JUL-DEC. 1977
A8949«2 (con.) Point, MS. and others telephone directory, September 1977. S South Central Bell Telephone coapanv; 17iag77: 4891942.
A89«9"t3. Brookhaven, MS, including Bogue Chitto, Bonticello, and others telephone directory, September 1977. South Central Bell Telephone Coapany; 12Sep77; A89H943.
A894 944. Mississippi Gulf Coast telephone directory, September 1977. South Central Bell Telephone Company; 17Aug77; A894944.
AB94S. Greater Looisyille, KY, telephone directory, October 1977. e South Central Bell Telephone company; 20Sep77; A894945.
A894946. American Medical Association financial management system general design/user requirements. Vol. 1. 1 ». 8 American Medical Association (in notice: office of Finance, American Medical Association) ; 1May77: A894946.
A894947. American Medical Association financial management system general design/user requirements. Vol. 2. 1 v. 6 American Medical Association (in notice: office of Finance, American Medical Association) : 1Hay77: A894947.
A89a948. The Warlord game. Graphic design by E. p. Hintber. Kit. Appl. au: Robert Borth Hilliams. Robert Borth Billiams; 23JU177 (in notice: 1976); A894948.
A894949. BoHoar doable play reading series. Kit 2. 2 V. 6 sheets in envelope. Accompanied by sound recording, reg- N45574 in box. Sppl. au: Publishers' Design and Production Services, Inc. Boumar publishing Corporation; 2!jJul77; A894 949.
A894950. Botffflar double play reading series- Kit 1. 2 V. 6 sheets in envelope. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N45575 in boi. Appl. au: Publishers' Design and Production Services, Inc. Bonmar Publishing Corporation; 25Jul77; A894950.
A894951 . Bell's British theatre, 1776-1781. Vol. 3. By John Bell, edited with a neii pref . , introductions 6 notes by Byrne R. S. Fone. 1 V. Appl. au: AMS Press, Inc. 6 cm new pref.; AMS Press, Inc.; 19May77: A89US51.
A894952. Bell's British theatre, 1776-1781. Vol. 4. By John Bell, edited, with a new pref., introductions S notes by Byrne R. S. Fone. 1 V. Appl. au: AMS Press, Inc. O on new pref.: AMS Press, Inc.; 19May77; S894952.
A894953. Bell's British theatre, 1776-1781. Vol. 5. By John Bell, edited, with a new pref., introductions 6 notes by Byrne R. S. Fone. 1 V. Appl. au: AMS Press, Inc. on new pref.: AMS Press, Inc.; 19Hay77: A894953.
A894954. Bell'B British theatre, 1776-1781. Vol. 20. By John Bell, edited, with a new pref., introductions 6 notes by Byrne R. S. Fone. 1 V. Appl. au; AMS Press, Inc. O on new pref.; AMS Press, Inc.; 19May77: A894954.
A894955. Bell's British theatre, 1776-1781. Vol. 11. By John Bell, edited, with a new pref., introductions 6 notes by Byrne B. S. Fone. 1 V. Appl. au: AMS Press, Inc. on ne« pref.; AMS Press, Inc.; 19May77; A894955.
A894956. Bell's British theatre, 1776-1781. Vol. 14. By John Bell, edited, with a new pref., introductions 6 notes by Byrne E. s. Fone. 1 V. Appl. au: SMS Press, Inc. 6 on new pref.; AMS Press, Inc.; 19May77; A894956.
A894957. Bell's British theatre, 1776-1781. Vol. 2. By John Bell, edited, with a new pref.. introductions 6 notes by Byrne R. S. Fone. 1 V. Appl. au; AMS Press, Inc. on new pref.; AMS Press, Inc.; 19May77: A894957.
A894958. Bell's British theatre, 1776-1781. Vol. 1. By John Bell, edited, with a new pref.. introductions 6 notes by Byrne R. S. Fone. 1 V. Appl. au: AMS Press. Inc. 6 on new introd. 6 pref.; AMS press. Inc.; 19May77; A894958.
A894959. Bell's British theatre, 1776-1781. Vol. 21. By John Bell, edited, with a new pref., introductions 6 notes by Byrne R. S. Fone. 1 V. Appl. au: AMS Press, Inc. O on new pref.; AMS Press, Inc.; 19May77; A894959.
A894960. Bell'B British theatre, 1776-1781. Vol. 12. By John Bell, edited, with a new pref., introductions 6 notes by Byrne R. 5. Fone. 1 V. Appl. au: AMS Press, Inc. d on new pref.; AMS Press, Inc.; 19May77: A894960.
