A89a606 - 4894647
JUL-DEC. 1977
S894606. Oh! chanukah. The Chanukah story. The Eternal liqht. By Hose Neoerou. 1 p. e Bose Neaerow; 12Dec57; i894606. (Reproduction copies deposited)
1894607. PreliBinary prospectus. International Exhibits Training Center. 1 4 p. Appl. au: Charles s. Mickens. 9 Charles w. Sickens: 29Jul77: A894607.
&894608. Jobs helping people — social service careers. Developed under the supervision of Carl McDaniels. Hall chart, e Garrett Park Press: 15Jul77: A894608.
A894609. Nineteenth annual survey of supervisory personnel salaries in Nen York, April 1, 1977. 1 V. e NeH York Chaaber of commerce and Industry; 17Auq77: A894609.
A894610. Hetric suppleaent to technical drawinq- By Hark Henschel. 2nd ed. 46 p. Hark Henschel; 3Dec76: A894610.
A894611. Elvis, the king: poem. By Joyce Biggs. 2 p. e Joyce Biggs; 2SAug77; A894611.
A894612. Besseil's Measurement of emotional maturity scales — full scale. By Harold Bessell. 1 v. Add. ti: Bessell measurements of emotional maturity scales — full scale. NH: reduced number of items 6 improved instructions- Psych/Sraphic Publishers; 19Aug77; A894612.
A894613. Besseil's Heasurement of emotional maturity scales — short form. By Harold Bessell. 1 v. Add. ti: Bessell measurements of emotional maturity scales-- short form. NH: reduced number of test items & improved instructions. O Psych/Graphic Publishers; 19Aug77; AB94613.
A894&14. Ulster pedigrees; descendants, in many lines, of James orr and Janet McClement, who emigrated from Scotland to Northern Ireland circa 1607. Compiled by Hay A. Jones. 153 p. Bay A. Jones; 16Aug77; A894614.
AS94615. The Declaration of trust. Security Trust company. 1 v. NH; compilation & revision. O The Northern Trust company; 8Apr77: A894615.
A89lt616. To the lake of the Timpanogos: a brief history of the Dominquez-Escalaute expedition of 1776. By Jerome C. Stoffel, edited by Harold Schindler, illustrated by Dennis Green. 22 p. Appl. au: The Salt Lake Tribune. A variation prev. pub. as a series in the Salt take tribune from July 28 through Aug. 7, 1976. NH: additions t, revisions. C The Salt Lake Tribune; 6Feb77 (in notice: 1976); A894616.
A894617. The Human perfection; or. The Batio of phi. 3 p. Add. ti: Phi=3.141, golden ratio=1.618, e=2.718. Appl. au: Hanuel Colino Escobar (Hanuel Colino) e Hanuel Colino Escobar, whose pseud, is Hanuel Colino: 10Aug77: A894617.
AB94&18. Suit yourself precious. By Everett D. Thomas. 1 p. 6 Everett D. Thomas; 8Jun77; A894618.
A894619. Spring, trees and life. Palestine builders. The Festival of Purim. By Bose Nemeron. Sheets (3 p.) 6 Bose Nemeron; 22Dec57; A894619. (Beproduction copies deposited)
A894620. Kosh Hashana. Yom Kippur. By Bose NemeroK. Sheets (2 p.) Bose Nemeroy; 22Sep57; A894620. (1 carbon copy 8 1 reproduction copy deposited)
A894621. Personal records book. 1 v. Appl. au: Thomas E. Watson. Prev. reg. A871004 as Statistical diary. NH: additions S revisions. 6 Thomas E. Watson; 22Aug77; A894621.
A894622. Clues. Compiled S edited by Arthur E. Flegel, Gordon L. Schmidt £ Euth H. Aaen. 1977 ed. 72 p. Add. ti: 1977 edition of Clues. Appl. au: American Historical Society of Germans from Russia. O American Historical Society of Germans from Eussia; 27Apr77; A894622.
A894623. Han-made fiber producers* handbook. 1 V. NH: 1976-1977 data. 6 Textile Economics Bureau, Inc.; 18Aug77; A894623.
A894624. Decatur County, Indiana, early marriage records, 1822-1839. compiled by Colleen Alice Bidlen. Sheets (41 p.) NH: compilation, additional text 6 editorial revision. Colleen Alice Eidlen; 26JU177; A894624.
A89U625. Hy thoughts: the poems of Tony Giambrone (1970-1971) 1 V. O Ronald Tone Husic, solely ouned by Ronald Tove; 17Apr77; A894625.
