A895283 - 4895319
JUL-DEC. 1977
1895282 (con.) Publlshinq Conpany. Banks-Baldwin Law Publishinq Conpany; 294uq77: i895282.
4895283. Patent office rules and practice. Vol- 2-3, Auq. 1977 revision* release no. I'*- By Lester Horiritz. Sbeets. Appl. an: flatthev Bender and Conpany, Inc. , eaployer for hire. O flatthev Bender and Conpany, Inc.; 10(luq77; 4895283.
48952811. Hou to nanaqe your law office. Aug. 1977 revision, release no. H. By Mary 4nn Altnan & Bobert I. Beil. Folder (3 p.) e sheets. 4ppl. au: Matthev Bender and Conpany, Inc., enployer for hire. Mattheu Bender and Conpany, Inc.; 224uq77; 4895281.
4895285. Business orqanizations with tax planning. Vol. 1-10, Jnly 1977 revision, release no. 26. By Zolnan Cavitch, Federal tax editor: Joseph M. Lobel, supervisinq editor: Barold Fried nan. 6 p. G sheets. 4ppl. au: Hatthen Bender and Conpany, Inc., enployer for hire. O Matthev Bender and Conpany, Inc.; 194uq77; 4895285.
A895286. Southeast transaction quide: Florida, Georqia, Alabana. Vol. 10. Editors: Byron L. Sparber. Carl B. Gofer 6 Thomas 4. aitchie. 1 V. 4ppl. au: Matthev Bender and Conpany. Inc. , enployer for hire. O Matthev Bender and Conpany, Inc. ; 304uq77: A895286.
A895287. Special insert to 1976 Collier panpblet edition. Folder (it p.) NM: additional text. Mattheu Bender and Conpany, Inc.; 94uq77; 4895287.
4895288. Poreiqn tax and trade Hinds. Foreign tax and trade briefs; July 1977 rep- lacenent service. Belease no. 225, July 1977. Polder (4 p.) £ sheets. Matthew Bender and Conpany. Inc.; 194uq77; 4895288.
A895289. Oil and qas reporter. Vol. 55, report no. 1. July 1977. 8 p. £ sheets. O Matthew Bender and Conpany, Inc.; 1Auq77; A895289.
A895290. New York civil practice. Vol. 9-9D, Aug. 1977 revision, release no. 8 £ supplenental index. By Patrick J. Sohan. 2 ». S sheets. 4ppl. aur Matthew Bender and Conpany, Inc., enployer for hire. O Mattheu Bender and Conpany, Inc.; 124uq77: 4895290.
4895291. Collier bankruptcy cases. Vol. 12, release no. 3, 4ug. 1977. 2 v. E sheets (p. 509-773) O Mattheu Bender and Conpany, Inc.; 174ug77; A895291.
4895292. The Lau of workmen's compensation. 4ug. 1977 revision £ 1977 supplemental table of cases, release no. 23. By 4rthur Larson. Folder (3 p.). sheets £ 2 v. Appl. au: Matthew Bender and Company, Inc. . enployer for hire. O Matthew Bender and Conpany. Inc.; 264ug77; A895292.
A895293. Consolidated index to Proceedings of New York Oniversity First through Thirty-Fifth Annual Institutes on Federal Taxation. Vol. 1-2 C vol. 3. pt. 2-7, Aug. 1977 suppl. , release no. 8. Folder (3 p.), 8 V. 6 1 p. 4dd. ti: New York Oniversity consolidated index to the 4nnual Institutes on Federal Taxation; N.Y.O. consolidated rndex to the Annual Institutes on Federal Taxation. 6 Matthew Bender and Company, Inc.; 30Aug77; 4895293.
A89529<t. Patent law perspectives; current service. Vol. 1-1, 1977 developments, release no. 5. By Donald H. Dunner, Janes B. Ganbrell, Stuart A. Hhite £ Irving Kayton. 6 p. E sheets. Appl. au: Matthew Bender and donpany. Inc., employer for hire. e Matthew Bender and Company, Inc.; 2Aug77: A895291I.
A895295. Probate, second edition; 1977 pocket parts. By John H. Scott. 2 v. (iest's California code forms with practice commentaries) 6 Hest Publishing Conpany; 1Sep77: A895295.
A895296. Catalina, CA, telephone directory, July 1977. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company; 17Jun77; A895296.
