872827. Drug abuse, a failure in psychocontrol: psychotherapeutic intervention, prevention and research. By Boy Ronald Buhnke. Hicrofilm. 8 Eoy Ronald Kuhnke; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; A872827.
A872B28. The Use of flowcharts as an analytical and educational approach to the deter- mination of consolidated corporate taxable income. By Richard Dale Boley. Hicrofilm. C Richard Dale Boley; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; A872B28.
A872829. A Descriptive analysis of teaching roles in clinical laboratory settings in baccalaureate and higher degree nursing programs. By Betsy Linn Bells Bowman. Hicrofilm. @ Betsy Linn Eells Bowman; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A872B29.
A872830. Organometallic coordination polymers as potential semiconductors: polymers based on centrosymmetric pyrazine and 1,5- naphthyridine derivatives. By Sterling Bruce Brown. Hicrofilm. © Sterling Bruce Brown; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A872830.
A872831. Institutional completeness and American third parties. By Bert Carl Buzan. Microfilm. © Bert Carl Buzan; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A872831.
A872832. A Conceptual development of a socio- political information system. By Nagib Charly Callaos. Microfilm. © Nagib Charly Callaos; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A872832.
A872833. The Invariance condition in generative phonology. By Alvin Glen Cearley. Microfilm. © Alvin Glen Cearley; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; A872833.
A872834. The Chancellorship of General Kurt Von Schleicher: December 1932-January 1933. By Theodore Albert Cline. Hicrofilm. © Theodore Albert Cline; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A872834.
A872835 Differences in in cognitive style and visual motor ability in groups of poor, average and good readers. By Jill Lauren Conoley. Hicrofilm. Jill Lauren Conoley; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A872835.
A872836. Growth of the electron cyclotron mode in a relativistic electron beam by helical liner structures. By Edward Paul Comet. Microfilm. Edward Paul Cornet; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A872836.
A872837. The Effects of a time limit and two types of assessment context on divergent thinking in children. By lilliam Dean Davidson. Hicrofilm. 6 Hilliam Dean Davidson; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A872837.
A872B38. Compulsory education: an historical and philosophical analysis. By Daniel Tarnum Collins. Microfilm. Daniel Varnum Collins; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A872838.
A872839- An Evaluation of the effects of stimulus or response familiarization on the sight word learning process in kindergarten children. By Linda Ann Patriarca. Microfilm, e Linda Ann Patriarca; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A872839.
A872840. Social movement to social organization: a case study of a women's center. By Elizabeth Nilllams Nail. Microfilm, e Elizabeth Williams Nail; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A8728U0.
A872841. Consumer attitudes toward the prevention and resolution of consumer complaints. By Marilyn Pogue Nagy. Hicrofilm. © Harilyn Pogue Nagy; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A872841.
AB72842. Studies toward the total synthesis of tetracyclic triterpenes. By Jerrold Leroy Martin, Jr. Bicrofilm. © Jerrold Leroy Martin, Jr.; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A872Ba2.
A872843. A Metric multidimensional examination of social judgment predictions of assi- milation, contrast and attitude change. By John Thomas Marlier. Microfilm. © John Thomas Harlier; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A8728«3.
A872844. The perceptions of Mississippi public school principals and superintendents of team management. By Bobby Ray Perkins. Hicrofilm. © Bobby Ray Perkins; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; A8728411.
A872845. A Micro-economic analysis of the determinants of human fertility in rural northeastern Tanzania. By James Edward Kocher. Hicrofilm. © James Edward Kocher; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; AB72845.
A872846. Effect of oirex and related compounds on estuarine bacteria. By Gary H. Childers. Hicrofilm. © Gary H. Childers: 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; A872fl<t6.
A872847. Influence of oral contraceptives on vitamin A metabolism and on serum immunoglobulins in mice and women. By Janet Powers Allred. Hicrofilm. C Janet Powers Allred; 15Jun77 (in notice:
1976): A8728I17.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.