JUL-DEC. 1977
4891(899. Laasioq, East Lansiaq* HI, aod suburban area, Bresser's cross-index directory. 1977-1978 ed. Bresser's Cross-Index Directory Company: 8iuq77; A89it899.
48911900. Pontiac, North Oakland County, HI, Bresser's cross-index directory. 1977-1978. Bresser's Cross-Index Directory Company: 5Auq77; 4891900.
4391(901. Bronx, NT. Cole's metropolitan householders directory, 1977 issue. O Cole Publications, a Betroaedia coapany; 21Jttl77; 4891(901.
489K902. Patrick. 1 >. 4ppl. an: Joseph G. Kraetzer. on illus. ; Joseph G. Kraetzer; 27Apr77: 48911902.
4891(903. Patrick. 1 ». 4ppl. au: Patrick B. Burt. O on text: Patrick B. Burt; 27A:ir;;: 4394903.
A89II90K. Behavior aodification o£ obesity: aodify the behavior of people around you. 2 p. Bobert Linn Hedical 4ssociates: 18(lay77: 4894904.
4894905. Behavior aodification of obesity: the Achilles heel technique. 2 p. O Bobert Linn nedical 4ssociates; 11(lay77; A894905.
A994906. Behavior Bodification of obesity: you are vhat you think. 3 p. Robert Linn Hedical Associates: 4IIay77; 4894906.
A894907. Behavior aodificatioo of obesity: practice talkinq to yourself. 4 p. Bobert Linn nedical Associates; 27Apr77; A894907.
A894908. Behavior aodification of obesity: the snare o£ per fectionisa. 4 p. O Bobert Linn Nedical Associates: 12Apr77: A894908.
A894909. Behavior aodification of obesity: I'a lust that Hay philosophy. 2 p. Bobert Linn Nedical Associates: 7Har77; A894909.
4894910. Behavior aodification of obesity: the iaportance of learoinq to restructure your environaent. 4 p. Bobert Linn Hedical Associates; 23Har77; A894910.
4894911. Behavior aodification of obesity: self control and will power. 4> p. Bobert Linn Hedical 4ssociates£ 31Har77; 4894911.
4894912. Behavior aodification of obesity: intcoducinq an alternative behavior. 3 p. Bobert Linn Hedical 4ssociates; 21Har77: 4894912.
A894913. Behavior aodification of obesity: avoidinq teaptation. 3 p. Bobert Linn Hedical Associates; 17aar77; A894913.
4894914. Behavior aodification of obesity: why does an obese person enqaqe in excessive eatinq? 6 p. Bobert Linn Hedical Associates: 14Har77: A894914.
4894915. Inpleaentinq and aanaqinq a distribution aarketinq proqraa. 112 p. Frank Lynn and Associates, Inc.; 9Peb77; A894915.
A894916. Hanchester turninq tools and carbide inserts. 9 p. Appi. au: Jaaes Krai. O The yarner and Svasey Coapany; 9Hay77: A894916.
A894917. fiailroad guide wheel operations. Polder (4 p.) Appl. au: Herbert L. Patterson. The earner and Swasey Coapany; 18feb77; 4894917.
4394918. Hanchester face grooving and trepanning tools. 19 p. 4ppl. au: Jaaes Krai. NH: revisions. Hanchester Tools, division of The Karner and Swasey Coapany; 21Peb77: 4894918.
4894919. stocksaver carbide inserts for auto^dtxcs and turning lachines. 11 p. Appl. au: Jaaes Krai. NH: revisions. Hanchester Tools, division of The iarner and Swasey Coapany; 14Feb77: A894919.
A894920. Hanchester roller turner tools T-2100 series indexable carbide inserts. 7 p. Appl. au: Jaaes Krai. NH: revisions. O Hanchester Tools, division of The Harner and Swasey Coapany: 21feb77: 4894920.
4894921. Hanchester T-22a0 dogbane carbide grooving, profiling, contouring, turning, and threadinq tools. 23 p. Appl. au: Jaaes Kial. NH: revisions. O Hanchester Tools, division of The Harner and Swasey Coapany: 22Feb77; A894921.