A895297. Humboldt County, CA, telephone directory, September 1977. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company; 13Sep77; A895297.
4895298. Mid-cities. Los 4ngeles extended area telephone directory, October 1977. a The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company; 16Sep77; 4895298.
4895299. Amador, El Dorado and Placer Counties, C4, telephone directory, October 1977. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Conpany; 1»Sep77; A895299.
A895300. San Diego north county telephone directory, October 1977. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Conpany; 8Sep77; A895300.
4895301. San Diego suburban yellow pages. October 1977. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company; 304ug77; A895301.
A895302. San Francisco, including Daly City, Brisbane and Colma, telephone directory, September 1977. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Conpany; 7Sep77; A895302.
A895303. Alhambra, Arcadia, El Monte, C4, address telephone directory, September 1977. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company: 6Sep77; 4895303.
4895304. Instructional management system; prescriptive reference chart. 131 p. (Beading basics plus) O Harper and Bow, Publishers, Inc.; 10Feb77 (in notice: 1976) : 4895304.
4895305. Instructional management system; teacher's manual. By Earl Bankin. 32 p. (Beading basics plus) 4ppl. au: Barper and Bow, Publishers, Inc. Harper and Boh, Publishers, Inc. ; 1Feb77 (in notice: 1976); 4895305.
4895306. Instructional management system; conpreiiension practice masters. Level B. 1 V. fi sheets in envelope. (Beading basics plus) O Harper and Bow, Pub- lishers. Inc. ; 24feb77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4895306.
4895307. Instructional management system; postassessnent masters. Level Ad. 8 p. £ sheets in envelope. (Beading basics plus) O Barper and Bow. Publishers. Inc.; 24Feb77 (in notice: 1976) ; A895307.
A895308. Instructional management system; postassessment masters. Levels Aabc. 8 p. E sheets in envelope. (Beading basics plus) Harper and Sow. Publishers, Inc. ; 2Mar77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4895308.
A895309. Discovering what I need to learn about reading: pretest criterion-referenced to Moccasins and marvels, 1976 edition; teacher's ed. By Earl F. Bankin, Phillip L. Harris, Kenneth B. Higgins £ E. Soger Trent. 2 v. (Beading basics plus) Appl. au: Barper and Bow, Publishers, Inc. Harper and Bow, Publishers, Inc.; 10Aug76; A895309.
A895310. Discovering what I need to learn about reading: pretest criterion-referenced to Pets and promises. 1976 edition; teacher's ed. By Earl F. Kaukin, Phillip L. Harris, Kenneth 8. Higgins E E. Boger Trent. 2 v. (Beading basics plus) Appl. au: Harper and Bow, Publishers, Inc. Harper and Bow, Publishers. Inc.; 10Aug76; A895310.
A895311. Discovering what I need to learn about reading: pretest criterion-referenced to Hebs and wheels, 1976 edition; teacher's ed. By Earl F. Bankin, Phillip 1. Harris, Kenneth E. Higgins E E. Boger Trent. 2 v. (Beading basics plus) Appl. au: Harper and Bow, Publishers. Inc. O Barper and How. Publishers. Inc.; 10Aug76; A895311.
A895312. Image technology information system. Ed. 11. Microfilm in cassettes. a Eastman Kodak Company; 16NOV76: Ad95312.
A895313. Image technology patent inforaation system — full text of patents. fioll 28. fiicrofilm. Q Eastman Kodak Conpany; 10May77; A895313.
4895314. Image technology patent information system — polymer reference file (edition 114). thesaurus and associated listings (edition 12) Microfilm. KM: additions B revisions. O Eastman Kodak Company; 10May77; 4895314.
4895315. Master patent file — assignee order, country order, date order (edition 11) Microfilm. BM: additions £ revisions. O Eastman Kodak Company; 13Jun77; 4895315.
4895316. Image technology patent information system. Ed. 11. Microfiche, a Eastnan Kodak Company; 24Jan77 (in notice: 1976); 4895316.
A895317. Master patent file. Ed. 9. Microfiche. 9 Eastman Kodak Company; 24Jan77 (in notice: 1976); 4895317.
4895318. Inage technology patent information system — full text of patents. Rolls 16, 21-22, 24'25 £ 27. Microfilm. Eastnan Kodak Company; 29Mar77; 4895318.
4895319. Master patent file — date order, country
order, assignee order. Ed. 10.
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