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JUL-DEC. 1977

A895152. The Songs of Bernnadette- By Hilliaa Lorenzo white. 4 p. UilliaB Lorenzo Bhite: 15Sep77: »895152.

A895153. Blue book of Pony Baseball. 55 p. Appl. an; Hoy R. Gillespie. Pre»- pub. as Blue book of boys baseball, 190ct71, A2806U3. NB: editorial revisions. O pony Baseball. Inc. (in notice: Pony Baseball, Inc. of Washington, Pejnsylyania) ; 19Bay77: AB95153.

Aa9515a. Notes on Fortran H programning for the huBanities and liberal arts. By Laurence Hunter £ Billicent Baggett. 1 ». NH: naior revision 6 additions. Hillicent Baggett: 29Aug77; A895 1511.

A895155. Baffle and dazzle; prose, poetry & coBoentary. By Judith G. Shepherd, editor: Carol L. Holliday. 33 p. Judith G. Shepherd: 3 1Aug77; A895155.

A39S156. Fireside recollections; a collection of poeBs written during a period of over a half century. By Vernon- Raskins. UH p. Vernon Haekins: 9Sep77: A39S-I56.

A895157. You and your air conditioner; a practical guide to air conditioning repair. By Louis J. aagro, Jr. 53 p, Louis J. Hagro, Jr.: 8Sep77: A895157.

A895158. Revolutionary patience. By Dorothee Soelle, translated by Rita Kiabez G Robert KiBber. 82 p- Prev. pub. as Meditationen und Gebrauchsteite. 1969 6 Die Revo- lutionaere Geduld, 197U. NS: translation G editorial revision. Orbis Books; 6Sep77; A395158.

A895159. Success or failure? optiBistic, but why? Radio messages. By Ben Baden. 20 p. (Changed lives) C Ben Haden; 8Sep77: A895159.

A895160. Allergic because of HiB or Be? Radio Dessages. By Ben Haden. 20 p. (Changed lives* Ben Haden; 3Aug77; A895160.

A895161. An Offer you can't refuse: options- Radio Bessages. By Ben Haden. 20 p. (Changed lives) C Ben Haden; 17Aug77; Ae95161.

A895162. Personal protection handbook. Edited by Dale z. Jablonski e Ranald Heisburg, issued by DeKalb County Lodge NuBber 10, Fraternal Order of Police. 88 p. Prev. reg. 2ipr72, A3itil6J7. NH: additions 6 revisions- C The Dale Corporation; 18JU177: A895162.

A895163. Nulvane, Peck, KS, telephone directory, SepteBber 197. C Southwestern Bell Telephone CoBpany; 1Sep77; A895163.

A8951611. Nashville, AR, telephone directory, August 1977. Southwestern Bell Telephone CoBpany: 15Aug77: A895161I.

A895165. Newton. Halstead, Sedgwick, Whitewater, KS, telephone directory, Septeaber 1977. O Southwestern Bell Telephone Coapany; 1Sep77: A895185.

A895166- Lorraine, Ellsworth, Kanopolis* KS, telephone directory, August 1977- Southw UAug77;

A895167. Howard. Sedan, Cedar Vale, KS, and others telephone directory, SepteBber 1977. Southwestern Bell Telephone COBpany; 1Sep77: A895167.

A895168- Elk City, OK, telephone directory, SepteBber 1977. Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 1Sep77; A895168.

A895169. Seminole, Haud, including Bowlegs, OK, telephone directory, August 1977. O Southwestern Bell Telephone COBpany; 15Aug77; A895169.

A895170- Sapulpa, Jenks, Kiefer, OR, telephone directory, September 1977. O Southwestern Bell Telephone CoBpany; 1Sep77; A89S170.

A895171. Drawing conclusions. Booklet R- By Richard A. Boning. 1 v. O Barnell Loft, Ltd.; 1USep77; A895171.

A895172. Drawing conclusions- Booklet L- By Richard A. Boning. 1 v. Barnell Loft, Ltd.; 1«Sep77; A895172.

A895173. Why phonics and those great word gases; a guide to teachers, aides & parents. 1 V, Appl. au: Nancy N. D'Anjou. C Nancy N. D'Anlou; 26(lay77; A895173.