A894961. Bell's British theatre, 1776-1781. Vol. 13. By John Bell, with a new pref., introductions 6 notes by Byrne R. S. Fone, general editor. 1 v. Appl. au: AMS Press, Inc. d on new pref. ; AMS Press^ Inc.; 19aay77; A894961.
A894962. Bell's British theatre, 1776-1781. Vol. 6. By John Bell, with a new pref., introductions 6 notes by Byrne R. S. Fone, general editor. 1 v. Appl. au: IMS Press, Inc. on new pref.; AMS Press, Inc.; 19May77; A894962.
A894963. Bell's British theatre, 1776-1781. Vol. 9. By John Bell, with a new pref., introductions & notes by Byrne S. S. Fone, general editor. 1 v. Appl. au: ABS Press, Inc. O on new pref.; AMS Press, Inc.; t9Hay7'7: A894963.
A894964- Bell'E British theatre, 1776-1781. Vol. 8. By John Bell, with a new pref., introductions 6 notes by Byrne R. S. Fone, general editor. 1 v. Appl. au: AMS Press. Inc. e on new pref.; A3S fress. Inc.; 19May77; A894964.
A894965. Bell's British theatre, 1776-1781. Vol. 7. By John Bell, with a new pref., introductions 6 notes by Byrne R. S. Fone, general editor. 1 v. Appl. au: AMS Press, Inc. © on new pref. ; AMS Press, Inc.; 19May77; Aa94965.
15. By John Bell, with a new pref., introductions 6 notes by Byrne R. S. Fone, general editor. 1 v. Appl. au: AMS Press, Inc. 6 on new pref.; AMS Press, Inc.; 19Bay77; A894966.
A894967. Bell's British theatre, 1776-1781. Vol. 19. By John Bell, with a new pref., introductions £ notes by Byrne E. S. Fone, general editor. 1 v. Appl. au: AMS Press, Inc. O on new pref.; AMS Press, Inc.; 19May77; A894967.
A894968. Numerical methods for partial dif- ferential equations. By iilllai F. Ames. 2nd ed. 365 p. (Computer science and applied mathematics) Academic Press, Inc.; 5Aug77; A894968.
Aa94969. Dynamical systems; proceedings of a University of Florida international symposium. Edited by A. R. Bednarelt 6 Lamberto Cesari. 516 p. Proceedings of a University of Florida International Symposium on Dynamical Systems held at the University of Florida, Gainesville, March 24-26, 1976. Q Academic Press, Inc.; 5Aug77; A894969.
A894970. Studies in neurolinguistics. Vol. 3. Edited by Haiganoosh Bhitalter 6 Harry A. ahitaker. 322 p. (Perspectives in neurolinguistics and psycholinguistics) O Academic Press, Inc.; 2Aug77; A894970.
A894 971. Color metallography^ By Emanuel Beraha 6 Bilu Shpigler. 160 p. O American Society for Metals; 26Aag77; A894971.
A894972. Love comes to Eunice K. O'Herlihy. By Gail Hamilton, pseud, of Barbara Corcoran. 131 p. Appl. states all new except Hawaiian canoe prayer on p. 129. e Barbara Corcoran, whose pseud, is Gail Hamilton; 9Sep77; A894972.
A894973. Make no sound. By Barbara Corcoran. 148 p. Appl. states all new except prayer on page 133. S Barbara Corcoran; 9Sep77; A894973.
AB94974. Bhere's your head? Psychology for teenagers. By Dale Bick Carlson, decorations by Carol HicKlaus. 217 p. e Dale Carlson: 9Sep77; A894974.
A894975. South star. By Betsy Gould Hearne, illustrated by Trina Schart Hyman. 84 p. O Betsy Gould Hearne; 9Sep77 ; A894975.
A894976. Ladies were not expected: Abigail Scott Duniway and women's rights. By Dorothy Nafus Morrison. 146 p. Appl. states all new except photos. 6 illus. C Dorothy Nafus Morrison: 9Sep77; A894976.
A894977. The Birdstones. By Jane Louise Curry. 204 p. O Jane Louise Curry; 9Sep77; A894977.
A894978. The Haunting qf Julie Onger. By Valerie A. Lutters. 193 p. © Valerie A. Lutters; 9Sep77; A894978.
A894 979. Settle your fidgets. By Carol J. Farley, illustrated by Mila Lazarevich. 147 p. O Carol Farley; 9Sep77; A894979.
Editor: Charle
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