«895a05 - »89Slt35
JUL-DEC. 1977
18954011 (COD.) Haiiual I 229. Prepared by totonio L. aontes. 1 T. Appl. au: HaDaqeaent and Traiuiuq systeas for Industry. Inc. aaoaqeaeat and TraiDinq Systeas foe Indostry. Inc.; 1Sep77; »e9Sit0il.
»895i(05. ShippiDq departaeot, flSIl 8011: firevater puapbouse. Prepared by Allan Drever C Hanaqeaent and TralDlnq Systeas for Industry, Inc. 1 ». ippl. au: Petrosar. flanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.: 30»uq77; A895l|05.
A895U06. Area u overviev. No. ASM 401. Prepared by Charles HcPhecson C HanaqeaeDt and Traininq systeas for Industry, Inc. 1 ». Appl. au: aonsante Cbeaical Interaediates CoBpany. O aanaqeoent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 19Auq77; A895l)06.
1895407. Foxboro 100 series loops. Hanual I 260. Prepared by Raul Kosado. 1 v. Appl. au: Hanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc. flanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.: 9Sep77; 1895107.
A895408. OBG type DOXE-H aetecinq puap. Hanual H220S1(>. Prepared by T. C. Strachan. 1 V. Appl. au: Banaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc. O Banaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 6aay77: 1895408.
1895409. Offsite Departaent, SOP 9037: tank car and tank truck loadinq rack operation. Prepared by Binq S Banaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc. 1 ». Ippi. au: Petrosar. Banaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 19Jal77; 1895409.
A895410. Furfural Extraction Onit, HSl>-6: 1 and B furfural recovery. Prepared by H. P- Zerhusen G Banaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc., issued by Ishland Petroleua Coapany, Nuaber 1 Befinery Lube oil Plant. 1 y. Ippi. au: Ashland Petroleua Coapany. flanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 13Jan77: A895410.
A89541I. About valves, actuators and positioners. Banual I 220. Prepared by Banaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc. staff. 1 V. MB: editorial revisions £ additions. O Banaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 19Auq77: 1895411.
1895412. Olefins Departaent, flSfl 2003: qasoline fractionation and strippinq. Prepared by H. Austin £ Banaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc. Sheets. Appl. au: Petrosar. O flanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 15Har77: A895412.
1895413. Facinq and borinq on the lathe, flanual al03. Prepared by Banaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc. staff. 1 v. aa: editorial revisions £ additions. aanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 10Jul77: 18954 13.
1895414. Transaisor de rlujo Bailey JB- 13431. Banual I 29SS. Preparado por Antonio L. aontes, traducciOD al espanol: Antonio L. Bontes. Sheets. Appl. au: Banaqeaent and Traininq systeas for Industry, Inc. NB: translation. flanaqeaent and Traininq Industry, Inc.;
A89S415. Salt strike. No. flSa 216. Prepared by Ken Bryan £ flanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc. 1 v. Appl. au: HODSanto Cheaical Interaediates Coapany. O Banaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 1Auq77; A895415.
AB95416. Fischer and Porter iaD1415A aaq, flov TX. Hanual I 691. Prepared by Saul Bosado. 1 V. Appl. au: Banaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc. aanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 9Jun77; A895416.
A895417. Pneuaatic coaponents and subasseablies. Hanual I 103. Prepared by flanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc. staff. 1 V. MB: editorial revisions £ additions. Banaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 10JU177; A895417.
A895418. FCC Feed Hydrotreater Onit, aanual nuaber 3: strippinq and scrubbinq. Prepared by Lafiue Bix & Banaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc., issued by Ashland Petroleua Coapacy, Buaber 2 Befinery. I v. Ippl. au: Ashland Petroleua Coapany O Banaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 3Jun77; A895418.
1895419. Coabination aaqnetic starter (polyphase) Banual E927. Prepared by J. G. Scott. 1 V. Ippl. au: Banaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc. MB: editorial revisions £ additions. O Banaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc. ; 2Sep77; 1895419.