A894626. The Lamplighters: 25 years of Gilbert and Sullivan in San Francisco. By Alison Lewis, Carolyn HcGovern 6 Beverly Sykes. 163 p. e Opera West Foundation d.b.a. The Lamplighters a.k. a. The Lamplighters, Opera West Foundation; 25Jun77; Ae94626.
A894627. The Unique "flower weeding." 3 p. Appl. au: Dollie Home. Dollie Horne; 28Dec76; A894627.
A894628. Convoy, the trucker's C.B. radio game; rules of the game. 1 p. Add. ti: Convoy (rules of the game, glossary of C.B. and truckers' lingo) Appl. au: Carla chenelle 6 Hubert F. Lappe. O Carla Chenelle 6 Hubert F. Lappe d.b.a. Chenelle-Lappe Associates; 25Hay76; A894628.
A894629. Update: copper, July 5, 1977. Folder. Appl. au: Gary E. Hiller. O G. E. Hiller, Ltd. £ Newport Trading Company; 5Jul77; A894629.
A894630. Update: silver, July 1, 1977. 2 p. Appl. au: G. E. Hiller, Ltd. G. E. Hiller, Ltd. £ Newport Trading Company; 1JU177; A894630.
A894631. Update: cocoa. By Gary E. Hiller. Folder (4 p.) e G. E. Hiller, Ltd. £ Newport Trading Company; 1Aug77; A894631.
A894632. New strategies for urban revitalization. Developed by Gerald Lewis Todd. Folder. O Gerald Todd; 24Jun77: A894632.
A894633. Batercolor U.S.A., 1977; a national competitive /invitational exhibition sponsored by the Springfield Art Huseum, Springfield, Missouri, April 24-June 19, 1977. 24 p. Appl. au: William c. Landwehr. Springfield Art Huseum; 24Apr77; A894633.
A89463lt. A Night in heaven. By Helen Fisher Schmill. 10 p. (Heaven is at hand, book 3) Helen Fisher Schmill; 4Jun77; A894634.
A894635. Zexxo, Inc., small business stores and offices heat conservation, basic plan. 4 p. Appl. au: John F. Zemkoski. @ Zexxo, Inc. , solely owned by John F. Zemkoski; 8Aug77; A894635.
A894636. Hister Befinisher's wood finishing guide. 1 p. Appl. au: James Flynn. James Flynn; 11Feb77; A894636.
A894637. Now. By Beno Chance, pseud, of flichard Sanchez. Folder- 3 Bichard Sanchez d.b.a. Reno Chance (in notice: Bichard Sanchez) ; 16Jun77; A894637.
A894638. Conserve. 1 p. Appl. au: Leon Fairley. e Leon Fairley; 26Har77; A894638.
A894639. Answer when Be calls. 1 p. Appl. au: Leon Fairley. 6 Leon Fairley; 26Har77; A894639.
A894640. God and man. 1 p. Appl. au: Leon Fairley. Q Leon Fairley; 26Har77; A894640.
A894641. Zip I'm gone. 1 p. Appl. au: Leon Fairley. Leon Fairley; 26Har77; A894641.
A894642. Harriage. 1 p. Appl. au: Leon Fairley e Leon Fairley; 26Har77; A894642.
A894643. Three dimensional variable nuclear coulomb barrier due to vibration of nucleus. 1 p. Appl. au: Stewart E. Brekke. NH: drawing. © Stewart E. Brekke; lDec76; A894643.
A894644. Nuclear barrier height with oscillation factor added extending nuclear coulomb barrier height beyond the nuclear radius into the interior of the nucleus. Author: Stewart E. Brekke. 2 p. NH: diagram of coulomb barrier equation. Q Stewart E. Brekke; 1Jun77; A894644.
A894645. The Hind manual. 1 v. Appl. au: Joseph Campbell Hargrove (Edward Pleasant) fi Kelvin Barrington Dobbins. 3 Joseph Campbell Hargrove £ Helvin Barrington Dobbins d.b.a. Atron Publishers; 12Jul77; A894645.
A894646. Jackpots you can spend. 2 p. Appl. au: Gerald £ Alma Edwards. C Gerald £ Alma Edwards d.b.a. The winners Circle; 24JU177; A894646.
A894647. El Inventario de ayuda para apredizaje, forma primario, grados K-3. El Inventario de ayuda de apredizaje manual de instrucciones- By Annabelle Harkoff, tr.-: Zaida HcCall-Perez Kepler, Spanish
language consultant: Alba A. Ortiz. 2 v.
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