A894922. Horizontal boring aachine with nuaerical control; operator's aanual. Bulletin 112. Issued by the The G. 4. Gray Coapany, subsidiary of The tiarner and Swasey Coapany. 38 p. Add. ti: Operator's safety aanual for Gray horizontal boring aachine with nuaerical control. Appl. au; Eaaett Izer, Jr. O The Rarner and Swasey Coapany; 3Jun77; A894922.
4894923. Horizontal boring aachine with digital control; operator's aanual. Bulletin 110. Issued by the The G. 4. Gray Coapany, subsidiary of The Harner and Swasey coapany. 38 p. Add. ti: Operator's safety aanual for Gray horizontal boring aachine with digital control. Appl. au: Eaaett Izer, Jr. The Harner and Swasey Coapany; 1Jun77: 4894923.
Aa94924. G-880 Gradall upperstructure; operator's aanual. 30 p. Appl. au: Herbert L. Patterson. HH; revisions, additional text & photos. The Harner and Swasey coapany; 29Har77; 4894924.
4394925. G-380 Gradall 6x4 and 6x6 carriers; operator's aanual. 29 p. Appl. au; Herbert L. Patterson. NH: revisions, additional text 6 photos. O The Harner and Swasey Coapany; 29Har77: A894925.
A894926. 4435 and 4450 hydraulic crane; operator's aanual. 56 p. Appl. au; Herbert L. Patterson. NH: editorial addition & pictorial revision. The Harner and Swasey Coapany; 29Apr77; A894926.
A894927. Saall tools for turret lathes and sinqle/aultiple spindle autoaatics. 17 p. Appl. au: John B. Bayaond. Balas, division of The Harner and Swasey Coapany; 1Feb77; A894927.
A89492e. Toolholders with flexi-grip collets. 23 p. Appl. au; John B. Bayaond. NH: revision, additional text t pictorial aatter. O Balas, division of The Harner and Swasey Coapany: 7Peb77; A894928.
A894929. Quick change toolholders for drilling. Billing, boring, tapping. 15 p. Appl. au: John B. Bayaood. NH: revisions, additioral text £ pictorial aatter. Balas, division of The Harner and Swasey Coapany; 14Feb77: A894929.
A894930. Collets, pushers, pads. 43 p. Appl. au: Charles Bonevich. NH; revisions. O Balas, division of The Harner and Swasey Coapany; 14Peb77; A894930.
A894931. Htll-iirness 197S sierra Club ^nqageaent calendar. 1 v. O Sierra Club; 18Jul77; A894931.
A394932. Little creatures, 1978 Sierra Club calendar and alaanac for young people. Coapiled £ edited by Bill Broder, color photos, by Toa Schneider, activity pages designed by Bill Hells, text written by Bill Broder. 1 v. Appl. au: Sierra Club, e Sierra club; 18Jul77; A894932.
A894933. Four rooas froa the Hetropolitan Huseua of Art to cut out and color. Designed by Evaline Ness. 1 v. Q Evaliue Ness; 6Sep77; A894933.
A894934. Coushatta, LA, telephone directory, September 1977. C South Central Bell Telephone Coapany; 234ug77; A894934.
A894935. NewelltOB, LA, Saint Joseph, Haterproof telephone directory, Septeaber 1977. Sooth Central Bell Telephone Coapany; 7Sep77; A894935.
A894936. Bose Terrace, KT, Huldraugh, including listings of Heade County and Irvington telephone directory, October 1977. South Central Bell Telephone Coapany: 14Sep77; A894936.
A394937. luka, HS, BelBont, Burnsville, Tishoaingo telephone directory, October 1977. South Central Bell Telephone coapany; 13Sep77; A894937.
4894933. Kurtsboro, 4L, telephone directory, Septeaber 1977. South Central Bell Telephone Coapany: J6Sep77: 4894938.
4894939. Greensboro, 4L, Marion, Oniontown telephone directory, Septeaber 1977. O South Central Bell Telephone Coapany; 2Sep77; 4894939.
4894940. Louisville, HS, Noxapater telephone directory, October 1977. O South Central Bell Telephone Coapany: 14Sep77: 4894940.
A894941. Athens, 4L, telephone directory, October 1977. South Central Bell Telephone Coapany: 12Sep77: 4894941.
Pascagoula, including Gautier, floss
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