1895420. Ofr-qas scrubbinq systea. Ho. BSfl 225. Prepared by C. E. flcLelland £ flanaqeaent -and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc. 1 V. Appl. au: Bonsauto Cheaical Inter- aediates Coapany. Banaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc. ; 5flay77; 1895420.
1895421. Transaisor de prcsion diferencial, Bailey tipo BK. flaoual I 290S. Preparado por Intonio L. Bontes, traduccion al espanoi: Intonio L. Bontes. 1 ». Ippl. au: Banaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc. NB: translation. 6 Hanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 8Jun77; A895421.
1895422. flotor action. Banual E901. Prepared by Banaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc. staff. 1 v. »fl: editorial revisions £ additions. Banaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc. ; 301uq77; 1895422.
1895423. flaintenance of unfired heat ezchanqers. Banual P161. Prepared by Banaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc. staff. 1 V. NB: editorial revisions £ additions. Banaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 291uq77; 1895423.
1895424. Custoaer list of publications, Enqlish and Spanish. Prepared by aanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc. staff. 1 V. O Banaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 1Sep77; 1895424.
A895425. Bydrocracker Coaplex, 861 Bydroqen Onit, BSB 86 1-3: steaa/hydrocarbon reforainq. Prepared by y. Boyd £ Banaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc., issued by Atlantic fiicafield Coapany, Products Division, Philadelphia Befinery. 1 V. Appl. au: Atlantic Bichfield Coapany. O Baoaqeaent and Traininq Systems for Industry, Inc.; 2Bay77; A895425.
A895426. BSH 402 hydrogen reforainq A and B plants. Prepared by George Levis £ Banaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc. 1 v. Appl. au: flonsanto Cheaical Interaediates Coapany. Banageaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 7Jun77; AB95426.
A895427. Hydrocrackci coaplex 860 reforaer, BSB 860-5 reforaer stabilization. Prepared by H. Boyd £ flanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc., issued by Atlantic Bichfield Coapany, Products Division, Philadelphia Befinery. 1 v. Appl. au: Atlantic Bichfield Coapany. O Banaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry. Inc.; 7Jun77: A89S427.
A895428. BTS list of publications operations and aaintenance aanuals: English and Spanish. Prepared by flanaqeaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc. staff. 1 v. aanaqeaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc.; lSep77: 1895428.
1895429. Furfural extraction unit flSH-4 raffinate treating. Prepared by H. P. 2erhusen £ Banaqeaent £ Training Systeas for Industry, Inc., issued by Ashland oil. Inc. , Ashland Petroleua Coapany, Nuaber 1 Befinery Lube Oil Plant. 1 v. Appl. au: Ishland Petroleua Coapany. aanaqeaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 301ug77; 1895429.
1895430. Fisher aodel 546 I/P converter; aanual I 536. Prepared by Banaqeaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc., staff. 1st revision, July 1977. 1 v. flanageaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 301ug77; 1895430.
1895431. Bydrocracker coaplex 927 C02 plant BSB 927-1 water reaoval. Prepared by P. fiosidivito £ Hacageaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc., issued by Itlantic Bichfield Coapany, Products Division, Philadelphia Befinery. 1 v. Ippl. au: Itlantic Bichfield coapany. O aanaqeaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 301ug77; 1895431.
1895432. Harehousc Departaent HSH 2405 varehouse tool crib. Prepared by Bill Bogers £ Banaqeaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc. 29 p. Ippl. au: Petrosar. aanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 2Sep77; 1895432.
1895433. iarehouse Departaent BSB 2401 ware- housing overview. Prepared by Bill Bogers £ Banaqeaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc. 19 p. Ippl. au: Petrosar. O flanageaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 1Sep77: 1895433.
1895434. Taylor type 2142J aulti-scan recorder, flanual I 519. Prepared by Intonio L. Bontes. 1 V. Appl. au: Banaqeaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc. C Banaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 31Aug77; 1895434.
BSB 217 salt storage and transfer.
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