A895171I. you're Not Alone! Artist: Andy Ssith. It p. Appl. au: V. Evans Howell. lana Enterprises; 26Jul77; A895171I-

A895175- Learn German through composition; instant language chart, a new idea. By Helga H. Leonhardt. Folder- O Helga H- Leonhardt; 12Sep77; A895175-

Ae95176. Instant pool card. Model 1-100. Folder. Appl. au: saauel C- Racina, Jr- d s. C. Racina, Jr.; 1Sep77; i895176.

A895177. The Hultiversal scribe- »ol- 1. 36 p- Appl. au; nichael £. Tierney. Hichael E. Tierney; 12Sep77; A895177.

A895178. Reproduction line art- 1 v- Add- ti; Reproduction line art catalog. C National Manufacturing Company: 5Aug77; A895178.

A895179. Update of the Haster plan for health care services and facilities. 1 v- Appl- au; TriBrook Group, Inc. TriBrook Group, Inc. & Resurrection Hospital; 9Sep77: 4895179.

A895180. Operation and maintenance Banual, hydraulic oil cleaning systems; hydra-lube refiner Bodel HD- 160/02 (24 VEH) , self-contained portable systea £ hydra-lube refine r Bodel HD-1000/03 (110 VEH) self-contained central station. 19 p. Add. ti: Operation and maintenance of the hydra-lube finer hydraulic oil purifier systeOperations and aain- tenance of the hydra-lube refiner, hydraulic oil purifier systea. Appl, au: Oil Refining Systeas. Inc., Ralph W. LeBlanc 6 Robert a. Binghaa. C Oil Refining Systems, Inc., Ralph W- LeBlanc G Robert H. Bingham; 5Jun77; A895180.

A89SIS1. Schematics, installation and parts list on the EternaLube refiners HD-60 and HD-1000. 11 p- Appl- au: Oil Refining Systeas, Inc., Ralph W- LeBlanc G Robert H. Binghaa. oil Refining Systems, Inc., Ralph H. LeBlanc G Robert n. Bingham; 5Jun77; A895lei-

A89S1B2. Sacred mandate: treatise of Te-Ta-Ha Truth Foundation--Faoily of Uri- 1 p. O To-Ta-Ma Truth Foundation-Family of Ori, Inc.; 9Sep77; A895182.

A895183. Conserve moisture and protect your valuable land. 2 p. PPG Industries, Inc. y Biochemicals Group (in notice: PPG Industries, Inc.) ; 13Sep77; Ae9S1S3.

A89518lt. Chea Hoe 135 — minimus tillage data collection form. 2 p. O PPG Industries. Inc., Biochemicals Group (in notice: PPG Industries, Inc.); 12Sep77; A89518'<.

A895 185. Conservation tillage. Form A-1177-60A 5B. 2 p- O PPG Industries, Inc., Chemical Division (in notice: PPG Industries, Inc.) ; 9Sep77; A895185.

A895I86. Furloe CIPC weed control in onions in auck or high organic soils in the Eastern and north central United States. 2 p, PPG Industries, Inc., Chemical Division (in notice: PPG Industries, Inc.); 9Aug77; A895186-

A895187- Suggested letters to employees. Letters l-t, bulletin no. 0900-30. Folder. O Bine Safety Appliances Coapany; I2Sep77; A895187.

A895188. PreTest for students preparing for the National board ezamination, part 1. Contributing editors; Jane Barry G other editors. Uth ed. 55 p. Appl. au: PreTest Service, Inc. PreTest Service. Inc.; 15Sep77; A895188.

A895189. Instructions for the control of athlete's foot. 1 p- Appl- au: Hilliam A. Pate. Hilliam A- Fate; 155ep77; A895189.

AB93190. How to turn your hobby into huge profits! By Glenn F. Siegler. 13 p. e Glenn F. Siegler; I5Sep77; A895190.

A895191. Scripflo shorthand. By Florence L. Carlson G Paul H- Carlson. 1 v. Florence L. Carlson 6 Paul H. Carlson; 1Sep76; A895191-

A895192. Proposal: enable our policyowners to buy at a discount- By Harold P. Poeschel. 2 p. O Harold p. Poeschel; 15Sep77; A895192.

A895 193. Directory of providers of family planning and abortion services, 1977- 1 V. O The Alan Guttmacher Institute; 1Sep77; A895193-

A89519't. A Practical approach for selling T.A-S-. 3-fold sales guide. By James R. Stringer. 3 V. in folder. C James R- stringer; 1Sep77; A89519«.

A895195. Western termite and pest control: quality assured pest control program and log. 1 V. Add- ti: Bestern pest control

program and log. Appl. au: Barbara


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